1、el procs de construcci, fer un procs de convergncia, normes estrictes per garantir ordenada del caos de la producci de construcci. 6, els requisits de vehicle de transport en bones condicions, no agafar la carretera. Sovint per educar els conductors, no conduir errtic. 7, aparells delevaci i laixeca
2、ment dun factor de seguretat suficients, un objecte salci abans inspeccions dels equips delevaci i elevaci, aixecar objectes designats dordre personal. I dins de la gamma de lalerta de seguretat de grua. 8, equips delevaci delevaci ha estrictament verificar abans de cada part de la fiabilitat i segu
3、retat de. Operacions delevaci ha de tenir un programa detallat i clcul i laprovaci dels corresponents departaments entren en efecte en la signatura. Equips per als seients delevaci ha de tenir un certificat de fabricant i instruccions, excs de pes desprs de la installaci s completa passar departamen
4、ts locals supervisi tcnica i certificat dacceptaci es pot utilitzar. Comandants delevaci i de camp ha de ser entrenat, mantenir un certificat. Certificats, certificat, clculs, una descripci ha de ser completa. LHam ha de tenir un dispositiu de seguretat, ser no ser trencat filferro corda desgast, ex
5、cessiva aixecament punt la seva ubicaci ha de ser precs, elevaci equip abans dusar a una prova de crrega. Tecnologia de construcci de construcci per donar el baix fins al personal corresponent. Per designar un comandament unificat, elevaci dinstallaci. Comandants de camp i laixecament cal portar rob
6、a de colors vius i allotjar-alerta, a punt per fer front a situacions demergncia. Per assegurar que la seguretat delevaci, amb evidents senyals dadvertncia prohibint persones inhbils dins. (2) pont a travs del pont dassumpte de seguretat s pont jssera erecci mquina quan el mxim carregar condici. s f
7、onamental per a la seguretat del pont de llums, s una de la biga instal lat el punt de control de seguretat. Primera creu-pista posta: posta a travs de les pistes sobre la biga de caixa, creu pista botiga sota de travesses, travesses en la placa dacer, cal redrear Junta de coix. Adaptaci a equips fr
8、enada s fiable, oportuna reparaci, no ha de tenir la feina. Disposici de manual de mquina de lapse pont de penjar punts, elevaci de la seva ubicaci ha de ser precisa, fora s clar. Pont de creuar per designar un comandament unificat. Creu-preparatius, bigues de pes caixa penjar, estable durant 5 minu
9、ts, llavors comprovar cada part, cap problema, que ja sigui com un ordre lliure pont creu. Mentrestant, va observar el pont al front en lloc, immediatament desprs de la notificaci dirigir persones avall. Avall-estable desprs de 3-5 minuts, la cama davantera per pista, pista de cama davantera estable
10、rt el pont, pont a travs de la completa. Pont abasten ajustaments, avall al voltant de la mquina derecci de biga de pont a desprs dun perode destabilitat desprs del reajustament.overnight, only in socialist society is fully developed and highly developed the basis to realize and need to experience a
