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1、Chapter3 Labor,Material and Equipment Utilization劳动力、材料和设备利用,3.1 Factors Affecting Job-Site Productivity影响工地生产率的因素,Job-site productivity is influenced by many factors which can be characterized either as labor characteristics,project work conditions or as non-productive activities.影响工地生产率的因素很多,大致分为劳

2、动力特性、工程工作条件(环境)和非生产性活动。The labor characteristics include:劳力特性包含:Age,skill and experience of workforceLeadership and motivation of workforce员工的年龄、技能和工作经验员工的领导力和动力,The project work conditions include among other factors:工程施工环境因素包括:Sob size and complexity工作规模和复杂性Job site accessibility工作场地的易接近性Labor ava

3、ilability劳力的可用性Equipment utilization设备的使用Contractual agreements合同Local climate当地的气候Local cultural characteristics,particularly in foreign operations当地的文化特征,特别是海外工作的文化特征,The non-productive activities associated with(与相关,与联系)a project may or may not be paid by the owner,but they nevertheless take up p

4、otential labor resources(占据可能的劳动力资源)which can otherwise be directed to the project.与项目有关的非生产型工作业主可以支付,也可以不支付,但他们占据潜在的劳动力资源,这些资源原本可以投入到项目中的.The non-productive activities include among other factors:非生产型活动包括:,Indirect labor required to maintain the progress of the project维护工程进度的间接性劳力Rework for correct

5、ing unsatisfactory(不合格的)work不合格任务的返工Temporary work stoppage(停工)due to inclement(严酷的)weather or material shortage严酷的天气或者物料缺乏导致的临时停工Time off for union activities因工会活动而休假Absentee(缺勤)time,including late start and early quits缺勤时间,包括迟到和早退Non-working holidays节假日Strikes罢工,Each category of factors affects th

6、e productive labor available to a project as well as the on-site labor efficiency.每类因素都影响生产劳动力的可用性和现场劳动力效率。Labor Characteristics劳动力特征Performance analysis is a common tool for assessing worker quality and contribution.绩效分析是评定员工能力和贡献的一种通用方法。Factors that might be evaluated include:评估的要素可以包括:,Quality of

7、 work-caliber of work produced or accomplished工作质量所完成工作的水准Quantity of work-volume of acceptable work工作数量可承担工作的份量Job knowledge-demonstrated(证明,说明,表示)knowledge of requirements,methods,techniques and skills involved in doing the job and in applying these to increase productivity工作知识工作中应用到的需求知识、方法、技能和技巧

8、,以提高生产率效率,Related Work Knowledge knowledge of effects of work upon other areas and knowledge of related areas which have influence on assigned work相关的工作知识其他相关领域能对当前工作产生影响和效果的知识Judgment-soundness of conclusion,decisions and actions稳健的判断力,用于总结、决策和行动Initiative-ability to take effective action without b

9、eing told主动性,积极主动高效的执行工作,Resource Utilization-ability to delineate(叙述、归纳)project needs and locate,plan and effectively use all resources available.资源的利用能力,归纳项目的需求,确定计划和有效利用所有可用的资源These different factors could each be assessed on a three point scale:(1)recognized strength,(2)meets expectations,(3)are

10、a needing improvement.这些不同的因素可以评定为三个等级:1)优秀2)达到期望3)需要进步。Examples of work performance in these areas might also be provided.也可以提供这些方面工作绩效的例子。,Project work conditions工作环境Job-site labor productivity(现场劳动生产率)can be estimated either for each craft(工艺,行业)(carpenter,bricklayer,etc.)or each type of construc

11、tion(residential housing,processing plant,etc.)under a specific set of work conditions.在特定的工作环境下,现场劳动生产率可以按照工种进行进行评估(如木匠,瓦匠等),也可以按照建设类型评估(如住宅,流程型工厂等)。,A base(基准)labor productivity may be defined for a set of work conditions specified(指定;具体说明,详细说明)by the owner or contractor who wishes to observe and

