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1、Topic 2 Section A,Unit 2 Keeping Healthy,Wash your hands,have a bath.Open the window,take a fresh breath.Early to bed,early to rise.Makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.,Lets chant.,Read the new words:cause/k:z/v 促使,引起 n原因,起因 health/hel/n健康,卫生 tonight/t nait/adv n今晚,今夜 sleepy/s li:pi/adj 想睡的,困倦的medi

2、cine/medisn/n.药 fingernail/figneil/n手指甲meal/mi:l/n.一餐(饭)(可数名词)without/wi aut/prep没有,Lets match,1.health,2.tonight,3.medicine,4.without,5.sleepy,e.健康,卫生,b./t nait/,a./medisn/,c.没有,d./s li:pi/,Fill in the blanks 1.I feel s_ now because I went to bed late last night.2.I should go to bed early t _ beaus

3、e Ill be on duty in class tomorrow morning.3.Doing morning exercises every day helps us to be in a good _(healthy)4.This m_ can help you feel much better.Take it once a day.5.We should wash our hands after m_.,leepy,onight,health,edicine,eals,Good Bad 1.going to bed early 2.getting up late 3.doing m

4、orning exercises 4.keeping fingernails long 5.washing hands before meals 6.playing sports right after meals7.going to school without breakfast 8.brushing teeth twice a day,1)Getting up late 2)Keeping long fingernails3)Playing sports right after meals 4)Going to school without breakfast,Look at these

5、 bad habits,please give good ones.,Getting up early,Keep short fingernails,and keep fingernails clean.,Dont play sports right after meal.,Dont go to school without breakfast.,3a,Pair work,Discuss these habits after the example.If they are bad,write good ones on the lines.,Example:,A:Is going to bed

6、early good or bad for our health?B:Its good.,Listen to the tape and answer the questions:(录音2),1.Whats wrong with Kangkang?2.What should he do?,He has a headache,He must have a good rest tonight.,Jane:.look tired.?Kangkang:.a headache.Jane:sorry to.?Kangkang:watched.last night and.bed very late.Jane

7、:.Staying up late.health.go.early tonight.and.feel better.Kangkang:.!must.rest tonight.,Retell 1a,A:_ B:I have sore eyes.A:_.What caused it?B:I played computer games all night.A:Oh,playing on the Interent too long is bad for your eyes._B:Two daysA:You should see a doctor.B:_.A:I hope youll get well

8、soon.B:_.,Im sorry to hear that,I think I will,Thank you,Whats wrong the matter with you?,How long have you been like this?,Fill in the blanks according to 1a.,Kangkang looked tired,because he _a headache.His frirend,Jane felt sorry to hear that,she asked:what _it?kangkang told her:I watched Tv and

9、went to bed late.Jane said:_ up late is bad fof your health.You_ go to bed early_ and youll get well tomorrow”.,had,caused,Staying,should,tonight,Make similar conversations after the example.Then act it out in pairs.,A:I feel sleepy because I went to bed very late last night.B:Oh,staying up late is

10、bad for your health.You should,Help:terrible eat too much tired watch TV all night,1b,Write a composition.,生活中,很多同学不注意饮食卫生和健康的生活习惯,结果生病了,我们如何保持身体健康呢?请根据下面的提示内容写一篇作文。1.饭前洗手 2.多吃蔬菜和水果 3.多喝水 4.不吃早餐去上学 5.有病立刻就医,Do you know?,健 康 之 道,Do you know?,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,健康有保障.a close mouth catches no flies.病从口入.Music is the medicine of the breaking heart.音乐是医治心灵创伤的好药。Health is not valued till sickness comes.有疾病方知健康的可贵。Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.读书养心,锻炼健身。,Homework,1.模仿 1a 编写一段类似的对话,至少60词。2.列举出五种对身体健康有益的生活习惯。,Thanking for listening!,


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