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2、:网络教育,外语教学,课堂教学生态,优化,Optimization of Ecological Class in Foreign Language Teaching,Abstract:Ecological crisis is one of the global problems that human have to face.Influenced by the global ecological trend,reseachers proposed the views of teaching ecology in the process of studying the subsystems of

3、 the educational system based on the principles of ecological philosophy.Ideas of Ecological Education assume that human is the central group,and its core values is to promote humans all-round development in the information ecology.In the whole ecological system of education,class teaching is among

4、the ecological factors,and is considered as the main way of quality education.Teaching is a process of equal dialogue between teachers and students in the help of teaching contens,teaching means and etc.This paper,considering the increasing application of educational technology in recent years,analy

5、zes how to optimize the class teaching ecology in the foreign language teaching in the basis of two ecological balance of teaching process:teachers democratic manner and students autonomic manner in learning.As a result,the final goal of training the talents with high qualities and all-round develop

6、ment is completed with the teaching.,Key words:online education,foreign language teaching,class teaching ecology,optimization,Optimization of Ecological Class in Foreign Language Teaching,IntroductionThe necessity of optimizing the ecological class Ways of optimizing the ecological class Summary,Opt

7、imization of Ecological Class in Foreign Language Teaching,In the 21th century,the coming of the global Internet era brought a new education model to the reform on teaching and education-Online Education.It is not only the important part of modern distance education,but will be the main education mo

8、del of this century in high education.Online teaching brought the convenience to class teaching,and even more,became a challenge to the traditional class teaching.,1.Introduction,The best way of achieving the good teaching effect is the complement and co-existence of two class teachings.Class,as amo

9、ng the ecological factors,is the main channel of quality education and of keeping the ecological balance of teaching.In the micro-ecosystem of class teaching,how to develop the harmonious relationship between them becomes the focus on education reform.,1.Introduction,Teachers manner and students att

10、itude in learning benefit for the establishment of good ecological balance at class.The construction of two important ecological balances:teachers democratic manner and students automatic manner in the teaching process,contribute to the two concerning ecological factors:teacher and student.,Introduc

11、tion,2.The necessity of optimizing the ecological class,2.1 State analysis,2.2 The ecological class teaching,In the recent years the internationized feature in the high education has become clearer and clearer,however,College English Teaching in China can not meet the international development.Thoug

12、h many universities have made some reforms and attempts in teaching system,model and method and etc,it is not nearly enough to change radically the state of College English Teaching in the high education.,2.1 State analysis,The expansion of undergraduate led to the teaching way of large class which

13、took bad effect on organizing the interactivities between the ecological factors:teachers and students,or students and students at class.Most Class are still the One-way Presentation of teacher-centered method,the Interactive Communication is hard to be realized.,2.1 State analysis,Teaching aims at

14、the examination:This examination-oriented education system breaks the laws of language learning,and students are lack of opportunities in practising and using language,and lack of interactivities between teachers and students.All these disadvantages contribute to the lose of balance in the teaching

15、ecosystem,naturally students are easy to lose their activities and learning interests.,2.1 State analysis,English learning is not only to study a language itself.Language is the carrier of culture.The short 45 minute-class has no way to carry all these rich cultural implications to learners.The pres

16、ent single English teaching model cannot meet the demands and laws of language learning.Online classs,as an assisted teaching way of the traditional class,can provide the rich resources of language and culture,and can also bring more visual resources to help learners understand and feel the native a

17、ccent、native expression.,2.1 State analysis,As professor Gu Yueguo proposed that online education can provide the best educational ecosystem for learners.Internet provides a better joint for the integration between class teaching and information technology.The combination of two class teachings can

18、motivate teachers and students,the two ecological factors to optimize the teaching process and learning effects.,2.1 State analysis,American educator Waller.firstly proposed the theory of“ecology of classroom”in his Sociology of Education.From the perspectives of educational ecology,ecological class

19、 means that in class teaching the environment should be harmonious and benefit for students sustainable development.In the micro-ecological system of class,the final aim is to direct educatees body and mind to suit the natural and social development,and promote social progress and ecological balance

20、.,2.2 The ecological class teaching,The central values of ecolgoical system of education in online environment is to promote theachers and students all-round development in the information ecology,and place emphasis on the harmonious interreaction between man,technology and teaching practice.Online

21、teaching makes up for tha lack of traditional class,the co-exisistence and complement of the virtual and real classes built up an effectively ecological environment for students automatic learning.,2.2 the ecological class teaching,The two central groups teachers and students constitute two importan

22、t balances of teching process:teachers democratic manner and students automatic manner in independent learning,which natrually become the keys in the dynamic ecosystem between teaching and learning.,2.2 the ecological class teaching,In the educational ecosystem,teaching is a key link and a dynamic p

23、rocess referring to the harmonious development of the ecological factors during the class teaching.The practices indicated that the optimization of the ecological class teaching can be realized only through keeping the balance of two kinds of manners in the process of teaching:teachers democratic ma

24、nner and students automatic manner in learning.,3.The ways of optimizing the ecological class teaching,The ways of optimizing the ecological class teaching,3.1 teachers democratic manner 3.1.1.Respect 3.1.2.Expectation 3.1.3 Appreciation 3.1.4.Encouragement 3.1.5 Empowerment3.2 students automatic ma

