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1、考题分析,1.词汇题目的几种类型:(1)词汇的含义(名,动,形)(2)形近词的辨析(3)同义词的辨析(4)表现句子关系的词和短语(5)副词词组(6)习语(7),2007年3月,1.Reductions in overseas government expenditure took place,but _and more gradually than now seems desirable.A.reluctantly B.unwittingly C.impulsively D.anxiously,At first the university refused to purchase the te

2、lescope,but this decision was _ revised.(2006,03)A.consecutively B.consequently C.successively D.subsequentlyOn 9 December,James Joyce experienced one of those coincidences which affected him _ at the time and which later became material for his books.(2005,03)A.inadequately B.systematicallyC.profou

3、ndly D.simultaneously,2.In fear for their lives and in _ of their freedom,thousands of enslaved women and children fled to the Northern States on the eve of the American Civil War.A.way B.view C.vision D.pursuit,This cycle of growth,reached its peak in 1986,when the annual rate of growth was _ 12 pe

4、rcent.(2005,10)A.in case of B.in view of C.in face of D.in excess ofThe old musician decided to move to her country home _ her advanced age and poor health.(2007,10)A.with regard to B.by virtue of C.on account of D.at the verge of,3.If I could envisage a reasonably quick and comprehensive solution t

5、o the crisis in Iraq,I would not have entitled my speech“The _ Problem.”A.Instant B.Inverse C.Insoluble D.Intact12.Some of the words employed by Shakespeare in his works have become _ and are no longer used in the present days.A.obsolete B.obscene C.obvious D.oblique,4.Some of the patients,especiall

6、y the dying,wanted to _ in the man and woman who had eased their suffering.A.confide B.ponderC.dwell D.reflectMake up your mind that whatever the short-term temptations may be,you will never _ from the highest standards of honor.(2006,03)A.deviate B.escapeC.derive D.refrain,5.We all buy things on th

7、e _ of the moment;this is what the retail trade calls an“impulse buy.”A.urge B.forceC.spur D.rushPam loves children but she doesnt like them when theyre noisy.It gets on her _.(2006,10)A.nervesB.feelingsC.energiesD.pains,6.Nothing has ever equaled the _ and speed with which the human species is alte

8、ring the physical and chemical world.A.concern B.magnitudeC.volume D.carelessnessSophisticated equipment,white coats and medical _ serve to make most lay people feel ignorant and less important.(2006,10)A.jargonB.accent C.dialectD.idiom,7.The second distinguishing characteristic of jazz is a rhythmi

9、c drive that was _ called“hot”and later“swing.”A.shortlyB.initially C.actually D.literallyIt is easier to dismiss reports of low employee morale than face the facts and act _.(2007,10)A.consequently B.accordingly C.successfully D.excessively,8.The depth of benefits of reading varies in _ the depth o

10、f ones own experience.A.tempo with B.time with C.pace of D.proportion to The profit motive is inherently _ with principles of fairness and equity.(2006,03)A.in line B.in trade C.at times D.at odds,9.Whatever the questions he really wanted to ask at the reprocessing plant,though,he would never allow

11、his personal feelings to _ with an assignment.A.interrupt B.botherC.interfere D.intervene She felt really bad when she realized that she had lost her watch.It wasnt expensive but it had sentimental _.(2006,10)A.expenseB.priceC.valueD.charge,The tribe has agreed to contribute 2 percent of net _ to ch

12、aritable activities in the county.(2006,03)A.expenses B.revenues C.budgets D.payments,10.His _ with computers began six months ago.A.imagination B.innovation C.observation D.obsession Successful students sometimes become so _with grades that they never enjoy their school years.(2006,3)A.passionate B

13、.involved C.immersed D.obsessed This brings a feeling of emptiness that can never be filled and leaves us with a _ for more.(2006,03)A.scarcity B.commandC.hunger D.request,The problem is that most local authorities lack the _ to deal sensibly in this market.(2006,03)A.anticipation B.perception C.pro

