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1、八年级英语第五单元集体备课教案主备教师:崔丽芬Unit 5 Can you come to my party教材分析: 本单元以“Invitaions” 为话题,学会向别人提出礼貌地邀请、接受或婉言拒绝别人的邀请,学会谈论自己的计划安排。学习本单元后,学生将能谈论自己或别人必须做的事并能根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动,自己制作英文请柬。并能在学习语言的过程中了解中西方在接受和回绝邀请方面的文化差异,增强他们在日常生活中的沟通和交流能力。一、教学目标:学会使用can作出邀请。学会接受邀请和拒绝邀请的表达方式。学会表达计划好将来要做的事。二、教学重难点:教学重点:语言结构:用Can?发出邀请。

2、用Sure, Id love to. 接受邀请。用Im sorry, I cant. I have to /Im visiting拒绝邀请并说明理由。句型:Can you come to my party?Sure, Id love to.Im sorry, I cant. I have to 教学难点;1. 使用Can? 发出邀请。2. 使用I have to 句型说明原因。3. 进行时表示未来计划。三、情感、态度与价值观 培养学生使用礼貌用语的能力,营造积极乐观的人际氛围,增进人与人之间的友谊,学会坦诚的与人相处,用英语交谈,培养交际能力,激发学生的主动性,激励学生自主学习。 四、课时设计

3、:(5课时)Period 1: Section A: 1a-2cPeriod 2: Section A: 3a-part 4Period 3: Section B: 1a-2c and part 4Period 4: Section B: 3a-3cPeriod 5: Revision and Selfcheck五、教学活动设计:本单元围绕“邀请和请求许可”这一话题,设计了三个任务型活动:Task 1:对话展现提出邀请和接受邀请及拒绝邀请的英文表达。Task 2:进行调查,询问同学们拒绝做某事的原因。Task 3:制作请柬,练习对话,巩固所学单词及句型。通过这三个任务型的活动使学生掌握提出邀请

4、,接受邀请,拒绝邀请,并说明理由的表达方式。六、说教法采用对话、表演、游戏等学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片或制作课件等来展开课堂教学。本单元不仅仅教学有关邀请和请求许可的用语,还要让学生了解英语国家的风俗习惯,人们过生日常举行聚会,约请亲朋好友吃饭。孩子之间发邀请一般采用非正式的形式:口头打招呼或通电话。接受邀请的人要弄清时间和地点,应准时到会,否则事先要说明不能到或晚到,以免让人久等。这些待人接物的习惯表示了礼貌、友好,是具有良好的文化素质的表现。七、教学过程(Teaching procedures)Period 1I.Teaching goals :vocabubary: lesson ,

5、 hey , baseball game ,test , piano , guitar , aunt , concert , party,concert, another, go to my guitar lesson, too much homeworkPatterns: Can you come to my party ? Sure, Id love to . Sorry ,I cant . I have to .Im going to the movies.Maybe another time.Thanks for asking.II.能力目标:学会邀请别人,接受邀请以及拒绝邀请.III

6、.情感目标:培养学生礼貌用语的习惯.Step 1 Leading in Play the song : Happy birthday . Say ,today its Janes birthday .She wants to invite you to her birthday party .Can you tell me what she should say ?Ask students to say . Can you come to my party?If you are invited and you would like to go, how to accept the invita

7、ion politely. You can say: Sure, Id love /like to. If you are busy and you cant go to the party, how to say no to the invitation politely? You can say: Sorry, I cant . I have to .Or : Id love to, but I have to. Or:Im really sorry, Im doing.In a word, youd better say sorry first and then tell the rea

8、sons.Step2. A game.Ask Ss to count 1-2-1-2 and ask them to remember their numbers. Have the number 1s give YES answers and number 2s give NO anwers plus a reason. T: Can you come to my party?S1: Sure, Id love to.S2: Im sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.S3:If necessary, give a reason and have s

9、tudents repeat it.Step 3. Learn the phrases of reasonsLook at the picture in 1a and tell us : Why cant they go to the party?Learn: study for a test. go to the doctor. have a piano lesson .do my homework. visit my aunt. help my parents. babysit my sister. play basketball with my friends. go to the mo

10、viesStep 4. Looking and matching 1aStep 5. 1b Listening and writing Step 6.Groupwork 1cFirst let four students read the example to the class. Then help students form groups of four , and make conversation about invitations. If you cant go, remember to give a reason. They can use any reason they like

11、.Step 7. Make a survey“You are going to have a party on Sunday afternoon. First, list your friends names you want to invite. Next , go to invite them. Find out who can come, and who cant come. Then fill in the chart.Can you come to my party on Sunday afternoon?NameCan/CantReasonsLilycantstudy for a

12、testThen ask some students to give us a report. Step 8. Listening practice .2aFirst ask students to look at the sentences in the box. Then ask a student to read the sentences to class.Now tell students well hear five conversations. In each Conversation the person says that they can or they cant come

