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1、Jobs and Careers,Unit 4,Pre-reading Questions,Watch a news clip after examining the new words,then answer“what is the news about?”,thanks toconductindustrializeDanefeel like doingcolleaguekeepunder controlembracephilosophy,absenteeismstatisticsoddfarescalesoardemandingrewardingat stake,幸亏,实施,实行,工业化,

2、丹麦,想做,同事,信奉,哲学,旷工,缺勤,统计,临时,不固定,生活,遭遇,等级,高飞,猛增,高要求的,有益处、报酬,在危险中,Pre-reading Expressions,What is the representation of the stress in the workplace?,High rate of absenteeism on workdays.,Hug colleagues first things in the morning.,Have a day off to celebrate the colleague birthday.,Take an interesting

3、and rewarding job.,What are the suggestions for releasing the stress in the workplace?,Good relation with your colleagues.,Pre-reading Expressions,What factors do you/will you take into account when choosing a job?,Your interest.,Your aptitude and competence.,Salary and insurance.,Pre-reading Expres

4、sions,Expressions that are likely to be used to talk about jobs and careers:,a dull/routine/dead-end job,a bright/promising/prosperous/challenging job,He just fell into the job by chance.,She has her eye on her present job.,It is tough to break into a career field if you lack experience.,He started

5、from scratch and now has become a successful businessman.,Pre-reading Expressions,Expressions that are likely to be used to talk about jobs and careers:,All she wants is to gun for promotion/work her way up.,He immersed himself in the pleasure of work.,His present job can always provide him a sense

6、of mission and a sense of accomplishment.,He is committed to honing his competitive edge.,Pre-reading Expressions,Some most frequently asked questions in job interviews:,What did you like or dislike about your previous job?,Why are you leaving your job?,What is your greatest weakness?,What is your g

7、reatest strength?,Do you take work home with you?,What do you expect from a supervisor?,How do you handle stress and pressure?,What are your salary expectation?,Pre-reading Expressions,Some most frequently asked questions in job interviews:,What did you like or dislike about your previous job?,I enj

8、oyed the people I worked with.It was a friendly and fun atmosphere and I actually enjoyed going into work each morning.I felt the leadership team was great as well.They knew all of their employees on their employees first name basis and tried to make those personal connections.One of the reasons I a

9、m leaving is that I felt I was not challenged enough at the job.After being there for so many years,I felt I was not able to reach my full potential because of the lack of challenge.I feel my skill can be better utilized elsewhere,where my capabilities are more recognized and there is the opportunit

10、y for growth.,Pre-reading Expressions,Some most frequently asked questions in job interviews:,Why are leaving your job?,Never badmouth your boss.,I found myself bored with the work and looking for more challenges.I am an excellent employee and I didnt want my unhappiness to have any impact on the jo

11、b I was doing for my employer.,I was laid-off from my last position when our department was eliminated due to corporate restructuring.,Pre-reading Expressions,Some most frequently asked questions in job interviews:,Why are leaving your job?,I recently received my degree and I want to utilize my educ

12、ational background in my next position.,I was commuting to the city and spending a significant amount of time each day on travel.I would prefer to be closer to home.,To be honest,I wasnt considering a move,but,I was attracted by the position and the company.It sounds like an exciting opportunity and

13、 an ideal match with my qualifications.,Pre-reading Expressions,Some most frequently asked questions in job interviews:,What do you expect from a supervisor?,I appreciate a work environment where supervisors try to make personal connections with their employees.,I would like to be able to go my mana

14、ger if I have an issue or idea and to be able to feel comfortable to expressing my thoughts.I would also expect my supervisor to be open and honest with me and to let me know if there is anything I could do to improve upon or do differently in my work.,Pre-reading Expressions,Some most frequently as

15、ked questions in job interviews:,What is your greatest weakness?,When Im working on a project,I dont want just to meet deadlines.Rather,I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.,Being organized wasnt my strongest point,but I implemented a time management system that really helped my o

16、rganization skills.,I like to make sure that my work is perfect,so I tend to perhaps spend a little too much time checking it.However,Ive come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everything is done correctly the first time.,Pre-reading Expressions,Some most frequently asked questions

17、in job interviews:,What is your greatest strength?,I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and Ive earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer.,My time management skills are excellent and Im organized,efficient,and take pride in excelling at my work.,I pride myself on my c

