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1、高中英语 被动语态的复习,语态(voice)是个语法范畴,它是一种动词形式,表示动词的主语与该动词所表示的动作之间的主动和被动关系。当主语是动作的执行者时,动词用主动语态(Active Voice);如果主语是动作的承受者,动词便用被动语态(Passive Voice)。,We cleaned the classroom yesterday.昨天我们打扫了教室。The classroom was cleaned by us yesterday.昨天教室被我们打扫了。,一、被动语态的定义:,动词的被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。当主动句变为被动句时,原来的宾语变成了主语,原来的

2、主语变成了介词by 的宾语。主动句与被动句的结构虽然不同,但动作的执行者和承受者的关系并没有改变。,二、被动语态的一般结构:,即:be+done(+by),(五),在被动句中有时用by-词组,有时不用。一般来说,当动作的执行者为谁不甚清楚,不甚重要或难以说出时,通常不用by。但有时为了强调动作执行者或者由于上下和结构上的需要则必须使用 by 词组。例如:,Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.哈姆雷特是莎士比亚写的。The task has been finished.任务已经完成了。,结构:be+done(+by),被 动 语 态 的 使 用1.当不知道或没有必

3、要指出动作的执行者时,常用被动语态,这时往往不用by 短语。“Mr.White,the cup was broken after class.”2.突出或强调动作的承受者,如果需要说出动作的执行者,用by 短语。These records were made by John Denver.The cup was broken by Paul.3.当汉语句子的主语既不是动作的执行者,也不是动作的承受者时,这时常用in+名词作状语,而代替 by 短语。These cars were made in China.15,000 cars will be produced each year in th

4、e new factory.,被动语态的时态、人称和数的变化 主要体现在be的变化上,其形式与系动词be的变化形式完全一样。以 do 为例,列表如下:一般现在时:一般过去时:一般将来时:一般过去将来时:现在进行时:过去进行时:现在完成时:过去完成时:将来完成时:过去将来完成时:,am/is/are+done was/were+done shall/will+be done should/would+be done am/is/are+being+done was/were+being+done have/has+been+done had+been+done shall/will+have b

5、een+done should/would+have been+done,(三)常见的八种时态中的被动语态1.一般现在时:(1)People grow rice in the south of the country.Rice is grown in the south of the country.(2)The school doesnt allow us to enter the chemistry lab without a teacher.We are not allowed to enter the chemistry lab without a teacher.,(三)常见的八种时

6、态中的被动语态 2.一般过去时:(1)They agreed on the building of a new car factory last month.The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month.(2)The students didnt forget his lessons easily.His lessons were not easily forgotten.,(三)常见的八种时态中的被动语态3.一般将来时:(1)They will send cars abroad by sea.Cars will be s

7、ent abroad by sea.(2)They will give plenty of jobs to school-leavers.Plenty of jobs will be given to school-leavers.,(三)常见的八种时态中的被动语态4.过去将来时:(1)The manager said they would complete the project by the end of the year.The manager said the project would be completed by the end of the year.(2)The worker

8、s told me they would mend the car as soon as possible.The workers told me that the car would be mended as soon as possible.,(三)常见的八种时态中的被动语态5.现在进行时:(1)The radio is broadcasting English lessons.English lessons are being broadcasted on the radio.(2)We are painting the rooms.The rooms are being painted

9、.,(三)常见的八种时态中的被动语态6.过去进行时:(1)The workers were mending the road.The road was being mended.(2)This time last year we were planting trees here.Trees were being planted here this time last year.,(三)常见的八种时态中的被动语态7.现在完成时:(1)Someone has told me the sports meeting might be put off.I have been told the sport

10、s meeting might be put off.(2)He has brought his book here.His book has been brought here.,(三)常见的八种时态中的被动语态8.过去完成时:(1)When I got to the theatre,I found they had already sold out the tickets.(2)The whole country was very sad at the news of his death;People had considered him to be a great leader.,Whe

11、n I got to the theatre,I found the tickets had already been sold out.,He had been considered to be a great leader.,(四)含有情态动词的被动语态:含有情态动词的被动语态是由“情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。(1)You must hand in your compositions after class.(2)He can write a great many letters with the computer.,Your compositions must be han

12、ded in after class.,A great many letters can be written with the computer by him.,People speak English almost all over the world.世界各地都有人讲英语。,English is spoken almost all over the world.,1含有单宾语的句子转换:,四、主动变被动中的几个问题:,People believe that he is an honest boy.大家认为他是个诚实的孩子。,It is believed that he is an hon

