1、科研论文的基本格式与规范,安徽医科大学公共卫生学院 徐德祥,1,如何提高科研论文发表的成功率?,论文选题的新颖性和实用性 论文设计的严谨性与结果的可靠性 论文撰写格式的规范性 论文投递的准确性,一个很难回答的问题,论文选题需注意的问题,选题论文成功发表的最关键因素,选题需要灵感灵感来自于知识的不断积累灵感来自于工作的不断积累围绕解决某一科学问题或临床问题选题,论文选题的基本原则,实用和目标有限原则:一篇小文章回答一个小问题特色和创新性原则:特色和创新是科研的灵魂可行性原则:科研工作日常化、日常工作科研化鼓励连续性和系统性研究,要做到“科研工作日常化、日常工作科研化”的关键是培养科研思维,如何理
2、解论文选题的特色和创新性原则?,论文的特色,别人做过类似的研究,本研究与其它研究做法有区别以社区为基础的队列研究多中心大样本人群研究特定人群研究(儿童、孕妇、老年群体)使用新的生物标志,论文的创新性,提出新的科学理论推动本学科或本领域发展对某一科学问题提出新的认识用新方法解决老问题,没有检索到相关文献代表创新(填补空白不算创新)全面代表创新(不可处处创新)改头换面代表创新(如肝癌换成肺癌),论文创新的几个误区,论文设计需注意的问题,样本大小是否足够 研究对象是否有代表性 实验技术是否恰当 观察指标是否合适 统计方法是否正确,论文设计的严谨性分析,分子生物学技术的合理应用,分子原位杂交技术实时定
3、量RT-PCR技术免疫印迹技术ELISA免疫荧光/免疫组化技术流式细胞技术免疫共沉降技术 EMSA,科研论文的类型,论著 Meta分析 综述性论文 技术与方法 短篇报道 病例分析 个案报道,论文撰写的基本要求,语言简洁、通顺、连贯层次清楚逻辑严密书写美观格式正确,论著的基本格式,题目作者和作者单位中文摘要和关键词英文摘要和关键词论文正文参考文献基金名称和编号,论著的题目,体现目标有限、重点突出的原则 涵盖主要研究内容 题目不宜太长 句子通顺、易懂 尽可能避免使用不规范缩写词 避免使用标点符号 避免使用商标名称,题目实例,男性良性黑棘皮病患者瘦素、脂联素与性激素的水平右美托咪定在老年患者外科手术
5、研究(与研究内容不符)QQ星儿童成长牛奶改善36岁儿童免疫功能的临床试验(广告嫌疑)2009-2010年深圳市宝安区手足口病重症及死亡病例流行病学分析(内容不明确)鼠疫耶尔森菌TaqMan探针实时定量荧光PCR快速检测(语句不通顺),作者标注,第一作者:课题的主要完成人标注所有作者责任作者:课题负责人第一作者单位:项目依托单位作者介绍:作者身份和研究方向(与专业方向一致),中文摘要,要素:目的、方法、结果、结论、关键词字数:200400字目的:一句话方法:内容、对象、主要方法、主要观察指标结果:客观描述主要结果结论:一句话,与目的一致关键词:主题词,35个,研究背景/目的太长 研究方法介绍太少
6、 研究结果无层次或组织凌乱、主观性太强 未能体现创新点和特色 结论不明确或与目的不吻合,存在的问题,英文摘要,要素:Title、Authors、Objective、Methods、Results、Conclusion、Key words字数:150250 words要求:与中文摘要一致注意事项:避免直译,论著正文,前言材料与方法结果讨论,前言,简单背景提出科学问题:哪些问题已阐明,哪些尚未阐明提出科学假设:推测问题是如何发生的主要研究目的:验证科学假设,材料与方法,研究对象:动物、人、细胞、微生物,尽可能详细描述主要试剂:名称、来源、等级和货号处理方法:分组、处理方式、剂量、时间、取材、观察指
7、标实验方法:分别介绍,必要时引用文献统计分析:资料表现形式和详细统计方法,结果的表现形式,文字:定性或定量描述和统计学分析结果图:标题、图和图注表:三线表(标题、表和标注)附加文件:未能在正文中显示的图表或视屏,注意事项,语气:客观性描述语气 文字和图表互补、尽可能避免重复 避免图表分离 图标的美观性和可视性,讨论,主要发现和创新点论证科学假设的可靠性 小样本至大样本的外推、动物实验至人的外推 各种不同结果之间的合理性解释研究发现的意义小结或结论,参考文献,参考文献作为论文一部分1525篇权威性和代表性鼓励直接引用不能遗漏国内学者发表的文献文献格式和标注规范,基金的标注,基金标注的严肃性、不宜
8、太多论文研究内容与标注基金内容需一致基金项目的负责人应该是论文的责任作者,选择一本研究领域、研究内容和研究水平匹配的期刊是科研论文快速成功发表的关键。,论文的投递,论文不被录用的常见原因,选题不合适:25%科研设计有重大缺陷:25%论文撰写不规范:40%投递的期刊不合适:10%,选题不合适,创新性不强、创新性内涵理解不深(无亮点)题目太大(全面不代表创新)不能解决某一科学问题或临床问题 不是该领域的重要问题、不能推动学科发展,科研设计有重大缺陷,研究内容太少或缺少层次和深度 关键问题把握不准或研究结果难以阐明关键问题 研究内容重点不突出、指标分散 研究方法陈旧或统计方法错误,论文撰写不规范,论
9、文格式不规范 语言不规范(缺少层次和条理、口语化、语法错误多)抄袭现象严重(引用无标注、间接引用)参考文献引用不规范(标注错误、格式错误、代表性),SCI论文,SCI(Science Citation Index)是美国科学情报研究所(ISI)出版的一部世界最著名的期刊文献检索工具。被SCI收录的论文称为SCI论文。,SCI收录全世界出版的数、理、化、农、林、医、生命科学、天文、地理、环境、材料、工程技术等自然科学各学科的英文核心期刊。SCI源期刊分为SCI和SCI-E 2类。SCI是指来源期刊为3500种左右的SCI核心区期刊,SCI-E的全称是SCI-Expanded,是SCI扩展版。20
10、13年SCI扩展版期刊9338种。,SCI期刊,ISI通过严格的选刊标准和评估程序挑选刊源,而且每年略有增减,从而做到SCI收录的文献能全面覆盖全世界最重要和最有影响力的研究成果。SCI是科研评价的重要依据。,SCI期刊的入选标准,JCR,ISI每年出版JCR(Journal Citation Reports)。JCR对SCI收录的期刊之间引用和被引用数据进行统计,报道每种期刊的Impact Factor、Total Cites、Cited Articles、Cited Half-life、Immediacy Index等指数。,影响因子,一种期刊的影响因子,指的是该刊前2年发表的文献在当前年
12、力的期刊。,Scientific Papers,In the past ten years,about 200 papers have been published in academic journals,in which more than 70 papers have been indexed by SCI.,IF:11.336,IF:3.854,IF:4.704,IF:5.578,IF:6.209,IF:9.6,IF:5.98,IF:5.736,IF:4.922,IF:9.176,Xu DX*,Wei W,Sun MF,Wu CY,Wang JP,Wei LZ,Zhou CF.Kupf
