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1、Unit 5 The power of natureReading,高二人教新课标版选修六,Pre-reading,volcano,Who will climb into a live volcano to take the temperature of the boiling rock inside?,volcanologists,Collect and evaluate information about volcanoes.,What kind of things might a volcanologist do?,Are you suitable for being a volcano

2、logist?,Do you want to be a volcanologist?,An Exciting Job,Working as a volcanologist,What might be talked about?,What does a volcanologist do?Is the work important?,His work can help save many lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their home.,Fast reading,The writer ex

3、pressed his love for his job as a volcanologist and told us one of his unusual experience in Mount Kilauea,Hawaii.,Whats the main idea of the article?,Part 1(Para 1-2)Part 2(Para 3-4)Part 3(Para 5),The writers job and its importance,The writers experience of watching the volcanic eruption,The reason

4、s for the writers enthusiasm about his job.,Read again and try to find out main ideas of each part.,Part one(Para.1-2),1.Why is a volcanologists job important?2.Where is Mount Kilauea?3.The writer doesnt mind the occasional danger of his job because _ _.,It can warn people when the volcano is going

5、to erupt and save many lives.,In Hawaii.,him and makes him feel alive,danger excites,Careful reading,Job:_-_-_ _importance:_feelings(adj.):_-_-_,Fill in the blanks.,volcanologist,collect information for a database,help scientists to predict where lava will flow and how fast,protect ordinary people f

6、rom volcanoes,excited,/Save peoples lives by warning them to leave their homes.,never bored,feel alive,Part two(Para.3-4),4.Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption?,The lava can cover up or burn villages in its path.The rocks from the volcano usually dont

7、damage anything because no one lives near the crater.,my bed began shaking,a strange sound,My bedroom became as bright as day,an abosolutely fantastic sight,red hot lava was fountaining hundred of metres into the air,5.What made the author realize that an eruption occurred?,put on white protective s

8、uits,helmets,big boots,dropped as closed as possible to the crater,slowly make our way to the edge of the crater,looked down into the red boiling center,6.What did the scientists do after the eruption?,7.What does the writer mean by using“lucky”in the sentence“I was lucky enough to have a much close

9、r look at it.”?8.Why did the scientists have to get close to the volcano after it began erupting?,To get some lava for later study.,It was his first sight of an eruption.It was the first time for him to watch the crater.,9.Why was it difficult for the writer to walk towards the edge of the crater?,T

10、he writer wore special protective suits that made it difficult to walk.,My first experience:I was _ asleep when my bed began _ and I heard a _ sound,like a _ passing nearby.Then I found my bedroom was as _ as day,and red lava _ hundreds of meters into the air.,fast,shaking,strange,train,bright,fount

11、aining,Fill in blanks about the writers experience of the volcano.,The next day,three of us wanted to get close to the _.We put on _suits,_,big _ and special _,which made us look like _.We slowly _ to the edge of the crater to collect some _ for _.,helmets,boots,gloves,spacemen,made our way,lava,lat

12、er study,protective,crater,Part three(Para.5),10.What does the writer find impressive even after studying volcanoes for more than twenty years?,The author is impressed by the beauty of the eruption and also by its potential to cause great damage.,Analyze the writers feelings(Part 3),Find out the wor

13、ds(para1 and para 5)that indicate the writers feeling about being a volcanologist.,Para 1:never bored;excited;alive;,An Exciting job,Para 5:enthusiastic;amazed,The writer is an adventurous man.The writer loves his job very much.3.Its not easy to be a volcanologist.4.Love and interest is what it take

14、s to do a job well.5.Courage,What can we learn from these words?,1.Having learnt a little more about the work of a volcanologist,do you think it is an occupation you would enjoy?Give your reasons.,2.In pairs discuss what skills you think a volcanologist should have.Make a list.,Post-reading,Discussi

15、on,No,I probably wouldnt enjoy this job because I would have to live in other countries and also I dont like being in dangerous situations.Also,Im not very good at science.,Suggested answers:,Yes,Id love to do a job like this because I would enjoy working outside and I think I would enjoy the advent

