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1、Unit 2Working the landUsing language,chemicalproductionbacteriapestnutritionmineraldiscovery,adj.化学的;关于化学的n.生产;制造n.细菌n.害虫;害兽;害鸟n.营养;滋养;食物n.矿物;矿石n.发现;发觉,focussoilreducerootskim underlinesummarycomment,n.焦点;中心点vt.集中;聚焦n.土壤vt.减少;减缩n.根;根源vt.浏览;略读vt.画底线标出;强调n.总结;摘要;概要n.评论;议论vi.做出评论,build up lead to focus

2、 on keep free from/of,逐渐增强;建立;开发导致;造成(后果)集中(注意力,精力等)于使免受(影响,伤害等);使不含(有害物),It is fertilizer.,What is the substance we put on the soil to make crops grow?,How many kinds of fertilizers do farmers use?There are two kinds.They are chemical fertilizers and natural ones.,Organic Farming,chemical fertilize

3、r,cow dung,用化学肥料和有机肥料的区别:,Reading,CHEMICAL OR ORGANIC FARMING?,Chemical fertilizers can cause many problems,so organic farming is becoming more popular.Organic farming means growing crops with natural fertilizer.The organic farmers keep the soil rich and healthy.,The main idea of the text:,Fast Read

4、ing,Long-term use of chemical fertilizers can cause damage to the land and peoples health.,Problems caused by chemical fertilizers.,The main idea of each paragraph,P1.,P2.,Farmers and customers turn to organic farming.,Other methods to keep the soil fertile.,P3.,P4.,Chemical fertilizer,Not good for

5、the soil or the water supply,The soil gets exhausted.,Kill both helpful and harmful bacteria and pests,Careful Reading,Chemical farming,stop crop disease increase production,damage theland,by killing,affect crops,by staying,lead to cancer/illnesses,by building up,have lessnutrition,by growingtoo fas

6、t,Organic farming,Natural waste from animals,Make the soil richer in minerals and more fertile,A healthy soil,Reduce diseases in crops,Help crops grow strong and healthy,Organic farming,use natural waste,make the soil rich in minerals,change the crop,put minerals back into soil,making,plant crops wi

7、th different roots,use different levels of land,plant grass between crops,preventfrom,a natural fertilizer,Other methods:Change crops every two or three years,Corn,wheat,Peas,soybeans,Put the minerals back into the soil,making it rich and healthy,Crops that use the surface of the soil(peanuts),Crops

8、 that need a deeper level of soil(root vegetable),Make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting becomes a natural fertilizer for the next years crop,1.Which statement is WRONG according to the text?A.All crops are organic.B.Recently,the term“organic farming”has gained another meaning.C.

9、All farmers use fertilizers.D.Scientists believe some chemical fertilizers are better for people.,Choose the best answer.,D,2.Which is not the reason why organic farmers prefer natural waste from animals?A.It can keep the food free from chemicals.B.It can keep the air,soil and water free from chemic

10、als.C.It can kill harmful pests.D.It can make the soil richer in mineral.,C,3.What is the advantage of using chemical fertilizers?A.Leaving chemicals in the ground for a long time is good for water supply.B.They can get the soil exhausted.C.They can kill helpful bacteria.D.They can kill harmful pest

11、.,D,4.The organic farmers do the followings except _.A.adding fertilizers which is rich in mineralB.changing crops every two or three yearsC.planting seeds in different layers of the soilD.planting grass between crops to prevent the soil from being blown away,A,1.What is“organic farming”?,Answer the

12、 questions.,It refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers.,2.What do organic farmers prefer to use as fertilizer?,The fertilizer that organic farmers prefer is natural waste from animals.,Farmers grow peas or soybeans after corn or wheat so that peas and beans can put mine

13、rals back into the soil,making it rich and healthy and ready to grow more wheat or corn.,3.Why do organic farmers grow peas or soybeans after corn or wheat?,4.What is the advantage of using natural fertilizer?,Make the soil richer in minerals and so more fertile.Reduce diseases in crops and help the

14、m grow strong and healthy.Besides,keep the air,soil and water as well as the food supply free from chemical.,They are a great way to stop crop disease and increase production.,5.Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today?,6.What problems are caused by using chemical fertilizers?,There

