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1、单项选择题解题技巧即陷阱应试策略,一、方法和指导,1、直接选定法。即直接利用相关语法知识,通过题干中的已供信息,捕捉到解题线索,从而得出答案的解题方法。如:,1)-What are you going to do,Jane?-Oh,my mother asks me _ some food for supper.A buy B to buy C buys D buying2)We have worked for three hours.Now lets stop_a rest.A had B have C to have D having3)This is a big class and _

2、of the students are girls.A two third B second three C two thirds D two three4)Ive had enough bread,would you like _.A a few more B one more C another more D some more5)He has failed several times,but he wont _ A go on B come on C get up D give up,B,C,C,D,D,此法主要用于较简单的试题,但必须要求对基本知识点,语法点熟练掌握。,2、关键词暗示法

3、。题目中的关键词对于快速而准确的判定答案起着至关重要的作用,找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口。如:,1)He has never been to Beijing before,_?A has he B hasnt he C did he D does he 2)-What did you see,Mary?I saw a lot of trees on _ of the lake.A either side B all sides C both sides D other sides3)We have got two TV set,but _ works well.A any B bo

4、th C neither D either 4)It_ ten years since we last _ in Beijing.A was,met B has been,met C was,meet D is,meet,A,B,C,B,3、类推比较法 如果对题目的备选答案没有十分把握或把握很小,不妨利用“如果A对,那么B也对”的类推法,从而将AB予以否定,如:,1)Whos the woman over there?She is _A teacher B a friend of mine C a famous actress D fourteen years old2)Could you t

5、ell me when Tom_ here?A got to B arrived in C reached D reached to,B,C,4、前后照应法 解题时,为了透彻理解,要联系上下文,捕捉隐含信息,方能准确找出答案,此方法多用于两个以上句子或对话形式命题的题目。如:,1)-Which would you like,coffee or milk?-_,I just want to have some hot water.A Either B Both C Neither D All-Tom didnt go to schoo this morning,did he?-_,though

6、he didnt feel well.A Yes,he did B No,he did C Yes,he didnt D No,he didnt,C,A,5、逐个排除法 根据题干提供的信息,将干扰答案和错误答案逐个排除,缩小选题范围,然后将剩余的填入空白处进行检查,确定是否正确,如:,1)Could you tell me_?A who is that man B how much it costs to fly to Beijing C why is he crying so sadly D whether has he arrived 2)Remember,boys and girls _

7、 you work,_ result you will get.A The better,the harder B The harder,the better C The hard,the better D The harder,the good 3)I usually have milk and bread for supper.-_.A So have I B So do I C I have to D I do so 4)I asked you _ next。A what shall we do B we should do what C what should we do D what

8、 we should do 5)Could you tell me _?I have something important to tell him.A where is Tom B where Tom is C where Tom will be D where Tom was,B,B,D,B,B,6、交际应答 根据交际用语的习惯搭配,联系上下文直接解题,如:,1)-Your dress looks really nice.-_ A Not at all B Thanks C Not nicer than yours D Dont say so 2)Could you help me car

9、ry the heavy box.-_.A My pleasure B You are right C Dont worry D with pleasure 3)-I lost my bike yesterday.-_ A Who did it B Im sorry to hear that C Never mind D Dont worry,you can buy another one.4)-Dont step on the grass.-_.A Is that so?B Dont worry C I dont know D Sorry,I wont 5)-Would you mind i

10、f I sit here?-_,its for Mr.Brown.A Not at all B Never mind C Better not D Of course not,在做此种类型的要求我们必须了解中西方文化差异,避免受中国传统习俗的影响,还用认真审题弄清对话所给的情景。,B,D,D,B,C,二、常见陷阱即解题技巧,单项选择题考查学生准确而灵活的运用语法知识的能力和在语境中进行交际的能力,因此,答题时同学们不应死板硬套,而是应该随机应变,灵活作答。以下是常见的陷阱类型。,陷阱一:利用固定词语或固定搭配干扰选项。如,1)There is a lot _ vegegtables in th

11、e supermarket this week than last week.A of B many C much D more 2)-Would you like some tea?Yes,I prefer tea_ sugar.A to B for C with D of,陷阱二:省略句子成分,干扰选项。如:,1)-What do you think made the little girl so happy?-_ a new dress.A Because she bought B Buying C Because of buying D As she bought 2)-What ar

12、e on show in the museum?Some pictures_ by Tom last week A took B were taken C taken D are taken,C,D,B,C,陷阱三:套用某种句型,干扰固定搭配。如:,When he went to see the doctor,he was told not only_to bed early,but also _ do more exercise.A go,do B going,doing C to go,to do D went,did,陷阱四:利用汉语思维,干扰选项。如:,1)The price of g

13、old is _ than before.A expensive B more expensive C high D higher.2)China has _ population in the world.A the most B the least C the largest D the smallest,陷阱五:导致时态误用,干扰选项。如:,1)I dont know if he _here,I wil tell you if he _.A comes,comes B will come,comes C comes,will come D will come,will come 2)We

14、 will have a meeting as soon as he _.A reaches B will arrive C arrives D will reach 3)You cant pass the test next term unless you _ hard.A will study B study C has studied D are studying 4)-Mum,when shall we go out?-As long as your homework_ A will finish B has finished C is finished D will be finis

15、hed.,C,D,B,C,B,C,C,陷阱六:混用相似句型句式,干扰选项。如:,1)Shanghai is larger than_ city in India.A any other B the other C any D the 2)She used _up late,but now he is used _up early A to get,to get B to get,to getting C to getting,to getting D to getting,to get,陷阱七:知识记忆缺陷,干扰选项。如:,1)There is _“u”and _“s”in the word“

16、bus”.A a,an B an,an C an,a D a,a 2)I like the silk dress,and it _ soft and comfortable.A feels B is felt C is feeling D has felt 3)This is _ song I told you to listen to.Isnt it _ beautiful one?A the,the B the,a C a,the D a,a 4)He told us that the sun _ in the east.A rose B had risen C rises D roses

17、 5)Which is _of the two girls?A beautiful B more beautiful C the most beautiful D the more beautiful,C,D,B,A,A,B,C,陷阱八:插入定语从句或宾语从句。干扰选项,1)Everything I _ to the new house.A have taken B has been taken C have has been taken D was taken 2)You can never imagine what great diffculty I have _ your house.A

18、 found B to find C finding D founded 3)The man we talked to _ us happy sometimes.A make B makes C made D making 4)The man whose song we are fond of _ in our city next week.A singing B to sing C sings D will sing 5)The doctor did what he could _ the sick man.A to save B saved C save D saving,C,D,B,A,B,跳出陷阱做好题不错一个是目标GOOD LUCK TO YOU!,


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