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1、Period1(1a1c),Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?,2,Learning Objectives,学习map,cup,ruler,pen,orange,jacket,key,quilt八个表事物的名词。2.学会辨认物体:Whats this/that in English?Its 3.学习a/an的初步用法:a jacket,an orange,Guess:What is this?,I think its.,Guess:What is this?,I think its.,Guess:What is this?,I think its.,6,

2、Guess:What is this?,I think its.,7,Guess:What is this?,I think its.,Guess:What is this?,I think its.,Guess:What is this?,I think its.,Guess:What is this?,I think its.,Lets identify the things.让我们来认识这些东西吧。,Whats this in English?,Its a key.,Whats that in English?,Its a jacket.,Whats this in English?,I

3、ts an orange.,Whats that in English?,Its a map.,Whats this in English?,Its a pen.,Whats that in English?,Its a quilt.,Whats this in English?,Its a ruler.,Whats that in English?,Its a cup.,1a Look at the small letters in the picture for these big letters.Check the ones you find.,A _B _C _D _E _F _G _

4、H _,map,cup,jacket,key,orange,pen,ruler,Whats,an,English,1b Listen and repeat.听录音并跟读。,Whats this in English?Its an orange.Whats that in English?Its a jacket.,提示:以元音开头的单数可数名词前用an;以辅音开头的单数可数名词前用a。,_ map_ pen_ key _ cup_ ruler _ jacket_ quilt_ orange,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,an,用a或an填空。,1c Practice the conversati

5、ons.,Whats this/that in English?Its a/an.,cup,quilt,map,jacket,pen,key,orange,ruler,单词竞赛 看谁说得又快又正确。,Groupwork,Draw a picture of your own rooms and write down the English names of the things in your rooms.Then talk about your rooms like this:Whats this in English?Its a/an.,Homework 课后作业,大声朗读第S5页上的单词和句子。抄写第S5页的单词3遍;抄写对话一遍。画出自己小房间里的物品,准备下 一课时谈论。,


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