14、spect D.expertiseOil is derived from the _ of microscopic sea creatures,and is even older,according to most geologists.(2006,03)A.layouts B.reminders C.remains D.leftovers,11.I like cats but unfortunately I am _ to them.A.vulnerable B.allergic C.inclined D.hostile One candidate is so _ that even his

15、 own supporters cannot say what he stands for.(2006,10)A.dynamic B.evasive C.vigorous D.tangible,13.One of the main ways to stay out of trouble with government agents is to keep a low_,i.e.stay away from those situations wherein you call attention to yourself.A.manner B.position C.profile D.stationD

16、ont tell Mary your plans or shell tell everybody.She is always _ her mouth off.(2006,10)A.shootingB.speakingC.talkingD.throwing,14.With 1 million copies sold out within just two weeks,that book is indeed a _ success.A.provisional B.sensational C.sentimental D.potentialThe tender woman felt that keep

17、ing silent might be the only or the _ way out of the miserable situation.(2006.10)A.sustainable B.sanitary C.sensible D.sensational,15.As the core of the management board,he can always come up with _ ideas to promote the corporations marketing strategies.A.integral B.instinctive C.intangible D.ingen

18、iousDiamonds have little _ value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.(2005,10A)A.intricate B.intact C.intriguingD.intrinsic,The Court of Auditors of the EU is an _ body and acts independently from all other institutions.(2005,10A)A.indifferent B.imperative C.impartial D.incoher

19、ent Hotels and restaurants are an _ part of the city;without them the citys tourist industry cannot exist.(2005,10A)A.insignificant B.integral C.interior D.inevitable,形近词辨析(名词),Apparently there were _ between police reports taken from the same witness at different times.(2006,03)A.distortions B.disc

20、repancies C.disorders D.distractionsThe closest _ to English and Welsh grammar schools are called grammar secondary schools;they can,however,accept some fee-paying pupils.(2006,03)A.equalityB.equationC.equivalentD.equity,16.They speak of election campaign polls as a musician might of an orchestra _,

21、or a painter of defective paint.A.in pace B.out of focusC.in step D.out of tune,17.Surely it doesnt matter where charities get their money from:what _ much is what they do with it.A.counts for B.asks for C.consists of D.approves of There are three bodies of writing that come to _ this question and w

22、e will consider each in turn.(2005,10A)A.bear on B.sort out C.figure out D.put on,18.Any business needs insurance _ ordinary risks such as fire,flood and breakage.A.in B.against C.on D.of_ my return,I learned that my supervisor had gone to the lab and would not be back for several hours.(2006,10)A.F

23、or B.In C.On D.To,19.As he was a thoroughly professional journalist,he already knew the media _.A.to and froB.upside and downC.inside and outD.now and then20.There was little,if any,evidence to substantiate the gossip and,_,there was little to disprove it.A.by the same token B.under the same conditi

24、onC.at the same stage D.for the same purpose,副词短语,The profit motive is inherently _ with principles of fairness and equity.(2006,03)A.in line B.in trade C.at times D.at oddsPowell calls for drawdown from Iraq by mid-2007.His comments break his long public silence on the issue and place him _ with th

25、e administration.(2007,10)A.at will B.at ease C.at times D.at odds,He who permits himself to tell a lie once,finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time until _ it becomes habitual.(2005,10B)A.at once B.at length C.at end D.at timesThe architect must respond to the cultural concerns of s

26、ociety _ and pay attention to the functional and aesthetic aspect of the buildings.(2005,10B)A.at large B.at heart C.at most D.at best,When Im working I like to have everything _ so I dont have to move.(2004,10)A.in hand B.at hand C.by hand D.with handA total of 103 beds,including a unique ward,are being closed _ because of a shortage of cash.(2004,10)A.for nothingB.for betterC.for good D.for anything,


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