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1、,warming up,Some proverbs about friendship,A life without a friend is a life without the sun人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳.A man who has friends must show himself friendly.要有朋友,必须以友谊待人.A true friend is one soul in two bodies.真正的朋友好似两个身子长著一颗心,A friend is like a second self.,朋友是另一个自我。,A friend in need is a friend i

2、ndeed.,患难见真知。,A friend is someone who knowsthe song in your heartand can sing it back to youwhen you have forgottenthe words.;,Discussion:What do you think a friend should be like?List what a friend should do and share the list with your partners.,Useful words:Positive:honest,friendly,open-minded,ge

3、nerous大方的,helpful,patient耐心的,quick-minded(思维活跃的)good-tempered好脾气的,creative trustworthy可信任的,careful,full of love,caring,responsible有责任感的,brave,easygoing随和的,outgoing好交际的,warm-hearted,kind,selfless无私的,tolerant宽大的,intelligent聪明的,Clues:Negative:selfish自私的,tricky狡猾的,dishonest,bad-tempered,impatient,narrow

4、-minded心胸狭窄的,lazy,gossipy多嘴,handsome,beautiful,loyal,smart,funny,brave,wise,honest,strong,kind,rich,happy,Questions:,1.Do you need friends?,2.Do you think friendship is important in your life?Why do you think so?,3.Do you have any good friends?What do you think of them?,Can you describe one of your

5、friends to us?(use the words that we have learnt just now)Her name isShe is years old.She likesand dislikesShe enjoysand hatesHer hobbies areHer dream/ambition isShe is very kind/We got to know each other(where and when),Make the survey on page one,Add up your score according to the scoring sheet on

6、 page 8,you dont have to tell your results,you can keep it a secret.,Pre-reading,Does a friend always have to be a person?What else can be your friend?,Skim the first paragraph of the reading passage below and find who was Annes best friend.,Pre-reading-I-homework,Why do you need friends?Make a list

7、 of reasons why friends are important to you,All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友!,the summing up of Friendship,Survey add add up point upset ignore calm calm down have got to concernbe concerned about,调查,增加,添加,合计,点,分数,使不安(v.)心烦意乱(adj.),不理睬,忽视,使平静(v.)平静的(adj.),平

8、静下来,不得不,涉及(n.),关心(n.),关心,REVIEW,12.walk the dog 13.loose 14.cheat,遛狗,松散的,欺骗,骗子,1 be good to sb.2 make the following survey3 see a film with a friend4 help sb.(to)do sth.5 get sth.repaired6 be upset7 ignore sb./sth.8 calm sb.down9 have got to10 be concerned about,11 go on holiday12 take care of13 wal

9、k the dog14 be careless15 get loose16 be hit by a car17 take the dog to the vet18 take the end-of-term exam19 cheat in the exam20 should have studied hard.,Please work in groups of four to discuss the words,phrases or sentences that you dont know well or you dont understand.,Key words and expression

10、s,1.add,vt/vi,1.add up 加起来 合计 Add up all the money that I should pay you.,2.add up to 总计 The number of students adds up to 2,000.,3.add to 增加 The bad weather added to our difficulties.,4.addto 把加在上 If you add 5 to 3 you will get 8.,language points,add v.加,增加,加起来,补充1 If the tea is too strong,please_.

11、如果茶太浓,再加点开水.2“I dont believe it.”he added._,他补充说:“我不相信.”,add some more hot water.,addto给加上add to增加,添加add up合计,加起来add up to总计达,总共有(1)Will you add more sugar _?(2)His whole school education_ only one year.(3)His illness _the familys trouble.(4)We have planted flowers and green trees around the buildin

12、gs,which_ the beauty of the city.add to.B.add up.C.add up to.D.are added to,added to,to the coffee,added up to,2.get it repaired,get sth.done请人做某事(非亲自动手)=have sth.done,1 上周我去城里剪头发了.Last week I went to the town to _.,get/have my hair cut.,2 爸爸明天要去检查身体.Tomorrow Daddy will_.,have/get himself examined,E

13、xercises,让某人一直做某事,让某人做某事,让某人一直做某事,让某人做某事,3 upset,adj.V.,Are you upset when the new term begins?,Does the new school term upset you?,1 Your friend comes to school very upset.2 His friends death upset him very much.3 I will be really upset if you dont come.,upset vt&vi upset upset upsetting 使不安,使心烦,扰乱

14、 adj.心烦意乱的,不舒服的,不适的,难过的.,4 ignoreignorantignorance,vt.,adj.不知道的,无知的,n.无知,愚昧,He ignores the doctors advice and goes on smoking.,I was ignorant that the boss could be so strict.,The villagers ignorance made them poorer and poorer.,5.calm down,Lets go and calm your angry brother down.,Though it was dan

15、gerous,he remained calm.,6.be concerned about/for对关心,担心be concerned with 与 有关,参与,The meeting was concerned _ reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests.,with,for,1 我们都担心着她的安全We are all _.2 他参与了那项计划He _that plan.,Exercises:,concerned about/for her safety.,is concerned with,3 As

