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3、mortal;illegible;irregular;ignobleco-,col-,cor-,con-(together):cooperate;coordinate,4,一、关于记单词记单词的方法(词缀),-ics-(ici)st,-icianphysics physicistlinguistics linguisteconomics economistmathematics mathematician,-ology-ologistphysiology physiologistpsychology-psychologistbiology biologistgeology geologist,

4、5,一、关于记单词,记单词的方法2)归纳1.The meeting was _ by a group of protesters who shouted and threw fruit at the speaker.A.corrupted B.disrupted C.erupted D.interrupted2.The prisoners were _ on a diet of bread and water.A)insisting B)persisting C)resisting D)subsisting,6,一、关于记单词,disrupt:to prevent something,espe

5、cially a system,process or event,from continuing as usual or as expected A heavy fall of snow had disrupted the citys transport system.corrupt:to make someone or something become dishonest or immoral The study claimed that violence on television corrupts the minds of children.erupt:to start suddenly

6、 and violently At the end of a hot summer,violence erupted in the inner cities.interrupt:to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you say or do,or to stop something from happening for a short period She tried to explain what had happened but he kept interrupting her.,7,一、关于记单词,

7、subsist:to get enough food or money to stay alive The prisoners were subsisting on a diet of bread and water.persist:If an unpleasant feeling or situation persists,it continues to exist;to try to do or continue doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way The cold weather is set to per

8、sist throughout the week.resist:to refuse to accept or be changed by something He tried to run away from the police and was charged with resisting arrest.insist:to state or demand forcefully,especially despite opposition She insisted on seeing her lawyer.,8,一、关于记单词,记单词的方法2)归纳3.Fierce storms have bee

9、n _ rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding more survivors.A)scampering B)hampering C)pampering D)tampering4.Womens magazines are often _ to be superficial.A)deceived B)perceived C)received D)conceived,9,一、关于记单词,hamper:to prevent someone doing something easily Fierce storms have bee

10、n hampering rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding more survivors.pamper:to treat with too much kindness and attention Our children are pampered by their grandparents.scamper:When small children and animals scamper,they run with small quick steps,in a playful or frightened way The

11、children scampered off into the garden.tamper:to touch or change something without permission Dont tamper with the boiler.,10,一、关于记单词,perceive:to come to an opinion about something,or have a belief about something Womens magazines are often perceived to be superficial.deceive:to persuade(someone)tha

12、t something false is the truth;trick or fool The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones.conceive:to bring(a thought or idea)into being;imagine When they talk about billions of dollars,I cant even conceive of that much money.,11,一、关于记单词,记单词的方法2)归纳5.I _ across a long-lost cous

13、in last night in a restaurant.A.bumped B.stumbled C.encountered D.come6.She left school at 16 and _ herself in the communist party.A.committed B.dedicated C.devoted D.immersed,12,一、关于记单词,bump into:to meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them We bumped into Alison when we were in L

14、ondon last week.stumble across/up(on):to discover something by chance,or to meet someone by chance Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new building.encounter:to meet someone unexpectedly On their way home they encountered a woman selling e across:to find something by cha

15、nce He came across some of his old love letters in his wifes drawer.,13,一、关于记单词,commit:to promise or give your loyalty,time or money to a particular principle,person or plan of action The government must commit itself to improving health care.dedicate:to give your energy,time,pletely The new Preside

16、nt said she would dedicate herself to protecting the rights of the old,the sick and the homeless.devote:to give all of something,especially your time,effort or love,or yourself,to something you believe in or to a person She has devoted all her energies/life to the care of homeless people.immerse:to

17、become completely involved in something She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.,14,一、关于记单词,记单词的方法2)归纳9.Whatever the questions he really wanted to ask at the reprocessing plant,though,he would never allow his personal feelings to _ with an assignment.

