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1、平遥古城的英语导游词 平遥古城的英语导游词1Welcome to Shanxi for tourism. Im your guide. You can call me coco. Today Ill take you to the ancient city of Pingyao, which is the best preserved ancient city in China. Its more than 1000 years ago. Because the shape of the ancient city is like a turtle, people call it turtle

2、City.The wall of Pingyao ancient city is very wide, with big bricks on it. There were several cannons on the lookout of the city wall. They were the most powerful weapons at that time, so they were given the name of Shenwu general. People can take pictures here because soldiers who dont want to be g

3、enerals are not good soldiers.Lets go to the county government again. The county government faces south. Two big stone lions squat on both sides of the main gate. They open their mouths and look very powerful. The barrier of Yamen is very high, and the two gates are thick and heavy, painted with ver

4、milion. Walking into the courtyard, the East and West rooms are the places where taxes and grain were collected in ancient times. Each of them has six caves, implying liudashun. Further inside, there is a large main hall, where the ancient county magistrate worked. There is a large plaque with brigh

5、t mirror hanging high on it. On the left and right sides, there are many instruments of torture used by the court, which makes people feel solemn when they enter. Around the main hall into the backyard, is the county Lord eat and rest place, the door hanging a pair of couplets, meaning that the peop

6、le as parents. Do practical things for the people.From the county government, we strolled along a street in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Its full of ancient buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The shop facades and plaques are also ancient styles. If people wear ancient clothes, they can make cos

7、tume plays here. This is the picture I took on this street.At the last stop, lets go to Rishengchang bank, the earliest bank in China. There are two wax figures in the accounting room on the right. One seems to be collecting money and the other is keeping accounts. It is said that a bookkeeper here

8、can earn eighty Liang silver a year. At that time, one or two silver can buy one mu of land. There are strict anti-counterfeiting measures on banknotes. In order to prevent regular customers from deciphering them, 300 sets of passwords have been changed in 100 years. When I came to the backyard, the

9、 walls were thick and high, and there were many coins in the cracks. It is said to show the strength of the host family.This is the end of the tour of Pingyao ancient city. Thank you.平遥古城的英语导游词2Hello, tourists.Pingyao, a famous historical and cultural city in China, is about to arrive. The towering

10、brick wall in the front right is Pinghe City, one of the four existing complete ancient city pools in China. On December 3, 1997, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee adopted a resolution to list the ancient city of Lijiang in Yunnan Province, the ancient city of Pingyao in Shanxi Province and the cl

11、assical gardens of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province on the world heritage list. Now you can have a look at the perspective and relatively complete appearance of the ancient city.Pingyao has a long history. According to reports: in order to resist the invasion of the northern nomads, Zhou Xuangong sent tro

12、ops to the northern expedition of Sayu and built the jingling city in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Jingling city is built in the east of Pingyuan County, 7 kilometers north of Jingling lining, jingling as a place name has been used up to now. This can be said to be the beginning of the construction of

13、Pingyao City, and also the predecessor of the present Huyuan city. It has been about 2800 years since then.There is no clear record of when this Pingyao City was built. In order to avoid taboo, the original Pingtao county was changed into Pingyao County, and the county government was moved here from

14、 other places. The time to build the city should be after that. In the long history, there has been her prosperity here, and it has been destroyed by war many times. The wall we see now was built in 1370, the third year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, by heightening, thickening and bricking the origi

15、nal earth wall. Although it has been repaired several times since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, its style has not changed.There are many ancient buildings in Pingyao City, such as Dacheng hall, Qingxu temple, Shilou, Chenglong temple, wumiao stage and so on. That is, the street dwellings basically pr

16、eserve the style and features of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Walking on the street, you can also see all kinds of antique gate, courtyard, exquisitely carved ancient architectural decoration, and even see the stone stake in front of the gate, Xiama stone, etc., a style of ancient city.Pingyao not o

17、nly has a long history, but also has a large number of celebrities. They are Ruoming Jin Dynasty historian Sun Sheng who dares to ignore the threat of manmenzijian and writing straightforwardly, Sun Kang who has spread through the ages with yingxueshuo. Hou Wailu, the late director of the Institute

