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1、George Eliot(18191880),Realist writer One of the most powerful of contemporary writers.Among all the victorian woman novelists,only the Bronte sisters seem her equals.D.H.Lawrence regarded her as the first novelist that started putting all the actions inside,General Comments,Her family,She was born

2、on a farm in the family of a land agent.Her father was the agent for an estate in Warwickshire沃里克郡There are five children in George Eliots family.She was the youngest of the five children in the family.,Eliots birthplace at South Farm,Arbury,Life experiences,1841 Eliot and her father moved to Folesh

3、ill富利斯希尔 near Coventry考文垂The closeness to Coventry society brought new influences,most notably those of Charles and Cara Bray卡拉布雷Critical about religion,1851Eliot met George Henry LewesBy 1854They decided to live together though Lewes was married then.In july 1854 Lewes and Eliot travelled to Weimar

4、魏玛 and Berlin together for the purpose of research.,On 16,May,1880,Eliot get married to a man John Cross who was twenty years younger than herself regardless of controversy.After their honeymoon,Eliot fell ill with a throat infection,along with the kidney disease she had been afflicted with for the

5、previous few years,resulting in her death on 22,December,1880 at the age of 61.,After her death,she was buried in Highgate Cemmetery,London,next to George Henry Lewes.In 1980,on the centenary(一百周年纪念)of her death,a memorial stone was established for her in the Poets Corner.,早期小说Adam Bede 亚当贝德 The Mil

6、l on the Floss 弗洛斯河上的磨房 Silas Marner 织工马南中期小说 Romola 罗慕拉后期小说 middlemarch 米德尔马契,Main works,Feminism the Mill on the Floss,Main characters,Maggie Tulliver-Young female protagonistTom Tulliver-Maggies brotherPhilip Wakem-Hunchbacked 驼背classmate of Tom,and friend/suitor to MaggieMr Tulliver-Maggies and

7、Toms father,owner of the mill.Stephen Guest-Affluent suitor to Lucy,Plot summary,The novel spans a period of 10 to 15 years,from Toms and Maggies childhood up until their deaths in a flood on the floss.The book is fictional autobiography in part,reflecting the disgrace that George Eliot herself had

8、while in a lengthy relationship with a married man,George Henry Lewes,be repressed by,Maggie Tulliver with her parents and her older brother Tom,Maggie,books lover,eager to learn,longing for knowledge,compassionate,ethusiastic,clever,male chauvinism,her father,praises for the daughers eduction,keeps

9、 traditional concept a woman should not be so clever,her brother Tom,envys and hates blows her confidence,her mother,spoiles Tom,allows to bully Maggie,thinks this is mans strong personality wants her to be a Victorian lady,我只想如镜子反映事物那样,把人物和事件反映在我 脑子里的表象一丝不爽地叙述出来而已。我这面镜子毫无 疑问是有缺点的。有时候,轮廓会给歪曲了,照出来的影

10、子模糊而混乱。不过,我总觉得自己有责任把事物反映在 我脑子里的表象尽可能准确地告诉读者,正如我是在证人 席上宣誓要忠实叙述我所见所闻的实情一样。乔治 艾略特,The Characteristics of Eliots Works,As a woman of exceptional intelligence and life experience,George Eliot shows a particular concern for the destiny of women,especially those with great intelligence,potential and social

11、 aspirations.In her mind,the pathetic tragedy of women lies in their birth.Their inferior education and limited social life determine that they must depend on men for sustenance and realization of their goals,and they have only to fulfill the domestic duties.,The status of women in the Victorian era

12、,1 Marriage and the home-The life of women in Victorian era was generally centered on family-The only role of women in the Victorian era was to get married,have children,please their husbands and look after the homely chores.,2 Divorce and legal discrimination-The law regarded a married couple as on

13、e person.-The law expected women to obey their husbands judgement.-Women had no property rights,even in the proceeds of their own earnings.-They had no rights to custody抚养 of their own children and were excluded from universities and professions.,3 Victorian morality and sexuality,-Women were expect

14、ed to have sex with only one man,their husband.However,it was acceptable for men to have multiple partners in their life.,4 Education-The young women were mainly educated in accomplishments like drawing,painting,singing,dancing-everything which helped them to get a perfect suitor!But the men had the

15、 opportunity to study subjects of an extended,classical nature.-Women were rarely given the opportunity to attend university.,5 Women in the workforceThe explosive growth of industry,especially the textile industry,brought hundreds of thousands of women into factory jobs.In factories,women were empl

16、oyed as cheap labor and were forced to do very heavy and hard jobs for about half the usual pay.,In this period,sexual inequality in politics,economic life,education and social positions still prevailed;women were still regarded as second-class citizens.Man for the field and woman for the hearth灶台;Man for the sword and woman for the needle;Man to command and woman to obey.,THANK YOU,


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