11、 long process of historical development. This requires a communist whether when what circumstances, regardless of the difficulties encountered and risk, heart to have ideal beacon, firm communist victory of faith, not because the remote ideal felt nothing ethereal and lose confidence., to the highes
12、t ideals of co-occurrence stage goal together, vowed to building a well-off society and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese dream, adhering to and developing the Chinese characteristic socialism and solid work of the party in the primary stage of socialism basic line
13、 is what? Master constitution stipulates: the basic line of the Communist Party of China in the primary stage of socialism is: leadership and unite the people of all ethnic groups, taking economic construction as the center, adhere to the four cardinal principles, adhere to the policy of reform and
14、opening to the outside world, self-reliance and pioneering effort to turn our country build a strong, prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country struggle. the base The contradiction between still to develop this route can be simply summarized as a center, two basic poi
15、nts. It is our party according to our countrys basic national conditions, reflects the party and the people of all ethnic groups of fundamental interests. Adhere to the basic line for a hundred years does not shake, is the Chinese characteristic socialism victory along the most reliable guarantee. A
16、dhere to the economic construction as the center, is the country, is our country socialist primary stage of the main contradictions and basic tasks. At the present stage, our country societys principal contradiction is the peoples growing material and cultural needs and the backward social productio
17、n. In order to solve the main contradiction, the completion of the basic tasks. It must persist in taking economic construction as the center, various other subordinated to and serve the center, which is the key to solving all problems in Contemporary Chinese. To firmly establish the innovation, coo
18、rdination, green, open, sharing of new development concept, seize the opportunity, accelerate the development, implementation of innovation driven development strategy, talent strategy of giving priority to the development, give full play to the innovation as the role of leading the development of t
19、he first power, deepen the reform, advancing in a pioneering spirit, and promote Chinas development step to a new level. Adhere to the socialist road, uphold the peoples democratic dictatorship, adhere to the partys leadership, adhere to the four basic principles of Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong t
