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1、非谓语动词难点、易错点,非谓语动词,动词不定式(to do)现在分词和动名词(v-ing)过去分词(done)在句中均不能作谓语,即在句可以充当除谓语动词以外的各种句子成分。,非谓语动词使用条件,一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下,还有别的动词出现时。,She got off the bus,leaving her handbag on her seat.She got off the bus,but left her handbag on her seat.,to doto be doing to have done to have been doing,to b

2、e doneto have been done,doinghaving done,being donehaving been done,doinghaving done,being donehaving been done,done,在非谓语前加not,for sb.to do sth.of sb.to do sth.,sb./sbs doing作主语仅用sbs doing,特别注意:not having done;ones not doing/ones not having done,第四步:分析时态,第一步:辨别谓语“是与非”,第二步:考虑习惯搭配,第三步:确定非谓语的逻辑主语,判断语态,

3、第一步:辨别谓语“是与非”,一个句子如果没有连接词、引导词,那么只能有一个谓语动词。寻找动词,根据时态结构判断谓语和非谓语(注意标点符号),23.The boy often gives a satisfactory answer to the teachers question,_ just a minute.So hes usually the teachers pet.A.thoughtB.having thought C.and to thinkD.thinking 24.The policeman came up to the lonely house with the door _,

4、_ there for a while and then entered it.A.open;to standB.opening;stood C.open;stoodD.opened;standing33._ everything to go wrong in advance,and you wont feel quite so bad when it does.A.Having expectedB.Expect C.To expectD.Expecting,非谓语,谓语,谓语,祈使句,with the door _,第四步:分析时态,第一步:辨别谓语“是与非”,第二步:考虑习惯搭配,第三步:

5、确定非谓语的逻辑主语,判断语态,1)作定语时,被修饰的词是逻辑主语 2)作状语时,句子的主语是逻辑主语 3)作宾语补足语时,宾语是逻辑主语,1)根据非谓语自带的时间状语确定时间;2)根据上下文的语境确定时间。,一个句子如果没有连接词、引导词,那么只能有一个谓语动词。寻找动词,根据时态结构判断谓语和非谓语(注意标点符号),非谓语动词和逻辑主语是主谓关系,为主动,动宾关系,为被动。,判断时间关系 方法:分析句子,看非谓语动词所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前之后同时 不定式 分词,to have done,to do,to be doing,having done/having been done(d

6、one),doing/being done,1)The problem_ next is of great importance.The problem_ now is of great importance.The problem_ just now is of great importance.A.discussed B.being discussed C.to be discussed,A,B,C,next,now,just now,2)With a lot of difficult problems _,the newly-elected president is having a h

7、ard time.With a lot of difficult problems _,the newly-elected president felt relaxed.A.settled B.settling C.to settle D.being settled,C,A,忽视句子结构,误选非谓语动词,分词的逻辑主语与句子主语混淆不清,C,C,Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office,but our work _,we refused the offer.A.not finishing B.had not been fin

8、ished C.not having finished D.not finished,D,判断是否用非谓语形式方法:看句中是否已有谓语动词,找非谓语动词的逻辑主语方法:非谓语动词的逻辑主语一般是句子的主语,C,A,C,独立主格结构中,非谓语动词的形式错误,判断主被动关系 方法:非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的主动还是被动关系,D,B,B,时态判断错误,判断时间关系 方法:分析句子,看非谓语动词所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前之后同时 不定式 分词,to have done,to do,to be doing,having done/having been done(done),doing/being d

9、one,误用 having been done/having done作定语,误用 being done 作状语,A,B,Although _,the Acropolis is still handling serious problems such as deliberate damage and stealing of stones.(11南京一模)A.conserving B.to be conserved C.having conserved D.being conserved,D,having(been)done不作定语,常作状语表时间、原因,部分动词的宾语 being done常作

10、主、宾或定语(作状语、宾补时仅表“正在被做”),误用only to do,B,only to do作状语,表示“出乎意料的”结果,误用 to do作状语表目的,Arriving at a bus stop_the vehicle pulling away just a few minutes ago is quite annoying.A.to find B.finding C.found D.to be finding,A,B,B,“似是而非”的 to,不定式作状语表目的,其前面不用逗号,否定式中not位置错误,C,A,B,思维定势,D,not to donot doingnot havin

11、g donenot doneto not doing,C,注意语境及句子结构的分析,“主句非谓语”模式中,不定式只作目的状语;分词表示时间、原因或条件状语,分词前有时可加when,while,if,though等连词。,“非谓语主句”模式中,非谓语在句首而且由逗号与主句隔开,,句首,逗号,不定式(only)to do表示出乎意料的结果;现在分词表示顺其自然的、必然的结果;分词还可表示伴随或让步。,非谓语动词作状语,to do/to be done 表尚未开始的动作doing/being done 表正在进行之中的动作 done 表已经完成的动作,名词(代词)+,作定语,The players