18、of history of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hou ganyi, the late deputy director of the Institute of language, Wang Yao, the president of the Chinese Literature Research Association, Li Gou, the famous painter, and Guo Lanying, the famous singer, were all born in Beijing In this ancient land. Ping

19、shi ancient city is worthy of being a famous historical and cultural city.(over Huiji bridge)We are now driving on the Huiji bridge, which is a nine arch stone bridge built during the reign of Kangxi and rebuilt during the reign of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty. Fu Shan, a famous hostess in the Qing D

20、ynasty, wrote a tablet for it. This bridge is not large in scale and has a long history, but it is beautiful in shape. The bridge deck is flat and not as high as ordinary stone bridges, so it is easy for cars and horses to walk. Whats more, there is another bridge under the bridge. There is no writt

21、en record of the bridge below, and people didnt know it. In August 1977, a torrential rain caused a huge flood, and the rolling flood took away a lot of river sediment which had been silted up for many years. After the water receded, people were surprised to find that Huiji bridge was stacked on the

22、 deck of the old bridge, forming the wonder of the bridge on the bridge. Making use of the old bridge to build a solid foundation for the new bridge can save money, manpower and time. What a clever idea! This is also a miracle in the history of bridge construction.Here is the ancient city of Pingyao

23、. Please follow me to the city wall.(take tourists to the Lower East Gate)This is the Lower East Gate of Huyao ancient city. Lets see how magnificent and spectacular the 12 meter high wall is. Outside the city, there was a moat. There was a suspension bridge at the gate. In the days of war in ancien

24、t times, it was really an insurmountable defense line.After we came in, this place was the Lower East Gate urn, which was set up to defend the gate. The city gate is the weak link of the city wall. With the urn City, the defense means of the city are greatly enhanced. This place has a small root and

25、 is surrounded by high walls. Even if the enemy invades the urn, only a few people can enter, and they immediately fall into the encirclement and become turtles in the urn. Some of the urn gates are not opened on the opposite side of the gate, but turn to the side. It can also prevent the enemy sold

26、iers from rushing under the gate and dispel the enemy soldiers spirit by turning the corner. These design ideas are summed up by the ancients in the long-term practical experience.Look, there is also a small courtyard in the urn. What is it for? It turns out that it is a small Guandi temple. Guandi

27、is a martial saint. It is the unique creation of Pingyao people to build Guanmiao into the urn city. Please follow me to the city wall.Now we are in the city. There were towers here. They were destroyed in the war. The platform built on the city wall is said to be Yin Jifus commanding platform. Yin

28、Jifu was a general of King Xuan of Zhou Dynasty. He was famous for his Youfan in history. He wrote several poems such as Lu Jingchongs Gao Gao and Guan R2. The famous northern expedition against the nomadic people of the North mentioned above was under his command. In order to consolidate the achiev

29、ements of the northern expedition, he also built jingling city here. There are many other sites of Yin Jifu. There is also a village called Yin village near jingling village. It is said that Yin Jifu was stationed there to drink. There is Yin Jifus collection outside Shangdong gate. Before the colle

30、ction, there is a large inscription on the Ming Dynasty stone tablet, which reads Zhou Qingshi ZJ Jifu Shinto. Inside the upper east gate is a small temple in memory of Yin Jifu.Please follow me to see the construction of the ancient city.(take the tourists to dip southward. Walk and say, about 2-3

31、piers to stop)We can see that there is a short block on both sides of the city wall, which is called the parapet. Why is it called the parapet? There is a written explanation in the building a French style written by the government of the Song Dynasty: words are inferior. Compared with the city, if

32、a woman and her husband are equal. It means that the wall is tall and thick, and Baowei husband; the female wall is thin and short, like a weak woman. In some folk places, there is such a story: in the early days, there was no parapet in the city. Once, an old man was pulled to work, and his little

33、granddaughter, who was dependent on him, came to the city with him every day and sat by to watch. One day, a tired migrant worker came to the edge of the city wall in a daze. The little girl, Berta, fell into the city and pushed him in. Unexpectedly, the force was too strong. Although the migrant wo

