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1、Unit 3 The secret of successUnit 4 The next step,.单词盘点核心速记1._(vi.&vt.)辞职2._(adj.)愚蠢的,可笑的,荒唐的3._(vt.)插上(插头);堵塞;补足(n.)插头;插座;(水池)塞子4._(adj.)过剩的;盈余的(n.)过剩;盈余,顺差5._(vi.&vt.)退缩;缩水;(使)缩小,resign,ridiculous,plug,surplus,shrink,6._(n.)自尊,尊严7._(n.&vt.)预告,预览8._(n.)挂钩;鱼钩(vt.&vi.)(使)钩住,挂住;钓(鱼)9._(vt.)使恐惧,使惊吓10._(


3、;信仰_(adj.)忠实的,忠诚的;如实的,economical,economy,economic,survivor,survive,survival,flexibility,flexible,faith,faithful,18._(n.)渴望,渴求;口渴_(adj.)渴望的;口渴的19._(adj.)配备家具的_(vt.)提供;供应;装备20._(adj.)社会主义的;(n.)社会主义者_(n.)社会主义_(adj.)社会的,thirst,thirsty,furnished,furnish,socialist,socialism,social,.短语互译1.快速成功,突然流行 _2.对感到厌

4、倦 _3.组装;汇集 _4.折叠,对折 _5.隔靴搔痒,只触及问题的表面或一小部分 _6.回避(困难等)_7.至于,关于 _,take off,tire of,put together,fold up,scratch the surface,shrink from(doing)something,as for,8.pull out _9.put out _10.throw oneself into _11.be economical with the truth _12.for the taking _13.put something away _14.dive(right)in _15.la

5、nd on ones feet _,退出,脱离,公布,广播,出版,投身于,积极从事,有所隐瞒,供自由取用,积蓄,攒钱;把放回原处,热切地开始做某事,安然脱困,化险为夷,.句型透视1.过去完成时态的运用By the end of the 1980s,Sinclair _ _(对各项生意感到厌倦),and was throwing himself into British Mensa,a club for clever people.2.It be+(体现事物性质的)adj.+that-从句,从句用虚拟语气The first thing you must remember is that in o

6、rder to succeed,it is almost compulsory that _(你应该乐观).,had tired of his various,businesses,you be optimistic,3.as引导的原因状语从句My father has been successful _(因为他从不回避)helping others.4.although引导的让步状语从句_(虽然我的确喜欢它),I am not very good with a bat or a baseball glove.,as he never shrinks from,Although I reall

7、y enjoy it,.语篇完形 There were many things needed to do.I had to decide which university to apply to and what course to study.After looking 1._ numerous brochures,I decided on the University of Calgary.Moving to Canada meant making some big 2._ to my life.At some 3._,leaving my family was the hardest p

8、art,and some people cannot 4._ it.,through,adjustments,point,handle,Another big change was the food.I found the food there a bit strange at first,but now I am getting 5._ to it.And now whenever I want to eat Chinese food,I can cook for myself.My kitchen was 6._ small that I joked that it could be me

9、asured in 7._.University students have a lot of 8._ time for personal study,sports or just 9._.Going to university is an adventure,so you should not be afraid,but just 10._ right in.,used,so,millimetres,free,relaxing,dive,1.选用框中词汇完成句子 resign,economical,furnished,premier,put out(1)The government _a w

10、arning against flood.(2)Which method of making the metal helmet is more _ in total?(3)He is one of Britishs _ chefs and many people like his cooking.(4)I prefer to rent a _ apartment.(5)All the employees _ because the employer is too unreasonable.,put out,economical,premier,furnished,resign,2.选用句型透视

11、中的句式仿写句子(1)到那时为止,我对此仍一无所知。(by then)_(2)掌握电脑技能对每个人都是非常重要的。(虚拟语气)_(3)由于雨下得大,我们不去公园了。(as)_(4)虽然他很有钱,但他并不幸福。(although)_,By then,I had known nothing about it yet.,It is very important that everyone(should)master the skills of,computers.,As it is raining hard,we shall not go to the park.,Although he has a

12、 lot of money,he is unhappy.,1.tire vi.&vt.(使)疲劳,疲倦(1)tire sb.out使某人疲倦(2)tired adj.疲劳的;疲倦的be/get tired of对感到厌烦be tired from因而疲劳(3)tiring adj.令人疲劳的,令人疲倦的,Climbing the mountain tired me very much.爬山使我累极了。Im _ _ doing the same work all the day.我厌倦了整天做相同的工作。We were _ _ the long walk in the countryside.在

13、乡间走了那么远的路,我们感到累极了。【点津】be tired of.表示“对厌倦”,类似的短语还有be fed up with.,be bored with.。,tired,of,tired,from,2.flexibility n.灵活性;弹性;柔韧性flexible adj.灵活的;有弹性的;柔韧的(2012湖南高考)Plastics toughness and flexibility represented a revolution in materials science during the 1950s.20世纪50年代,塑料的坚硬性和柔韧性代表了材料科学的一场革命。Our plan