12、measure the labor performance over a period of time under such conditions.基准劳动生产率可以定义为:在给定的工作条件(环境)下,业主或承包商期望观测和衡量(此条件下)的一段时期内的劳动绩效。,A labor productivity index(指数)may then be defined as the ratio(比率)of the job-site labor productivity under a different set of work conditions to the base labor product

13、ivity,and【从此处断开翻译】is a measure of the relative(相对的)labor efficiency of a project under this new set of work conditions.劳动生产率指数可以定义为不同工作条件下现场的劳动生产率和基准劳动生产率的比率,它是对新工作条件下的项目中劳动力相对效率的计量。,The effects of various factors related to work conditions on a new project can be estimated in advance,some more accu

14、rately than others(指index).劳动生产率指数(可以)比其他指标更准确地预估与新项目工作条件相关的各种影响因素。Eg1:They should check the day-light conditions and ventilation in different weather conditions in advance,if possible.如果有条件的话,应提前对房屋在不同天气状况下的采光及通风状况进行考察。eg:Another was that startups had to decide in advance how much to raise.另一个问题是创业

15、公司必须提前确定筹资数目。,For example,for very large construction projects,the labor productivity index tends to decrease as the project size and/or complexity(工程规模和/或复杂性)increase because of logistic(逻辑的、后勤的)problems(后勤问题)and the“learning”that the work force must undergo before adjusting to the new environment.

16、logistic*A Thinking about Logistic Problem of Architectural Formal Language.对建筑形式语言逻辑问题的思考*The Problem of Logistic Industry Development in China and Policy Recommendation.我国物流产业发展中的问题和政策建议*logistic air support空中后勤支援*logistic base供应基地*logistic system科学化后勤制度课后注释3:对大型的建设项目,因为后勤问题和劳动力在适应新环境前必须经过的学习过程,随着

17、项目规模和/或复杂性的增长,劳动生产力指数趋于下降。,Job-site accessibility often may reduce the labor productivity index if the workers must perform their jobs in round about ways,such as avoiding traffic in repaving the highway surface or maintaining the operation of a plant during renovation.round about:绕大圈子的,迂回的(路等);转弯抹角

18、的,委婉的;包围着的,广泛包含的;长胖了的Eg:I have had some experience of the great Cuffs round-about ways.我对这位神通广大的卡夫的门道也摸透了几分。翻译:如果工人们必须按(迂回、绕弯)规定的工作方式操作,现场辅助功能往往可能会降低劳动生产力指数,例如避免交通shigu路面加铺或在装修过程中维持工厂运营。,Labor availability in the local market is another factor.在本地市场的劳动力可用性是另一个因素。Shortage of local labor will force th

19、e contractor to bring in non-local labor or schedule overtime work or both.本地劳动力短缺将迫使承建商引入非本地劳动力或/和安排加班工时。In either case,the labor efficiency will be reduced in addition to incurring additional expense.在这两种(引入非本地劳动力或/和安排加班工时)情况下,除了产生额外的费用,劳动效率将减少。,The degree of equipment utilization and mechanizatio

20、n(设备利用率和机械化)of a construction project clearly will have direct bearing on job-site labor productivity.建筑项目的设备利用率和机械化程度对现场的劳动生产率有直接影响。,The contractual agreements play an important role in(the utilization of union or non-union(公会或非公会)labor,the use of subcontractors and the degree of field supervision)

21、,all of which will impact job-site labor productivity.合同协议在使用工会或非工会劳动力、使用分包商和现场监督程度中发挥重要的作用,而所有这些都将影响现场劳动生产率。,Since on-site construction essentially involves outdoor activities,the local climate will influence the efficiency of workers directly.由于现场施工主要涉及户外活动,因此当地的气候会直接影响工作效率。In foreign operations,t

22、he cultural characteristics of the host country should be observed in assessing the labor efficiency.在海外业务中,在评估劳动效率中要注意东道国的文化特色。Eg:Which country will be the host country for the next Olympic Games?哪个国家将是下届奥运会的主办国?,Non-productive Activities非生产型劳动The non-productive activities associated with a project