16、ure.It would be exciting to meet people from different countries and I would feel good about helping people avoid danger.,or,Look at these three people who would like to study volcanoes.Which one would you choose to become a volcanologist?Give your reasons.,Fred Spears:,He has the interest but not t

17、he qualifications.So he is not a good choice to become a volcanologist.,Susan Kelp:,She has studied geology and has an interest in volcanoes.She has all the necessary qualificationsbut she does not have practical experience devising experiments and analyzing data.,Charles:,He is a medical doctor wit

18、h an interest in volcanoes.He has experience of conducting experiments but does not have the specific qualifications needed to become a volcanologist.,I would choose Susan Kelp because she has the necessary qualifications and the interest.Although she has not yet conducted experiments she will eithe

19、r have learned the techniques during university course or be able to learn them on the job.She seems to bethe most suitable candidate.,So,Phrases in the text,火山爆发冒险组成、构成遍及世界被任命为收集的信息被警告做烧成平地,volcano eruptingtake risksmake upall over the worldbe appointed ascollect information aboutbe warned to dobur

20、n to the ground,Phrases in the text,熔岩睡的很香注意在远处绝妙的景色前往对热情,boiling rocksfall asleeptake noticein the distancea fantastic sightmake ones waybe enthusiastic about,Can you imagine climb into a live volcano in order to measure the temperature of the boiling rock inside?live adj.活的;实况转播的(修饰物)live animals

21、live coverage of the World Cup 世界杯的实况转播live coals 燃烧着的煤块 Pollution is still very much a live issue.污染仍然是目前非常让人关注的问题。,Language Points,alive 活着的,在世的,存在的;有活力的,活跃的,有生气的(表语,宾语,后置定语)He is alive in every nerve.living 活着的,现存的 a small living thing(表语,前置定语)lively 充满活力的,活泼的,轻快的,充满趣味的Can you imagine his appeari

22、ng in the live show in order to make the programme lively?你能想象为了使得这个节目有趣,他竟然出现在现场直播表演中?,2.Do you enjoy taking risks?risk n.风险,危险 He was taking a risk by overtaking on a bend.他在转弯处超车是在冒风险。The house is a fire risk.这房子有起火的危险。,短语联想:在危险中 at risk冒的危险 at the risk of冒险 take/run a risk冒险做某事 risk doing sth他冒着

23、自己的生命危险救了我的命。He saved my life at the risk of his own.他愿意冒险、尝试新事物。He is willing to take risks and try new things.You are at risk if you dont wear a seat belt.不系安全带真的会有危险。,3.equipment 意为“设备,装备”,是不可数名词。表示“一件设备”要用a piece of equipment。类似用法的词还有:furniture,information,news,advice,clothing等。equip vt.装备,配备equ

24、ip sb./sth.with sth.给某人/某物装备某物be equipped with sth.装备着某物well-equipped adj.装备完善的,bored boring,I am _ with the same old routine day after day.The book is _.,bored,boring,4.,Im never bored.,adj.(人)厌烦的adj.(物)令人厌烦的,bore v.(尤指无聊的长话)使(人)厌烦,bore sb.to death 使某人厌烦得要命,他老是问同样的问题,真是烦死我了。He is always asking the

25、same question,which bores me to death.,bore n.令人厌烦的人,令人厌烦的事,5.appoint v.1)任命,委任They appointed him as/to be chairman.2)约定Lets appoint a day to have dinner together.3)指定They appointed him to catch all the rats in office.appoint sb to be/as 任命某人是appoint sb to do sth 指派某人做某事,appointee n.被委任者 appointment

26、 C 约会;职务,工作have/make an appointment with/to do sth.与某人约定做某事Keep/break an appointment 守约、毁约I hope I shall get a teaching appointment at the new school U 约定;任命,任职His appointment runs for four years.,5.Having collected and evaluated the information,I help other scientists Having collected and evaluated

27、是动词-ing形式的完成式,说明该动作发生在主句谓语动作之前。如:The storm left,_ a lot of damage to this area.(2005全国卷)A.caused B.to have caused C.to cause D.having caused,D,解析:“暴风雨破坏”这个动作发生在left之前,故用动词-ing形式的完成式。_ in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.(北京2004)A.To wait B.Have wai