16、far as I am concerned,I agree with what you said.,就而言,对来说,7.should have doneshouldnt have done,You should have come her five minutes ago.,You shouldnt have told him about this.,表示过去应该做某事而实际上没有做,8 cheat n.V.作弊,作假cheat sb.(out)of sth.骗取某人的某物,Cheating in examination can get you into trouble.,A stranger

17、 cheated the old woman(out)of her money.,walk sb./sth.get looseend-of-term exam,遛(动物),陪(人)步行,松了,期末考试,句型:1 Your friend cant go until he finishes cleaning the bicycle.火车未停,请别下车。_.直到那时,他才意识到自己错了。_.,Dont get off the train until the train has stopped.,Not until then did he realized that he was wrong.,2 w

18、hile walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.While(you are)walking the dog,you When heated,water will be changed into vapor过马路时要小心。_.如果有必要,请及时与我联系。_.,Be careful while/when crossing the street.,Please get in touch with me in time,if necessary.,Homework,Please write a s

19、hort passage to describe one of your best friends.Try to use the new words and phrases that you have just learned.Please tell one or two proverbs about friendship.,Language Points动词-ing形式用作状语时,其逻辑主语一般应与句子的主语一致。例如:Living in the country,we had few amusements.Being unable to help in any other way,I gav

20、e her some money.e.g.1._,(从山上看)we can see as far as the sea.2._,(我已经失望两次了)I decided to work much harder than before.,Seeing on the top of the hill,Having disappointed myself twice,Listening Listen carefully to the tape.Mr.Browns landlady has many house rules.Write down five of them.Example:The landl

21、day asked Mr Brown to put his coat in the closet.The landlady asked Mr Brown:1._.2._.3._.4._.5._.,Complete the following sentences1.Emily asked Karen_.The teacher asked Karen and Emily _.Karen told the teacher that Emily had asked her_.2.Ms Smith told Harry_.Harry asked Ms Smith _.He also asked her

22、_.Ms Smith told Harry not_.,how to pronounce“kilometre”,if there is anything that they are not clear,how to pronounce“kilometre”,to take two pizzas to Mr.Thompson,if she can spell the name,if she can repeat the address,to forget to buy her some ketchup,Make up A dialogue for three students and act i

23、t out in class,using the following expressions to help you.Useful expressionsCan you spell that,please?I beg your parden?Could you repeat that,please?How do you say in English?What do you mean by?How do you pronounce?Could you speak a bit slowly,please?What does mean?,English Around the World,Post-R

24、eading,1.Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English?2.In which countries do we find most native speakers of English?Give the names of three countries.3.Living in China you can use English every day in different situations.Give two examples.,Because English is spok

25、en and used all around the world.With so many people communicating in English,it is becoming more and more important to have a knowledge of English.,The United Kingdom,the United States of America,Canada,Australia,South Africa,Ireland and New Zealand.,We can use English when we are having an interna

26、tional meeting,having a business talk with our business partner.,Complete the Following summary.English is a _ _all around the world.For more than 375million people in countries such as _ and _,English is their _ _.Another 375 million people _ _ as a second language.However,most people learn English

27、 at school as a _ _.The English language _also _ by most international organizations as their working language,as well as in inter-national _ and _.Most foreigners visiting China are either_ or _.If they cannot _ Chinese,they use _ to communicate with Chinese people.In global culture,for example the

28、 Internet or popular music,English is widely used.In the future we will be speaking Chinese with our_,but we will be _ English with people around the world for our work.,language spoken,Australia,Canada,mother tongue,Learn English,foreign language,is,used,trade,tourism,businessmen,tourists,speak,Eng

29、lish,using,people,WORD STUDY1 closet A a number f people or things that form more than half of a group2 explain B information and understanding about a subject3 majority C the same4 mother tongue D a cupboard where you can put clothes5 equal E to make something clear to understand by describing or g

30、iving information about it6 communicate F native language7 knowledge G the activity of buying,selling or exchanging goods or services8 trade H to give information using speech,radio signals or body movement,AMERICAN ENGLISH,AND,BRITISH ENGLISH,American English and British English,The differences bet

31、ween American English and British EnglishHow come the differences:,1.At first the language in Britain and America was the same.,2.In 1776 America became an independent country.The language began to change.The language in America stayed the same,while the language in England changed.,3.At the same ti

32、me,British English and the American English stared borrowing words from other languages,ending up with different words.,4.In 1828 Noah Webster published the first American dictionary.And he changed the spelling of some words.,English borrowed from other languages,What will you do if people dont unde

33、rstand you?1.Saying something one or two more times,slowly,often helps.2.Maybe you are not pronouncing the word right.Try changing sounds.3.Try to say the same thing but use different words.4.If you dont know the exact word for an object,you can give a description of what it looks like.5.Replace difficult words with simple ones.,


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