18、(2007/03)A.interruptB.botherC.interfereD.intervene,15,一、关于记单词,bother:to annoy,worry,or cause problems for(someone)The heat was beginning to bother him,so he sat down.If something or someone interferes with a situation or a process,it spoils it or prevents its advancement:Even a little noise interfer

19、es with my concentration.intervene:to become involved intentionally in a difficult situation in order to change it or improve it,or prevent it from getting worse The superpowers began to intervene in local struggles in Africa.,16,一、关于记单词,记单词的方法2)归纳She felt really bad when she realized that she had l

20、ost her watch.It wasnt expensive but it had sentimental _.(2006,10)A.expenseB.priceC.valueD.charge,17,一、关于记单词,If something is done at the expense of someone,or at someones expense,it is done in a way that harms or embarrasses them.If you want something at any price,you are willing to do anything in

21、order to get it.charge:the amount of money that you have to pay for something,especially for an activity or service Theres an admission charge of 5.They fixed my watch free of charge.,18,一、关于记单词,1)发音、拼写、词义和词性obsessed-obsession-obsessive(with,about)2)动词“三单”、过去式和过去分词tears-tore-torn3)固定搭配以及单词出现的上下文make

22、 out;take shape4)牢记真题中题干和选项中的单词和词组at odds with(over),19,1)实例,5.Successful students sometimes become so _with grades that they never enjoy their school years.(2006/03)A.passionate B.involved C.immersed D.obsessed10.His _ with computers began six months ago.(2007/03)A.imagination B.innovation C.observ

23、ation D.obsession,20,1)实例,passion n.:You may have a passion for her,but it isnt love.passionate adj.:Joe is passionate about baseball(=he likes it very much).involved adj.:interested in or taking part in an activity or eventHe was accused of involvement in the murder.Maria was so involved in her wor

24、k that she didnt hear me come in.immerse vt.:to become completely involved in something:She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.,21,3)实例,6.As the sky lightened even more,they began to _ their surroundings more clearly.(2008/3)A.fall out B.fall into C.

25、make up D.make out10.The world leaders need to take action on the energy crisis that is _ before our eyes.(2009/3)A.taking shape B.taking effectC.taking apart D.taking over,22,3)实例,fall out:to argue with someone and stop being friendly with them:Shed fallen out with her boyfriend over his ex-girlfri

26、end.fall into:to gradually get into a particular condition,especially to get into a bad condition as a result of not being taken care of:Over the years the house had fallen into disrepair.make up:to forgive someone and be friendly with them again after an argument or disagreement:We often quarrel bu

27、t we always make it up soon after.,23,4)实例,3.The profit motive is inherently _ with principles of fairness and equity.(2006/03)A.in line B.in trade C.at times D.at odds12.Powell calls for drawdown from Iraq by mid-2007.His comments break his long public silence on the issue and place him _ with the

28、administration.(2007/10)A.at will B.at ease C.at times D.at odds,24,4)实例,be in line with:to be similar to,or at the same level as something:The salaries of temporary employees ought to be brought into line with those of permanent staff.stock-in-trade:the typical characteristics or behavior of someon

29、e or something:The song was perfect for the soft vocals that are her stock-in-trade.at times:sometimes:You can be really annoying at times,you know.,25,4)实例,If you can do something at will,you can do it any time you want.He told us that we could wander around at will.at ease:relaxed She soon put/set

30、 me at ease(=made me relaxed).at odds:to disagree:Her version of events was at odds with(=very different from)the police report.,26,二、考题分析,题目类型:1)词义识别2)词义辨析(形近、义近)3)句子衔接4)习语俚语,27,二、考题分析,题目类型:1)词义识别11.I like cats but unfortunately I am _ to them.(2007/03)A.vulnerable B.allergic C.inclined D.hostile 7

31、.One candidate is so _ that even his own supporters cannot say what he stands for.(2006/10)A.dynamic B.evasive C.vigorous D.tangible,28,二、考题分析,vulnerable:able to be easily physically,emotionally,or mentally hurt,influenced or attacked Tourists are more vulnerable to attack,because they do not know w

32、hich areas of the city to avoid.inclined:tending or wanting to do somethingartistically/technically,etc.inclined:having natural artistic/technical,etc.ability Shes very bright,but shes not academically inclined.hostile:unfriendly and not liking or agreeing with something Im not hostile to(=against)t

33、he idea of change as such.,29,二、考题分析,dynamic:having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm;energetic and forceful Shes young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.vigorous:very forceful or energetic;healthy and strong Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote vigorous growth in the

34、 spring.evasive:answering questions in a way that is not direct or clear,especially because you do not want to give an honest answer The Minister was her usual evasive self,skillfully dodging reporters questions about her possible resignation.tangible:real or not imaginary;able to be shown,touched o

