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1、六一儿童节中英文主持词4分钟5篇 六一儿童节中英文主持词4分钟5篇1各位领导、各位老师、亲爱的同学们:大家晚上好!很高兴能参加今天的庆祝“六一”儿童节的英语晚会。在这里请让我代表学校向初中的少先队员们表示节日的祝贺,向辛勤培育我们成长的老师们表示衷心地感谢!向参加我们晚会的来自边关的凭祥市夏石中学的同学和老师表示热烈的欢迎和致以节日的问候,并通过你们向夏石中学的老师和同学致以节日的祝贺和崇高的敬意!今年的“六一”儿童节,也许是你们过的最后一个儿童节,这意味着你们又长进了一步,今天你们用你们自编自演的英语节目来欢庆自己的节日,这是一个十分有意义的事情。但愿这个晚会给你们带来终生难忘的愉快的一个晚


3、乐,共同进步。为边陲的经济、文化、教育事业的发展,为祖国的繁荣昌盛贡献我们的力量。让我们携起手来,为培养有中国特色的社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人而努力!祝同学们身体健康,学习进步,节日快乐!祝晚会圆满成功!谢谢!Leaders, teachers, Dear students: Good evening everyone!Am pleased to be able to attend todays celebration of June 1 Childrens Day event in English. Here let me, on behalf of the junior secon

4、dary schools to the young pioneers say holiday GREetings, hard to nurture the growth of our teachers to e-press my sincere thanks! To join our party from the border of Ping-iang City summer-school students and teachers e-pressed a warm welcome and e-tend festive greetings, and through you to summer-

5、school teachers and students e-tended holiday greetings and pay high tribute !This years June 1 Childrens Day, you too may be the last Childrens Day, which means that you also frozen a step, you Zibianziyan Today, you use the English language programmes to celebrate the festival, this is a very mean

6、ingful Thing. Hopefully, this event has brought you the happy life of a memorable evening, I sincerely wish the show was a complete success.Students, and we often said: Children are the flowers of the motherland is the future of the country. Is the hope of the nation. As we all know, you Health on t

7、he socialist motherland of the GREat era of vigorous development, the future of the comprehensive construction of the grand blueprint for a well-off society, to rely on you to personally participate in and draw, the grand goal of national struggle to rely on you to achieve, so I hope you learn Cultu

8、ral and scientific knowledge, good ideological and moral cultivation, training health strong physique, starting from now, bit by bit from the start with small, start from their own words and deeds, in school, do a good student, in the family to be a Good boy, in the community do a good boy and becom

9、e a moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development of talents. We continue to hope and Ping-iang Bianzhai children, summer-school children pulling up to hand, the hand in hand the activities of mutual concern, mutual learning, solidarity, towards others, and common progress. For the edge o

10、f the economy, culture, education and development of the motherland and the prosperity of our contribution to the force. Let us join hands to train there for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics qualified builders and successors of reliable work!I wish the students good health and lea

11、rning proGREss, happy holidays!I wish evening a complete success!Thanks!六一儿童节中英文主持词4分钟5篇2各位老师、同学们:Dear teacher, the classmates:今天,我怀着十分喜悦的心情与大家一起欢庆六一国际儿童节。在此,我谨代表县委、县政府向全县的少年儿童朋友们致以节日的问候!向培育祖国花朵而辛勤耕耘、呕心沥血的老师们致以崇高的敬意!向获得20XX年度少队工作先进集体、优秀少队辅导员和红花少年荣誉称号的学校、老师和同学们表示热烈的祝贺!Today, I am very pleased with ev

12、eryone together to celebrate si- one the international childrens day. Here, on behalf of the county Party committee and government, to the childrens friends greetings! To cultivate the flowers of the motherland, make painstaking efforts and hard work of teachers pay tribute! To obtain the 20XX annua

13、l less advanced collective, team work and e-cellent team less counselors and safflower young the honorary title of the school, teachers and students e-pressed warm congratulations!少先队员、小朋友们,少年时代是美好人生的开端,远大的理想在这里孕育,高尚的情操在这里萌生,良好的习惯在这里养成,生命的辉煌在这里奠基。今天,你们是天真烂漫的红领巾。明天,你们将是建设家乡、建设祖国的生力军。看到同学们蓬勃向上的精神风貌,我感

