Final examination of Medical Microbiology for 7year students.doc

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1、Final examination of Medical Microbiology for 7-year studentsAnd Referenced answers(2004-2005, fall)Class_No. _Name _ Score _1. Definition (30%) (1) pyrogen (2) transformation (3) septicemia (4) BCG (5) Danes particle (6) antigenic drift (7) plasmid (8) inclusion (9) Weil-Felix reaction (10) interfe

2、ron 2Fill in the blanks (12%)(1) Autoclaving is used to kill all vegetative bacteria and spores under _ pressure for _min.(2) The most common bacteria that cause meningitis are _, _, and _.(3) Bacillus anthracis causes _, _, and _ through multiple portals.(4) Hemorrhagic fever viruses are _, _ and_.

3、(5) Human diseases caused by Prion are _ and _.(6) Aseptic meningitis can be caused by _, _, _ etc.(7) The mode of transmission of Treponema pallidum is _ ,_ ,_ .(8) Viruses of caused congenital infection mainly include _ , _ , _ .(9) The life cycle of Chlamydiae include _ ,_ .3Select the ONE letter

4、ed answer that is best in each question (10%)(1) Each of the following statements regarding cholera is correct EXCEPT:A. Cholera belongs to violent infections.B. Cholera is only a human disease.C. A few patients can become carriers after recovering.D. Immunity after infection is transient.(2) Which

5、one of the following organisms is the most common member of the normal intestinal tract?A. E. coliB. AnaerobesC. FungiD. Viruses(3) Each of the following statements regarding tetanus is correct EXCEPT:A. Tetanus is an exogenous infection.B. Tetanus is treated with TAT.C. A long-life immunity is acqu

6、ired after infection.E. The primary virulence factor is tetanospasmin.(4) Which one of the following outcomes is MOST common following a primary herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection?A. Complete eradication (清除) of virus and virus-infected cells.B. Persistent asymptomatic (无症状) viremia.C. Establishme

7、nt of latent infection.D. Persistent cytopathic effect in infected cells.(5) Each of the following clinical syndromes is associated with infection by picornaviruses EXCEPT:A. MycarditisB. HepatitisC. Mononucleosis (单核细胞增多症)D. Meningitis(6) Each of the following statements concerning measles virus is

8、 correct EXCEPT:A. Measles virus is an enveloped virus with a ssRNA genomeB. One of the important complications (并发症) of measles is C.N.S infection.C. After multiply locally, viruses can enter blood and reach target organsD. SSPE can be caused by integration of provirus into the host cell DNA.(7) Ea

9、ch of the following statements concerning Crytococcus neoformans is correct EXCEPT:A. Its natural habitat is the soil, especially associated with pigeon feces.B. Pathogenesis is related primarily to the production of exotoxin A.C. Budding yeasts are found in the lesions.D. The initial site of infect

10、ion is usually the lung.(8) Latency is an outcome particularly characteristics of which one of the following virus groupsA. PoliovirusesB. HerpesvirusesC. RhinovirusesD. Influenza viruses(9) Each of the following statements concerning viral vaccines is correct EXCEPTA. In live attenuated vaccine, th

11、e virus has lost its ability to cause disease but has retained its ability to induce neutralizing antibody. B. In live attenuated vaccine, the possibility of reversion to virulence is of concern.C. With inactivated vaccines, IgA mucosal immunity is usually induced.D. With inactivated vaccine, protec

12、tive immunity is due mainly to the production of IgG.(10) Each of the following statements concerning the surface structure of bacteria is correct EXCEPT:A. Pili mediate the interaction of bacteria with mucosal epithelium.B. Polysaccharide capsules retard phagocytosisC. Both gram-negative rods and c

13、occi have lipopolysaccharide in their cell wall. D. Bacterial flagella are nonantigenic in human because they closely resemble human flagella in chemical composition.4Confirm true or false and explain why (18%)(1) Pyrogen can be inactivated by autoclaving.(2) Mycobacterium tuberculosis is cultivated

14、 with all-purpose media.(3) HBcAg can be detected in patient serum.(4) Rabies virus can be transmitted to human by respiratory tract.5. Answer the following questions (30%)(1) Describe briefly the medical significance of E. coli.(2) What are the 3 types of exotoxins? What are the mechanisms of actio

15、n of the exotoxins of (a) Corynebacterium diphtheriae, (b) Clostridium tetani, (c) Clostridium botulinum, (d) Vibrio cholerae, and (e) Staphylococcus aureus (enterotoxin)?(3) Describe the routes of infection and infected cells of HIV. (4) What antigens and antibodies are important in diagnosis of HB

