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3、,必须细化到每一产业内容的构成和演变。,产业演变,每个产业的发展都有一定的阶段性正如产品有寿命周期一样,产业也有自己的生命周期。但未必有相同的发展趋势(集中和分散),产业演变研究 主要是通过识别产业的形态(增长或衰退、国际化或地方性、集中或分散)来发现企业可能面对的机遇和威胁。,推动产业演变的基本力量,需求需求:牵动力量,决定性的。需求:总量;发展潜力和前景;需求特性(差异化、档次等)等等60年代西欧摩托车与本田,技术 波特:在众多对产业演变的影响因素中,技术是最重要的因素。CAD、CAM,网络技术,推动产业演变的基本力量,产业系统的形成和演变规律,任何产业系统的形成和演变都既有目的性,又有盲



6、业的末日也就来临了 一个产业不可能只生产一种产品,而往往是生产一大类产品,这样,其中某种产品的市场寿命的终结或开始并不意味着产业经济寿命的终结或开始,世界上许多国家每年都禁止生产和淘汰一批过时的产品,但并没影响到各个产业的生存。比如钟表产业,现在,普通机械表正处于淘汰时期,式样和功能不断翻新的机械表和石英表先后问世。这样钟表产业就包含着不同型号和细类产品的市场寿命周期。,产业与产品:两种经济寿命的比较,产业经济寿命往往与国民经济成长和波动密切相关,新产业的形成、老产业的衰退,都直接影响到国民经济的状况。产品市场寿命周期一般只与企业的生存、发展和经营管理相关。新产品的开发、新产品淘汰、生产能力的









15、,正在形成之中企业裂变现象高初始成本,但成本会迅速下降高附加值,但企业的净利可能很低,成熟期产业的特征,需求和生产能力趋于平稳,企业数量减少产品和技术成熟,产品标准化已经完成,工艺的改进日益重要竞争的规则明确,(但打破规则依然是一种重要的战略)经验曲线降至很低的水平渗透策略成为重要的竞争策略,Technology Life Cycles,技术过程的 S-曲线,The S-Curve Of Technological Progress,A technologys improvement of performance follows the S-curveWhen a technology per

16、formance parameter(y axis)is plotted against time(x axis),the result resembles a s-shaped diagram called the S-curve.Technological performance can be expressed in terms of any attribute,such as:Density in the electronics industry(number of transistor per chip)Aircraft speed in miles per hour.,Techno

17、logy Life Cycle(TLC),New invention period(Embryonic stage)Technology improvement period(Growth stage)Mature-technology period,New Invention Period,Characterized by a period of slow initial growth.Experimentation and initial bugs are worked out of the system.,Technology Improvement Period,Characteriz

18、ed by rapid and sustained growth.,Mature Technology Period,Starts when the upper limit of the technology is approached and progress in performance slows down.Technology reaches its natural limits as dictated by factors such as physical limits.The technology becomes vulnerable to substitution or obso

19、lescence when a new or better-performing technology emerges.,Three-stage Technology Life Cycle(TLC):,What are some examples of technologies that have followed this path?The vacuum tube technology was limited by the tubes size and the power consumption of the heated filament.Both of these factors wer

20、e natural barriers to electron conduction in a vacuum tube.Electronic engineers could not overcome these limitations.The arrival of the solid-state technology,or transistor,which permitted electron conduction in solid material,changed the physical barriers of size and power.The transistor technology

21、 started a new technology life cycle and rendered the vacuum-tube technology obsolete.,Learning Point from S-Curve of Technological Progress,When a technology reaches its natural limits it becomes a mature technology vulnerable to substitution or obsolescence.What are some examples of technologies t

22、hat have reached their natural limits?,A technologys rate of performance improvement is dependent on the effort devoted to its development.,Changes in Natural Limits of TechnologyThe rate of performance improvement is shown for twp technologies,The Technology Life Cycle and Market Growth,As technolo

23、gy develops,following the recognized technology life cycle,market penetration occurs and so does market growth,expressed as market volume.The market-growth changes at different phases of the technology life cycle.,技术生命周期不同阶段的市场增长,技术生命周期的6个阶段,Technology development phaseApplication launch phaseApplic

24、ation growth phaseMature-technology phaseTechnology substitution phaseTechnology obsolescence phase,Technology Development Phase,Market does not recognize the technology at all-it has zero response.Important period in which scientists and engineers are spending significant amounts of effort and mone

25、y to:Create the technologyDevelop prototypesTest the new technology,Technology Development Phase,Why would an R&D Manager want to reduce this time period?It is very expensiveDoes not produce revenue,Application Launch Phase,Once the first wave of the new technology application is launched into the m

26、arket,the market volume follows the path of technological progress.This is characterized by slow initial growth during the launching period,followed by rapid growth.,Application Growth Phase,During the growth phase of the technology,penetration into the market will depend on:Rate of innovation Marke

27、t needs for the new technology,Mature-Technology Phase,The growth rate slows down as the technology approaches its maturity.,Technology Substitution Phase,Market volume will peak and then start to decline.Companies that continue to use the old technology in this phase will be faced with a shrinking

28、market share and a fall in revenues.Why will companies using mature technology face a shrinking market share and fall in revenues?,Technology Obsolescence Phase,Technology has little or no valueList Several Technologies ask groups to put these technologies into phases,Multiple-Generation Technologie

