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1、状语从句,Adverbial clauses,定义:在复合句中由从句表示的状语称作状语从句,它可以用来修饰谓语(包括非谓语动词)、定语或状语,或是整个句子。,准确掌握每一个连词的含义是掌握状语从句的关键。,同时要注意主从句的时态呼应。,状语从句一般分为九大类,状语从句类别:,时间状语从句 地点状语从句 原因状语从句 目的状语从句 结果状语从句 条件状语从句 方式状语从句 比较状语从句 让步状语从句,1.时间状语从句:,引导时间状语从句的连词有:,when,while,as,the moment,before,after,till,until,since,as soon as 等。,请注意 wh

2、en,while,as 的区别,When-当时候,通常指某一特定的时间点,主句与从句的动作同时发生。,When I opened the window,I saw him come up.,When-正在的时候,突然。通常主句是进行时或 be about to 时,在翻译的时候,when 可以译成没想到或突然。,I was walking along the street,when I met him.,I was about to fall asleep when my sister came in.,While-在期间,往往指一段时间。,While we were in America,w

3、e saw him twice.,Strike while the iron is hot.,As-一边一边,随着,She was doing her homework as she was listening to the music.,As she grew older,she became more beautiful._ the spring festival drew near,the children become excited.,As,As-当时,指一个动作紧接着一个动作发生,从句通常用进行时。,As I was going out,it began to rain.,I sa

4、w Mary as she was going on the bus.,The moment-一就=as soon as,immediately,I recognized her the moment I saw her.,Not until-直到才,He didnt leave the office until he finished the work.,=Not until he left the office did he finsh the work,Before-,The workers worked long hours for two hours before everythin

5、g returned to normalHe swallowed the tablets before I could stop him.Get down to studying before it is too late.,才,还没来得及就,趁,It was not long before I forgot it all.没有过多久就,It is/was/will be before 要过多久才,Since-自从,通常主句用现在完成时,I have here for ten years since I graduated from the university.,It is just a w

6、eek since we arrived here.,(It is/has been since是常用句型),As soon as-一就,Jack went to school as soon as he got well.,Ill ring you up as soon as I get an answer from him.,No sooner than-一就,No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.,no sooner than 用于句首要求倒装,Hardly when,Scarcely when,Once you see him

7、,you will never forget him.,Once-一旦就,Every time,each time 每次whenever 每当,Each time he came to town,he would visit our school.,Whenever we met with difficulties,they came to help us.,2.条件状语从句,引导状语从句的连接词有:,If,unless,as long as,in case,provided that,on condition that,If-如果,If it snows tomorrow,the fligh

8、t will be canceled.,注:主从句的动作发生在将来时,则主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。,Unless-如果不,除非=if not,We cant get there on time unless we book the earliest flight,=We cannot get there on time if we dont book the earliest flight.,As long as-只要,We will succeed as long as we keep on trying.,As(so)far as-据所知,As far as I know,he sp

9、eaks English very well.,As/So far as I know,he is an expert on DNA.,In case-假使,如果,The plane cannot take off in case it rains.,In case of+n/v-ing In case of fire,you cant not jump out of window.,Provided/Providing that 如果,有时省略 that,The plane will be in good condition provided that it is taken care of

10、 carefully.,On condition that-条件是,He said that he would come to the meeting on condition that no one asked him to speak.,3.地点状语从句,地点状语从句只有两个连词:,Where,wherever,Where-在地方,Put the medicine _you can easily get it.,Where there is a will,there is a way.,where,Wherever-无论哪里,He follows her wherever she goes

11、.,Wherever you are,I will be right there waiting for you.,4.原因状语从句,because,as,since,now that,和considering that,seeing that 这六个连词都用于表示表示原因,但在语气上一个比一个弱.,Because-因为,通常从句放在主句后.,Why you are late?_ I missed the bus.Its _ I lacked money that I was forced to give up the project.,Because,because,As-因为,通常放在句首

12、,_ he was not in,I left him a note.,As he is honest and modest,all his friends like him.,As,Since=Now that-既然 因语气较弱,常译为既然,Since everybody has come,we can set off.,Since you are going,so will I.,considering that-顾及到,Considering that they are just beginners,they are doing quite a good job.,5.结果状语从句,引导

13、结果状语从句的连词有:,that,so that,sothatsuchthat,So that-太以至于 so 后面应用形容词或副词,有时省略so只用that,The flight scheduled so early that nobody wanted to look on it.,So that-因而,以便,为了 有时so 可以省去,Speak louder please so that the people at the back can hear you.,Such that-太以至于 用法与sothat相同,但such 后面应用名词。,The foreign visitor was

14、 such a fast speaker that nobody could understand him.,6.目的状语从句,引导目的状语从句的主要连词有:,that,so that,in order that,for fear that,lest,in order that-为了,与so that 相同从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如:can,could,may,might,should等,School was closed early in order that the children might go home ahead of the storm.,for fear that-生怕;

15、为了防止(某事发生),He took the name down for fear that he should forget it.,Lest-以防万一,The man decided to tell his boss the fact lest he would be angry with him.,7.比较状语从句,引导比较状语从句的连词有:,Asas,not so(as)as,.than,the more the more.,Asas-像一样,My grandma told me that her eyesight was as good as 10 years before.as+原

16、级+as,Not so(as)as-不像,The job is not so difficult as I thought it would be.,The flight was not so/as harmful as the captain predicted.,than-比怎么样,用于事物间的比较,more 后面用形容词或副词,I personally think that the American movies are _than Chinese ones.(interesting),more interesting,The more,the more-越 越,The more he

17、listened to that song,the less he enjoyed it.The+比较级+从句,the+比较级+从句,8.让步状语从句,引导让步状语从句的连词有:,Although,though,as,even if,even though,no matter,however,whatever,while,whether,Although,though-虽然 although 和though 可以互换,但although 常放在句首。Though可以用于倒装。,Although/though it was raining,the plane managed to take of

18、f.,Child though/as he was,he did quite well.,As-尽管 as 引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装。可与though 互换。,Busy as he is,he never misses a football match.,Hard as she works,she makes little progress.,Even if/even though-即使,Even if/though you dont like your boss,you should do your work.,However-不论,however 引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装,

19、He couldnt get there on time however fast he drove.,N o matter(what,when,where,how)-无论(什么,何时,何地,怎样),The old man wouldnt believe anything no matter _ you said.=The old man whatever you said.,what,While-尽管,While I have sympathy for you,I cant help you.,Whether-不管,常与or not 连用,Whether he is good or not,the company decided to send him abroad.,9.方式状语从句,方式状语从句常由:,as,as if,as though,as-与 一样,Do in Rome as the Romans do.,as if,as though-仿佛,由as if或 as though引导的从句中可用虚拟语气,She stood at the door as if(=as though)she were waiting forsomeone.,


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