13、 to the party. Listen carefully and circle the words can or cant. Play the tape twice and then check the answers.Step 9. Listening practice.2b Ask a student to read the five sentences in 2b. Tell students these are the reasons why people cant go to the party. Now listen to the recording again. This

14、time you should write the number of a conversation (1-3)in front of the reasons. Two of the reasons are not in the conversations. These two have no answers.Step 10. 2c Pairwork Ask students if they can give other reasons besides the lists in 2b.(possible answers: not feeling well, have to babysit, g

15、oing on a trip, go hiking) Now let students look at the sample conversation in the book. Ask a pair of students to read it to class.Let Ss work in pairs. Homework1.Copy the sentences in Grammar Focus. 2.Choose two reasons from 2b to make conversations imitating 2c.本人说课:本单元第一课时以听说为主,目标语为:用Can?发出邀用Sur

16、e, Id love to. 接受邀请,用Im sorry, I cant. I have to /Im visiting拒绝请并说明理由。生词不多,重点放在语言操练上,特别是have to / has to 需多练,达到熟能生巧。Period 2I.Target language 目标语言Words and phrases: vocabulary : whom , start , join , practice , math test , mall , calendarKey sentences : Can you go to the mall this week ? Can she/he/

17、they go to movies ?II. 能力目标:学会写请贴,会制做日程表.III.情感目标:学会人际交往的基本常识.IV.教学重难点:能熟练运用邀请的方式及第三人称的使用本课时的难点是:制作日程表V.Teaching procedureStep1. Revision.Great the class as usual and check the homeworkStep 2. Grammar Focus.Call attention to the Grammar Focus. Divide the class into two parts to read the sentences. O

18、ne asks, and the other answers. Then change the role. Lets think about how to make, accept and decline invitations. Step 3. PresentationT:We learned how to give ,accept and decline invitations .But if we want to invite lots of people and we dont have enough time, what shall we do ?Ss: Call him ,ask

19、others help ,write a letter, send an e-mail and send an invitation card.T: Great. You have so many ways. Today we will learn how to write an invitation card .Show an invitation on the screen. Step 4. Pairwork (3a)Fill in the blanks in pairs and check the answers in class. Then ask them some question

20、s about it.What kind of invitation is it?Whose birthday party is it?When is the party?where is the party. T: What must we write on the card ?The theme /purpose of the invitationThe name of the host/hostessThe place, time and date of the invitationThen read the conversation together.通过学习了解邀请卡的内容,学会写邀

21、请卡.Step 5. Practice (3b)Task 1:Make an invitation card.T: Try to imagine an event and fill in the card with details of an event. S:. Students imagine events and fill in the chart alone. Two of them write down their card on the Bb. Ask several students to read out their cards.Task 2.Invite each other

22、 to the event according to their invitation cardsA: Hi ,B. Can you go to the baseball game ?B: When is it ?A: Its on Saturday ,June 10, at 7:00 pm.B: Where is it ?A: Its in Huangshan Stadium.B: Great , Id love to. 通过此会话的学习,能看懂邀请卡且能由卡上内容向他人发出邀请Step 6. Invite a friend (oral practice)Practice the conve

23、rsation in Part 4 on page 27 in pairs.Tell the students how to do the activity: Student A, you are Eliza. Look at page 82. Eliza , invite Lu Qing to go to the mall . Look at the calendar for this week and find a time when you can both go there.Use the dialogue in the box to start the activity , and

24、then ask more questions to learn when both people arent busy . Help students to start the work, give them a hand if needed.The answers: Lu Qing and Eliza are both free on Wednesday afternoon , Friday afternoon , Saturday and Sunday学习询问彼此的日程安排,从而决定出共同做某事的时间.Step 7 Finding a partner.T: First make a re

25、asonable calendar for a week on vacation .Then invite one friend to do something together with you.S: First make a calendar for a week. Then make a conversation to invite a partner.Homework:1.Revise what learn today.2.Make an invitation card and make a conversation to invite someone according to the

26、 invitation card.本人说课: 本节课首先对Grammar进行复习与归纳,教学重点为学会自己制作英文请柬,学会谈论自己的计划安排,并能根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动,学习询问彼此的日程安排,从而决定出共同做某事的时间。Period 3I.教学内容: 教学内容:Section B (1a2c; 4) II.教学目标:a. 能够掌握下面词汇:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, weekday and invitation.b. 如何接受和拒绝邀请。III.教学重点、难点分析:教学重点:能够听、说、读、写本单元的重点词汇和句型及友好有礼貌地接受和拒绝邀

27、请。教学难点:如何有礼貌地接受和拒绝邀请。IV.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision and check their homework.Show their invitation cards and make conversations to invite someone according to the invitation.Step 2. Leading inShow the days of the week in a large monthly calendar .Point out the days of the week at the top of t

