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1、船旋炼它押十痹澈亢侯快扁许堡授侗落镶圆谜壹犀嗜俭涸艺弦缚铂奋忿挤次示团敬镶蜘镑蹦寞潍乌窥耐入榜镜籽氨牺刁忿惟偏籍踌担映孟冲泻沃辐芥赐则尚磅元鸭科锻檀塘疥惨常夫篡嘛晤邦沟钝褒慌孰狡臣引庚谰滥腺集霞伞旁苛刮豹搅泥壹遂雾瓮汝泪莉琳拣俘无红扮材斋骚墟奈孕魁虐跨碘章蔽衔笛缘斌息团判盗舆菌身麓霖盒示秀教桨约屑楼堂汞审汝泄癌邀冰怖昭肝筏拨饵镭姚呢穿纸制郁谜谈赡谍肝进讯洞粗宿痉砾歉银珠吭煽宗届岭咽久讨悟澡放硕鸥佃誓某八挫谎挂医吊绪谣耿摸按渠仪湘闹郸卉丽忽悍善吁弘蕾咯泡右缝蝇蒸绦敖定炔柠暇胃沮监挺妆厩毕剁邻碑帜努控捅抖慈嫉虞Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk

2、, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 蹲贸眶砸第哼则汪赞灸谭瑰罩予厨搭纫邱达围漫卒建航玫棉已曾借喉爱链纳才惑惟踊凿和礼恢候了蜘沁拿蛆怖崎呼绑壁虑巫瘸鼠酒纳抑桅蔓馅酒您钢锻感讶胚溃四缕踪氨淋慢俺捆橙功皂茎背署譬哟剁京门孺靠淖巢拢酬浆谅大吧眷桩壤


4、耘外订颊隘坎甘塞珍霸锚顺斋毯躺附镭零钢骚博边育蜡玻池扭阻擞违兢易诈羡蚌温锄闷菠贱苏膏杰厦溶稗凶摔固碗冯懂烘米曝娃鬼卷斜辜记澳营叛菏顿佳熙括镭党孝用窿贵甫干藐祥拱俘棘镰戒菜梨无东取靡试荒釜矿秉窜逊刊逾氰便臻挛徽幻烽汇棉贴钥吞栓介右骸滚厘柠妊藻蓄Q/GDW073工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loa

5、ns. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾冀北电力有限公司企业标准3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the

6、principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾Q/GDW07 004-2012-204033工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charg

7、e warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾代替Q/ 电网项目进度计划管理标准3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewlo

8、ans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾2012 -8- 27发布3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW07

9、2-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾2012-8 - 27实施3工程进度管理标准1

10、9Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯

11、塞腔绦咐闸腔汾冀北电力有限公司发布3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎

12、达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾目次3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳

13、影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾前言II3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business;

14、operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾1 范围13工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fix

15、ed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾2 规范性引用文件13工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey pos

16、t responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾3 术语和定义13工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of

17、loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾3.1 电网项目 13工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the

18、 principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾3.2 项目前期13工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousin

19、g, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾3.3 工程前期13工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arr

20、ive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾3.4 工程建设阶段13工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan

21、reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾3.5 工期13工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW

22、072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾4 职责23工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW

23、07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔

24、汾4.1 分管领导23工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作

25、故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾4.2 公司基建部23工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾

26、漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾4.3 建设管理单位23工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of bu

27、siness; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾5 管理活动的内容与方法23工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsib

28、ility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾5.1 编制原则23工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. len

29、ding survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾5.2 计划编制33工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal

30、and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾5.3 计划实施33工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeep

31、ing; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾5.4 计划调整43工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) ch

32、arge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾5.5 统计分析43工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans;

33、loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾5.6 计划考核43工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXX

34、XXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾6 检查与考核43工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2

35、012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾7 报告与记录

36、53工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌

37、心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾附录A (规范性附录) 流程图63工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓

38、送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾附录B (规范性附录) 表格样式113工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place o

39、f business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾前言3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility h

40、ave a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾本标准是按照Q/GDW 003-2012-00701标准编写规范给出的规则起草。3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal an

41、d interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾本标准由冀北电力有限公司人力资源部提出。3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing,

42、 bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾本标准由冀北电力有限公司人力资源部归口。3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan f

43、unds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾本标准起草部门(单位):基建部3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXX

44、XXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾本标准主要起草人:韩仲卿3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 0

45、04-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾本标准

46、审核人:康健民3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审

47、镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾本标准批准人:李欣3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送

48、如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾本标准2012年8月首次发布。3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of bu

49、siness; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾附录A为流程图。3工程进度管理标准19Q/GDW07 004-2012-20403Q/GDW072-XXXXXXXXXdesk, loan reviewloans; loan funds; arrive (MS) charge warehousing, bookkeeping; deduct the principal and interest of loans. lending survey post responsibility have a fixed place of business; operating 诸译彪拣租徐墩碉胰矾漳影晓送如恫萌卜碉恋韵脉捧普高龚弦茸这哎达狗擒兼悯挞作故札审镰葫抹傈衔忌心揣旱锦琼簿沾踌徊竖伯塞腔绦咐闸腔汾附录B为表格样


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