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1、Module Four Grammar,the usage of ing form,1.动名词与不定式作主语,(1).表示一般抽象概念均可。Reading/To read good books enriches our mind.(2).表具体的特定情况或有待于完成的动作,常用不定式。Swimming is good for health,but to swim in such a polluted river is harmful to health.,(3).It+be+adj.(necessary,important+to do,It+be+no use/no good/a waste

2、of time+doing.It is necessary to spend enough time on English if you want to learn it well.It is no use at all arguing with him about it.,2.动名词与不定式作表语,(1).通常可以互用。His habit is having/to have a walk after supper.(2).指具体的、特定情况下或未发生的动作,常用不定式。Your work today is to carry these things upstairs.(3).主语的形式要和表

3、语保持一致。To see is to believe.Seeing is believing.,3.后面只跟 ing 形式作宾语的动词:admit,allow,avoid,delay,dislike,miss,finish,advise,mind,consider,practise,suggest,keep,excuse,enjoy,permit,escape,He tried to avoid answering my question.,Would you mind closing the door?,She suggested going to the cinema.,后面常跟ing形式

4、作宾语的动词词组:give up,put off,carry on,keep on,feel like,get used to,insist on,look forward to,succeed in,think of,dream of,cant help,be worth,have difficulty(in),be busy,David has given up smoking.Do you feel like going out tonight?Im looking forward to meeting her.The picture isnt worth looking at.,4.只

5、能跟不定式作宾语的动词 promise,demand,ask,aim,pretend,wish,hope,expect,manage,afford,offer,agree,learn,prepare,claim,dare,decide,refuse,determine等。He failed to pass the driving test.He offered to take the child home.I cant afford to buy a car.,5.有些词后跟不定式或动名词意义不同:remember,forget;try;mean;stop,go on;regret;want,

6、need,require,regret doing sth 对已经发生的事感到遗憾。regret to do 对将要做的事感到遗憾。I regret telling/having told her what I thought.I regret to tell you that you failed in the exam.,want doing/want to be done 需要被The classroom really wants/needs/requires cleaning.My car needs repairing/to be repaired.,Complete the fol

7、lowing sentences:,1.He is so interested in English that he will never get tired of _ speaking it with his classmates.2.The astronaut hopes _ out of his space-ship and walk in space.3.At the end of the term,all the students look forward to _ some holiday.4.Would you please turn down the radio?I cant

8、stand _ to such noise all the time.,draw,practise,spend,step,listen,send,have,control,move,work,help,practising,to step,having,listening,5.China has succeeded in _ up many satellites into space.6.The boy attempted _ the boat all by himself,but failed.7.The man went on _ until late night every day be

9、cause he had to complete the task in time.8.Once I have promised _ you,I will try my best.9.The artist likes _ in ink.,sending,to control,working,to help,drawing,draw,practise,spend,step,listen,send,have,control,move,work,help,Choose the best answers:1.Robert is indeed a wise man.Oh,yes.How often I

10、have regretted _ his advice! take B.taking C.not to take D.not taking,2.After he became conscious,he remembered _and _ on the head with a attack; be attacked;to be hitC.attacking;be hitD.having been attacked;hit,3.At the beginning of class,the noise of desks _could be heard outsi

11、de the classroom.A.opened and closed be opened and closed C.being opened and closed open and close(07全国,12),4.John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work _,he gladly accepted it.A.finished B.finishing C.having finished D.was finished,5.There is a story here in the paper about a

12、 110-year-old man.My goodness!I cant imagine _ that be have been C.being D.having been,6.Tom sounds very much _ in the job,but Im not sure whether he can manage it.A.interested B.interesting C.interestingly D.interestedly,7.Only then _how much damage had been caused.A.she realized B.she had realized C.had she realized D.did she realize,8.What a table!Ive never seen such a thing before.It is_ it is long.A.half not as wide as B.wide not as half as C.not half as wide as wide as not half,


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