34、rker was saved, the little girl fell to death. In memory of her, craftsmen built a low wall in the city and called it a parapet. Its a touching story, but it does illustrate the protective function of the parapet. Lets see: the girls fields on both sides are not the same. Crenels are built on the ou

35、ter walls of the girls fields, and crenels also have holes for conjecture and shooting. Of course, this is for the needs of actual combat.As you have noticed, every spare section of the city wall has a protruding part, which is called the pier. What is the pier for? 7 it is used to protect the city

36、wall. We know that in ancient times, the main weapons used to attack and defend the city were bows, arrows and bending machines. They could shoot down from the top and up from the bottom. Therefore, the soldiers who defended the city were afraid to explore their origins. In this way, the city wall a

37、t the foot of the anti Li Chengding defense corner. With piers and abutments, we can make up for this deficiency, form a powerful three-dimensional shooting network from three sides, and greatly strengthen the city defense force. On each collapse, an enemy tower was built with holes for observation

38、and shooting.In addition to these common points, ganyao ancient city has its own unique place.The city wall was originally a product of war, but pingdouren liked to put a strong cultural color on it. Kuixing tower, a symbol of cultural star official, was built on the southeast corner of Dingcheng wa

39、ll. According to statistics, there are 3000 crenels and 72 abandoned enemy towers in the ancient city, which is a symbol of Confucius three thousand disciples and seventy-two sages.Huyao looks like a turtle from above. It has always been known as the city of tortoise. It is said that it means the lo

40、ngevity of the tortoise. There are six gates in the city, the South Gate looks like the head, the gate and the outer gate of the urn are all south. Ren Guishou is flexible, the north gate looks like the tail, the outer gate of the urn is demolished and moves eastward, and the good puppet turtle tail

41、 swings eastward: the East Gate and the west gate look like turtle feet. The three outer gates of the urn turn southward, as if the tortoise is slowly extending its legs and bending its limbs forward. Only the Lower East Gate, which we just came in, opens eastward instead of turning southward. It is

42、 said that it is uncle The tortoise climbs away, so he uses an invisible rope to tie his left hind foot to the tower at the foot of the tower, which is one kilometer east of the city. Outside the south gate, there is a well on the left and right, which is said to be a pair of bright eyes of the tort

43、oise. In the center of the city, that is, the location of Guixin, there is also a city building, which is the one we see standing on the top of many houses. On the two slopes of the top of the city building, the characters Shuangxi and Xiangshou are spelled out with yellow and blue glazed tiles. It

44、fully embodies the unique cultural atmosphere of the ancient city and expresses the good wishes of the people from afar. It can be said that it is a painting of dragon and dark in the urban construction concept of Guicheng .There are many objects in the remote city. In southwest, the building covere

45、d with glazed glass is the architectural complex of Town Gods Temple and the God of wealth temple. It can be seen nearby, and it can see the magnificent scenery of its high angle, flying, painted and painted. The modern building that stands out near it is the teaching building of Pingshi middle scho

46、ol. The Dacheng Hall of the Confucian temple is in the campus. You cant see the contempt from here. In order to protect the original style, it is generally not allowed to build buildings in the ancient city, but Ganyuan people made an exception to build a teaching building for the school, which show

47、s the importance of education. Pingyuan middle school has also lived up to the expectations of the public, and has always maintained the leading position of this provincial key middle school in the province with excellent resultsPingyao, who is very familiar to our tour guides in Shanxi, must have m

48、et this old gentleman. Under the appearance of vicissitudes, he is a warm and sincere heart, and his optimistic character must have left a deep impression on you. Today, I invite him here, honoring him as Pingyao Tourism Image Ambassador. If you have been to this charming small northern city, I hope

49、 the old gentleman can help you If you havent come yet, dont hesitate to carry your luggage. Welcome to Pingyao ancient city!平遥古城的英语导游词3Dear guests,Im Li Jingcheng, the guide of Pingyao ancient city. You can call me Xiao Li. Next time I will introduce Pingyao ancient city to you.Now we have reached the ancient city of Pingyao. Pingyao is a 4A scenic spot in China. It was built in 827-782 B.C. and expanded in 1370 A.D. with a h


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