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1、,3a,Section A,1.头发2.卷曲的3.直的4.高的5.瘦的6.重的7.体格8.像9.总是,10.队长 22.胡须11.队;组 23.眼睛12.受欢迎的 24.外貌13.经黄色的 25.记住14.漂亮的 26.流行音乐15.一点儿 27.歌唱家16.少许 28.不再17.笑话 29.说18.决不 30.没有人19.停止20.棕色的21.人,单词赛看谁记的快!,Learning Goals,1.通过自主合作学习,学习并扎实掌握本课个9生词1个词组,听读3a课文,感知3a文章,了解课文大意。2.通过合作探究及研读课文,熟练掌握语法一般现在时的第三人称单数的用法,能复述课文,提高口语表达能

2、力。3.达标检测,强化本课学习重点。培养学生用英语阅读广告海报的能力。,初读感知(10分钟),内容:P15 3a的课文方式:1.听录音泛读课文,了解课文的主要内容,同时用红笔画出生词、词组。要求:(在听的过程中,注意纠正单词的语音语调并体会说话人的感情色彩)检测方式:检测A:把序号填在方框里 2.认真跟读,熟读课文,快速熟记生词、词组检测方式:检测B:小组朗读课文(语音、语调)检测C:生词、词组检测(听写、互批),Read the descriptions of the four classmates.Match them with the pictures.,()1Wang lin,()2

3、Marry,()3 Xu Qian,()4 Mike,D,C,B,A,A,B,C,D,3a,Hes very tall.,He has curly brown hair and is of medium build.He likes reading and playing chess.,Mike is a good student.,Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team.Hes tall and he is of medium build.He has short straight hair.Wang Lin is very popula

4、r.,Xu Qian loves to tell jokes.Shes short and a little bit heavy.She has beautiful long black hair.She never stops talking!,She has short curly blonde hair.Shes good-looking but shes a little bit quiet.,Marry is thin and she is of medium height.,自学检测,Words:1.队长 2.球队 3.流行的 4.金发的5.好看的,漂亮的6.一点儿 7.棕色的 8

5、.人9.从不,永不,未曾Phrases:1.(给某人)讲笑话2.一点儿,稍微3.和某人开玩笑4.停止做某事/停下来做某事5.做某事是很流行的,brown,tell(sb)jokes,a little bit=kind of,make a joke with sb,stop doing sth=stop to do sth.,captain,方式:快速记忆至少4个单词4个词组及学习对子相互检测(2分钟自学记忆,1分钟互背),team,popular,blonde,good-looking,bit,person,never,It is popular to do sth.,研读简析,内容:P59

6、3a的课文方式:1.根据研读提纲小组讨论,找出重难点知识及新语法句式,并与旧知识比较,掌握新语法句式的特点与规律。2.巩固语法知识:限时3分钟,熟记重点语句,掌握有关语法及重点词组。检测A:小组展示拓展,Fill in the chart according to the passages.,tall,medium build,short straight hair,medium height,tall,good-looking a little bit quiet,short,a bit heavy,love to tell jokes,never stop talking,medium b

7、uild,curly brown,like reading and playing chess,1、a little bit=kind of一点儿,稍微 她有点害羞2、tell(sb)jokes(给某人)讲笑话 他经常给我们讲笑话3、make a joke with sb 和某人开玩笑 不要和他开玩笑4、stop to do sth 是停下手上的事去做另一件事 stop doing sth 是停止手上正在做的事 当开始上课的时候,我们停止了说话 我们可以停下来吃午餐吗,She is a little bit shy,He often tells us jokes.,Dont make a jo

8、ke with him.,We stop talking when class begins.,Can we stop to have lunch?,5.It is popular to do sth.做某事是很流行的把中国的食物当作快餐外带也很流行。6.be popular with 受欢迎;有好评 这位老师很受学生们的欢迎。,Its also very popular to eat Chinese food as a takeaway.,The teacher is very popular with her students.,复述感悟,根据问题式研读提纲及所学知识,限时5分钟,先自主复

9、述,再小组内复述,然后全班展示,看哪组又快又准确地表达?,summary,1.生词记忆方法2.语法要点3.重点词句4.,Sum up,What does he/she look like?,He/She,has short/long hair.has straight/curly hair.has a medium build.,is tall/short.is medium height.is fat/heavy/thin/medium build.,wears/is wearing a hat.wears/is wearing glasses.,用is,has,或with 填空。1.He_tall and he _big eyes.2.She _medium height,and she _curly hair.3.She_ very short and she _very young.4.He is tall_ brown hair and he _ heavy build.5.There is a girl _ long hair in the street.She _ flowers in her right hand.,is,has,is,has,is,is,is,with,with,has,


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