13、fer cells and reactive oxygen species partially mediate lipopolysaccharide-induced downregulation of nuclear receptor pregnane x receptor and its target gene CYP3a in mouse liver.Free Radic Biol Med 2004;37:10-22.Xu DX*,Wei W,Sun MF,Wei LZ,Wang JP.Melatonin attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced down
14、-regulation of pregnane X receptor and its target gene CYP3A in mouse liver.J Pineal Res 2005;38:27-34.Xu DX*,Chen YH,Wang JP,Sun MF,Wang H,Wei LZ,Wei W.Perinatal lipopolysaccharide exposure downregulates pregnane X receptor and Cyp3a11 expression in fetal mouse liver.Toxicol Sci 2005;87:38-45.Xu DX
15、*,Wang JP,Sun MF,Chen YH,Wang H,Wei W.Lipopolysaccharide downregulates the expressions of intestinal pregnane X receptor and cytochrome P450 3a11.Eur J Pharmacol 2006;536:162-70.Chen YH,Wang JP,Wang H,Sun MF,Wei LZ,Wei W,Xu DX*.Lipopolysaccharide treatment downregulates the expression of the pregnan
16、e X receptor,cyp3a11 and mdr1a genes in mouse placenta.Toxicology 2005;211:242-52.,Scientific Papers,Xu DX*,Wang H,Ning H,Zhao L,Chen YH.Maternally administered melatonin differentially regulates lipopolysaccharide-induced proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in maternal serum,amniotic fl
17、uid,fetal liver,and fetal brain.J Pineal Res 2007;43:74-79.Zhang C,Li XY,Wang H,Zhao L,Xu DX*.Lipopolysaccharide(LPS)upregulates the expression of heme oxygenase-1 in mouse placenta.Placenta 2007;28:946-950.Wang H,Xu DX*,Lu JW,Ning H,Wei W.Melatonin attenuates lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced apoptot
18、ic liver damage in D-galactosamine-sensitized mice.Toxicology 2007;237:49-57.Wang JP,Xu DX*,Sun MF,Chen YH,Wang H,Wei W.Chronic ethanol exposure downregulates hepatic expression of pregnane X receptor and P450 3A11 in female ICR mice.Toxicology 2005;215:234-244.Lu JW,Wang H,Ji YL,Zhang C,Ning H,Li X
19、Y,Zhang H,Duan ZH,Zhao L,Wei W,Xu DX*.Differential effects of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate on TNF-mediated liver injury in two different models of fulminant hepatitis.J Hepatol 2008;48:442-452.,Scientific Papers,Wang H,Wei W,Zhang SY,Shen YX,Yue L,Wang NP,Xu SY.Melatonin-selenium nanoparticles inhibi
20、t oxidative stress and protect against hepatic injury induced by Bacillus Calmette-Guerin/lipopolysaccharide in mice.J Pineal Res 2005;39:156-163.Wang AL,Wang JP,Wang H,Chen YH,Zhao L,Wang LS,Wei W,Xu DX*.A dual effect of N-acetylcysteine on acute ethanol-induced liver damage in mice.Hepatol Res 200
21、6;34:199-206.Gui SY,Wei W,Wang H,Wu L,Sun WY,Chen WB,Wu CY.Effects and mechanisms of crude astragalosides fraction on liver fibrosis in rats.J Ethnopharmacol 2006;103:154-159.Liu DF,Wei W,Song LH.Protective effect of paeoniflorin on immunological liver injury induced by bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus
