春分:vernal equinox,vernal equinox,“春分”这个词有点难度哦,看上去就很陌生:vernal equinoxvernal意为春天的;而equinox意为“一年中白昼和黑夜长度相同的日子”,这样的日子一年只有两次,就是春分和秋分啦,秋分的英文就是autumnal equinox,在立春日竖鸡蛋是中国的一个传统习俗。据说由于在春天的第一天,太阳位于地球两极的中央,由于特殊的重力作用,鸡蛋很容易被竖着放置。,It is a tradition in many places of China to erect eggs on vernal equinox,a term of Chinese lunar calendar.It is said that due to the suns equidistant position between the poles of the earth on the first day of the spring,special gravitational forces apply.,春分:vernal equinox,