1、Master Suns Art of War,appreciation,一、Master Suns Art of War synopsis,Art of war also known as Sun Wus art of war,Wu Sunzis art of war,about a book in 2500 before the end of the spring and autumn period.Art of waris not only one of the earliest books in the world,the greatest ancient Chinese militar
2、y theory works of Chinese ancient books,but also the greatest influence in the world,one of the most widely used books.The book has been translated into 29 languages.In many countries,the military take it as teaching material.,Sun Wu was born in spring and Autumn Period,the state of Qi,at war time.,
3、Art of war is a very comprehensive and complete system,this book just has five thousand and nine hundred words,a total of thirteen articles.But it has a logic system.,始计第一-LayingPlans;作战第二-WagingWar;谋攻第三-AttackbyStratagem;军形第四-TacticalDispositions;兵势第五-Energy;虚实第六-WeakPointsandStrong;军争第七-Maneuverin
4、g;九变第八-VariationinTactics;行军第九-TheArmyontheMarch;地形第十-Terrain;九地第十一-TheNineSituations;火攻第十二-TheAttackbyFire;用间第十三-TheUseofSpies。,Lets translate them,故曰:知己知彼,百战不贻;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼不知己,每战必败。,Hencethesaying:Ifyouknowtheenemyandknowyourself,youneednotfeartheresultofahundredbattles.Ifyouknowyourselfbutnott
5、heenemy,foreveryvictorygainedyouwillalsosufferadefeat.Ifyouknowneithertheenemynoryourself,youwillsuccumbineverybattle.,故兵贵胜,不贵久。Inwar,then,letyourgreatobjectbevictory,notlengthycampaigns.攻其无备,出其不意。Attackhimwhereheisunprepared,appearwhereyouarenotexpected.,二、The system of the Master Suns Art of War,A
6、ccording to the modern military science system to analyze,Master Suns Art of Warcontains four levels:,1、The concept of war,“Be cautious in war”,2、Strategic thinking,“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fight”,“dominate the enemy by striking first”,3、The tactical thought,“To the peo
7、ple instead of having people”,“know yourself as well as the enemy”,“To avoid real and imaginary attack”,Core,4、Military theory,“Order of the symbol,equal to things”,三、The practical application of Master Suns Art of War,1、Art of Warin the military field,Nearly 2500 years after the death of the famous
8、 Chinese military thinker Sun Tzu,the strategic thinking of being a profound impact on the modern battlefield.According to the data reported:the America held hundreds of lectures since the late 1970s,Art of Waris a book that the senior military academys student must learn.,2、Art of War in the econom
9、ic field,Some of the MBA courses regardArt of War as a classic reference book。,American Marketing Master Philip Kotler also worked in itsMarketing managementdiscusses the art of war in the marketing。In 50 years,the Sony Corp holds“以正合,以奇胜”,(宋)何去非,3、How to understand the art of war in the life practice,“不以法为守”、“而以法为用”“常能缘法而生法”“与夫离法而合法”,We think about it after class!And if you want to know More about it,you can surf the internet.,thank you!,