12、_(select)from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game.(11湖南)If water becomes increasingly scarce in decades_(come),water shortage will become a hot issue all over the world(10 南京二模),selected,to come,不定式作目的状语时前面不用逗号 有逗号与主句隔开时,there be 的非谓语形式,1)动词+there to be/there being(作

13、宾语)2)介词+there being(作宾语)注意:for there to be 3)there being,.(作状语),常用在It be+adj.for.的结构中,疑问词whether/who/which/what/when/where/how+to do 在句中可主语、表语、宾语等成分。Prep.+which/whom+to do(句中作定语),作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。,【to do 常用一般式和主动语态】,Wh-疑问词不定式,Ive worked with children before,so I know what _(expect)in my new job.I don

14、t have enough money with which _(buy)such an expensive dress.,-How do you like this park?-Its wonderful.I never dreamed of _ such a quiet place in this noisy city.A.having been B.there being C.having to be D.there to be,B,to expect,to buy,deserve(值得)/need/want/require(需要)doing=deserve/need/want/requ

15、ire to be done be worth doing=be worthy of being done be worthy to be done,There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need _(improve).How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worth _(note).,improving,noting,非谓语动词中的主动表被动,(1)

16、动名词的主动表被动,1)In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant_(deal with)(10 四川)2)I find the task so dangerous_(complete)in such terrible weather,and therefore we must take all possible safety measures.3)The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the

17、 iPad 2 more comfortable_(hold).(11福建)4)In my opinion,it is the coach rather than the players that _(blame).5)This book is too expensive(for me)_(buy).6).Im hungry.Get me something _(eat).,主语+be+形容词+不定式(主语是不定式结构的逻辑宾语,动词为vt.或vi+prep.),动词+宾语+形容词+不定式【形容词常表示难易、利弊等含义,如difficult,easy,comfortable,convenien

18、t,hard,cheap,expensive】,be to blame/let 应受责备/出租,不定式作定语【与前面被修饰的名词或代词有动宾关系,又在句子中与另一名词或代词有主谓关系】,too+adj./adj.+enough+to do,(2)动词不定式的主动表被动,to deal with,to complete,to hold,is to blame,to buy,to eat,Standing on the top of the hill,I would not do anything but _(enjoy)the flowing of the smog around me.Is T

19、om a good talker?No,he never speaks to me other than _(ask)for something?What Yang Liwei wanted to do when he got out of the spaceship was _(share)the joy with all the Chinese.为什么不把那些书送回去?,enjoy,to ask,share,but,do,other than,was,do,不带to 的动词不定式,2)当主语部分含do/does/did(做)时,作表语的动词不定式往往省去to,1)except,but,ot

20、her than do/to do,前有do(“做”)后无to,前无do后加to,have no choice/alternative/option but todo sth.have nothing to do/can do nothing but do sth.,cannot/cannot choose/cannot help but do sth.,Why not send those books back?,3)Why/why not do sth.?,The newly-employed clerk was made _(deliver)files among department

21、leaders.The company promised to pay some money for the customers _(purchase)their shoddy goods and _(make)an apology in public.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,_(not make)it more difficult.,4)在有些使役动词及感官动词(make,hear,see,hear,watch等)后跟不带to的动词不定式,但改为被动语态,应加上to,not to make,5)由and,b

22、ut,than,or 连接两个以上的具有相同意义或功能的不定式时,第二个动词不定式不带to。,and,pay,make,make,purchasing,但表示对照或对比时,则不能省略to。,to deliver,-Why didnt you come to the party yesterday?-I _,but an unexpected visitor came to see me.A.did B.would C.had D.was going to-You should have said goodbye to her before you left.-I meant_,but when

23、 the meeting was over I couldnt find her anywhere.A.to do B.to have C.doing D.doing so-Did they tell you the final decision of the committee?-No,they didnt,but I think I ought to _.A./B.be C.have D.have been,D,B,D,不定式to后的内容省略的问题,不定式结构中,为了避免重复,常承前省略表达相同结构,保留不定式符号to 但如果不定式有be动词或助动词have,则要保留be或have,=ha

24、d intended to/would love to have,表未曾实现的愿望或打算,即“本打算/想/希望做某事”但事实上却没做:had planned/intended/meant/wanted/hoped/wished/expected to do=planned/intended/meant/wanted/hoped/wished/expected to have donewould/should like/love to have donewas/were going to do,(区别)would/should like/love to do 想要做(将来),would rath

25、er(not)do 宁愿(不)做(将来)would rather(not)have done 宁愿(没)做过,such as to do 如此以致于with sb./sth.doing/done/to doThere be sb./sth.to do/doing/doneremain doing/done/to be donebe said/reported/thought/believed/supposed to do/to be doing/to have done happen/seem/pretend to do/to be doing/to have done allow/permi

26、t/forbid doing/sb to do sth.advise/suggest doing advise sb.to do sth./suggest sb.doing sth.refuse/hope/demand/agree to do sth.keep/find/leave sb./sth.doing/donespot sb doing 发现某人正在做某事prevent/stop/keep sb.from doing 阻止做spend/waste time/money(in)doing 在做方面花/浪费时间 have difficulty/trouble/problems(in)doi

