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1、ampliaci, introducci i projectes de transformaci tcnica daconseguir tres simultnies. 5, reforar leducaci viria pensaments en tots els quadres i experincia de treballadors a tots els nivells, resumeix la promoci de la seguretat en reconeixement avanat, cstig per als responsables de la negligncia, acc

2、ident. 6, desenvolupament organitzacional, modificaci, laprovaci de seguretat i millorar les condicions de treball de planificaci i execuci, les regions de producci conixer la salut nacional i normes de seguretat, seguretat. 7, va intentar un important accident i accidents greus, ha de visitar el ll

3、oc investigaci i anlisi de lorganitzaci, segons el tres cap principis, seriosament. 8, regular informant a Congrs Obrer o a tots els treballadors laborals de protecci i escoltar les opinions i suggeriments i a lexecuci de les resolucions de lAssemblea General. responsabilitats de seguretat branca Di

4、rector (Director) 100 1, conscincia implementar lestat i la poltica de seguretat relacionats amb la fbrica, les poltiques i sistemes per garantir que aquest (Departament) t la responsabilitat principal de seguretat de producci. 2, pla, presentaci, temps de producci de la inspecci, resum, valoraci, p

5、lanificaci, disseny, ressenya, resum, avaluaci de riscos laborals. 3, enfortiment branca (sector) seguretat gesti oficina seguretat feina de suport, establir i millorar el compte de gesti de seguretat de fbrica, realitzar les inspeccions de seguretat de fbrica i inspeccions diries, per resoldre el p

6、roblema, triple quatre cap principi de prendre mesures, en condicions segures per a la producci. 4 organitzeu educaci viria i seguretat professional formaci nous treballadors, canvi de personal, davant dels llocs per dur a terme tres nivells deducaci seguretat i de la gurdia personal doperacions esp

7、ecials daconseguir la ciutat mitjanant la formaci professional i examen Consell de permet operacions especials desprs de loperaci. 5, regular, programaci, va informar aquest mesures tcniques (Departament) per seguretat, planificaci, aprovaci, responsable dorganitzaci i implementaci, la millora contn

8、ua de les condicions de treball. . 101th canvi lder seguretat responsabilitats 1, seriosament realitzar i fbrica per normativa relacionat amb la seguretat insistir en les normes de seguretat de producci, pla, presentaci, comprovaci, resumida i avaluat producci tasques alhora destacar seguretat. 2, s

9、eguretat i educaci tcnica equip empleats amb freqncia, especialment per a joves treballadors reforar leducaci, noves fbriques i mobilitat tipus deducaci viria de tres nivells. 3, supervisi i Inspecci realitzada amb equipos empleats estrictament sadhereixen a les normes de seguretat i procediments de

10、 seguretat, ls adequat del PPE i organitzar la inspecci producci segur i civilitzada i trobava el problema per tresbalanced and run the satisfaction of the people education. Room XX City Bureau of educational supervision of XX municipality May 6, 2016 County economic information and Business Council

11、 System Committee two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for advance full strictly rule party, according to County Organization Department on County two learn a do learning arrangements of specific programme and I Board learning education implementation programme spirit, according t

12、o distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and Prom

13、ote the work and be qualified party members and learning arrangements are hereby makes the following specific programmes. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series

14、 to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. Constitution Party rules. Learning of the party Constitution, a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles,

15、goals, organization, good style, grasp conditions, rights and obligations of party members, bearing in mind that oath, clear qualified party member criteria and conditions. Learning the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPCs disciplinary regulations, the Chinese Communist Party Member Rights O

16、rdinance and so on, mastering self-discipline standards of four must, the four upholdings, mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions. 2. series spoke. To XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) and out poverty for basic textbook, learning u

17、nderstand XI General Secretary series important speech of basic spirit, learning understand Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy of basic content, learning understand XI General Secretary in Fujian work during advocate of four grassroots immediately on do drop weak bi

18、rd first fly and the in Nanping research study proposed of gravity Xia moved, and innovation mechanism, important thought, Master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Main understand master following aspects con

19、tent: (1) ideal faith is Communists spirit Shang of calcium, set right of worldview, and Outlook on life, and values; (2) China dream is national of dream, and national of dream, and people of dream, is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream, core Essentials is national prosperity, and national re

20、vitalization, and people happiness; (3) China features Socialist is achieved Chinese great revival of way, enhanced road confidence, and theory confidence, and system confidence; (4) four a full Strategy layout is new of history conditions Xia party ruling acting political total strategy, consciousl