22、 lipopolysaccharide:Modulation of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 mRNA.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2006;33:332-339.Wang H,Wei W,Wang NP,Gui SY,Wu L,Sun WY,Xu SY.Melatonin ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrogenesis in rats via inhibition of oxidative stress.Life Sci 2
23、005;77:1902-1915.,Scientific Papers,Wang H,Xu DX*,Lu JW,Zhao L,Zhang C,Wei W.N-Acetylcysteine attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced apoptotic liver damage in D-galactosamine-sensitized mice.Acta Pharmacol Sin 2007;28:1803-1809.Ning H,Wang H,Zhao L,Zhang C,Li XY,Chen YH,Xu DX*.Maternally-administered
24、 lipopolysaccharide(LPS)increases tumor necrosis factor alpha in fetal liver and fetal brain:its supression by low-dose LPS pretreatment.Toxicol Lett 2008;176:13-19.Li XY,Zhang C,Wang SF,Ji YL,Wang H,Zhao L,Xu DX*.Maternally administered lipopolysaccharide(LPS)upregulates the expression of heme oxyg
25、enase-1 in fetal liver:The role of reactive oxygen species.Toxicol Lett 2008;176:169-177.Wang H,Wei W,Zhang SY,Shen YX,Wang NP,Yue L,Xu SY.Melatonin-selenium nanoparticles protects liver against immunological injury induced by bacillus Calmette-Guerin and lipopolysaccharide.Acta Pharmacol Sin 2005;2
26、6:745-752.Xu DX*,Zhu QX,Zhen LK,Wang QN,Shen HM,Deng LX,Ong CN.Exposure to acrylonitrile induced DNA strand breakage and sex chromosome aneuploidy in human spermatozoa.Mutat Res 2003;537:93-100.,Scientific Papers,Xu DX*,Shen HM,Zhu QX,Chua LH,Wang QN,Chia SE,Ong CN.The associations among semen quali
27、ty,oxidative DNA damage in human spermatozoa and concentrations of cadmium,lead and selenium in seminal plasma.Mutat Res 2003;534:155-163.Xu DX*,Chen YH,Wang H,Zhao L,Wang JP,Wei W.Tumor necrosis factor alpha partially contributes to lipopolysaccharide-induced intra-uterine fetal growth restriction
28、and skeletal development retardation in mice.Toxicol Lett 2006;163:20-29.Chen YH,Xu DX*,Zhao L,Wang H,Wang JP,Wei W.Ascorbic acid protects against lipopolysaccharide-induced intra-uterine fetal death and intra-uterine growth retardation in mice.Toxicology 2006;217:39-45.Chen YH,Xu DX*,Wang JP,Wang H
29、,Wei LZ,Sun MF,Wei W.Melatonin protects against lipopolysaccharide-induced intra-uterine fetal death and growth retardation in mice.J Pineal Res 2006;40:40-47.Xu DX*,Chen,YH,Wang H,Zhao L,Wang JP,Wei W.Effect of N-acetylcysteine on lipopolysaccharide-induced intra-uterine fetal death and intra-uteri
30、ne growth retardation in mice.Toxicol Sci 2005;88:525-533.,Scientific Papers,Zhang H,Wang H,Wang Q,Zhao XF,Liu P,Ji YL,Ning H,Yu T,Zhang C,Zhang Y,Meng XH,Xu DX*.Fenvalerate Exposure during Puberty Disrupts Steroidogenesis and Spermatogenesis in Mice at Adulthood.J Appl Toxicol 2010;30:369-377.Xu DX
31、*,Wang H,Zhao L,Ning H,Zhang C,Chen YH.Effects of Low-dose lipopolysaccharide(LPS)pretreatment on LPS-induced intra-uterine fetal death and preterm labor.Toxicology 2007;234:167-175.Zhao L,Chen YH,Wang H,Ji YL,Ning H,Wang SF,Zhang C,Lu JW,Duan ZH,Wei LZ,Xu DX*.Reactive oxygen species partially contr
