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1、The Comparision between John Dewey and Tao Wentsing,the clues of my content,Reference:picture,The breif introudction of Tao Wentsing,Educator and reformer,Tao Xingzhi devoted his life to promoting mass education in China,especially education in rural areas,in the first half of the 20th century.Tao X

2、ingzhi,born in Anhui Province in eastern China,Tao was the son of a bankrupt merchant and the family was unable to afford his schooling.But when Tao was six,a local village scholar discovered that the boy was very bright and keen to study,so he financed Taos primary schooling.,Next,When Tao was 15,h

3、e was enrolled into a missionary school in Shexian County where his mother was a helper.On seeing his talent,the schools principal waived tuition.Tao completed three years of study in two years.In 1909,with financial aid from a church,Tao studied Chinese literature at Nanking University,which merged

4、 a year later with the Private University of Nanking,in todays Nanjing in eastern China.After graduation in 1914,Tao continued his education in the United States.In the US,he obtained a masters degree in political science at the University of Illinois and then went on to study education under the gu

5、idance of John Dewey,an important American psychologist,philosopher and educational reformer.Dewey was a major representative of progressive education and liberalism.,But when Tao returned to China in 1917 and began his own career as a liberal educator,he did not blindly champion Deweys progressive

6、education.Instead,he changed the American educators motto of Education is life itself into Life is education.He even changed his original given name Zhixing or knowledge-action into Xingzhi or action-knowledge.Meanwhile,Tao also advocated his ideas of society as school and integration of teaching,le

7、arning and acting.To promote mass education,Tao joined hands with Y.C.James Yen,another liberal educator,in organizing a National Association of Mass Education Movements.They recruited thousands of volunteer teachers who at one time taught as many as 5 million students around the country.In 1927,Tao

8、 set up Xiaozhuang Normal College in a village in the northern suburbs of Nanjing to train teachers who would teach in rural areas after their graduation.Later,he had also launched the Life Education Association and the Work Study Movement.,After the Japanese invasion of China began in 1937,Tao cut

9、short a visit to the United States and returned to China.In 1939,he founded Yucai Middle School in the suburbs of Chongqing,then the interim capital of the country.He offered free education to refugee children and children of the Communist Party of China members.One of his students was Li Peng,who l

10、ater became the premier of the Peoples Republic of China more than four decades later.In the last 100 days of his life,Tao made more than 100 speeches in schools,factories and public squares.He died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Shanghai on July 25,1946.He was 55.,Education Theory formulated by Tao Xi

11、ngzhi,To cultivate an appetite for learning,learn to live,live to learn.Learn as long as w e live,On the habit of learning is establish e d,a life long progress of the individual is insured.陶行知全集Significance:Tao Xingzhis thought of life long education prov ides a good reference for the development o

12、f teachers.His idea of cultivating learning consciousness and developing good learning habit,as well as integrated education system,have grate enlightenment for teachers lifelong education.,Respecting Children and Appreciating Children on Tao Xingzhis Idea.首创:“小先生”制度,强调尊重学生的主体性和创造性。Significence:Tao

13、Xing zhis educational thought was built on his firsthand experience and realistic educational practice.Throughout his entire thought of child education,it reflect his modern scientific insight of respecting children and appreciating children.Only byrespecting children and appreciating children will

14、their individualities not be erased and their creativity be brought into play.,society as school,life as education,Expending on Deweys ideas,Tao did what he termed a half somersault with Deweys philosophy.Instead of school as society,Tao looked at society as school,instead of education as life,he sa

15、w life as society;and instad of learning by doing,he proposed unity of teaching,learning andreflective action.The comparision between Dewey and Tao Xingzhi,The Comparison,Dewey:school as societyTao:society as school相同点:杜威和陶行知 都强调学校和社会的作用,强调将学校、社会统一起来,注重学校、和社会的关系。Similarity:Both Dewey and Tao emphasi

16、ze the value of school and society;the unity of the society and school.,The Comparison,杜威:“学校即社会”杜威认为学校和社会的关系是,学校对社会负有一种稳定团结的义务。他说:到了商业、运输、交通、移民事业都发达了,于是像美国一类的国家,都是由种种社会联通种种差异的风俗习惯合并组成的。有了这种情形,所以不得不由一种制度,能给青年一种同质的与平衡的环境。”他认为学校和社会同样只是一种环境:学校是一个浓缩的特别的小环境,社会是复杂的大环境。所以说:“学校作为一种制度,应把现实简化起来,缩小到一种雏形的状态。”“学