28、ted C.Having waited D.To have waited 解析:等了半个小时后才意识到没带钱包,故用动词-ing形式的完成式。,C,evaluate v.评估,评价没见过他的工作,我无法评估他的能力。I cannot _ without seeing his work.evaluation n.评估,评价,评估报告They made an intensive evaluation of the health care program.,evaluate his ability,7.warn sb.(of/against sth.)sb.to do/sb.that,I wont

29、warn you again.The people were warned of the danger of flooding.The doctor warned me not to drink.The doctor warned me against drinking.I warn you that it is dangerous to go out alone at night.,8.Unfortunately,we cant move unfortunate adj.不幸的,倒霉的,归纳拓展:unfortunately.adv.遗憾地,不幸地fortunate adj.交好运的,带来好运

30、的;幸运的fortune.n.机会;运气;命运;财产make a fortune 发财try ones fortune 外出找出路,unlucky,_,many houses _.,Unfortunately,were burnt to the ground,9.Many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground.许多房屋被熔岩覆盖或烧毁。burn to the ground 指楼等被烧毁 He has no place to live in because his house has been burnt to th

31、e ground.他无处栖身因为他的房子被烧掉了。,短语联想:burn away 烧掉burn down(建筑物)烧毁burn off 烧掉burn out 烧坏burn up 烧毁,燃得更亮/旺The wood had burnt away to nothing.木头已烧成灰烬。The cinema burnt down last year.电影院去年被烧毁了。,The school was burnt _ by vandals.学校被人纵火烧毁了。He was badly injured in the accident,and his hair was burnt _.他在事故中严重受伤,

32、头发也被烧掉了。The engine had burnt _.引擎给烧坏了。,off,down,out,练一练,The rocket burnt _ when it reentered the earths atmosphere.火箭重入地球大气层时烧毁。He put more wood in the fire to make it burn _.他往火上加木材想让他烧的更旺。,up,up,10.I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.be about to 这时,突然 不

33、与表示表示将来的时间短语连用;when 表示“就在这时突然”,不可用 as或while替代。,用when,while,as 填空。_ I was walking down the street,I noticed a police car in front of the store.2)_ John arrived,I was cooking lunch.3)_ he grew older,he lost interested in everything except gardening.,When/While/As,When,As,4)How can he get good grades _

34、 he wont study?5)I was wandering through the street _ I caught sight of a tailors shop.6)_ I believe he is honest,I dont like him.7)He likes reading,_ his sister likes watching TV.,when,when,While,while,11.fountain n.喷泉;源泉 v.泉水般喷出或涌出,1)The _ of Rome are famous for their beauty.2)The water _ into ten

35、 meters into the air.,fountains,is fountaining,12.It was an absolutely fantastic sight.1)absolute adj.完全的;真实的absolutely adv.完全地;绝对地在口语当中,absolutely常用来表示“当然,对极了”,强调同意或允许。如:-Can we leave a little early?“我们可以早一点离开吗?”-Absolutely!“完全可以!”,e.g.Its an _ fact.-Do you let your kids walk alone at night?-_ not.

36、You are _ right.Its _ impossible.I have _ trust in you.There is no _ standard for beauty.,absolute,Absolutely,absolutely,absolutely,absolute,absolute,绝对的信任 _无限的权力 _绝对的标准 _无水酒精 _事实真相 _,absolute trust,absolute power,absolute standard,absolute alcohol,absolute truth,2)fantastic.adj.(口语)极好的,奇异的,异想天开的;难以

37、置信的,-You have passed your test?-_!A.Fantastically B.FantasticC.Wonderfully C.GreatlyThe night view of the bay is even more fantastic.海湾的夜景更美。insects of fantastic shapes 奇形怪状的昆虫a fantastic plan 不切实际的计划,B,13.Having earlier collected special clothes from the observatory,we put them on before we went an

38、y closer.earlier是副词early的比较级,意为“早些”。如:The new group of students is better-behaved than the other group who stayed here _.(北京2007)early B.earlierC.earliest D.the earliest,B,14.We slowly made our way to the edge of the crater.我们慢慢向走火山口的边缘。make ones way(向某地)走(去)如:She hesitated,but made her way forward.