35、r experienced We need tangible evidence if were going to take legal action.,30,二、考题分析,题目类型:1)词义识别12.Some of the words employed by Shakespeare in his works have become _ and are no longer used in the present days.(2007/03)A.obsolete B.obscene C.obvious D.oblique4.Some of the patients,especially the d

36、ying,wanted to _in the man and woman who had eased their suffering.(2007/03)A.confide B.ponderC.dwell D.reflect,31,二、考题分析,obsolete:not in use any more,having been replaced by something newer and better or more fashionable Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.obscene:offensiv

37、e,rude or shocking,usually because too obviously related to sex or showing sex In the raid,police found several boxes of obscene videotapes.oblique:describes remarks which are not direct,so that the real meaning is not immediately clear She made several oblique references to the current financial si

38、tuation.,32,二、考题分析,confide in:to share your feelings and secrets with someone because you trust them not to tell other people Shes nice,but I dont feel I can confide in her.ponder:to think carefully about something,especially for a noticeable length of time She sat back for a minute to ponder her ne

39、xt move in the game.dwell on:to keep thinking or talking about something,especially something bad or unpleasant In his speech,he dwelt on the plight of the sick and the hungry.reflect:to think carefully,especially about possibilities and opinions The manager demanded time to reflect(on what to do).,

40、33,二、考题分析,题目类型:2)词义辨析(形近、义近)5.Sophisticated equipment,white coats and medical _serve to make most lay people feel ignorant and less important.(2006,10)A.jargonB.accent C.dialectD.idiom5.We all buy things on the _ of the moment;this is what the retail trade calls an“impulse buy.”(2007/03)A.urge B.for

41、ceC.spur D.rush,34,二、考题分析,urge:a strong wish,especially one which is difficult or impossible to control The urge to steal is very strong in many of the young men we look after here.force:physical,especially violent,strength or power The police were able to control the crowd by sheer force of numbers

42、(=because there were more police than there were people in the crowd).spur(of the moment):describes a decision,action,etc.that is sudden and done without any planning We just jumped in a car on the spur of the moment and drove to the seaside.rush:when you have to hurry or move somewhere quickly Ever

43、yone seemed to be in a rush.,35,二、考题分析,题目类型:3)句子衔接16.At first the university refused to purchase the telescope,but this decision was _ revised.(2006/03)A.consecutively B.consequently C.successively D.subsequently2.In fear for their lives and in _of their freedom,thousands of enslaved women and child

44、ren fled to the Northern States on the eve of the American Civil War.(2007/03)A.way B.view C.vision D.pursuit,36,二、考题分析,consecutive:describes events,numbers,etc.that follow one after another without an interruption This is the fifth consecutive weekend that Ive spent working,and Im a bit fed up with

45、 it.consequent:happening as a result of something Our use of harmful chemicals and the consequent damage to the environment is a very serious matter.successive:happening one after the other without any break He won the World Championship for the third successive year.subsequent:happening after somet

46、hing else The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from the government.,37,二、考题分析,by way of:as a type of He sent me some flowers by way of an apology.in view of:because of a particular thing,or considering a particular fact In view of what youve said,I think we should reconsider our

47、 proposed course of action.vision:an idea or mental image of something Johnny was late home and,as usual,I had visions of him lying dead in some alley.pursuit:when you try to achieve a plan,activity or situation,usually over a long period of time The union is on strike in pursuit of(=the act of tryi

48、ng to achieve)a 10%pay increase.,38,二、考题分析,题目类型:3)句子衔接3.If I could envisage a reasonably quick and comprehensive solution to the crisis in Iraq,I would not have entitled my speech“The _Problem.”(2007/03)A.Instant B.Inverse C.Insoluble D.Intact20.The old musician decided to move to her country home _

49、 her advanced age and poor health.(2007/10)A.with regard to B.by virtue of C.on account of D.at the verge of,39,二、考题分析,instant:happening immediately,without any delay This type of account offers you instant access to your money.inverse:opposite in relation to something else Their generosity was in i

50、nverse proportion/relation to their income(=the more money they had the less generous they were).insoluble(insolvable):(of a problem)so difficult that it is impossible to solve Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be an insoluble problem.intact:complete and in the original state The church wa


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