13、est boy.,The boy is believed to be an honest one.,方法1)把宾语从句里的主语变成被动句的主语,同时把宾语从句中的谓语变成不定式短语。,方法2)用先行的it作形式主语,把宾语从句变成后置的主语从句;,另:当主动句的宾语是that引导的宾语从 句,可转换为两种形式的被动句。,练习:We all think that we could win the game.,we are thought to win the game.,It is thought that we could win the game.,类似结构据说It is said that

14、 据报导It is reported that 据推测It is supposed that 希望It is hoped that 众所周知It is well known that 普遍认为It is generally considered that 有人建议It is suggested that,2.含有双宾语的主动句的转换,I gave the book to Mr.Smith yesterday.昨天我给了史密斯先生一本书。,The book was given to Mr.Smith yesterday(by me).,Mr.Smith was given a book yest

15、erday(by me).,注意:1.一般在下列动词后,常在间接宾语前用介词 to,如:bring,give,hand,lend,offer,pass,pay,promise,sell,show,take,teach,tell 等。(1)The book was showed to the class.(2)My bike was lent to her.2.一般在下列动词后,间接宾语前用介词 for,如:build,buy,cook,cut,choose,do,fetch,find,fix,get,keep,make,order,paint,play,sing 等。(1)A new skir

16、t was made for me.(2)The meat was cooked for us.(3)Some country music was played for us.,3.含有动词短语的句子转换。,They have never listened to him.,人家从不听他的话。,He has never been listened to.,练习:They take good care of the baby.,The baby is taken good care of by them.,注意:含动词词组的被动语态,须将其看作一 个整体,不可把它们分隔开来。,He made me

17、 do the work.,I was made to do the work by him.,4.主动句中动词不带to,但在被动句中带to的几种情况:,练习:,we heard him say good-bye to his friends.,He was heard to say good-bye to his friends.,注意:see,watch,observe,notice,look at,listen to,hear,make,feel等词 在主动句中动词不带to,但在被动句中要带to,5.当主动句的主语是nobody,no one等含有否定意义的不定代词时,被动句中将其变为a

18、nybody,作by的宾语,并将谓语动词变为否定的被动语态。如:Nobody can answer this question.误:The question can be answered by nobody.正:The question can not be answered by anybody.,6.当否定句中的宾语是anything,anybody,anyone等不定代词时,在被动句中应将其分别变为nothing,nobody,no one作主语,并将谓语动词变为肯定的被动语态。如:They havent done anything to make the river clean.误:

19、Anything hasnt been done to make the river clean.正:Nothing has been done to make the river clean.,7.以who为主语开头的疑问句,变被动时,用by whom放在句首:Who wrote the story?误:Who was the story written?正:By whom was the story written?,Get+pp get hurt get lost get paid get changed get dressed get married get burnt get sta

20、rted,五、主动形式也可以表示被动意义的几种情况:,1、主语是物,谓语是表示主语特征或属性的动词。常见的这类动词有write,read,wear,wash,clean,sell,run等。这些动词常与副词连用。例如:,The machine runs well.This pen writes quite smoothly.This kind of book sells well.,一些与cant(不能)或wont(不会)连用的动词。常用的有:lock(锁住),shut(关上),open(打开),act(上演),write(写),cut(砍,切),wear(穿,戴)等,用作不及物动词时,用主动

21、表被动。例如:The door wont open.这门打不开。It cant move.它不能动。,2、表示主语状态特征的连系动词:look,feel,smell,taste,sound,prove,appear等。例如:,Do you like the material?Yes,it _ very soft.A.is feeling B.felt C.feels D.is felt,C,Your idea sounds reasonable.What he said proved to be correct.,3.be worth 后接动名词的主动式表示被动意义。,His suggesti

22、on is not worth considering.,4.在need,require,want(需要)等动词后,表示某物(人)要进行处理时,后接动名词一般式的主动形式作宾语表示被动意义,相当于不定式的被动式。例如:,Youve come just in time to help us.Fine,what requires doing?(=Fine,what requires to be done?)This sentence needs _.A.an improvement B.improve C.improving D.improved,C,五、动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义,1.不定

23、式修饰的名词或代词和不定式有逻辑上的主谓关系时。例如:,The next train to arrive was from New York.Yang is the first Chinese to travel in space.,2.作定语的不定式与被修饰的名词或代词有逻辑上的动宾关系,且句子中有动作的执行者。,Please give me something to eat.I have a lot of work to do today.,(间接宾语me是to eat的逻辑主语),(主语I是to do的逻辑主语),注意:“-Do you have anything to be typed

24、?”Asked the secretary.,3.用在作表语或宾语补足语的形容词后面的不定式,如果与句子的主语或宾语有动宾关系时,一般用主动形式。主语 is adj to do.,His speech in English was difficult to follow.Do you think him easy to get along with?,Who is to blame for starting the fire?这场火灾应由谁负责?The house is to let.此房出租,不定式特殊搭配,第一,感官系动词和联系动词一般用主动形式表示被动意义,如:feel,look,see