21、y with four a full led the work; (5) insisted innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared development is relationship China development global of one deep change, according to new development concept do job; (6) practice line Socialist core values, promote Socialist thought moral a

22、nd Chinese traditional virtueCRTS板式无砟轨道施工布板软件用户手册中铁十七局 成都普罗米新科技有限责任公司2009年9月目录1. 前言12. 系统安装与启动12.1运行平台12.2 软件安装12.3 启动软件23. 系统简介23.1主菜单及主操作界面23.1.1项目菜单组33.1.2 设计线路菜单组33.1.3 参数管理菜单组43.1.4 布板分布菜单组43.1.5 特大桥梁43.1.6 施工管理菜单组43.1.7 工具菜单组53.1.8 窗口菜单组53.1.9 帮助菜单组63.2 施工数据管理流程64. 项目管理74.1 新建项目74.2 打开项目74.3 修

23、改项目84.4 关闭项目84.5 删除项目85. 线路设计参数95.1 平面曲线参数95.1.1 添加平面曲线交点参数105.1.2 修改平面曲线交点参数105.1.3 删除平面曲线交点参数105.1.4 改变平面交点参数的顺序115.1.5 保存修改后的平面定线参数115.2 纵面曲线参数115.3 里程断链参数125.3.1 添加里程断链点参数135.3.2 修改里程断链点参数135.3.3 删除里程断链点参数145.3.4 保存修改后的断链点参数146. 参数管理146.1 定义轨道板类型146.1.1 添加轨道板类型定义156.1.2 编辑轨道板类型定义156.1.3 删除轨道板类型定

24、义156.2 定义轨道板断面定义156.1.1 添加轨道板断面定义176.1.2 编辑轨道板断面定义176.1.3 删除轨道板断面定义187. 布板分布187.1 导入布板分布参数187.2 编辑铺板分布198. 特大桥梁参数218.1 定义跨梁类型218.2 编辑跨梁分布229. 施工放样数据管理249.1 断面点放样坐标计算249.2 坐标数据文件检查2610. 轨道基准点测设数据平差2710.1 设置平差限差2710.2 导入CPIII起算网数据2810.3 基准点平面坐标数据平差2910.4 基准点水准高程数据平差3210.5 平差三维坐标纳入3610.6 导出基准点精调坐标数据371

25、1. 输出轨道板精调数据3912. 轨道板精调成果评估4112.1 选择轨道板检测数据文件4212.2 载入轨道板检测数据4312.3板支点偏差计算4312.4轨座支点平顺度数据分析4412.5. 输出轨座支点数据分析报表4612.6.支点的横向和高程的调整47ampliaci, introducci i projectes de transformaci tcnica daconseguir tres simultnies. 5, reforar leducaci viria pensaments en tots els quadres i experincia de treballador

26、s a tots els nivells, resumeix la promoci de la seguretat en reconeixement avanat, cstig per als responsables de la negligncia, accident. 6, desenvolupament organitzacional, modificaci, laprovaci de seguretat i millorar les condicions de treball de planificaci i execuci, les regions de producci coni

27、xer la salut nacional i normes de seguretat, seguretat. 7, va intentar un important accident i accidents greus, ha de visitar el lloc investigaci i anlisi de lorganitzaci, segons el tres cap principis, seriosament. 8, regular informant a Congrs Obrer o a tots els treballadors laborals de protecci i

28、escoltar les opinions i suggeriments i a lexecuci de les resolucions de lAssemblea General. responsabilitats de seguretat branca Director (Director) 100 1, conscincia implementar lestat i la poltica de seguretat relacionats amb la fbrica, les poltiques i sistemes per garantir que aquest (Departament

29、) t la responsabilitat principal de seguretat de producci. 2, pla, presentaci, temps de producci de la inspecci, resum, valoraci, planificaci, disseny, ressenya, resum, avaluaci de riscos laborals. 3, enfortiment branca (sector) seguretat gesti oficina seguretat feina de suport, establir i millorar

30、el compte de gesti de seguretat de fbrica, realitzar les inspeccions de seguretat de fbrica i inspeccions diries, per resoldre el problema, triple quatre cap principi de prendre mesures, en condicions segures per a la producci. 4 organitzeu educaci viria i seguretat professional formaci nous treball