15、are three problems.First,chemical fertilizers affect the soil and the water supply badly.Second,they allow farmers to grow the same crop year after year and exhaust the soil.Third,they kill both helpful and harmful pests.,7.What is the main reason for using organic farming methods?,The main reason f

16、or using organic farming methods is to grow good food and to avoid damaging the environment or peoples health.,Fill in the chart.,Farmers often change the kind of crop in each field every few years.,Changing the crops renews the minerals in the soil and helps it become rich and healthy.,This uses di

17、fferent levels of soil.,This prevents wind or water from carrying away soil and acts as a natural fertilizer.,It is important to explain this again or we will confuse the students.confuse 动词,表示“把(某人)弄糊涂;使迷惑”,“搞乱;混淆”。如:They asked me so many questions thatthey confused me.他们问我那么多问题把我都弄糊涂了。,Language Po

18、ints,My Chinese and English books are confused together.我的中英文的书籍混在一起了。He was confused by a strange idea.他被奇怪的念头弄糊涂了。Please dont confuse Australia with Austria.别把澳大利亚和奥地利混淆了。,【拓展】confusion n.混乱;慌乱;混淆confusing和confused辨析:这两个词都是由confuse转化而来的形容词。confusing意思是“莫名其妙的;难以理解的(difficult to understand;puzzling)

19、”,强调事物本身所具有的性质;confused意思是“糊涂的;迷乱的(unable to think clearly)”,强调人对某事物的感受。,2.His father says that he has never regretted sending his son to study abroad.(Page 13)regret在句中作动词,意为“为感到遗憾;后悔;惋惜”。如:I didnt regret the choice I had made.我做了这个选择并不后悔。I regret to say that we cant stay here any longer.我很遗憾,我们不能再

20、在这儿多呆了。She regretted having missed the film.她懊悔没能看上那场电影。,【拓展】1)regret还可用作名词,意为“遗憾;后悔”。I felt a great regret at having spent my time in this way.我对这样浪费光阴深感懊悔。2)regret to do sth 表示“遗憾地要”,后面的动词常是say,tell,speak,inform等;regret doing sth 表示“后悔做过”;to ones regret 令人遗憾的是,3.These chemicals in the food supply

21、build up in peoples bodies over time.build up 增强;建立;开发 Hard working conditions build upcharacter.艰苦的工作条件能磨练人的性格。,4.Many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illnesses.lead to:导致;造成Too much work and too little restoften lead to illness.过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马。,5.They

22、 focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease.focus on:集中(注意力,精力等)于You should focus your attention onyour work.把注意力集中在你的工作上。Olympus:Focus on life.奥林巴斯:瞄准生活。,6.reduce v.减少,降低e.g.公司尽力通过减少花销来提高利润。The company tries to increase profits by_.今年我们已经减少了业务开支。We _ expenses this year.,reducing costs,hav

23、e reduced,7.This also keeps the air,soil,water and crops free from chemicals.keeps free from/of:使免受(影响,伤害等);使不含(有害物)We put our books in bookcase to keep them free from dust.You must take care to keep the wound free from the dirt.,拓展1)keep from:隐瞒,不把告诉(某人)阻止,避免”如:He wont be able to keep the truth fro

24、m his father.You cant keep him from doing that thing.2)free from:使解除,使摆脱 如:They aim to free the students from too much homework.3)be free of sb/sth:摆脱某人/某物Im free of that job at last.,Expressions,1.化肥2.对造成损害3.洗掉某物4.导致;造成(后果);通往5.逐渐增强,建立6.另外(还有)7.使免受(影响);8.集中(注意力、精力)于9.每隔几年10.避免做,chemical fertilizers

25、cause/do damage towash offlead tobulid upin addition(to)keepfree from/offocus onevery few yearsavoid doing,Exercises,cause/do damage to,wash off,lead to,bulid up,in addition(to),keepfree from/of,focus on,avoid doing,1.His mistakes _ his failure.2.These chemicals in the food supply_ in peoples bodies

26、 over time.3.All roads _ Rome.4.Please _ your mind _ the following problem.5.Children should _ violence.,led to,bulid up,focus,on,lead to,be kept free from,6.He likes basketball._,he likes football.He likes basketball _ football.7.Little Tom stuck to _ the mud _ his shoes by himself before he came i