14、s need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.我们的计划必须灵活,以满足每个人的需要。You need to be _ _ and imaginative in your approach.你的方法必须更加灵活,更富有想象力。,more,flexible,【高考链接】(2010山东高考)Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules to make it easier to care for their children.A.heavy

15、B.smooth C.flexible D.complex【解析】选C。句意:在家庭外有工作的妈妈应该有灵活的工作时间表,这样她们照看孩子就能更容易些。flexible 灵活的,有弹性的;heavy 沉重的;smooth 流畅的;complex复杂的。,3.thirst n.渴望,渴求;口渴thirsty adj.口渴的;渴望的be thirsty for 渴望,渴求,The only unconditional aspect is their thirst for knowledge.唯一无条件的是他们对知识的渴望。In this way I believe that our cities

16、will not _ _ _ water in the future.如果这样做的话,我坚信在将来我们的城市将不会缺水。【点津】表示“渴望,渴求”的动词短语还有:be eager to do,long for等。,be,thirsty,for,4.shrink vi.&vt.退缩;缩水;(使)缩小Let us act and dont shrink,for fear that our motives of being misunderstood.让我们行动起来,不要退缩,以免我们的动机遭到误解。I do not shrink from this responsibilityI welcome

17、it.我决不在这责任之前退缩我欢迎它。Facing the huge monster,he shrunk into himself with fear.面对这个庞然大物,他吓得缩成一团。,【归纳】写出下列短语_ 回避(困难等)_ 缩成一团,shrink from(doing)sth.,shrink into oneself,5.preview n.&vt.预告,预览It shows a preview of each page in your bookmark list.它可以展示预览用户书签清单中的每个页面。As you preview the material,you get some i

18、deas of the content and how it is organized.当你预览素材时,你会得到一些内容的想法以及它是如何组织起来的。Turn to page 12 _ _ _ _ next weeks programmes.下周节目预告请见第12页。,for,a,preview,of,【点津】前缀pre-,表示时间上“提前,之前”。类似的词有preread(预读),prehistory(史前),pre-war(战前的),pre-record(预先录制)等。,6.terrify vt.使恐惧,使惊吓(1)terrify sb.into doing sth.威胁某人做某事(2)t

19、errified adj.恐惧的;受到惊吓的be terrified with/at 被吓了一跳be terrified of 害怕(3)terrifying adj.令人恐惧的;吓人的terror n.惊恐;恐怖in terror 惊慌地,The ghost stories he told terrified the child.他讲的鬼故事把这个孩子吓坏了。He was terrified at the sight of the poisonous snake.看到毒蛇他被吓了一跳。The old man _ _ _ losing his only son.老人害怕失去他唯一的儿子。Tha

20、t must have been _ _ _ for you.对你来说,那肯定是一次可怕的经历。,was,terrified,of,a,terrifying,experience,7.sharpen vt.&vi.提高,改善;(使)变锋利sharp adj.锋利的;急剧的,骤然的;清晰的;敏锐的;尖刻的;严厉的;(点)整,观察句子,写出黑体部分的词性和含义She is doing a course to sharpen her business skills.()She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international po

21、litics.()He kept a sharp lookout for any strangers.()There is a sharp rise in prices.()He was very sharp with me when I was late.()She planned to unlock the shop at 8:00 sharp this morning.(),vt.提高,adj.鲜明的,清晰的,adj.敏锐的;灵,敏的,adj.急剧的,adj.严厉的;,尖刻的,adj.(点)整,8.pull out 退出,脱离Frightened and angry,she said s

22、he pulled out of the election.她表示,在恐惧和愤怒之下,自己退出了竞选。(2012湖南高考)I pulled out my phone to read a text message from my mom.我拿出手机,读了一条来自母亲的短信。,【拓展】补全下列“pull+prep./adv.”短语pull _ 拉倒;摧毁pull _ 渡过难关;度过危险pull _ 扯断;扯开pull _ 停下来;停车pull _ 进站,down,through,apart,up,in,9.put out公布,广播,出版;扑灭;生产观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义This magazi

23、ne is put out every week.()Police have put out a description of the man they wish to question.()Firefighters soon put the fire out.()The plant puts out 500 new cars a week.(),出版,公布,扑灭,生产,制造,【熟词生义】读句子猜含义I hope our arriving late didnt put them out.(),给某人添麻烦,10.take off快速成功,突然流行The new magazine has rea