14、到非常高兴和欣慰。希望同学们珍惜今天美好光阴,胸怀大志,成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的四有新人,从小就树立起为中华崛起而读书的远大理想;继承和发扬中华民族的传统美德,从一点一滴、一言一行做起,逐步养成文明礼貌、团结互助、诚实守信、遵纪守法、勤俭节约、热爱劳动的好品行;时刻保持强烈的求知欲和上进心,发奋读书,刻苦学习各门功课,打好知识基础;积极参加形式多样的课外校外活动,接触自然,了解社会,开阔眼界,进一步提高实践能力;坚持体育锻炼,养成良好的卫生习惯,不断增强体质和磨练勇敢顽强的意志,以强健的体魄、坚强的意志迎接未来的挑战,成为将来建设祖国、振兴中华的栋梁!The young pione

15、ers, children, youth is the beginning of a better life, lofty ideals bred here, noble sentiments sprouted here, a good habit to develop here, brilliant life here in the foundation. Today, you are the naivete of the red scarf. Tomorrow, you will be the new home construction, the construction of the m

16、otherland. To see the students the spirit of vigorous, I feel very happy and pleased. I hope the students cherish this wonderful time, aim high, to become ideals, morality, culture, discipline of the four new, was set up for the rise of Chinese reading lofty ideals; inherit and carry forward the tra

17、ditional virtues of the Chinese nation, start from every little bit, every word and action, and gradually develop a civilized manners, solidarity, honest and trustworthy, law-abiding, thrift, love of labor good conduct; maintain a strong thirst for knowledge and self-motivated, hard study, hard to l

18、earn various subjects, make good knowledge base; actively participated in various e-tracurricular activities, contact the nature, social understanding, broaden ones horizon, further improve the practice ability; physical e-ercise, to develop good health habits, continuously enhance the physical and

19、hone their brave and staunch, meet the challenges of the future to a strong body, strong will, become the future construction of the motherland, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation !少年儿童是祖国未来的建设者,是社会主义事业的接班人,关心少年儿童成长是全社会的共同职责。近年来,我县少儿事业在县委、县政府的正确领导下,在全县上下的共同努力下,取得了十分显著的成绩。希望全体教育行政工作者和老师们能够再接再厉,求实

20、创新,与时俱进,进一步深入贯彻执行党的教育方针,认真贯彻落实未成年人保护法等法律法规,为广大少年儿童营造一个宽松、平等、积极、向上的教育环境和成长环境。希望广大教师和少儿工作者热爱自己的工作和事业,加强自身修养,以正确的言行引导孩子,以高尚的情操陶冶孩子,教育孩子热爱祖国、尊敬父母、诚实守信、遵纪守法、勤劳自立,为广大儿童少年的茁壮成长创造良好环境,使学生在德、智、体、美等方面都得到更好的发展。只要学校、家庭、社会都能够关心少年儿童的成长,都能够重视少年儿童的教育,靖边的明天就一定会更加灿烂辉煌!Children are the future builders of our motherlan

21、d, is the successor of socialist cause, concerned about the growing up of children is the common duty of the whole society. In recent years, my county childrens cause in the correct leadership of the county Party committee, county government under the joint efforts of the county, in the lower, achie

22、ved significant results. I hope that all the educational administrative staff and teachers can make persistent efforts, innovation, advance with the times, to further implement the partys education policy, conscientiously implement the protection of Minors Act and other laws and regulations, to crea

23、te a rela-ed, equality, positive, upward education environment and growth environment for the children. Hope that the majority of teachers and childrens workers love their work and career, to strengthen their self-cultivation, to guide the children to the correct words and deeds, cultivate children

24、with noble sentiments, education of children who love the motherland, respect their parents, honest and trustworthy, law-abiding, diligent self-reliance, to create a good environment for the majority of children young grow sturdily, make students get better development in morality, intelligence, bod

25、y, beauty. As long as the school, family, society can be concerned about the growth of children, to pay attention to childrens education, Jingbians tomorrow will be more glorious and resplendent!最后,祝老师们身体健康,工作顺利!祝同学们节日快乐,好好学习、天天向上!Finally, I wish teachers healthy, smooth work! I wish the students a

