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1、Topic 2 China has the largest population!,Section C,8,88,888,8,888,888,000,888,000,888,888,000,888,000,Tongue twister,hundredthousandmillionbillion,具体数后百,千,百万,十亿不加s十千五百万六十亿不具体的数,百,千,百万,十亿后加s成百上千的成千上万的成百万上亿的,ten thousand,five million,six billion,hundreds of,millions of,millions of stars,thousands of,

2、6,800,000,000What a large population!,Whats the population of the world?,A:Whats the population of China?B:Its about 1.3 billion.,Pair workTalk about the chart,A:Whats the population of India?B:Its about 1.1 billion.,Pair workTalk about the chart,Read paragraph one and fill in the blanks,Asia had a

3、population of _ in 2005.Thats to say,_ of the worlds population live in Asia.,more than 3 billion,half,3 billion 6.8 billion12(half)50 percent(50%),Almost half of the people in the world live in Asia.,1.3 billion6.8 billion1 5(one 20 percent(20%),One fifth of the people in the world live in China.,f

4、ifth),more,first第一f:stsecond第二seknd third第三:d fourth第四f:fifth第五fifsixth第六seventh第七 eighth第八eit,ei ninth第九nain twelfth第十二twelf twentieth第二十twentii,分数表达,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,,one sixthone ninthone twentieth,five sixthstwo ninthsseven twentieths,分数表达,分子用基数词,分母用序数词th,分子超过一,分母要加s,one(a)half a quarterthree quart

5、ers three and a half,back,1.3 billion6.5 billion1 5(one 20 percent(20%),China has the largest population,and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China.,fifth),Because of the large population,there is_(more less)living space.Because of the large population,its _(difficult easy)for many

6、 people to find jobs.Because of the large population,we are _ _ energy and water.Because of the large population,the cities are _ _ than before.Because of the large population,the traffic is _ _.,Read paragraph two and fill in the blanks,more crowded.,much heavier.,short of,less,difficult,the one-ch

7、ild policy.,So far,our government has taken many measures to control the population.,One is known as,it has worked well in controlling Chinas population.,past,now,so far=until now,So far,we have read four English books.,back,in recent years=recently,Listen and read 1a,What problems does a large popu

8、lation cause?,China has the largest population in the world(1.3 billion)Because of the large population,there is less living space for each family.,And its difficult for lots of people to find jobs.(job opportunities),The large population also causes many other difficulties for the whole nation.For

9、example.It is hard for china to supply energy and water to satisfy peoples daily needs.,Most cities are more crowded than before.,the traffic is much heavier.Worse and worse natural EnvironmentsCarry out the one-child policy,Listen to 2a and fill in the blanks,Every minute,about 261 babies are born

10、in the world.That means people have to for about 375 840 newborn babies every day.The worlds population is growing.It has become one of the biggest social problems today.China has the largest population in the world.There are about 1.3 billion people in China.It has reached percent of the worlds pop

11、ulation.China some policies to control the population,and these policies well.But China still faces a serious population problem.,find food,faster and faster,20,has carried out,have worked,录音,Read 2a and mark T or F in 2b,()1.Every minute,about 261 babies are born in China.()2.The worlds population

12、is growing more and more slowly.()3.India has a smaller population than China.()4.China has two fifths of the worlds population.()5.The Chinese government has solved the population problem successfully.,F,F,T,F,F,1.I have some _ in learning English.(difficult)2.我们将采取措施帮助你的英语。Well _ help you with you

13、r English.3.他以一个伟大的科学家而著名。He _ a great scientist.3.长城在控制沙尘暴上有成效。The Great Green Wall has _ controlling sandstorms(沙尘暴).幸亏政府的支持,这些孩子才能上大学。_ the governments efforts,these children can go to college.,difficulties,take measures to,is known as,worked well in,Thanks to,()4._ of the teachers are women in o

14、ur school.A.Two third B.Two threes C.Two thirds D.Second three,C,重点单词、词组,Page13:Title:China has the largest populationParagraph 2:1、about one fifth of the people(大约五分之一的人)2、because of(由于)3、less living space(更少的生活空间)4、it is difficult for lots of people to find jobs(有很多人都很难找到工作)It is difficult to do s

15、th=It is hard to do sth5、at the same time(同时)6、has caused many other difficulties(带来了很多其它的问题)7、satisfy peoples daily needs(满足人们的日常需求)8、most cities are more crowded than before(很多城市比以前更拥挤)9、the traffic is much heavier(交通压力更大),Paragraph 3:1、So far:(until now)到目前为止,迄今为止常与现在完成时连用Eg:We have learnt over 2

16、000 words so far.(到目前为止,我们已经学了2000多个单词了)2、take measures to do sth:采取措施做某事It is necessary for you to take some measures to work it out.(对于你来说,想办法把它弄明白是必要的)3、be known as(=be famous as)作为而出名eg:she was well known as an excellent writer=She was famous as an excellent writer.)be known for=be famous for 因.

17、著名for后加人或物之所以闻名的原因,常接表示特点、特长的名词The flim star is known for her fine acting=The film is famous for her fine acting(那位电影明星以精湛的演技而著称)4、work well in sth doing sth 在某方面起明显的作用Doing eye exercises works well in protecting our eyesight.(做眼保健操在保护我们的视力方面起到了明显的作用)Work at 在.方面下工夫 work out 计算,算出 work on 从事,致力于5、th

18、anks to the policy(多亏了这项政策)6、peoples living conditions are improving rapidly(人们的生活水平正在快速提高)rapidly(adv 迅速地、很快地)7、we still have a long way to go(我们仍有很长的路要走),Page14:2:Paragraph 3:face a serious population problem 面临着一个严重的人口问题 3a:1、offer more job opportunities 提供更多的工作机会2、deal with the problem 处理问题 solv

19、e the problem(解决问题),Sum up,how to read the fractions(分数)in English.so fartake measures to work well in,一半的_四分之一_五分之一_五分之二_因为_更少的居住面积_对-来说困难_整个国家_更拥挤_.交通更堵塞_迄今为止,_=until now.现在完成时时间标志词采取许多措施_以-而闻名_在做什么方面很有成效_幸亏,由于_有很长的路要走_,Key points,half of=one second of,a quarter=one fourth,one fifth,two fifths,bec

20、ause of,less living space,Its difficult for,the whole nation,more crowded,much heavier.,so far,take many measures to do sth,be known as=be famous as,work well in doing sth,thanks to,have a long way to go,Homework,完成同步练习册15-17页。抄写page13(1a)单词每个写一行(注意:第一遍要写音标、汉语意思)Write a composition about The Population in China。,Goodbye!,


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