18、ustomer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.,Pre-reading Expressions,Some most frequently asked questions in job interviews:,Do you take work home with you?,Do you take work home with you is a tricky question,be ready.The longer the answer,the bigger the hole

19、youve dug.,When I need to,no problem.I realize the importance of meeting deadlines and getting work done on time.,Pre-reading Expressions,Some most frequently asked questions in job interviews:,How do you handle stress and pressure?,Stress is very important to me.With stress,I do the best possible j

20、ob.The appropriate way to deal with stress is to make sure I have the correct balance between good stress and bad stress.I need good stress to stay motivated and productive.,From a personal perspective,I manage stress by visiting the gym every evening.Its a great stress reducer.,Pre-reading Expressi

21、ons,Some most frequently asked questions in job interviews:,What are your salary expectations?,?Money is important,but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most.,I hope I can get around 80k-90k.Of course,the responsibility that goes along with this job is what in

22、terests me the most.,I hope I can get around 80k-90k.Of course,it also depends on my detail responsibility.,My current salary is 80k,I wish I could get at least 15%increase in my new job.,Jobs and CareersReading One,Unit 4,Background Knowledge,The monkey wrench is an adjustable tool that was popular

23、 in the nineteenth century but is rarely used today.,Monkey Wrench,It can be adjusted to tighten or unfasten any size of nut and bolt.,throw a Monkey Wrench into,To cause problems for someones plans.,For Example:All week Id planned to leave work early to go to the ball game.But the boss just threw a

24、 monkey wrench into my plans-he asked me to stay late to finish up a special report for him.,Background Knowledge,A Frog in the Pot(on the Stove)/Boiling Frog,What if a frog is placed in boiling water all of a sudden?,What if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated?,It will jump out,because

25、 its survival instincts can detect sudden changes.,It will not be aware of the danger and will be cooked to death.,Background Knowledge,What is the implying meaning of it?,The story tells us how humans have to be careful to watch slowly changing trends in the environment,not just the sudden changes.

26、Its a warning to keep us paying attention not just to obvious threats but to more slowly developing ones.,For example:The local well had an inch less of water in it.A person might realize theres a problem if theres suddenly NO water,but a slowly dropping level might not be an obvious crisis until it

27、s too late!,If you are chronically tired,stressed,anxious or feeling low,you may be a slowly cooking frog.If you think you are,talk to friends,family,a counselor.Theres no virtue in being a martyr frog.All you get is cooked.,Reading one Check your comprehension,Write down the main idea of the paragr

28、aphs.,You and people around you suffer if you dont like the job you do./Work for you is a torture if you dont like it.,Paragraph 12,Paragraph 13,Paragraph 15,You can always choose a job environment agreeable to your nature.,We are much more creative than we suspect./We are all more creative than we

29、believe ourselves to be.,Reading One,Decide whether each of them is true or false.,_ 1.The author defines work as doing something one is not interested in._ 2.When a person dislikes his job,it is wise for him to get used to it rather than get out of it._ 3.All of the authors studies show that a noti

30、ceable number of people are not satisfied with their jobs._ 4.In the authors opinion,many things have to be taken into account if one wants to change to another job environment._ 5.The one way to achieve true happiness is to make a good living by using all your skills and knowledge.,F,F,T,F,F,Readin

31、g One,Answer each of the following questions with the information from the text.,What is the authors definition of work?,Work is not something you dont enjoy doing.Work is a thing that appeals to you more than any other,is a way to express yourself with all your skills and enthusiasm,and a way to gi

32、ve a sense of purpose and a sense of achievement.,Reading One Check your vocabulary,Answer each of the following questions with the information from the text.,What does George really like,being a locomotive engineer or playing bridge?Why?What is real work according to Georges logic?What is the imply

33、ing meaning of the Georges example?,George really enjoys being a locomotive engineer because it brings him masterfulness and responsibility while playing bridge causes him to feel defeated.According to Georges logic,the real work is to play bridge not to be a locomotive engineer.The author implies t

34、hat some people hold that work is something they dont enjoy doing.,Reading One Check your vocabulary,Answer each of the following questions with the information from the text.,What does the frogs example imply to us?,If the job are not agreeable to your nature or your interest,but you cannot be brav