26、happy holiday, study hard, make progress every day!谢谢大家!Thank you.六一儿童节中英文主持词4分钟5篇3师:尊敬的各位家长,各位来宾,亲爱的小朋友们。Teacher: dear parents, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.幼:尊敬的老师们。Young: Dear teachers.合:大家上午好!Together: Good morning everyone!师:六月,是一个充满希望的季节。Teacher: in June, is a season full of hope.幼:六月,是歌

27、声飞扬的季节。Young: June, is the song flying season.师:六一的鲜花绚丽多彩。Teacher: si- one flowers blew.幼:六一的阳光灿烂夺目。Young: si- one of sunlight brilliant.师:今天,我们沐浴着和风细雨,即将迎来柳绿花香的六月。Teacher: today, we bathed in gentle, is about to usher in the June floral liulv.幼:今天,我们带着祝福和希望,在这里欢聚一堂。Young: today, we with blessing an

28、d hope, here have a joyous gathering.合:共同庆祝20XX年六一国际儿童节的到来!A: to celebrate the 20XX International Childrens Day is coming!师:在此,我代表启蒙幼儿园的全体师生,祝全市的小朋友们节日快乐。Teacher: here, all the teachers and students on behalf of the kindergarten, I wish a happy the whole city kids festival.幼:下面请园长妈妈讲话。David: please,

29、 talk to my mom.师:启蒙幼儿园Teacher: Enlightenment kindergarten合:现在开始。A: now.师:下面请欣赏大班为我们带来的舞蹈开门红Teacher: please enjoy the following classes for us dance off to a good start2.大班小朋友表演的真是精彩,小班的弟弟妹妹也不甘落后,一个个跃跃待式,掌声欢迎他们为我们带来的舞蹈两只小象2 big kids show is really wonderful, Bens younger brother and sister also unwi

30、llings to lag behind, a jump to type, applause to welcome them as we bring the dance two calves3.刚刚走了两只小象,我们又迎来了可爱的大红豆。下面请欣赏小二班的幸福大红豆3 has just gone two calves, we ushered in a lovely big red bean. Happy red beans, please enjoy the second class4.看他们一个个可爱的舞姿,只是太棒了,我们中班的小朋友们也为自己的节日增添了气氛,请欣赏快乐的节日4 see

31、their lovely dance, just great, our kids have to add to the atmosphere for your holiday, please enjoy the happy holiday5.歌声悠悠,张张笑脸,老爷爷也来凑热闹,老爷爷还带了一个礼物,是什么呢?请欣赏歌舞剧拔萝卜,表演者小一班小朋友。The 5 song long, smiling faces, grrandpa also laicourenao, grandpa also brought a gift, what is it? Please enjoy the song an

32、d dance drama to pull out the radish, a small class children.6.是一个大萝卜啊。热闹的歌舞过后,让我们静静地聆听由施瞾瑀和齐佳意为大家带来的歌曲宁夏6 is a big turnip. After a lively dance, lets listen quietly by the Zhaoyu and Qi Jiayi for everyone to bring the song Ning-ia7.伴随着美妙的歌声,我们又迎来了可爱的天使,欢迎他们。7 with a wonderful song, we have ushered

33、in the lovely angel, welcome them.8.孩子是祖国的未来和希望,让我们去歌唱美好的未来。下面请欣赏中二班的最好的未来The 8 children are the future and hope of the motherland, let us sing the beautiful future. Here is the best future class two appreciation9.真是太动听了,下面我们用热烈的掌声欢迎中一班的宋一丹小朋友带来的独舞天竺少女,欢迎。9 really is too good, let us with warm appla

34、use to welcome in a class Song Yidan childrens solo Tianzhu girl, welcome.10.都是武林高手啊,接下来是还是舞蹈找朋友The 10 is a martial arts master ah, ne-t is still dancing friends11.在这喜庆的日子里,小狗狗也来凑热闹了,请欣赏中二班的狗狗减肥11 in this festive day, the dog dog also laicourenao, please dog lose weight class two appreciation12.伴随着阵

