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1、Unit 8Why dont you get her a scarf?,学习目标,1 学习谈论比较不同的东西或事情。2 学习用现在完成时表达曾经 做过的事。3 学习如何给别人提出建议或意见。,Review words and phrases in Unit 7,Review words and phrases in unit 7,-Would you mind opening the window?_ Certainly not/Not at all.I will do it right away._Yes.I dont think it is hot.,Another example:,-W

2、ould you mind not shaking your leg all the time?-Sorry,I wont do it again.,give me a call,do the dishes,Drills:Would you mind.?Could you please(not).?,sweeping the floor,folding the clothes,making the bed,doing the laundry,cleaning the room,doing the dishes,taking out the trash,Why dont you get him

3、a soccer ball?,He is a famous soccer player.,Lead-in,Why dont you get her a pair of skates?,She has been skating for 5 years.,A:I will be late What should I do?B:You should take a bus.,Why dont you take a bus?,Why dont you(为什么不),talk on a mobile phone quietly in public,Why not/Why dont you?What how

4、about doing.?,turn down the music,In this Unit8,we will learnhow to use the following drills of suggestions:1:Why dont you do.?Why not do?What how about doing?,学习如何给别人提出建议或 意见。,keep you voice down,wait in line,raise money for them,That sounds good,give me a good haircut,Thats a good idea.,camera,sca

5、rf,dictionary,expensive,interesting,cheap,boring,tennis balls,What do you think of these gifts?,2.学习“表示比较不同的东西或事情”的句子结构。Thats too expensive/cheap/personal/boring/scary/hairy.Thats not interesting/special/creative enough.Dogs are difficult to take care of.,A:What should I get my mother for Mothers Da

6、y?B:Why dont you/not get her?What/How about?A:No,thats too.Yes,thats.,Gifts Giving-flowers,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),flowers,Thats a good idea!,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving-camera,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),教学法:词句结合法,camera,No,thats too expensive.,Gifts Giv

7、ing-dictionary,(讲解),No,thats not interesting enough.,教学法:词句结合法,dictionary,Gifts Giving-bicycle,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),bicycle,No,thats too.,教学法:词句结合法,personal,Gifts Giving-mobil phone,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),mobil phone,No,thats too,教学法:词句结合法,pe

8、rsonal.,Gifts Giving-CD,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),CD,No,thats not special enough.,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving-calendar,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),calendar,No,thats not creative enough.,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving-shoes,(讲解),shoes,No,thats too cheap.,教学法:词句结合法,G

9、ifts Giving-T-shirt,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),T-shirt,No,thats too common.,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving-coat,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),coat,No,thats too modern.,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving-scarf,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),scarf,No,thatt

10、too boring.,教学法:词句结合法,Gifts Giving football,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Section A,(讲解),football,No,thats not special enough.,教学法:词句结合法,1a What do you think of these gifts?Write each gift under one or more of the words in the chart.Add other gifts to each column.,1b Listen and number.,Thats t

11、oo expensive.,Theyre too cheap.,Thats too boring,too.,Thats too boring.,3,4,2,1,A:Whats up?B:I need help.What should I get my mom for her birthday?A:How about a scarf?B:No,(1)_ A:Hmm.How about a dictionary?B:(2)_A:Well,why dont you get her a camera?B:No way!(3)_A:Ive got it!What about some tennis ba

12、lls.B:Tennis balls?No,(4)_,thats too boring.,Thats too boring,too.,Thats too expensive.,theyre too cheap.,listening,Pair work,What should you get your mom for her birthday?,scarf,bike,CD,camera,dictionary,A:What should I getfor her/his birthday?B:How about?A:Oh,thats/theyre,shoes,The second Sunday i

13、n May,The second Sunday in may is a special day.Its-,Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31,calendar,Tomorrow is your mothers birthday.You should prepare a gift for her.,I dont know what is the best gift?Can you help me?What sh

14、ould I get my mother for her birthday?,Mothers Day is coming,What should you get for your mother?,What will you do on Mothers Day?,Make a survey,scarf,camera,dictionary,tennis ball,CD,bicycle,flowers,watch,photo album,Happy Mothers Day!,suggestion,s,Gifts Giving,Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?S