39、她犹豫了一下,但向前走去。She hastily left the room,and made her way to her bed.她迅速离开房间,朝她床边走去。,The firemen _ to the place which caught fire.,go to,made their way,The firemen _to put out the fire.,made their effort,你若想要有出息,趁年轻的时候要学会发奋。,If you want to make your way in the world,you must learn to work hard while y

40、ou are still young.,She made her way in politics.,I shall make way for a younger man.,我将把职位让给更年轻的人。,所有的车辆都得给救火车让道。,All the traffic has to make way for a fire engine.,联想拓展:feel ones way 摸索着前进 wind ones way 蜿蜒向前push ones way in 挤进去 lose ones way 迷路give way to 给让路 take/go ones way 我行我素get ones way 随心所欲

41、,为所欲为,15.Today,I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the day I first started.如今,我和开始从事这项工作时一样满怀热情。enthusiastic(about)感兴趣的,热心的 She seemed enthusiastic about the idea.她好象对这个主意很感兴趣。We got an enthusiastic response from our customers.我们得到了顾客们的热情反应。,16.I am still amazed at their beauty as well as thei

42、r potential to cause great damage.potential:1)n.潜力,潜能,The new invention has an enormous sales potential.,He is a young player with great potential.,他是一个潜力很大的年轻选手。,She has potential as an artist/artistic potential.,2)adj.潜在的,潜伏的,a potential problem 潜在的问题,a potential leader 可能成为领导人的人,potential energy,

43、power,resources,etc 潜力、潜能、潜在的资源,Many potential customers are waiting for a fall in price before buying.,17.What does the writer find impressive about volcanoes even after studying them for 20 years?impressive adj.给人深刻印象的 impress:v.impression:n.impressive:adj.,an impressive ceremony,speech,performanc

44、e,His collection of paintings is most impressive.,The girl _ us with her liveliness and sense of humour.His first speech made a strong _ on his audience.,impressed,impression,.根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。1.You should be able to e_ your own work.2.It was u_ that Larry broke his leg on the first day

45、 of the holiday.,valuate,nfortunate,3.“Youre wrong,”she said with a_ certainty.4.I am very surprised that she has so many f_ dreams.5.The parks of this city are famous for their beautiful _(喷泉).6.The _(潜在的)side effects of the drug are unknown.,bsolute,antastic,fountains,potential,II.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Sh

46、e is especially _(excite)at the news that her daughter got the first in the competition.2.His long and _(bore)speech made everyone sleepy.3.The rich variety of animal life we found was very _(impress).,excited,boring,impressive,4._(fortunate),three people died and a lot of people were injured in the

47、 accident.5.We need to carry out a proper _(evaluate)of the new system.6.He believes _(absolute)that a man with preparation will succeed sooner or later.,Unfortunately,evaluation,absolutely,7.The _(erupt)of a volcano makes many people lose their lives.8.Dad always falls _(sleep)in front of the TV af

48、ter Sunday lunch.,eruption,asleep,.用所给短语的适当形式完成句子。burn to the ground;have a closer look at;make ones way;fast asleep;feel alive;be about to;protect.from.;take notice of;be enthusiastic about;be amazed at1.I _ the coat and decided it wasnt worth 50.,had a closer look at,2.After the fire,his house _.3

49、.On Friday,guys _ talking about where they are going for the weekend.4.It was the kind of morning when you wake up and _.5.Though it was dark,we _ to the village.,(was)burned to the ground,are enthusiastic about,feel alive,made our way,6.As I leave the car,I see that the little boy is _.7.She _ how

50、quickly Carla seemed to get over what had happened to her.8.The laws are designed to _ consumers _ unsafe products.,fast asleep,was amazed at,protect,from,9.We _ leave when Jerry arrived.10.I hope youll _ what Im going to tell you.,were about to,take notice of,Spend some time researching one disaste


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