16、V infection? Why? 参考答案1名词解释(1) 热原质:许多细菌在代谢过程中能合成一种物质,注入机体可致发热反应,故名热原质(2) 转化:供体菌游离DNA片段直接进入受体菌,整合到染色体DNA上,使受体菌获得新的性状(3) 败血病:病原菌侵入血流并在其中繁殖,造成机体严重损害,出现全身中毒症状(4) 卡介苗:牛型结核杆菌的减毒活疫苗,可用于结核病的预防(5) Dane颗粒:完整的乙型肝炎病毒颗粒 (6) 抗原漂移:病毒的表面抗原变异幅度较小,属于量变,常导致病毒性疾病的中小规模流行(7) 质粒:是细菌染色体以外的遗传物质,为闭合环状双股DNA,带有遗传信息,控制细菌某些次级性状(

17、8) 包涵体:有些病毒感染细胞后,在细胞浆或细胞核内出现在光学显微镜可见的大小数目不等的、嗜酸性或嗜碱性的、园形椭园形或不规则形状的团块结构(9) 外斐氏反应:用普通变形杆菌的某些OX菌株抗原代替立克次体检测患者血清有无立克次体抗体的定量凝集试验,辅助诊断斑疹伤寒病和恙虫病(10) 干扰素:机体或组织细胞在病毒或其他诱生剂刺激下产生的具有抗病毒作用的糖蛋白2填空(1) 103.4kPa,15-20min(2) 肺炎链球菌、脑膜炎奈瑟菌、流感嗜血杆菌(3) 肺炭疽、肠炭疽、皮肤炭疽(4) 汉坦病毒、新疆出血热病毒、登革病毒(5) 库鲁病、克-雅病(6) 脊髓灰质炎病毒、克萨奇病毒、埃可病毒(7)

18、 性接触、注射、胎盘(8) 乙肝病毒、巨细胞病毒、风疹病毒(9) 始体、原体3单选题(1)D(2)B(3)C(4)C(5)C(6)D(7)B(8)B(9)C(10)D4判断并解释(1) 错。热源质具有高度热抵抗性,不为高压蒸汽灭菌所灭活。可通过蒸馏、过滤等方法除之(2) 错。结核杆菌营养要求高,不能使用普通培养基进行培养,须选用营养培养基(如罗氏培养基)进行培养。(3) 错。核心抗原为表面抗原所覆盖,因此不易在血液中检出(4) 对。狂犬病病毒可以通过呼吸道粘膜表面的神经终末感受器侵入神经5问答题(1) A. 大肠杆菌是人正常菌群成员,具有多种生理作用,如生物拮抗、营养作用、免疫作用等B. 大肠

19、杆菌可作为条件致病菌导致人内源性感染,如,泌尿系统感染C. 某些血清型即为致病菌,可导致人腹泻,如ETEC、EPEC等D. 大肠杆菌被应用于食品卫生学,作为检测粪便污染的指标E. 大肠杆菌还被广泛应用于分子生物学领域,作为最常使用的载体工具(2) 外毒素的3种类型是:肠毒素、神经毒素、细胞毒素白喉毒素的作用机制:抑制细胞蛋白质合成破伤风痉挛毒素的作用机制:抑制抑制性神经递质的释放,阻断抑制性神经冲动的传递肉毒毒素的作用机制:抑制兴奋性神经递质的释放,阻断兴奋性神经冲动的传递霍乱肠毒素的作用机制:活化场粘膜细胞内的腺苷环化酶,产生大量cAMP,引起细胞内水分和电解质大量丢失金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素的

20、作用机制:作用于呕吐中枢(3) HIV感染途径:同性或异性的性行为;输入带HIV的血液、血制品,器官或骨髓移植、人工受精、静脉药瘾者公用污染的注射器及针头;经胎盘、产道、哺乳等方式的母婴传播HIV的受染细胞:T辅助细胞、巨噬细胞系统(4) 诊断HBV感染重要的抗原抗体是:HBsAg、HBsAb、HBeAg、HBeAb、HBcAb HBsAg 阳性:是体内感染HBV的指标,表示A) 急性或慢性乙肝患者; B) 无症状携带者。 HBsAb 阳性:曾经感染过HBV但已恢复或接种过疫苗具有一定的免疫力。 HBcAb: A) HbcAb-IgM 阳性表示有HBV复制,为乙肝的急性期或近期感染; B) HbcAb-IgG 阳性表示以往感染过HBV。 HBeAg 阳性表示:A) 病人的血液有传染性;B) 体内有HBV的复制;C) 持续阳性容易发展为慢性。 HBeAb 阳性表示患者正在恢复,预后较好,同时表示对HBV有一定的免疫力。


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