27、ng 在做方面有困难 find it difficult to do sth.觉得做有困难 take the trouble to do sth.不辞劳苦做,费神做have a hard/good time doing 做某事困难/开心 There is no point/sense(in)doing 做没有意义 be busy doing 忙于做be caught doing 被撞见做,固 定 搭 配,ability/attempt/chance/courage/time/decision/effort/power/right to do;the+序数词/last/next+名词+to do

28、,My English teachers humor was _ make every student burst into laughter.(08 江西卷)A.so as to B.such as to C.such that D.so that The big fire in Shanghai,believed to _ due to the burning of construction materials,caused 58 deaths and destroyed all the belongings of the people there.(11镇江一模)A.have occur

29、red B.occur C.have been occurringD.be occurring Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself _ of his own dreams.【11重庆】A.reminding B.to remind C.reminded D.remind There is a great deal of evidence _(indicate)that music activities engage different parts of the brain.I have alwa

30、ys admired Ben Hogan for the way he worked at the game and the determination he showed _.(succeed),B,A,C,固定搭配或句型结构中的非谓语动词,indicating,to succeed,We had an anxious couple of weeks _ for the results of the experiment.A.wait B.to be waiting C.waited D.waiting(08四川)Who would you like to have_ the letter?

31、A.typed B.to type C.typing D.type-Whats up?You look down.-I have piles of papers _,but I type so slowly.(09南通二模)A.to be typed B.typed C.to type D.being typed,D,D,C,1.表示“进行某种动作”,有固定搭配。例如:have a good time,have a swim,have a rest,have breakfast,have sports等。,2.表示“让”时,结构有have sb./sth.do/doing或have sth.d

32、one。,3.表示“有”时,结构有have sth.sb.to do/to be done,译为“有要做”,to do 作后置定语,do与sb.sth.为动宾关系(句中有do 的逻辑主语用to do,否则用to be done)。,have an anxious couple of weeks(in)doing sth.与have a good/hard time(in)doing sth.结构相同。,have表“有”、“让”还是,drunk/drunken a drunken man/be/get drunksunk/sunken a sunken ship/The ship has sun

33、k/sunken for 4 hours.lit/lighted a lighted candle/The candle lit up the room.,When _ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.A.compared B.being compared C.comparing D.having compared _ its size with that of the whole earth,and youll fi

34、nd the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A.When compared B.Compared to C.To be comparedD.Compare,-What happened to you on your way back to the hotel last Saturday?-I lost my way in complete darkness,and _things worse,it began to pour.A.making B.to make C.having made D.made _thegeneralstateo

35、fhishealth,itmaytakehimawhileto recoverfromtheoperation.A.GivenB.TogiveC.GivingD.Havinggive _ from media reports,the result has been unclear.A.To judge B.Having judged C.Judging D.Judged _to the assistance you gave that disabled student,mine is not worth mentioning at all.A.Compare B.Compared C.Comp

36、aring D.To compare,B,A,C,B,C,悬垂结构(独立成分)作状语,D,不受句子主语的影响,直接使用,to make things worseto begin with,to tell you the truth,to be honest/exact/strict/frank;,believe it or not;,adv.(generally/personally/honestly/strictly/frankly)speaking,considering,allowing for,judging from/by;,compared to/with,given,下列短语中

37、to为介词:be accustomed/used to doing sth 习惯于be equal to doing sth 等于做某事,能胜任做某事be devoted/dedicated to doing sth/devote oneself to doing sth 献身于 be addicted to doing sth/addict(abandon)oneself to doing sth 沉溺于be opposed to/object to doing sth 反对be reduced to doing sth/reduce sb to doing sth 沦为做某事/使某人沦为做

38、某事be limited to doing sth/limit sth to doing sth.被/把限制在做某事的范围内pay attention to doing sth 注意have access to sth./doing sth.有接近/获得或使用的权利/机会contribute to doing sth/lead to doing sth 导致stick to doing sth 坚持refer to doing sth 谈到turn to doing sth 转向take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事 ge

39、t down to doing sth 开始做某事,认真处理某事When it comes to sth./doing sth.,.,New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before _.A.fully accepted B.being fully accepted C.having fully received D.having been fully received,B,注意点,since/before/after,prep.,conj.,+sb./sth./doing sth./being done,+从句,before they are

40、 fully accepted,IAUWT O,if,asas ifas though,until(till)unless,whenwhile,thanthough(although),once,常用于状语从句省略的连词,时间、地点、条件、方式或让步从句中,如从句的主语与主句主语一致或是代词it,且从句又含有be动词,可省略从句中的“主语+be”部分。,状语从句中从句的省略现象,连接词+过去分词/现在分词/形容词/其他 if necessary、if possible、when necessary、if any,非谓语动词类单选的解题要领:,辨别谓语“是与非”,标点符号不要错过判断逻辑主语与句子主语是否一致,悬垂结构、独立主格也要考虑语态(主动与被动)、时态(一般式,进行式,完成式,将来式)不能忘。4.非谓语成分分析也重要,


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