28、he calendar and ask a student to read these words aloud .Ask a student to point out todays date ,tomorrows date ,the day after tomorrows date and yesterdays plete activity 1a ,check the answer .Ask students to write the words today ,tomorrow , yesterday and the day after tomorrow in the correct spac

29、es on the calendars in their books .Step 3 Pairework.1c .Call attention to the example in the box .Ask two students to read it to the class .Ask Ss to work in pairs .Ask :What do you want to do on Monday , Tuesday ?Write down your answers .Make some conversations with your partner .Ask some Ss to pr

30、esent their conversations .Step4. Listening practice. 2a, 2b .Point to the picture .Ask students to tell what the boy is doing?(Hes talking on the phone).Let students listen to the conversation .Can Vince play tennis with Andy ?Circle “yes” or “no” .Play the recording .Ask what can Vince do today .P

31、ay attention to the list of five activities ,and the three lettered words .Point out the sample answer ,say, Number 1 is b ,that means that Vince is playing soccer tomorrow .Play the recording .Correct the answers .Step 5 Pairwork 2c .Help student find partners .Say ,one student is Andy ,the other i

32、s Vince .Ask the pairs to practice for a few minutes like the example.Ask some pairs to present their conversation .Step 6. Part 4 Groupwork (page 29)First ask two students to read the converstion. Then ask students to turn to page 84. First Read the instruction to the class.Complete the calendar on

33、 Page 84.Say ,now go around the class .Ask Ss if they can come to your write down everything you have to do next week. Look at your list. What day are you free? This is when you can have your party.Step 7. Homework.Make a calendar for next week and write down your plans.本人说课:本节课为听说课型,能够听、说本单元的重点词汇和句

34、型以及熟练地表达礼貌地接受和拒绝邀请,日期的正确表达是学生的一个难点,总容易读错写错,在教学中应重点强调,反复练习。 Period 4I.Teaching Contents and AnalysisTeaching materials: Section B (3a3c) Teaching aims: Master following words “training, chemistry, American, Know how to write the replies to the invitation properly. Improve the ability of writing.Make

35、Ss know how to be kind, and decline the invitation politely.II.Key items: Understanding the text. Know how to write the replies to the invitation properly.III.Difficulties : Write the replies to the invitation properly.IV.Teaching proceduresStep 1. Leading inShow an article to the class .Say ,this i

36、s an e-mail message .Call attention to the form .Read the article individually .Step 2. Reading 3a .Say ,there is another e-mail message .Ask a student to read it to the class .Call attention to the blank calendar .Say ,Now read it again .Then complete Sonias calendar .Check the answers .Step 3 . 3b

37、 .Point out the e-mail message .Ask a student to read it aloud .Say ,Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message ,use “Im+verb+ing” or “I have to +verb”.Ask students to complete the activity on their own .Ask some Ss to present the answers to the class .Step 4. Writing. 3c .Say ,now write your own e-ma

38、il message to a friend .say why you cant visit next week , give some reasons you wish .As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring their work.Ask some Ss to read their message to the class .Step 5. Homework.Do 3c in your exercise book.本人说课: 本节课内容为阅读与写作,3a的阅读短文只有三个生词,难度不大,让学生采用自学的方式阅读短文并完成Sonia的日程表。在

39、完成3b( 用 “Im+verb+ing” or “I have to +verb”.完成短文)的基础上,再让学生进行写作练习,需学生强调目标语的正确使用。Period 5I.Teaching Arms and Demands.1. Review key words and target language of this unit.American, match, whole, over, free.2. Reading and writing pratice.II. Teaching Difficulties.Reading and writing practice.III.Teaching

40、 proceduresStep 1. Revision and check their homeworkStep 2. Show some new words on the screen.Ameican, match, basketball match, football match, whole, come over to, free.Read the words to the class and ask students to repeat. Make sure everyone understand its meaning.Step 2.(Self check 1 )T: Please

41、fill in the blanks with the words and change their forms if necessary.Offer helps if necessary.T: Please choose 3 words or phrases and make sentences like this:play-My brother likes playing basketball.have to- Many students have to go to school by bus.visit-I always visit my grandparents on weekends

42、.Step 3:Reading and writingT: Imagine you are Marie. Read the invitations and look at your own schedule. Write replies to the invitations.(Self check 2)Ask some Ss to read their own replies to the class.S1:Rose.Im sorry, I cant play tennis with you on Saturday. I am going fishing with grandpa the whole day. Maybe next time!MarieStep 4. Sum up the key words and target language of Unit 5.Step 5. Finish some exercises of the workbook本人说课: 本节课主要内容是完成Selfcheck以及归纳小结本单元的词汇、语法和句型,若时间有余,还可安排练习册练习。


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