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1、文章体裁,议论文(重点体裁,在历年四级考试中比例最大)三要素:论点(statement)论据(argument)论证(reasoning)Is a Test of Spoken English NecessaryReading Selectively or ExtensivelyDont Hesitate to Say“No”Is Failure a Bad Thing,2.说明文(说明性议论文):说明事物的发生,发展,结果.特征,状态,功能等.写作的目的重在解释说明How I Overcome Difficulties in Learning EnglishHow I Finance My

2、College EducationA Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction,现象解释型(或图表分析型),应用文,包括信函(私人书信,投诉信,求职信等),简历等.对公信函要言简意赅,条理分明,不需过分修饰,避免口水话;私人信件应生动,感情色彩丰富.A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on CampusA Letter to a Schoolmate,记叙文:讲述一个故事,经历,问题等.六要素:when,where,who,what,why,how 通常按时间顺

3、序表述因为一般记叙已发生的故事,故多采用过去时,这类文章中学生易犯时态错误,易记流水帐,在考试中出现频率较低An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic AccidentThe Day My Classmate Fell Ill(or Got Injured),试题类型,对比论述型:议论文体裁通过论述相反的观点,或分析评判某一社会现象的优缺点,然后给出自己的见解和看法三段论Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是也有人持不同的意见我的看法和打算,Reading Selectively or E

4、xtensively有人认为读书要有选择有人认为应当博览群书我的看法,问题解决型(多为说明文),How to Succeed in a Job Interview面试在求职过程中的作用面试成功的因素:仪表,举止谈吐,能力,专业,自信How I Finance My College Education 上大学的费用可通过各种途径解决哪种途径适合我(说明理由),3.观点道理论证型提出某种观点或现象论证该观点或现象的正确性或危害性再次强调主题,或表明自己的态度看法It Pays to Be Honest 当前社会上存在许多不诚信现象 诚实利人利己,做人应诚实,实战练习,对比论述型(模板1)When

5、asked about _,different people will offer different opinions.Some people take it for granted that _.In their opinion,_.Besides,_.However,others holdclaim that _.They maintain that _.In addition,_.Weighing up these two arguments,I am for _.For one thing,_.For another,_.Therefore,as stated above,_.,Sh

6、ould Firecrackers Be Banned?有人认为放鞭炮是好事,为什么?有人认为放鞭炮是坏事,为什么?我的看法。,When asked about whether we should ban firecrackers or not,different people will offer different opinions.Some people take it for granted that letting off firecrackers is a long beloved traditional way to celebrate a festival.In their o

7、pinion,Chinese people have already taken it as a custom of celebrating.Besides,the firecrackers can not only claim the arrival of the festival but also cheer people up.However,others hold that setting off firecrackers should be banned.They maintain that letting off firecrackers may cause fires and e

8、ndanger peoples lives and properties.In addition,they believe that it also pollutes the environment and air with smoke.Weighing up these two arguments,I am for the first opinion.For one thing,its one of the traditions which we are all proud of,so we Chinese have the responsibility to carry it on.For

9、 another,we can take effective measures in advance so as to prevent or eliminate fires which may be caused by setting off firecrackers.For instance,we can teach people the correct way to let off them.Therefore,as stated above,I am in favor of the first point of view.,模板2,There is no complete agreeme

10、nt among people as to _.Some people consider _.However,others think _.Some people may say _.They hold this opinion because _.However,others believe _.They argue that _.Personally,Im in favor of the _.Firstly,_.Secondly,_.Most important of all,_.Taking above mentioned factors into consideration,I may

11、 reasonably conclude that _.,Should Firecrackers Be Banned,There is no complete agreement among people as to setting off firecrackers.Some people consider that it is reasonable for them to set off firecrackers when they celebrate a festival.However,others think that it should be banned.Some people m

12、ay say that over a long period of time setting off firecrackers is one of the Chinese traditions.They hold this opinion because celebrating by means of setting off firecrackers has a long history in China.However,others believe that setting off firecrackers is dangerous in modern society,especially