20、hought, is our foundation of our country . in the whole process of the socialist modernization construction, must adhere to the four cardinal principles. Out of the four cardinal principles, our cause no foundation,Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often a
21、ppear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator application began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other indus
22、tries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates
23、, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automa
24、tic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standards. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization
25、of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agr
26、iculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of automation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly low
27、er than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has mu
28、st awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automat
29、ion technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed r
30、obotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like welding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation
31、 mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand义乌市污水处理三期工程(佛堂镇分厂二阶段)施工组织设计 第一章 编制依据及工程概况第一节 编制依据1.根据义乌市污水处理工程施工招标文件及上海市政工程设计研究院设计的施工图纸。2.
32、国家和浙冮省的现行设计及施工验收规范、质量评定标准、定额等文件和有关规定。3.本公司根据GB/T19001-2000、GB/T24001-2004、GB/T28001-2001标准、企业质量标准文件及标准化编制的管理手册及管理程序文件。4.将本工程列为我公司的重点工程,实行政策的倾斜,优化资源配置,统筹考虑,确保工程施工的合理性、先进性和经济性。第二节 工程概况本工程位于义乌市佛堂镇西陈村西南侧,原一阶段已建工程的南侧。本次为二阶段工程,日处理能力2万吨天。涉及土建的主要新建单体有:水解池、初沉池、AAO反应池、二沉池、初沉污泥泵房、二沉污泥泵房、储泥池、污泥料仓、已建单体安装部分、场区总平等
33、。本工程抗震烈度为小于6度,按6度采取抗震措施;结构设计年限为50年,建构筑结构安全等级为二级,构筑物抗震设防分类为乙级。1、工程质量标准:污水处理工程施工达到国家有关验收规范标准;一次性验收合格,出水水质按照国家城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB18918-2002)一级B标准执行。2、工期目标:从开工之日起400日历天全部完成所有项目。具体见施工计划(横道图附后)3、质量目标:工程质量合格,达到达到建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001)“合格标准”。4、安全生产、文明施工目标:达到义乌市建设工程安全生产文明施工标准化样板工地。第三节 污水处理进、出水水质1、设计进出水水质
34、如下:序号污染物指标进水水质出水水质序号污染物指标进水水质出水水质1CODCR450Mg/l600Mg/l4NH3-N30Mg/l8(15)Mg/l2BOD5150Mg/l20Mg/l5TN40Mg/l20Mg/l3SS200Mg/l20Mg/l6总磷(次pip)30Mg/l1Mg/l第二章 总平面布置及施工部署准备第一节 总平面布置1、根据现场的实际情况,施工场地开阔,项目部设置在现场办公,仓库、钢筋加工场、木工加工场均安排在场地内。考虑到工程项目的庞大,投入的人员较多。租借临近的居民房作为工人的宿舍。2、施工便道本工程施工便道,场地内外均有道路解决运输。 第二节 施工部署一 、 劳动力安排
35、 本单体工程按照工期目标,在400个日历天内完成所有构筑物的结构,达到试水条件,因此配备高素质的作业队伍是实现合同工期和确保工程质量的主要条件保证,本工程拟投入一个混凝土班组,两个钢筋班组,两个模板班组,一个安装班组,总人数为135人。 主要劳动力计划见下表:序 号工 种 名 称人 数备 注1杂工班组202木工班组303钢筋班组304混凝土班组255架子工班组106工艺管道工57焊 工38水电工2二、周转材料计划 本工程工程量较大,一次性投入周转材料较多,拟投入周转材料主要有48钢管及其扣件,木模板等。主要周转材料配备计划表见下表(加4下面5;50X100方木850 L=4米)序号料具名称单位
36、数量备注1木模板m22500248脚手钢管吨1203扣件个450045050方木根12004米长三、主要机械配备1)混凝土施工主要机具 混凝土采用自拌混凝土,配备1台混凝土输送泵。 2)土石方施工机械主要设备拟配备挖掘机2台,小型自卸汽车4台。 3)其它设备序号机 械 名 称数量1混凝土搅拌机7501台2汽车吊1辆3对焊机1台4交流电焊机3台5砂轮切割机2台6钢筋切断机1台7钢筋弯曲机1台8圆盘锯2台9挖掘机2台10柴油发电机75kv1台11插入式振动器7台四、现场准备1)开工前办理好施工许可证等各种法定手续,并与材料供应商等部门建立联系,制定材料供应计划。2)根据现场条件和总平面布置图的要求