29、s,Technology,like all systems,has a hierarchy.A system can consist of a number of sub-systems,and each subsystem may have a number of components.Technology can consist of multiple technologies and derive from different generations of innovation.What are some examples of multiple-generation technolog

30、ies?,Multiple-Generation Technologies,Example:Computer ProductionMicro-processor-which can also be defined as a technology with a technology life cycle all its own.In turn the microprocessor has its own multiple-generation technologies or sub-technologies.The microprocessor technology developed has

31、undergone several generations of changes(8088,286,386,486,and Pentium I,II,III).Each of these generations of innovation helped boost the technology life cycle of the microprocessor and,in turn,that of the PC.,Multiple Generation TechnologiesSubtechnology Life cycles in multiple generations of innova

32、tion shape the overall technology life cycle,Multiple-Generation Technologies,Multiple-Generation Technologies,Example:Software ProductionAny software developed for a major application undergoes several generations of change.The changes improve the software and extend its useful life.If a company de

33、veloping software stops its development after one generation and another company continues to develop new generations,the former will find itself unable to compete with the latters newer-generation technology.,Technology And Market Interaction,A very strong dynamic relationship exists between techno

34、logical innovation and the marketplace.The presence of a market or the creation of a new market represents the reward for technological development.It is only when technological developments find a market that scientific research pays off and the development cost is reimbursed in economic or social

35、terms.,Science-Technology Push,Most of the recent technological breakthroughs are based on earlier scientific discoveries.Science provides the base for technological development,which in turn creates new markets.,Science-Technology Push,ExamplesBayraktar(1990)cites several examples of technologies t

36、hat owe their bases to scientific discoveries:The field of electronics is based on Maxwells theory of electromagnetismNuclear energy is based on Einsteins 1905 paper,which established the famous E=MC2 equationThe transistors are based on A.H.Wilsons 1931 paper on the theory of semiconductors;Genetic

37、 engineering followed the discovery of the structure of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1952.,Science-Technology Push,Science provides the base for the technological push.Innovations that ensued from technologies cause major industry upheavals and totally changed the markets.They bring major economic gro

38、wth.Radical innovations of products within a technology area create similar effects.Example:A radical innovation that created a major change in the way we do business is xerography.When the Xerox machine was developed,it was dubbed an invention with little promise and a product concept without a mar

39、ket(Mort,1990).Observe where this copying industry is today.Radical innovations create new markets and expand existing markets.,Market Pull,Technological development is also stimulated by market pull.Technology is often developed to meet a market need or demand.This is the most effective way to conn

40、ect technology with the market.,Market Pull Is Stimulated By Consumers,In the majority of cases,market pull is stimulated by consumers.Consumers may or may not know whether a new technology exists or is being developed,or if they do,they may not understand the technology.,Market Pull Technologies Ar

41、e Incremental Improvements,Most of the technological developments stimulated by market pull are of an Incremental nature,or represent improvements to existing technologies.Incremental technological improvements have a cumulative effect,and they can have a tremendous impact on productivity and compet

42、itiveness.,Market pull(with strong collective demand)may provoke major breakthroughs,When there is a strong collective demand for a solution to a specific problem(such as a vaccine for AIDS),market pull may provoke major breakthroughs.,Integrate Push and Pull,Both mechanisms,push and pull,contribute

43、 to stimulating innovation and technological change.Integrating them accelerates the change.Munro and Noori(1988)proposed that commitment to technology adoption is dependent on an integrative approach to technology push and market pull combined with managements attitude toward technology and the fir

44、ms technical and financial resources.What are examples of market-pull technologies?,Competition At Different Phases Of The Technology Life Cycle,1.Technology DevelopmentCompetition is based on innovation.Technology is still developing and has not been fully accepted.Companies depend on their innovat

45、ion to add value to products and services they bring to their customers.The introduced technology has not yet demonstrated its potential for changing the basis of competition.,Competition At Different Phases Of The Technology Life Cycle,2.Application Launch PhaseTechnology helps expand the market si

46、ze for the product or service offered.Technology becomes a pacing technology in that it has the potential for changing the basis of the competition.Company must be able to balance its growth strategies with its marketing strategies.Attention to growth must not distract the company from continuing in

47、novation.,Competition At Different Phases Of The Technology Life Cycle,3.Application Growth PhaseOnce the innovation has proved itself in the market,it permits its owner to take a patented position or to define the industry standard.A dominant design of the product emerges,and the technology has a m

48、ajor impact on the value-added stream of performance,cost,and quality.Technology in this phase of the growth stage is known as key technology,and a company should increase its capabilities in this area to compete.,Competition At Different Phases Of The Technology Life Cycle,4.Mature-technology phase

49、 When the technology reaches a stage of maturity and the rate of innovation declines,it becomes a commodity,available to all competitors.Technologies in this category are also recognized as base technologies and have little ability to give a company a strong competitive edge.,Competition Product and

50、 Process Innovation,The rate of product and process innovations follow a general pattern.This pattern can be used to formulate policies and procedures to better manage the process of technological innovation.,Competition Product and Process Innovation,Competition Product and Process Innovation,When


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