13、in big cities.They argue that it causes great damages in big cities every year.Personally,I am in favor of the former opinion.Firstly,dangers caused by setting of firecrackers can be prevented in advance if we take certain effective measures.Secondly,people can be taught the correct way to let off f

14、irecrackers.Most important of all,we should take the responsibility to carry on our glorious tradition and culture.Taking above mentioned factors into consideration,we may reasonably conclude that firecrackers should not be banned.,模板3,When it comes to _,peoples opinions differ.Many people believe t

15、hat _.For one thing,_.For another,_.Some people,however,take a different attitude.They regard _.In their view,_.furthermore,_.As far as I am concerned,_.On the one hand,_.On the other hand,_.Therefore,_.,Global Shortage of Fresh Water有人认为淡水是取之不尽的。有人认为淡水非常紧缺。我的观点。,Global Shortage of Fresh Water,When

16、it comes to fresh water,peoples opinions differ.Many people believe that fresh water is inexhaustible on earth.For one thing,we have many fresh water sources,such as rain and snow.For another,there are many rivers as well as plenty of underground water.Some people,however,take a different attitude.T

17、hey regard theres global shortage of fresh water on earth.In their view,with the growth of population throughout the world,more and more fresh water has been used in peoples living,washing and entertainment.Furthermore,many lakes and rivers,even seas have been polluted by dirty water from the pipes

18、of factories.As far as I an concerned,we have to develop ways of reusing water and utilizing sea water.On the one hand,it is possible to use the waste water again after it has been purified in the plant.On the other hand,we can also remove the salt from the ocean to get fresh water.So possible solut

19、ions should be tried for the survival of man on the earth.,问题解决型(模板1),With the development of _,_.So it is of great importance for us to _.On the one hand,_.On the other hand,_.In order to _,we have figured out many ways to _.First,_.Second,_.Finally,_.In a word,_.To sum up,_.It is high time for us

20、to _.Therefore,_.,How to Succeed in a Job Interview面试在求职过程中的作用取得面试成功的因素:仪表,举止,谈吐,能力,专业,自信。,With the development of our modern society,the interview is becoming more and more important in job-hunting.So it is of great importance for us to master skills on interview.On the one hand,if a job seeker can

21、 leave a good impression on the mind of the interviewer,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.On the other hand,if the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance.In order to be successful in a job interview,we have figure

22、d out many ways to make an excellent performance in an interview.First,the applicant ought to pay attention to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,he is supposed to display his ability.Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence.In a word,if the interviewee

23、 displays these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during the interview,the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.To sum up,the job interview is indeed important.It is high time for us to pay attention to the skills.Therefore,if the interviewee has mad

24、e full preparations for it and given a fairly confident and honest performance,his success can be ensured.,模板2,There has been a discussion recently about _.It is true to the present situation that _.For on thing,_.For another,_.As is known to all,there are many ways to _.First of all,_.Furthermore,_

25、.The last but not the least,_.In brief,_.In conclusion,_.Wed better _.Accordingly,_.,How to Succeed in a Job Interview There has been a discussion recently about the interview.It is true to the present situation that the interview becomes indispensable in seeking a job.For one thing,if a job seeker

26、can make the best use of the interview and leaves a good impression on the mind of the interviewer,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.For another,if the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance.As is known to all,the

27、re are many ways to make an excellent performance in an interview.First of all,the applicant ought to pay attention to his appearance and manner of speaking.Furthermore,he is supposed to display his ability,especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is apply

28、ing.The last but not the least,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.In brief,if the interviewee displays these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during the interview,the interviewer might

29、 make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.In conclusion,the job interview is indeed important.Wed better pay attention to the skills.Accordingly,if the interviewee has made full preparations for it and given a fairly confident and honest performance,his success can be ensured.,现象解释(图表分析型)作文,要突出重点

