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1、Can you think of any other words?,care(n),carefully(adv),careful(adj),careless(adj),carelessly(adv),What about this one?,success(n),中考题型:词语运用,Discuss and Conclude,1、Steven(catch)the early bus to work everyday.2、He(teach)math in my school 10 years ago.3.Theyoungman_ _(live)in Shijiazhuang for 2 years

2、.4、Manytrees(plant)inmyhometowneveryyear.5、Studentsinourclasshavefinished_ _(read)the article.6、It took him three hours(fix)his car.,catches,taught,has lived,are planted,reading,to fix,Rules,动词,人称、数,时态,被动语态,非谓语(to do/doing),Discuss and Conclude1.IthinkWuQilongisoneofthemostpopular_(actor)2、-How far

3、is it from your home to school?-About 5 m _ walk.3、Thecompanyhopesitsproductwillbe_ _ ontheEuropean market.(success)4、_(luck),Icouldgetthelasttickettotheconcert.,actors,inutes,successful,Luckily,名词,单复数,所有格,形容词,副词,Rules,Discuss and Conclude usual cheap thin polite1、Tomthinkspeoplewillhelphimifheasksf

4、orhelp.2、Thehigherthemountainis,the_theairis.3、Theclothesinthisshoparethe_ _inthecity.4、Itsa(an)_ _experience;fewpeoplehavechances todoit.,politely,thinner,cheapest,unusual,副词,比较级,最高级,反义词,形容词,Rules,Mother is the person who _(love)you most in the world.,loves,When you were a baby,she _(hold)you in he

5、r arms and looked after you _(care).,held,carefully,She always does all the housework by _(her).We can often see her _(cook)in the kitchen.,herself,cook,When you are ill,she stops _(work)right away to look after you.,working,When you go to school _(with)breakfast,she always feels _(worry)about you a

6、t home.,without,worried,Mothers Day is the best time to show your love to your mom.Every year,_(million)of moms receive the gifts on Mothers Day.,millions,A bunch of flowers is one of the most popular _(gift).,gifts,Mother is the person who loves you most in the world.When you were a baby,she held y

7、ou in her arms and looked after you carefully.She always does all the housework by herself.We can often see her cook in the kitchen.When you are ill,she stops working right away to look after you.When you go to school without breakfast,she always feels worried about you at home.Now,Mothers Day is co

8、ming soon.Its the best time to show your love to your mom.Every year,millions of moms receive the gifts on Mothers Day.A bunch of flowers is one of the most popular gifts.What do you want to do on Mothers Day?,love care million gift worry with cook hold her work I but,形容词、副词:(1)形容词与副词有_个等级的形式,分别是_、比

9、较级和_。(2)添加_(前缀后缀)可进行形容词语副词间的相 互转换。添加_(前缀后缀)可改变词义,根 据句意使用其反义词。代词、数词、介词:(1)代词的形式有_、_、_、_和反身代词。(2)数词的形式有_和 _。其中基数词 可以转换成表示_的副词。如:one once two twice(3)介词在使用上基本为_。,后缀,原级,三,最高级,前缀,基数词,序数词,次数,宾格,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词,主格,固定搭配,词的位置,一、了解短文填词的宗旨:缺啥填啥,注意形式。1 首先找谓语动词。如果主语宾语之间、情态动词和助动词后面有空就是动词,通过上下文语境注意形式。2 空在动词前就是主语,

10、空在动词后就是宾语,要选择名词、代词或动名词。动词名词之间则选形容词或介词或数词。冠词、形容词和数词后应为名词。3 若主谓宾都有,则是修饰动词或全句的,就选择副词,形容词前也常常用副词,若两句主谓宾齐全句意完整,有空要则关联词。,空前空后要注意,固定搭配莫忘记。名词单复要牢记,还有s 不能弃;动词注意六变形,形副要用三种级;填写数词请留意,千万别忘基与序;填入代词需慎重,五格变化需牢记。,Chant,阅读文章并理解文章大意方法:边读边在文章中划出空前空后 关键词,Lets practice!,Read the passage quickly and try to understand it:Y

11、ou may know the song Happy Birthday very well.But do you know who sang it 1?It was written by an American girl.And 2 has become a very rich woman now.When she was a child,she was poor.Once she was 3 to her friends birthday party.She was pleased but also sad because she had not enough money to buy a

12、present for him.“The party will begin soon.Now I have no money.”4 ran down her face.,Late that night she was in bed,thinking about the present when the door opened and her grandma 5 in.“What happened?”her grandma asked.Hearing the 6 story,she said,“Dont worry.I think I can help you.How about 7 a son

13、g?Happy birthday to.”What a beautiful song!She sang and sang.Suddenly she woke up.It was a dream!She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friend at the party.When she sang the song at the party the next day,her friend was very happy.“How 8 you sang!It is the most beautiful song that I

14、 have ever 9 before!Thank you 10 giving me the special present!”he said.And they learned to sing it together.Later the girl became well-known in America.,在单词上标出单词词性,sad come sing for hear good take one invite friendship her girl,再次读课文圈出文章空前空后的关键词并做题,sad;come;sing;for;hear;good take;one;invite;friend

15、ship;her;girl,1.You may know the song Happy Birthday very well.But do you know who sang it_?2.It was written by an American girl.And _has become a very rich woman now.3.When she was a child,she was poor.4.Once she was _to her friends birthday party.5.Now I have no money.”_ appeared on her face.6.Lat

16、e that night she was in bed,thinking about the present when the door opened and her grandma _in.,first,She,invited,sadness,came,7.“What happened?”her grandma asked.Hearing the_story,she said,“Dont worry.8.How about _a song?Happy birthday to.”9.“How_you sang!”10.It is the most beautiful song that I have ever _before!11.Thank you _giving me the special present.,sad;come;sing;for;hear;good take;one;invite;friendship;her;girl,girls,singing,well,heard,for,Thanks for listening,


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