1、為何要學微積分?,理由:1.必修課 2.資訊科學的必要基礎知識?3.以後工作可能有用?,為何要學微積分?,其他的理由:1.想暸解宇宙運行的規則 2.想知道為何微積分是科學與技術的基礎?3.宇宙真的“依照”數學的法則在運行嗎?4.Newton 認為“神是數學家”,到底是什麼意思?,微積分,極限的概念,微分(計算”變化率”),積分(計算面積,體積),微分的數學意義就是:計算函數在每一點的”變化率“,而”變化率“也是一個函數,微分的物理意義:運動的“軌跡”的“變化率”就是“速度”,“速度”的“變化率”就是“加速度“.,計算“變化率“的圖示,y=f(x)=x3-x,積分的數學意義:計算函數曲線與 x軸
2、所形成區域之面積:積分的物理意義:計算平面圖形面積或立體形狀的體積,阿基米德計算圓周率 的近似方法,外切正八邊形,內接正八邊形,denoted by Pn,are approximations for C and in this case therefore also approximations for p:,The perimeter of the inscribed 2n-gon,denoted by pn,and the perimeter of the circumscribed 2n-gon,denoted by Pn,are approximations for C and in
3、 this case therefore also approximations for:,In terms of the perimeters of the polygons,this means:,In terms of the perimeters of the polygons,this means:,and,used a spread sheet to obtain values for the first 12 iterations of the algorithm using the previously mentioned formulas:,:,:,計算變化率,面積,體積之外
5、數列(Fibonancci Sequence),黃金比例的定義(歐基里德Euclid),Ratio obtained when you divide a line segment into two unequal parts such that the ratio of the whole to the larger part is the same as the ratio of the larger to the smaller.,A,B,C,一元二次方程式的解,的解,Expanding Recursively,Continued Fraction Representation,Berno
6、ulli Spiral When the growth of the organism is proportional to its size,A Nautilus shell,intersections of the golden rectangle fit a logarithmic spiral.This is the shape of a Nautilus shell.,Fibonacci Sequence 的定義,F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2),F(1)=1,F(2)=11,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,.,如果 n趨向無限大,F(n)/F(n-1)會不會趨