32、ibute to lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced teratogenesis in mice.Toxicol Sci 2008;103:149-157.Zhu QX,Shen T,Ding R,Liang ZZ,Zhang XJ.Cytotoxicity of trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene on normal human epidermal keratinocytes and protective role of vitamin E.Toxicology 2005;209:55-67.Shen T,Zhu QX,
33、Yang S,Ding R,Ma T,Ye LP,Wang LJ,Liang ZZ,Zhang XJ.Trichloroethylene induce nitric oxide production and nitric oxide synthase mRNA expression in cultured normal human epidermal keratinocytes.Toxicology 2007;239:186-194.,Scientific Papers,Chen X,Zhang C,Wang H,Xu J,Duan ZH,Zhang Y,Yu T,Wei W,Xu DX*,X
34、u JM.Altered integrity and decreased expression of hepatocyte tight junctions in rifampicin-induced cholestasis in mice.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2009;240:26-36.Huang F,Ning H,Xin QQ,Huang Y,Wang H,Zhang ZH,Xu DX*,Ichihara G,Ye DQ.Melatonin pretreatment attenuates 2-bromopropane-induced testicular toxi
35、city in rats.Toxicology 2009;256:75-82.Zhang H,Wang H,Ji YL,Ning H,Yu T,Zhang C,Zhang Y,Zhao XF,Wang Q,Liu P,Meng XH,Xu DX*.Lactational fenvalerate exposure permanently impairs testicular development and spermatogenesis in mice.Toxicol Lett 2009;191:47-56.Wang H,Meng XH,Ji YL,Ning H,Zhao XF,Wang Q,L
36、iu P,Zhang H,Zhang C,Gui-Hai Chen GH,Xu DX*.Age-and gender-dependent impairments of neurobehaviors in mice whose mothers were exposed to lipopolysaccharide during pregnancy.Toxicol Lett 2010;192:245-51.Wang H,Wang Q,Zhao XF,Liu P,Meng XH,Yu T,Ji YL,Zhang H,Zhang C,Zhang Y,Xu DX*.Cypermethrin Exposur
37、e during Puberty Disrupts Testosterone Synthesis via Downregulating StAR in Mouse Testes.Arch Toxicol 2010;84:53-61.,Scientific Papers,Ji YL,Wang H,Liu P,Wang Q,Zhao XF,Meng XH,Yu T,Zhang H,Zhang C,Zhang Y,Xu DX*.Pubertal cadmium exposure impairs testicular development and spermatogenesis via disrup
38、ting testicular testosterone synthesis in adult mice.Reprod Toxicol 2010;29:176-183.Shen T,Zhu QX,Yang S,Wu CH,Zhang HF,Zhou CF,Zhang XJ.Trichloroethylene induced cutaneous irritation in BALB/c hairless mice:Histopathological changes and oxidative damage.Toxicology 2008;248,113-120.Xu DX*,Chen YH,Zh
39、ao L,Wang H,Wei W.Reactive oxygen species are involved in lipopolysaccharide-induced intra-uterine growth restriction and skeletal development retardation in mice.Am J Obstet Gynecol 2006;195:1707-1714.Zhu QX,Shen T,Tu DY,Liang ZZ,Zhang XJ.Protective effects of Ginkgo biloba leaf extracts on trichlo
40、roethylene-induced human keratinocyte cytotoxicity and apoptosis.Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2005;18:160-169.Zhang H,Wang H,Ji YL,Zhang Y,Yu T,Ning H,Zhang C,Zhao XF,Wang Q,Liu P,Xu DX*.Maternal fenvalerate exposure during pregnancy persistently impairs testicular development and spermatogenesis in male
41、offspring.Food Chem Toxicol 2010;48:1160-1169.,Scientific Papers,41.Wang H,Li L,Zhao M,Chen YH,Zhang ZH,Zhang C,Ji YL,Meng XH,Xu DX*.Melatonin alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced placental cellular stress response in mice.J Pineal Res 2011;50:418-426.42.Chen X,Zhang C,Zhao M,Shi CE,Zhu RM,Wang H,Z