37、,修建临时道路,设置临时堆放场地、布设施工机具,搭设生产、生活设施等。3)根据现场供水、配电、排水条件,按现场施工用水、用电布置图的要求布设现场临时用水、用电管线。4)临时用电设施符合施工现场临时用电安全技术规范的要求。5)总平面布置图情况附后五、技术准备 1)图纸会审与深化施工组织设计 进场后,必须尽快熟悉现场情况和施工图纸,并搞好图纸会审工作,做好施工组织设计的深化设计,编制施工方案,各工艺、工种的作业设计,并落实到施工作业队伍和班组,做好技术交底。2)建立测量控制网对业主提供的水准点和水平坐标,进行复核。建立本工程的测量控制网和标高控制点。对重要的控制坐标做成相对永久性的坐标点,对基坑基
38、槽,管网进行定位,复核。3)做好各种原材料的进场、检验、各类配合比试配、报批工作。六、材料准备根据施工图预算,明确材料、设备解决分工及职责范围,属于业主解决的特殊材料及设备我方应该提前进行咨询。掌握设计要求标准及市场情况,提出配合施工的供货时间,对于需要同业主、设计部门共同研究的特殊设备材料,落实型号、标准和来源厂家,以便提前落实。第三章、施工进度计划及措施第一节 施工进度计划总体安排 根据技术单位的要求,工期为400个日历天,我方选择400个日历天,我们将在确保完成的情况下力争提前。第二节 施工形象进度计划一、 施工准备阶段5天;主要内容按照组织机构设置成立相应,组织施工队伍及机械设备费用。
39、案施工总平面布置做好“三通一平”和驻地工作建设工作,展开复测及生产辅助性设施的建设工作,进行场地清理,为下一阶段的工作操作条件,标志着工程的开始。二、施工生产阶段385天;主要是以施工组织为指导思想问主线,组织基础土方开挖,基础毛石砼浇筑,基础抗渗砼浇筑、池壁抗渗砼浇筑、工艺设备及管道部分安装、土建部分、道路部分为突破口,为管线安装创造条件。进而确定工程进度的主要环节,最终确保工程总进度。三、 清场阶段10天;该阶段主要任务是:做好施工现场的清理,竣工文件的编写,整理和验交工作。第三节 施工进度计划案排一 施工进度计划横道图(见附图一)第四节 工期进度保证措施根据本工程的特点,我单位将充分发挥
40、技术特长,机械化施工水平高及现代化科学管理周密的优势,做到“三快”,即“进场快、安家快、开工快”。在保证重点工序,兼顾一般工序,统筹安排,全面展开的原则领导下,抓住施工的有利季节,掀起施工生产的高潮。“高速度、高安全、高标准”地按照设计要求及施工组织设计的工期计划安排完成本工程的施工任务。具体措施如下:1. 接开工令后,立即组织队伍、设备上场,积极组织主材、地材的采购。2. 加强组织领导,把确保质量、工期作为衡量经济承包责任制目标的一项重要措施。以一个合格的承包商所应有具备的素质,精心组织施工,履行向业主的工期和质量承诺。3. 认真组织管理人员和技术人员学习合同条款,技术规范。认真核对图纸,将
41、图纸中的有矛盾、不明白、没有领会的地方列出来,通过内部讨论后,及时的与设计驻地人员联系,予以及时解决。并在搞好现场调查的基础上依托初步的施工组织设计编制符合实际的实际性的施工组织。4 . 技术交底和技术指导工作要在跟班作业的前提下超前进行,减少技术间歇时间以加快工程进度。5. 安排施工机划,关键工序。在保证均衡生产的前提下,不应该安排的过紧、过满,要为后期及不可预见情况留有余地,幷注意松紧结合的原则。6. 加强施工中的动态管理,随时掌握进度情况。根据暴露的矛盾采取有效的措施处理,对突发事件的处置果断及时,措施得当。幷与管理密切配合,以免造成工期延误。对影响进度计划的事故处理,应及时的调整进度计
42、划,或用连续作业一段时间的方法,将局部滞后的施工进度弥补回来。7. 抓住有利于施工的大好季节,合理布局,统筹规划,超前安排,以减少或避免雨天使进度受到影响。幷应使计划衔接紧凑。作为控制进度的关键工序,要从人、财、物各方面优先保证,做好各种配套设施的落实。8. 施工程序要合理,避免重复作业及互相干扰,从方案和措施上寻求加快施工进度的路子,广泛采用合理化的建议。9. 搞好与业主、监理单位的协调配合,处理好施工现场的各种未尽事宜,创造良好的施工环境。10. 专人及时整理资料,编制竣工文件,做好竣工移交。第四章、施工方案第一节、施工顺序及工艺流程本工程主要为AAO反应池、水解池、二沉池南、二沉池北、二
44、池、二沉污泥泵房、初沉池污泥泵房、储泥池、污泥料仓及脱水机房、已建单体的安装、厂区总平进行施工。二、 施工工艺流程:场地清理测量定位、放线地基处理(填、挖方)毛石基础黄砂垫层混凝土基础混凝土垫层底板砼浇筑池壁及柱浇筑池顶板浇筑试水池体附属建筑物施工工艺管线设备安装池壁刷防腐处理四周回填土做散水坡及栏杆市政排水、道路施工。第二节 施工测量本项目工艺结构复杂,尤其是几何尺寸和进水、出水、池底标高误差要求特别严格,必须控制在误差要求之内,力争误差为零,以保证工艺设备的正常安装和运行,且本工程的供水量采用重力自流供水形式,因此本工程对构筑物几何尺寸、标高应严格控制。为此,我们配备多名专业测量工程师和先
45、进的测量仪器,采用科学合理的测量方法,建立高精度测量控制网络,确保其平面位置和标高控制在精度范围内。根据我单位设立的测控网将坐标点用全站仪放出构筑物平面四角坐标或圆心坐标,放出结构轴线,形成控制网。标高测量采用往返水准测量法进行测量,上部结构轴线及垂直度控制采用天顶法测量。施工控制桩的测量精度按国家标准TJ-26-78工程测量规范(试行)中二级导线测量和二等水准测量的各项规定办理,其测量精度要满足:二级导线测量:相对闭合差 1:5000边长丈量相对误差: 1:10000测角中误差: 12方位角闭合差: 24 n (n为测量数)二等水准测量:每公里高程中误差: 2mm闭合差: 4 L (L为公里
46、数)各项工作的平面、高程定位测量必须引用两处以上的施工控制桩,并应闭合,以免错误,其测量精度应符合国家TJ-26-78工程测量规范(试行)中三级导线测量和三等水准测量的各项规定,其测量精度要求如下:三级导线测量:相对闭合差: 1:2000边长丈量相对误差: 1:4000测角中误差: 20方位角闭合差: 40 n (n为测量数)三等水准测量:每公里高程中误差: 2mm闭合差: 12 L (L为公里数)1、平面施工测量根据我单位建立的平面测控网及施工平面图,用全站仪放出AAO的四周外墙边线,然后确定垫层、挖土的内外边线。2、高程测量根据建立的高程控制网将高程引测至工程周边的控制点上,将此基准点作为日后施工时标高的测量依据,此临时基准点应不宜受到施工环境的影响,不影响通视,且不会发生沉降为设置原则。控制网点的布设要避开施工道路及厂区工艺管线。对控制网点每二到三个月由技术负责人进行校核,发现偏差,及时调整。以防止由于标桩沉降而引起的误差。主要测量仪器技术参数一览表序号仪器名称型 号产地数量精 度备注1全站仪索佳SET21001套2(2mm+2ppm)2水准仪DSZ32台3mm/1Km4精密水准仪索佳B11台2mm/1Km550m钢卷尺JGW-5023把1mm第三节、污水池施工本工