27、n.8.I tried to _(meet)him because he always bores me.9.The storm on May 3 _ great _ people in Burma so far.,cause/do damage to,wash off,lead to,bulid up,in addition(to),keepfree from/of,focus on,avoid doing,In addition,in addition to,washing,off,avoid meeting,has caused,damage to,The possible bad ef

28、fects of chemical fertilizers on the fruit and vegetablesthat we eat today.,1 As you listen to this dialogue,keep in mind what you have just read about chemical fertilizers.What is the main topic of the conversation?,Listening,1.Paul thinks that Carrie is not telling him the truth.2.Using chemical f

29、ertilizers always makes vegetables empty inside.,True,False,2 Listen to the dialogue a second time.Decide if the following statements are true or false,according to theconversation.Give your reasons.,3.Todays fruit is not as healthy for people as fruit fifty years ago.4.Eating more vegetables might

30、not always be good for us.5.All of todays vegetables look healthy but in fact are not.,False,True,True,WHATS WRONG WITH THEVEGETABLES?,Girl:Hey,Paul,listen to this a magazine article about a farmer who used too much chemical fertilizer on his fields.When his vegetables were picked,they were all foun

31、d to be empty!,Listening text,BOY:Empty?Youre joking,Carrie that cant be true!Girl:I didnt believe it either!This article says this can happen sometimes with vegetables like cucumbers,carrots and pumpkins.This chemical fertilizer makes the vegetables grow fast to look big and beautiful,but theyre em

32、pty inside!,BOY:You know,Ive noticed that sometimes my mum buys carrots from the supermarket that have big holes down the center.I guess that must be from using chemical fertilizers!GIRL:Yeah,thats what the magazine says!The main point of the article,though,isnt about holes in our vegetables.,Its ta

33、lking about why the fruit and vegetables we eat today arent as nutritious as the ones our grandparents ate.BOY:What?My mum is always telling me to eat more vegetables,because theyre good for me!GIRL:Yeah,I know my mother says that same thing!And its true-,they are good for us but the problem is that

34、 they arent healthy enough!All these chemical fertilizers they kill off both the bad and the good things in the ground.The ground doesnt have enough vitamins and minerals any more to help crops grow healthy.,BOY:So if our fruit and vegetables were grown with chemical fertilizers,they might look heal

35、thy,but probably arent really healthy?I guess weve got to stop using so many chemical fertilizers to grow our food!,F=Farmer C=CustomerF:Good morning!Would you like some organic carrots this morning?C:Hmm Theyre a little expensive!What is the advantage of?,Reading,Speaking and writing,Sample dialogu

36、e,F:The advantage of these vegetables is that they are green food so they are safe to eat and good for your family.C:But what is the advantage of having green food?I know all vegetables are good for you and those down the road look green too.And I can buy them at half price there.,F:Well,let me expl

37、ain.Id rather feed my family on green food than other vegetables because they are grown without chemical fertilizers.C:But the price is too expensive!Id prefer to buy good food if I can afford it.,F:This is good value for money because youll have healthier children.They wont have to go to the doctor

38、 so often and you wont have to take time off work.In the long run youll be benefit.C:Certainly Id like to buy what is safe and healthy.Perhaps Ill try some of your vegetables and if they are as good as you say,Ill be back next week.,Writing,Buy the best fruits here We only sell green food in this sh

39、op!Best choice at best price!Safe,healthy,clean,fresh.Far away from any pollution.,Main heading,This explains that you sell green food.,1.No chemical fertilizer,all organic fertilizers 2.Clean air,clean water 3.No poison,no pesticides 4.Home in heaven,Reasons to buy,Healthy food means healthy life.F

40、ar away from diseases,without worries,full of happiness.(one reason),Why it is good value.,Some English farming proverbs,He who does not rise early never does a good days work.起床不早,一天的工作干不好。Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark.随羔羊就寝,与云雀同起。,A barley-corn is better than a diamond to a cock.对

41、一只公鸡来说,一颗麦粒优于一颗钻石。The cuckoo comes in April,and stays the month of May;sings a song at Midsummer,and then goes away.布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏唱歌,然后就离开。,Always take out the meal-tub,and never putting in,soon comes to the bottom.取粮不储粮,桶底粮光光。No mill,no meal.不磨面就没有饭吃。Sow nothing,reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。,Homework,1.Write a summary of the advantages of organic farming and the disadvantages of chemical farming.2.Collect some information about the safety and importance of green food.,


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