42、hao H,Wei W,Li JB,Xu DX*.Melatonin alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatic SREBP-1c activation and lipid accumulation in mice.J Pineal Res 2011;51:416-425.43.Ji YL,Wang H,Meng C,Zhao XF,Zhang C,Zhang Y,Zhao M,Chen YH,Meng XH,Xu DX*.Melatonin alleviates cadmium-induced cellular stress and germ
43、cell apoptosis in testes.J Pineal Res 2012;52:71-79.44.Xia MZ,Liang YL,Wang H,Chen X,Huang YY,Zhang ZH,Chen YH,Zhang C,Zhao M,Xu DX*,Song LH.Melatonin modulates TLR4-mediated inflammatory genes through MyD88-and TRIF-dependent signaling pathways in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells.J Pineal Res 2012;53:
44、325-334.45.Ji YL,Wang H,Zhao XF,Zhang C,Zhang Y,Zhao M,Chen YH,Meng XH,Xu DX*.Crosstalk between endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial pathway mediates cadmium-induced germ cell apoptosis in testes.Toxicol Sci 2011;124:446-459.,Scientific Papers,Zhao XF,Wang Q,Ji YL,Wang H,Liu P,Zhang C,Zhan
45、g Y,Xu DX.Fenvalerate induces germ cell apoptosis in mouse testes through the Fas/FasL signaling pathway.Arch Toxicol 2011,85:1101-1108.Wang Z,Wang H,Xu ZM,Ji YL,Chen YH,Zhang ZH,Zhang C,Meng XH,Zhao M,Xu DX.Cadmium-induced teratogenicity:Association with ROS-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress in
46、 placenta.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2012;259:236-47.Liu P,Meng XH,Wang H,Ji YL,Zhao M,Zhao XF,Xu ZM,Chen YH,Zhang C,Xu DX.Effects of pubertal fenvalerate exposure on testosterone and estradiol synthesis and the expression of androgen and estrogen receptors in the developing brain.Toxicol Lett 2011;201:
47、181-189.Ji YL,Wang H,Liu P,Zhao XF,Zhang Y,Wang Q,Zhang H,Zhang C,Duan ZH,Meng C,Xu DX.Effects of maternal cadmium exposure during late pregnant period on testicular steroidogenesis in male offspring.Toxicol Lett 2011;205:69-78.Meng XH,Liu P,Wang H,Zhao XF,Xu ZM,Chen GH,Xu DX.Gender-specific impairm
48、ents on cognitive and behavioral development in mice exposed to fenvalerate during puberty.Toxicol Lett 2011;203:245-251.,Scientific Papers,Chen GH,Wang H,Yang QG,Tao F,Wang C,Xu DX*.Acceleration of age-related learning and memory decline in middle-aged CD-1 mice due to maternal exposure to lipopoly
49、saccharide during late pregnancy.Behav Brain Res 2011;218:267-279.Chen X,Xu J,Zhang C,Yu T,Wang H,Zhao M,Duan ZH,Zhang Y,Xu JM,Xu DX*.The protective effects of ursodeoxycholic acid on isoniazid plus rifampicin induced liver injury in mice.Eur J Pharmacol 2011;659:53-60.Wang H,Wang SF,Ning H,Ji YL,Zh
50、ang C,Zhang Y,Yu T,Ma XH,Zhao XF,Wang Q,Liu P,Meng XH,Xu DX*.Maternal cypermethrin exposure during lactation impairs testicular development and spermatogenesis in male mouse offspring.Environ Toxicol 2011;26:382-394.Ji YL,Wang Z,Wang H,Zhang C,Zhang Y,Zhao M,Chen YH,Meng XH,Xu DX*.Ascorbic acid prot