24、lly taken off.这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。Her singing career took off after her TV appearance.她在电视上亮相后歌唱事业迅速成功。,【拓展】补全下列“take+prep./adv.”短语take _ 雇用;承担;呈现take _ 吸收;领会;欺骗take _ 接管,接任take _ 占据;从事;拿起;继续take _ 认为;以为;误认为,on,in,over,up,for,11.fold up折叠,对折He folded the map up and put it in his pocket.他把地图折叠起来,放进了口袋。First,

25、fold up the paper in half/in two.首先,将纸对折起来。【熟词生义】读句子猜含义With the current situation of the world market,even promising new companies may fold up months after they open.(),倒闭,12.The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed,it is almost compulsory that you be optimistic.你必须记住的第一件事是:为了成功

26、,你必须得乐观。(1)从句运用了虚拟语气,完整结构为:it is almost compulsory that you should be optimistic。(2)It+be+adj.(important,necessary,essential,impossible,strange,surprising,etc.)that.从句谓语动词用虚拟语气,即(should+)动词原形。该结构中的形容词多体现事物的性质特点,往往表示“惊讶、恐慌、不满等”语气。,It is surprising that you(should)not understand me!真想不到,你竟然不理解我!It is

27、strange that he _ _ _ toward his parents like that.真奇怪,他竟然那样对待他的父母。,(should),have,acted,13.My father has been successful as he never shrinks from helping others.我父亲因为从不回避去帮助别人,最后成功了。,as的用法:(1)作介词,表示“作为”(2)作连词引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候,随着”引导原因状语从句,表示“因为”。此句中就是这种用法引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然,尽管”引导方式状语从句,表示“依照,按照”(3)as引导定语从句

28、,先行词可以是一个词,也可以是一个句子或短语,You will grow wiser as you grow older.你会随着年龄的增长而越来越聪明。As rain has fallen,the air is cooler.因为下过雨,空气比较清爽。_ _ _ _ _,nobody was injured in the accident.这次意外虽然显得令人不可思议,却没有人受伤。To shut your eyes to facts,_ _ _ _ _,is foolish.正如许多人这么做的,对事实视而不见是愚蠢的。【点津】as引导让步状语从句时,从句必须用倒装语序。,Strange,a

29、s,it,may,seem,as,many,of,you,do,【高考链接】(2011全国卷)Try_she might,Sue couldnt get the door open.A.if B.when C.since D.as【解析】选D。考查连词。句意:尽管Sue尽力了,但她没能把门打开。as表示“虽然”,引导状语从句时,从句的结构为:表语、状语或部分谓语+as+主语+其他。根据句子结构以及句意可知选D。,.单词拼写1.This policy tends to the _(改进)of economic results.2.Although hes only an _(业余爱好者),hes

30、 a first-class player.3.She broke in with a _(可笑的)objection.4.Now in the _(节约的)society,we should form the good habit of saving.,improvement,amateur,ridiculous,economical,5.We do this because we believe in the _(尊严)and value of every person.6._(预览)the information center to see and adjust the results.

31、7.We are trying to _(使锋利)these knives in a limited time.8.For next year,it does have some _(盈余的)funds.,dignity,Preview,sharpen,surplus,.完成句子1.他虽说有耐心,也不愿等那么久。(as)_,he didnt like waiting that long.2.这本书是关于西藏的,很早就出版了。(put)This book is about Tibet,which _.3.他从来没有像现在这样,如此强烈地渴望窗外的世界。(thirsty)Never had he

32、_at the world outside the window like now.,Patient as he was,was put out very early,been so thirsty for a look,4.她的病还没有好,但是医生相信她一定会恢复健康。(pull)She is still ill,but the doctor is sure _.5.只要做得对,他们就无所畏惧。(shrink)They _ what was right.,she will pull through,did not shrink from doing,.话题写作 先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然

33、后连成一段小短文。1.第一次来到这所学校时,学生们积极投入学习的精神面貌给了我很深的印象。(throw oneself into)2.他们都在这里渴求更多的知识,都有灵活且实用的学习方法,从不回避遇到的困难。(thirsty,shrink)3.他们的日常生活也是丰富有趣的。学校有许多兴趣俱乐部,他们可以在那里做他们喜欢的事情,这也使他们对学习生活不会感到疲倦。(tire),4.这里也有许多选修课程供学生们选择,这些课程可以丰富他们的思维,开阔他们的视野。(optional)5.但要记住:受欢迎的课程不一定适合每一个人,你要选择你最喜欢的。(suitable)_,【参考范文】The first

34、time I came to this school,I was impressed by all the students throwing themselves into learning.Here,youll find all the students thirsty for more knowledge.They have flexible and practical learning methods and no one ever shrunk from the difficulty they faced.As for their daily life,its still inter

35、esting and colorful.There are many interest clubs,where they can do what they most want,which makes them not tired of the learning life.,There are some optional courses students can choose from.These courses can enrich the students minds and broaden their horizons.However,remember that popular courses might not be suitable for everyone,and you should choose the one that suits you best.,


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