25、m,appear,taste,sound,remain,stay,keep,become,grow,get,turn,go,prove,turn out 等。Do you like the material?Yes,it feels very soft.误:It is felt very soft.误:The food is tasted delicious.误:The pop music is sounded beautiful.,下列情况不能被动,第二,谓语是某些及物动词leave离开,enter,reach,suit,have,benefit,lack,belong to,consist

26、 of,add up to,lose heart 等。如:误:The room was entered and his book was got.She had her hand burned.误:Her hand was had burned.,第三 不及物动词和短语不用被动。发生:happen,occur,take place,come about,break out.appear/disappear rise/go up fall/go down exist lie run out/give out,第四,宾语是反身代词,相互代词,同源宾语,不定式,v-ing形式及抽象名词等,不能变为被

27、动句子的主语,如:I taught myself English.误:Myself was taught English.We love each other.误:Each other is loved.,同源宾语:少数不及物动词后面能跟一个特定的名词作宾语,这个名词和前面的动词在词根上是相同的或者在意义上是相近的,这样的宾语就叫做同源宾语。如:I dreamed a terrible dream last night.昨晚,我做了一个恶梦。二、用法:1.常见的能带同源宾语的动词有:lead,live,die,sleep,dream,breathe,smile,laugh,fight,run,

28、sing等。斗争,打了一个漂亮仗。,a.I dreamed a terrible dream last night.昨晚,我做了一个恶梦。b.Our soldiers fought a wonderful fight against the floods last August.去年八月份,我们的战士与洪水作,高考直击:,1.An exhibition of paintings _ at the museum next week Aare to be held B.is to be held C.are holding Dwill hold2.Every possible means _,bu

29、t none _ successful A.has tried;has proved Btried;proves C.has been tried;proves D.is being tried;is proved3.The question he asked is hard _ A.for answer B.to answer C.to be answered D.answering,B,C,B,4By the end of last year,another new gymnasium _ in Beijing.A.would be completed B.was being comple

30、ted C.has been complete D.had been completed5More than a dozen students in that school abroad to study medicine last year.A.sent B.were sent C.had sent D.had been sent,D,B,6.Why did you leave that position?I a better position at IBM.A.offer B.offered C.am offered D.was offered 7.More patients in hos

31、pital this year than last year.A.treated B.have treated C.had been treated D.have been treated 8.Sarah,hurry up.Im afraid you wouldnt have time to before the party.A.get changed B.get change C.get changing D.get to change,D,D,A,9.Rainforests and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from t

32、he earth in the future.A.cut B.are cut C.are being cut D.had been cut 10.After a fire broke out in the lab,a lot of equipment.A.is damaged B.had been damaged C.damaged D.was damaged,C,D,11.The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics by 2006.A.has been completed B.ha

33、s completed C.will have been completed D.will have completed12.I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.A.is to blame B.is doing to blame C.is to be blame D.should blame13.Great changes _in the city,and a lot of factories_.A.have been taken placehave been set up B.have taken placehave b

34、een set up C.have taken placehave set up D.were taken placewere set up,C,A,B,14.Do you like the material?Yes,it_ very soft.A.is feeling B.felt C.feels D.is felt15.The Olympic Games,_in 776 BC,did not include women players until 1912 A.first playing B.to be first played C.first played D.to be first p

35、laying,C,C,16.There are many good films played by Chen Long that are worth _.A.to be seen B.being seen C.seeing D.to see 17.The food _ easily and sells_.A.cooks;well B.is cooking;good C.is cooked;well D.cooked;good 18.The windows of the building cant _.,A.be closed B.close C.be closing D.closed,19.T

36、he church tower which _ will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished.has restored B.has been stored C.is restoring D.is being restored 20.The way the guests _ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.treated B.were treated C.would treat D.would be treated,实战应用:,welcome to

37、 our school.I d like to introduce you the plans for our school.A lot of work _(do)in the past few years.The library _(complete)and is ready for use.But we still have to do more work.A new biology lab _(build)this year.But we donot have enough money for the equipment.Students in all grades_(collect)m

38、oney.A party _(plan)for the end of this term.The money which is collected _(spend)on new equipment.At present,plans _(make)for a party at the end of the summer term.the gardens of the school _(improve)this year.New trees _(plant)which will soon give shade in Summer.The whole school _(paint)during the holidays.In fact,she will be more beautiful and good for us to study.,has been done,has been completed,Is being built,are collecting,Is being planned,will be spent,are being made,are being improved,are being planted,is going to be painted,


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