35、阵欢快的音乐,一群天真无邪的小朋友将用锣鼓来庆祝欢乐的童年。有请学前班的小朋友,为我们带来三句半六一乐12 accompanied by bursts of cheerful music, a group of innocent children will use the gongs and drums to celebrate the happy childhood. Please have the pre-school children, bring San Juban si- one music for us13.今天很多歌星也来到了我们现场,下面请大家欣赏他们的儿歌串烧13 many

36、of todays stars also came to our site, please enjoy the following their childrens songs.14. 我们不但要学习好科学知识,还要有强健的身体,下面是学前班小朋友的健美操向前冲,欢迎14, we should not only learn scientific knowledge, but also have a strong body, below is the preschool children aerobics forward, welcome15. 下面请欣赏大班,学前班带来的跆拳道15 please

37、 enjoy large, taekwondo preschool brings 16.真是太精彩了,下面请欣赏舞蹈小小茉莉花The 16 is wonderful, please enjoy the dance Jasmine Flower17.今天真是个好日子,既有动听的歌声又有美妙的舞姿。小朋友们表现的都很好。我们的老师也要露一手,下面请欣赏舞蹈好日子17 it is a good day, both singing and dancing. The children are very good. Our teacher will show off, please enjoy the d

38、ance good day结束语:Conclusion:师:快乐的时光总是那么短暂Teacher: the happy time is always so short幼:团聚的日子总是让人感动Young: the reunion day always touched by people启蒙幼儿园庆六一文艺汇演到此结束,感谢各位家长的参与。让我们明年再相会。Enlightenment kindergarten Renqing si- one variety show to the end, thank you for your participation. Lets meet again ne-

39、t year.六一儿童节中英文主持词4分钟5篇4开场白A: Dear ParentsB: 亲爱的家长们C: Dear friendsD: 亲爱的朋友们合:Welcone to our partyA: Im AnnyB: ImC: ImD: ImA: Today is the childrens DayB: 今天是6 1儿童节C: And happiness is belong to everyoneD: 而61的快乐是属于大家的B: Today were here togetherA: 今天我们相聚在这里D: And enjoy our PartyC: 一起享受我们的晚会1 CD: Pleas

40、e enjoy singing童年A: Dear daddyB: Dear mummyA: I f you love me , Please give me a hugeB: 如果你们爱我请你抱抱我B: If you love me , Please give me a kissA: 如果你们爱我请你亲亲我A: If you love me , Please give me a big handB: 如果你们爱我请你为我们鼓掌A: If you love me , Please understand meB: 如果你们爱我请你理解我们2AB: Please enjoy 只有你能欣赏我A: To

41、day Im very happy . Are you happy?CD: Yes六一儿童节中英文主持词4分钟5篇5Hello, boys and girls! Happy Childrens Day! Today we will celebrate our festival in our Primary school . You can sing and dance here. Well, Im sure you will have a good time.The program list of Childrens DayNow Lets welcome our cheering schoo

42、l team to perform “Dazzle dance”.Ne-t Lets enjoy a accordion concerto.The ne-t program is a hot dancing ,performed by Grade 6.Lets come to another show, “Chun-iao” ,performed by Grade 1.Please enjoy Taekwondo.Boys and girls, ne-t we will enjoy Rap ABCThe ne-t program is “dance Series” ,performed by

43、Grade 4.My friends ,Do you like Guzheng ?Now Lets enjoy “ Song of the homebound fishermen ”.Another hot dancing is performed by Grade 3.Please enjoy it.Now Lets enjoy the instrumental ensemble performed by by Grade 6.The ne-t program is allegro,performed by Grade 2. Please welcome!Chinese kungfu is

44、great, Please enjoy the martial arts performed by Grade 5.Ne-t Lets enjoy a aeromodelling show. We hope you like it.Please enjoy a poetry. The name is “Bid farewell to childhood,embrace the youth.”The ne-t program is Fancy basketball Show.Boys and girls, Lets enjoy the song, The screen is always, performed by Grade 6.结束语:My dear friends, we are the way to end todays party, I hope all of you could have enjoy it. May you have a good time! Happy Childrens Day!六一儿童节中英文主持词4分钟5篇


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