35、e enough to change it,your physical and psychological health will be gradually and severely damaged,just like the frog that is placed in a pot of fresh water on the stove.,Check your vocabulary,Match the words on the right with that on the left.,fritter awaylullaptfagged(out)maladjustmentmonotonouss

36、tungrimplow throughsheeralien,very serious and unsmiling in appearancedaze or shock sb with sth unexpectedinability to adjust to the demands(relationship calm sbs fear by deceptionuninteresting,boring or tediouscomplete,thoroughlikely or having a tendency to do sthvery tired,exhausted,Check your voc

37、abulary,Match the words on the right with that on the left.,moodyindigestionmutterharassinsomniarebelliousfigurativeulcerknackwrenchthrottle,difficulties in changing food into sth used by bodyskill at performing some special taskwords used in an imaginative or metaphorical way twist or pull sb/sth v

38、iolently away from sthhaving moods that change quickly;bad-temperedopen sore on the outside or inside of the bodytrouble and annoy sb continuallyspeak or say sth in a low voice,plain open resistance to the authority or controlinability to sleepseize sb by the throat and stop him breathing,Reading On

39、e Check your vocabulary,Paraphrase the following sentences with a special focus on the italicized parts.,As he continues to feel frustrated,he becomes rebellious,figuratively kicks at people,grows sour on the world.,As the state of frustration remains,he becomes rebellious and bad-tempered,figurativ

40、ely attacks people around him,and is unfriendly to and unhappy with the world.,Yes,forcing yourself to work at a job you dislike is like wearing a lead vest to run a race its just plain exhausting.,If you are doing something you are not interested in,it is just like you are wearing a heavy vest whil

41、e running a race and you will feel exhausted easily.,Reading One Check your vocabulary,Paraphrase the following sentences with a special focus on the italicized parts.,It is only when you get caught in a job that is wholly alien to your nature that you develop ulcers and a nervous breakdown.,When yo

42、u are put in a job which is not agreeable to your personality,you will feel miserable and end up falling ill or your mental healthy will suffer.,Reading One Check your vocabulary,Paraphrase the following sentences with a special focus on the italicized parts.,A department head is unconsciously ackno

43、wledging his creativeness when he points with pride to one of his best salesmen and says,“Why,when I got hold of Eddie he was useless!”,When a department head points proudly to one of his best salesmen and says,“When I first put Eddie in the position,he didnt show any competence at all,”he is actual

44、ly admitting his creativeness in an unconscious way.,Reading One Check your vocabulary,Paraphrase the following sentences with a special focus on the italicized parts.,To my mind,the world would be a much pleasant and more civilized place to live in,if everyone resolved to pursue whatever is closest

45、 to his heart desire.,In my opinion,if everyone strives to do what he/she really likes,the world would become much more agreeable and humane.,Reading One Check your vocabulary,Fill in the blanks with the words.,“It is too late now to stop him,”said Harris _.After _ all those textbooks,it was a relie

46、f to read a novel.This custom is totally _ to him,a newcomer from Europe._ chance quite often plays an important part in sparking off an idea.He has got the _ of getting people to listen.,grimly,plowing through,alien,Sheer,knack,Reading One Check your vocabulary,Fill in the blanks with the words.,6.

47、Every day before she starts working,she is _ to tidy her office and make herself a cup of tea.7._ by almost uninterrupted economic growth,too many European firms assumed that prosperity would last forever.,apt,Lulled,Reading One Check your vocabulary,Find proper words in Words in Focus to fill in th

48、e blanks.,1.“He exploded with rage”shows a _ use of the verb“to explode”.,figurative,2.The routine was the same every day,with nothing to break the _.,monotony,3.Their promise _ us into a false sense of security.,lulled,4.The reduction in funds is _ the development of new programs.,throttling,5.Maki

49、ng an apple pie is easy one youve got the _ of it.,knack,6.Ive got an enormous pile of papers to _.,plow through,7.Youll give yourself _ if you swallow your dinner so quickly.,indigestion,8.He finally _ against his strict upbringing.,rebelled,9.The kitchen roof is_ to leak when it rains.,apt,10.She

50、must have _ her ankle when she fell.,wrenched,11.News of the disaster _ people throughout the world.,stunned,Reading One Check your vocabulary,Translate the following sentences.,残忍的行为与他的本性格格不入。,Cruelty was quite alien to his nature.,她在昂贵的化妆品上挥霍了很多钱。,She fritters so much money away on expensive make-


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