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1、圆学子梦想 铸金字品牌温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时提升作业(十六)Unit 8Section B(20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. Our school has an English(考试)next Monday. 2. We have some activities this(学期). 3. We will have a school(旅游)next week. 4. Miss Gao loves her(学生)very much. 5. Ou

2、r head teacher is really(忙碌的)every day. 答案: 1. test2. term3. trip4. students5. busy()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. My(father)birthday is on October the fifth. 7. There are two English(festival)in January. 8. September is the(nine)month of a year. 9. His name is Jim Green. Jim is his(one)name. 10. Today is her

3、birthday, not(I). 答案: 6. fathers7. festivals8. ninth9. first10. mine. 单项选择(10分)1. We haveArt Festival in our school next week. A. aB. anC. theD. /2. I want to go to EnglandMarch 2nd. A. onB. atC. inD. to3. There aremonths in a year. month is December. A. twelfth; TwelfthB. twelve; TwelveC. twelfth;

4、The twelfthD. twelve; The twelfth4. This is my dress. That one is. A. my sisterB. MarysC. motherD. Mary5. Do you have a Music Festival at your school library? . A. Yes, it isB. Yes, we doC. Yes, we doesD. Yes, it does答案: 15. BADBB. 完成句子(10分)1. 他们在晚会上玩得很开心。They at the party. 2. 你的父母在“学校开放日”能来学校吗? Can

5、 your parents school on School Day? 3. 今天是我的第二十个生日。Today is my . 4. 你们学校有艺术节吗? Do you have an at school? 5. 我们在4月份有一次学校郊游。We have a in April. 答案: 1. have a good time2. come to3. twentieth/20th birthday4. Art Festival5. school trip. 补全对话(10分)(2014重庆一中期末)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. Its a tennis ball. B.

6、When is it? C. Yes, she is. D. Where do you have a tennis game? E. Its a photo, my family photo. F. I play tennis every day. G. No, she is my aunt. Bob: Whats this, Jane? Jane: 1Bob: Whos that man in a white T-shirt? Jane: Hes my father. Bob: Oh, is the woman your mother? Jane: 2Bob: Oh, your aunt.

7、And whats in your hand? Jane: 3Bob: Do you like tennis? Jane: Yes, I do. 4Bob: Do you have a tennis game at school? Jane: Yes. Do you want to come and watch it? Bob: Sure. 5Jane: Its on March 15th. Bob: Great! See you then. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案: 15. EGAFB. 阅读理解(10分)Vera is eight years old. She has four

8、 dollars. She wants to buy a birthday gift for her mother. She comes to a big store. She looks at the things and thinks, “Ill buy her something nice”. “Can I help you? ”asks the shopkeeper(店主). “Yes, please. I want to buy a gift for my moms birthday, ”answers Vera, “but I dont know what to buy. ”The

9、 shopkeeper gives her a nice skirt and says, “Do you like this skirt? Its thirty dollars. ”“Yes, but I only have four dollars, ”says Vera. Then she sees a nice red hat. She knows her mother would like it. She wants to buy it, but the price(价格)must be very high. “How much is it? ”she asks. The shopke

10、eper looks at her, and then he says, “Thats just four dollars. ”Vera is very happy, and says, “OK, Ill take it. ”阅读上面短文, 判断句子正误(T/F)。()1. Veras mothers birthday is coming. ()2. Vera doesnt like the skirt. ()3. Vera buys a red hat for thirty. ()4. The shopkeeper is a kind man. ()5. The shopkeeper is

11、Veras father. 【方法技巧】跳读与词义猜测遇到生词时, 一定要沉着、冷静。一般的生词, 只要不是有单独考查“词义猜测”的题目就跳过去, 只要对材料的整体理解不影响就好, 这种阅读叫“跳读”。跳读可以提高我们的阅读速度, 更好地解决细节理解题以及别的题目。词义猜测利用上下文语境对某些生词、难句做出推测和判断。该题旨在考查学生根据上下文推断词汇意义的能力, 因而, 所考单词的意义通常超出大纲范围。常见形式有: The word/phrase. . . means/refers to. . . From the passage, we can infer the word. . . is

12、 closest in meaning to. . . What does the word. . . in Paragraph. . . mean? 猜测词义也是阅读能力的体现, 当然也在考查范围之内。遇到这种题目, 只要理解了全篇材料的大部分内容, 弄清了上下文之间的内在联系, 判断出它在文中可能存在的含义是不难的。做好此类题, 要注意, 第一, 要熟练掌握大纲单词, 平时注意积累生词和短语。第二, 要把词放到句子里, 把句子放在句群里。第三, 注意词、句的位置, 确定结构关系。第四, 要善于利用连词、代词及词性、同义词法、反义词法等进行判断选择。答案: 15. TFFTF关闭Word文档返回原板块- 5 -


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