25、nner in independent learning3.3 establishing the internet suitable to learners independent learning,Teachers manner as a key factor during the teaching process plays an important hand in students moral development.The expression of good manner as a teacher has something with his or her moral and int

26、ellectual character,and his or her whole quality.,3.1 teachers democratic manner,In online environment,class is transformed from the teacher-oriented to the student-oriented teaching,Teacher is not only a teacher,but more a facilitator,organizer,supervisor,trainer or friend.As a teacher,how to do ca

27、n form the democratic manner?Firstly,teacher should have the democratic concept in teaching process.Secondly,possessing more equally educational behavior is very necessary to teachers,especially to the disadvantageous group.Thirdly teacher with a good manner should be of several consciounesses:,In c

28、ontemporary society and classroom,respect goes both ways.It is not a given,and needs to be earned.New-type relationship between teacher and student in online environment should develop the mutual respect.,3.1.1.Respect,All of students do something in the hope of their success,even more they devote t

29、heir“expectation”to inner confidence in learning and daily life.Therefore teachers should believe that every one would be successful,and convey this belief to students through teachers eyes,smiles,intonation and etc,make them feel teachers support and facilitation.,3.1.2.Expectation,Teachers should

30、use appreciation education,find students“Sparking Point”and appreciate their values,help them to cultivate the Self-confidence.Teachers with good manners are often good at finding their strongpoint,commend and moderately encourage them,and let them feel the happiness of success.,3.1.3 Appreciation,T

31、eachers are natural advise-givers and problem-solvers.Teachers should show their encouragement through the behaviors.What teachers want to do is to become a guide or encourager who assists the student in exploring and discovering various solutions to his own problem.The achievement of encouragement

32、education also depend on teacherswords,smiles and eyes or other body languages and so on.,3.1.4.Encouragement,The power over ones life is a key component to self-esteem.Empowerment for students,is the better way of experiencing the ability to make a difference in her life and in the life of those ar

33、ound her.And their successes can also set up a good model for others to motivate their activity in teaching.,3.1.5 Empowerment,Independent learning involves pupils taking the initiative in recognising learning requirements and undertaking activities to meet them.Online class provides students with a

34、 favorable environment to enable them to become more successfully independent learners.More importantly,mans subjective initiative plays a dominated role in language learning.Learners self-independent learning is a key factor in the succession of language learning.,3.2 students automatic manner in i

35、ndependent learning,Only establishing the learning purpose,learners can set the learning goals based on their own level,and choose the learning contents demanding in the completion of their learning goals,finally realize their learning purposes.,3.2 students automatic manner in independent learning,

36、To the students,what is the right manner in the independent learning?The key point is that every student should set the clearly defined goals in learning to motivate their inner enthusiasm and interest.Then,students should cultivate the habit of independent learning,train the good ability of learnin

37、g and emotion,attitude and values.It is very necessary for the authorities or teachers to offer them explicit instructions,keep them under supervisation,give them proper formative evaluation.,3.2 students automatic manner in independent learning,The Network-based instruction can help learners streng

38、then their linguistic skills by positively affecting their learning attitude and by helping them build self-instruction strategies and promote their self-confidence.The internet suitable to learners independent learning is the best way of achieving such a result.,3.3 establishing the internet suitab

39、le to learners independent learning,First is to fully use the internet.Online class offers the students the rich resources and wide space,learner can freely choose the content and exercises wtih different levels to strenthen the understanding of the studied knowledge,and do the extensive reading abo

40、ut the background information of language.,3.3 establishing the internet suitable to learners independent learning,Second,building a good system of supervisationTheoretically,the independent learning in online environment,learner can get rich reference materials and resources.Therefore,students easi

41、ly attain the learning purpose only through choosing the suitable content,reasonable teaching methods.But in reality,there are some students lacking the ability of controlling themselves,of self-management and of firm perseverance in learning.,3.3 establishing the internet suitable to learners indep

42、endent learning,Therefore,the benefitable feedback should be built up in the net system to supervize and control the learning processs and comment the teaching result,and to help students form the high effective and individual learning way.On the one hand,student can check his or her own record thro

43、ugh the net,and on other hand,teachers can also make the update score based on the record of exercises and the completion of self-test on Internet,finally set the total score.,3.3 establishing the internet suitable to learners independent learning,The intergrated pattern of online and traditional fo

44、reign language teachings will bring out a more favorable environment for the learner,and set up the harmonious relationship between the two central ecological factors teacher and student.In the whole microecosystem of class learners subjective role and teachers leading role are fully brought out,and

45、 the two balances of the good teaching and learning manner are kept to optimize the ecological class.,Summary,1.金建生等,构建生命发展生态课堂J.成都:教育科学论 坛,2005.12.2.王东敏.关注课堂生态J.杭州:江苏教育研究,2004.9.3.王笃勤.大学英语自主学习能力的培养J.上海:外语界,2002(5):17-23.4.王牧华、靳玉乐:生态主义课程思潮引论J.沈阳:辽宁师 范大学学报(社会科学版),2000.5.汪霞 我们的课堂生态了吗?J.上海:全球教育展望(2005.5)6.文秋芳.英语学习的成功之路M.上海:上海外语教育出版 社,2003.7.张豪锋,卜彩丽.略论学习生态系统J.北京:中国远程教育 2007.4.8.Bailey Steve,Excerpts from Democratic Classroom Workshop,Bibliography,


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