30、,抓住图表中的极端点,如最大最小,最多最少,最差最好,基本相同处等。看出总的规律趋势,抓住特征,归纳增减速度。图表中如出现大量数据,描述时抓住重点,不必一 一列出曲线图,饼状图,柱状图 chart 表格图 table,右图所示为1990年,1995年,2000年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变化。说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途价格或社会发展等方面加以说明你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难和问题,Students Use of Computers,As is clearly shown in the chart,students are now spending much

31、more time on the computer,form one hour to four hours per week between 1990 and 1995.Especially,in increases sharply to twenty hours in the year of 2000.There are three reasons for this phenomenon.To begin with,due to the sharp decline in price of personal computer,most college students now can affo

32、rd one.In addition,they find the computer a wonderful thing to have fun with.For example,they can chat through QQ or playing games on line.Last but not least,from Internet,they can learn things much more quickly than simply from reading books so that they can secure a good job in the future.In short

33、,low price,increasing awareness of having fun or getting information from Internet make student use computes a lot.As far as Im concerned,there are some complaints from both teachers and students.On the one hand,students complaint about the less availability of computers and slow speed of the networ

34、k.On the other hand,some teachers worry that the much more time spent playing computer games or surfing on line will lead students to ignore their studies and even do cheating instead of doing research by their own.In brief,in spite of problems concerning the use of computer,we cant deny that comput

35、er is of more merits than defects.,模板1,As is clearly shown in the chart,_.Especially,_.There are three reasons for _.To begin with,_.In addition,_.For example,_.Last but not least,_.In short,_.As far as Im concerned,_.On the one hand,_.On the other hand,_.In brief,_.,Students Use of Computers,The ch

36、art shows that students are now spending much more time on the computer,from one hour to fore hours per week from 1990 to 1995.It is self-evident that it increases sharply to twenty hours in the year of 2000.Three possible reasons contribute to this phenomenon.One reason is that most college student

37、s now can afford a personal computer due to the sharp decline in its price.Another reason is that they find the computer a wonderful thing to have fun with.For instance,they can chat through QQ or playing games on line.Whats more,from Internet,they can learn things much more quickly than simply from

38、 reading books so that they can secure a good job in the future.As a result,all these lead to much more time spent on using computers.However,in my opinion,there are some complaints from both teachers and students.For one thing,students complain about the less availability of computers and slow spee

39、d of the network.For another,some teacher worry that the much more time spent playing computer games or surfing on line will lead students to ignore their studies and even do cheating instead of doing research by their own.To sum up,in spite of problems concerning the use of computer,computer is sti

40、ll of more merits than defects.,模板2,The chart shows that _.It is self-evident that _.Three possible reasons contribute to _.One reason is that _.Another reason is that _.For instance,_.Whats more,_.As a result,_.However,in my opinion,_.For one thing,_.For another,_.To sum up,_.,Using computers has b

41、ecome a common part of peoples life.And the tremendous growth of student use of computers has always aroused the greatest concern.What impresses us most is that,in 2000,college students averagely spent 20hours per week on computer,which is the size more than ten times that of ten years age.The reaso

42、ns why computers are widely used are varied.Among the various reasons the decreasing price of PC plays an important part.That is to say,more students can afford a personal computer.What is more,Internet provides college students an amazing world to explore.For example,people can get the latest news

43、and information as well as conveniently make friends around the world.When talking about disadvantages and problems existing in student use of computers,I think that their lack of skills and disciplines is the point we should pay attention to.On the one hand,their lack of skills fails students to ma

44、ke full use of the computer and Internet.On the other hand,their lack of necessary disciplines makes some students indulge in computer games and net world,and even other negative materials,forgetting their major tasks as college students.In brief,there is still a lot to do to help students make good

45、 use of computers.,模板3,_ has become a common part of peoples life.And _ has always aroused the greatest concern.What impresses us most is _.The reasons _ are varied.Among the various reasons _ plays an important part.That is to say,_.What is more,_.For example,_.When talking about _.On the one hand,_.On the other hand,_.In brief,_.,


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