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1、,Unit 4 How do you get to school?,car,plane,bike,bus,train,on foot,subway,taxi,by,by,by,by,by,by,by,by,I get to school by bike.,I get to school on foot.,How do you get to school?,I get to school by subway.,I ride the bike to school.,I take the subway to school.,I walk to school.,另一种表达方式,by+交通工具=take

2、(s)the/a+交通工具(但步行要用walk,骑自行车必须要用ride the/a bike),放句末,放主语后,taxi,How do you get to school,I get to school by taxi.,=I take the taxi to school.,I get to Beijing,by train.,How do you get to Beijing?,=I to Beijing.,take the train,How do you get to school,I get to school,by bike.,=I to school.,ride my bik

3、e,How do you get to school?,I get to school,.,=I to school.,walk,on foot,He goes(to work),by bus.,How does your father go to work,=He to work.,takes the bus,How does your uncle go to work,He goes to work.,=He to work.,by car,takes the car,They go,by plane.,How do they go to America?,=They take a pla

4、ne.,How?,你会编对话了吗?,展开想象畅所欲言,显显身手吧!,1,2,3,4,He takes the bus to work.,=He goes to work by bus.,She takes a taxi to go home.,=She goes home by taxi.,How does he go to work?,How does she go home?,She rides her bike to school.,=She gets to school by bike.,He walks to school,=He gets to school on foot.,Pe

5、riod 2,How?,1.Bob 2.Mary3.Paul4.Yang Lan5.John,Listening,Bob takes the train 1Mary takes the subway 2Paul walks.3Yang Lan walks.4John takes the bus.5,1,2,4,5,3,补全对话,A:How do you _ _school?B:I _ my bike,but sometimes I _ the train._ about you?A:I get to school _ _.(乘公汽)But my sister _(步行)to school.,t

6、ake,How/What,walks,ride,get,to,by bus,要细心哟,勤学苦练 出口成章,你都掌握了吗?,帮你归纳!,大同小异,在英语中,表示乘做某种交通工具要用“by+交通工具名称”这一介词短语放句末。注:by后的名词一律用单数,而且这一名词前一般不加冠词。如:By bike by bus by car by train by plane/air by ship/boat 但是,表示步行时,要用on foot.另一种表示乘坐某种交通工具的方式是:主语+Take(s)the/a+交通工具。但骑自行车必须要用ride the/a bike,步行要用walk,I get to school by train.=I get to school by bike.=I get to school on foot.=,I take the/a train to school.,I ride my/a/the bike to school.,I walk to school.,Homework,Interview your parents or your friends how to get to work or get to school.And give a report.,See you next time!,Thank you for your listening,


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