17、校第一职务是要供给一种弄成简易的环境;第二是要极力排除社会环境中已有的而没有价值的事情;第三是使社会种种要素平衡一下,是的人人在狭隘的社会环境,却不受狭隘环境限制,接触到更广的环境”,The Comparison,简而言之,杜威的“学校即社会”是把现实生活简化起来,缩小到雏形状态。即把资本主义的社会生活的一套组织到学校教育中去,使青少年在学校中受到“有效”地服务资本主义大社会。陶行知:社会即学校第一:从广义上来说,他认为整个人类社会的活动都有教育作用,整个社会都应该是教育范围,都可以说是学校。他说,“社会是生活的场所,所以社会即教育的场所”。因此,我们可以说,“社会即学校”。第二,陶行知的“社

18、会即学校”是要拆除学校和社会之间的“高墙”。他批评士大夫子弟受的特殊教育是一种脱离生活、脱离实际、用脑不用手的教育;这种教育不,The Comparison,是运用社会的力量,是无能的教育,不了解社会需求,是盲目教育。因此,主张将学校伸展到大自然中去,让学生在大自然大社会中受教育,改变传统学校脱离社会的现象。陶行知的“社会即学校”要求学校不仅面向社会,而且还要改造社会,把学校办成改造社会的中心。他说:“我们即承认社会即教育,那么社会的中心问题变成了学校的中心问题。陶行知所办的晓庄学校正式践行他的这种教育理念。在当时历史条件下,为捍卫祖国,推翻剥削阶级的反动统治,为民族解放运动,发挥了积极作用。

19、总之,陶行知的“社会即学校”的观点具有中华民族的大众的、创造的、战斗的特点,是对杜威的“学校即社会”的观点批判吸收和在创新。,The Comparison,Dewey:education as lifeTao:life as society相同点:从“教育即生活”与“生活即教育”这两个教育观点中,杜威和陶行知都是很重视生活与教育的关系的,打破了传统教育中学校与社会的脱节,使学生所学的知识不能解决实际问题,学生不能适应社会的局面。杜威:教育即生活“所谓生活是向环境实行动作的自新的历程或约束环境的自新适应”。“生长是生活的特征,所以教育就是生长,在他自身之外,没有别的目的。”“我们说教育是发展的,

20、最后结论是生活就是发展,不断发展,不断生长就是生活。”因此,把杜威的话概括起来就是:教育就是生长,就是发展、生长,发展就是生活,所以教育就是生活。他认为教育与社会的关系是:“生物的生存,通过传递过程,社会的存在也是这样”。“教育有关社会的生活,如同养料与生育之有关生物的生活一样”。,The Comparison,因此,杜威“教育即生活”是把人的教育、人的生活,看做生物与自然交互的作用,把教育看做一种适应环境的过程,而没有把教育、生活摆在人的社会历史中来认识,把社会规律和自然规律混为一谈。陶行知的“教育即生活”陶行知的“生活即教育”,是针对传统教育与实际生活脱离的现象而提出的。他认为,人们的生活

21、不同,人们所受的教育也不同。“是那样的生活就是那样的教育。”“康健的生活,就是康健的教育;劳动的生活,就是劳动的教育;科学的生活,就是科学的教育;艺术的生活,就是艺术的教育;改造社会的生活,就是改造社会的教育。,the Comparison,与杜威理论相比,陶行知“生活即教育”并不像杜威“教育即生活”那样,主张适应现存的社会生活,而是要改造现存社会中非康健的生活、非劳动的生活、非科学的生活,建设康健的、劳动的、科学的生活,同时在这个改造社会生活的过程中受教育。陶行知,认为教育不是“无目的”的过程,而是有意识、有目的的社会活动。陶行知在晓庄学校的教育实践中,正是践行了自己的理论组织学生改造周围乡



24、一个是“做中学”,一个是“教学做合一”,二者即存在联系,又存在区别。杜威“做中学”,是他“教育即生活”、“学校即社会”的教育理论在教学中的应用;二陶行知的“教学做合一”,是受“生活即教育”、“社会即学校”的教育理论指导。后者的提出,一方面是基于对恩师理论的传承,另一方面还融入了中国明末清初王阳明的“知行合一”理论,陶行知“教学做合一”理论的提出在某种意义上来说,是中西、古今教育理论的结合。,陶行知对杜威教学理论的传承与创新,传承:一 是重 视 发挥 教 育改 造 社会 的 功能;二是 反 对 传 统教 育;只 重视 以 文 字、书 本 为 中 心,忽 略 教 育 与 生活、与 社会相 联系;三是强 调“做”,注重行 动,加 强 知 与 行 的结 合,反 对 死 读书 本、手 脑 两分;四 是 注重教 育 实验,以 科学 方 法 办教 育;五 是提 倡 教育 民主化,反 对教 育工 作 中 的专制 独裁作法,等等。创新:根据当时中国积贫积弱的现状,对恩师杜威的理论进行实践创新,提出“社会即学校”、“生活教育”、“教学做合一”思想,探讨社会、生活、学校的关系,将教育理论应用于实践,创办晓庄师范学院。陶行知是中国现代教育的拓荒者之一,他的教育理论对中国教育事业产生了深远影响。,


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