31、adors, canvi de personal, davant dels llocs per dur a terme tres nivells deducaci seguretat i de la gurdia personal doperacions especials daconseguir la ciutat mitjanant la formaci professional i examen Consell de permet operacions especials desprs de loperaci. 5, regular, programaci, va informar aq

32、uest mesures tcniques (Departament) per seguretat, planificaci, aprovaci, responsable dorganitzaci i implementaci, la millora contnua de les condicions de treball. . 101th canvi lder seguretat responsabilitats 1, seriosament realitzar i fbrica per normativa relacionat amb la seguretat insistir en le

33、s normes de seguretat de producci, pla, presentaci, comprovaci, resumida i avaluat producci tasques alhora destacar seguretat. 2, seguretat i educaci tcnica equip empleats amb freqncia, especialment per a joves treballadors reforar leducaci, noves fbriques i mobilitat tipus deducaci viria de tres ni

34、vells. 3, supervisi i Inspecci realitzada amb equipos empleats estrictament sadhereixen a les normes de seguretat i procediments de seguretat, ls adequat del PPE i organitzar la inspecci producci segur i civilitzada i trobava el problema per tresfull strictly rule party is all members common respons

35、ibility, must implementation to each branch and each name members. 3 . Play a vanguard and exemplary role in life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish co

36、nsciousness of the party, the party members consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and discipline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some dont even mention membersh

37、ip, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) stre

38、ngthening the consciousness of the partys purpose. Focus on peoples conception of some party members, lack of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. Bearing in mind the fundamenta

39、l purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with the masses, be kind to people, dedicated to public service and play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe strin

40、gent members, knowledge out of devotion, talk about ethics, good faith is not enough, and some even value distortions, moral misconduct, sexy vulgar, materialistic, and so on. Strengthening moral cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to internalize the cor

41、e values into conscious action, with exemplary behavior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practice of promoting reform, development and stability. Focus on some party members with the status quo, a less aggressive mood, depressed, saying sluggish again, just to get by not seeking guodeyin

42、g, some even perfunctory address, evading responsibility and other issues. Actively adapt to the economic development of the new normal, seriously implement the new development philosophy, hard work hard work hard, based on their own dedication. Second, on the Council of the section-level cadres abo

43、ve requirements section above party cadres to take the lead in the education working closely with leading practice, learn more, better, more strict requirements, higher, and strive to improve the ideological and political quality and theoretical levels. 1. Constitution Party rules. System learning u

44、nderstanding CPC articles, in full grasp basic content of based Shang, focus master Constitution master and members, and party of organization system, and party of Central Organization, and party of place organization, and party of grass-roots organizations, and party of cadres, and party of discipl

45、ine, chapter content, deep grasp two a vanguard of nature and mission, further clear four a service of requirements, master members leaders must has of six items basic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC the CPC disciplinary regulations regulations of the CPC local committees

46、 of the party work of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Ordinance, such as the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres work of important laws and regulations within49CRTS II板式无砟轨道施工布板软件用户手册 中铁十七局.成都普罗米新科技有限责任公司1. 前言CRTSII型板式无砟轨道施工布板软件PVP Manager V2.5,简称:

47、II型板施工布板软件,是用于CRTS II型板式无砟轨道的施工测量数据计算和管理。它可以进行无砟轨道各个施工断面的放样点坐标计算、轨道基准点测设数据平差、生成轨道板精调数据文件(FFC和FFD)、轨道板精调成果评估。【系统研制】:成都普罗米新科技有限责任公司【生产厂商】:成都普罗米新科技有限责任公司【版权所有】:中铁十七局、成都普罗米新科技有限责任公司(C) 20092. 系统安装与启动2.1运行平台1. 操作系统版本:Microsoft简体中文Windows 2000/XP2. 数据库平台无3. 其它支撑软件Mircosoft .NET Framework 2.02.2 软件安装运行PVPManager 2.5安装光盘上的PVPManager 目录中的Setup.exe安装程序,选择并确认安装目录后,按照安装向导的提示完成软件系统的安装。安装完毕,在操作系统桌面上会出现PVPManager程序图标“II型板施工布板”,在操作系统开始/程序/Promethean程序组中会出现II型板施工布板快捷方式。2.3 启动软件选择操作系统开始/程序/Promethean/II型板施工布板软件,或者桌面上的“II型板施工布板软件” 快捷方式,启动PVPManager软件。3


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