23、 should also be examined in order to examine the productive labor yield(有效劳动产出),which is defined as the ratio of direct labor hours devoted to the completion of a project to the potential labor hours(可能工时).还应该检查与项目有关的非生产性活动,以考察有效劳动产出,即为完成项目的直接工时与可能工时的比率。,The direct labor hours are estimated on the b

24、asis of the best possible conditions at a job site by excluding all factors which may reduce the productive labor yield.在作业现场最好的条件下估计直接人工工时,这要排除可能会降低有效劳动产出的所有因素。,3句:the flagmen 信号旗手Contribute to 贡献再重铺高速公路路面时,假如高速公路关闭,疏导指挥交通的信号旗手就是对铺路小组劳动生产率没有贡献的间接劳动力。第四句:同样,在偏远地区的大型项目,间接的劳动力可能是为项目直接劳动力提供住房和基础设施的。,Th

25、e labor hours spent on rework to correct unsatisfactory original work represent extra time taken away from potential labor hours.花在纠正原来不满意工作的返工人工工时代表从潜在人工工时所耗费的额外工时。taken away from=to reduce the positive effect or success of somethingEg1:His refusal to accept the prize does not take away from his su

26、ccess in winning it.他拒绝受奖并不损害他赢得的成功。Eg2:Now therefore forgive,I pray thee,my sin only this once,and in treat the LORD your God,that he may take away from me this death only.现在求你,只这一次,饶恕我的罪,求耶和华你们的神使我脱离这一次的死亡。,6句:Be deduced from:从被减去Labor hours:工时为了计算实际的有效劳动收益,与这些活动有关的工时必须从可能工时中扣除。,Example3-1;Effects

27、 of job size on productivity作业规模对生产力的影响A contractor has established that under a set of“standard”work conditions for building construction,a job requiring 500,000 labor hours is considered standard in determining the base labor productivity.承建商已建立了一套“标准”建筑施工的工作条件,一项工作需要50万人工工时被认为是确定基本劳动生产率的标准。,All o

28、ther factors being the same,the labor productivity index will increase to 1.1 or 110%for a job requiring only 400,000 labor-hours.所有其他因素相同,一项工作只有40万人工工时时,劳动生产率指数将上升至1.1或110。Linear relation:线性关系假如所需300000-700000工时之间存在线性关系,如图4-1所示,在完全相同的工作条件下,确定某项需要650000工时工作的劳动生产率指数。,Homework3.DialogueA:which propert

29、ies to building materials have,do you know?B:Stiffness,strength,flexibility,etc.A:你知道建材的属性吗?B:刚度,强度,灵活性等A:Corrrect.Then what does strength mean?B:Erlet me think.Building materials resist the actual or probable forces that may be imposed upon them.Is it correct?A:对。什么是强度?B:哦让我想一下。建材抵制可能强加于他们的实际或可能力量。

30、是这样吗?,A:Yes.For example,the walls of a pressure vessel must be of adequate strength to withstand the internal pressure;the floors of a building must be sufficiently strong for their intended purpose;the shaft of a machine must be of adequate size to carry the required torque;a wing of an airplane mu

31、st safely withstand loads which may come upon it in flight or landing.B:well.But I dont know the stiffness?A:例如,压力容器壁必须有足够的强度承受内部压力;建筑物的地板必须满足他们预期目的的强度;一台机器轴必须具备所需扭矩的适当尺寸;飞机的机翼必须安全地承受在飞行中或着陆后的负荷。B:可是我不明白什么是刚度。,A:oh,let me see.The stiffness refers to building material resisting the actual or probable forces without changing shape.Does this make sense?B:Yeah,fair enough!Thank you very much.A:噢,让我看看。刚度是指建材抵制不改变形状的实际或可能的力量。说明白了吗?B:是啊,挺好!谢谢你!,


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