15、ection A,Why dont you?,Why not?,What about?,How about?,Suggestions,Gifts Giving,(讲解),gifts,comments(评论),Thats too expensive.,Thats not interesting enough.,Thats too personal.(个性化的),Thats not special enough.,Thats not creative enough.,Thats too cheap.,That sounds good!,Thats too boring.,Thats a good

16、idea!,What should I get my mom for her birthday?,2a.Who is the person shopping for?Put a check in the correct column.,CommentsToo personalNot special enoughNot creative enoughGood ideaSound goodShell like that,2b,2b Listen again and write the suggestions and comments in the chart.,n.建议;提议,Suggestion

17、s calendar flowersphone album CDsoccer ball scarf,Comments too personal good ideanot special enough sounds goodnot creative enough shell like that,n.集子,adj.私人的;个人的,adj.特别的;特殊的,a CD,not special enough,flowers,good idea,a scarf,too personal,a calendar,sounds good,a soccer ball,not creative enough,a ph

18、oto album,shell like that,good advice,bad advice,Good ideaSounds goodSounds great,Too expensiveToo cheapToo boringBad idea,Comment(评论),2c PAIRWORK Think of a friend or a family member who is having a birthday soon.Then discuss with your partner what to get this person.,A:Its my sisters birthday soon

19、.What should I get her?B:How about a sweater?A:No,thats not interesting enough.,She is Ann.She is happy Because,today is her birthday,Report:In my group,John wants to get Lin Dan a scarf for his birthday because thats.,What should I do?,2.Whats your favorite gift?,3.Who gave it to you?,4.Why do you

20、like it?,Survey:,1.Do you get gifts on your birthday?,Pairwork,A:Its my sisters birthday soon.What should I _ her _ her birthday?B:How _ a scarf?A:No,_ too boring.,get,for,about,thats,2c,Grammar Focus,What should I get my sister?Why dont you get her a camera?Thats too expensive.How about some tennis

21、 balls?Theyre too cheap.What about a watch?Thats too personal.Why dont you buy a scarf?Thats not interesting enough.,Why dont you/Why not+动词原形 为什么不?做怎么样?Why dont you/not go to the cinema?看电影怎么样?Why dont you/not go swimming?去游泳怎么样?,How/What about?如何?怎么样?常用于征求意见。How/What about a cup of tea?来一杯茶怎么样?How

22、/What about watching TV?看电视怎么样?,You should get her a computer.Why dont you get her a computer?Why not get her a computer?Youd better get her a computer.How/What about getting her a computer?,How to give the suggestions/advice,You should take a walk.You should go to bed.You should come to the party.Y

23、ou should listen to the music.,How/what about taking a walk?,How/what about going to bed?,How/what about coming to the party?,How/what about listening to the music.,You should sleep.You should take the bus.You should go to Beijing.you should come to school.You should listen to the music.You should w

24、ork hard.,3.学习用现在完成时表达的句子结构。Whats the best gift you have ever received?Whats the best gift he/she has ever received?,What kind of gift have you ever received?,computer,watch,I have ever received a book,dictionary,scarf,CD,camera,bicycle,sweater,calendar,soccer ball,necklace,bracelet,flowers,photo al

25、bum,bike,parents,guitar,grandparents,Christmas,12th birthday,3a,3b PAIRWORK Ask your partner about the best gift he or she has ever received.Then ask who gave the gift and when your partner got it.,A:Whats the best gift you have ever received?B:A watch.A:Who gave it to you?B:My mother.A:And when did

26、 you get it?B:On my tenth birthday.,scarf,soccer ball,dictionary,CD,camera,photo album,calendar,flower,4 GROUPWORK Tell the class what you are going to do for someones birthday.The class tries to guess the person.,A:Im going to make a special meal.B:Is it someone in your family?A:Yes,it is.C:Is it y

27、our mother?A:No,it isnt!,Sum up:How to give advice or suggestions?Why dont you do?=,Why not do?,How about/what about doing?,Shall we?,Lets do,ok?,Homework,When is your fathers or your mothers birthday?Do you know?What will you plan to buy?Ask for some suggestions and give comments.,Summary 2.Focus i

28、n Unit 8 section ASuggestion:What should I do?Why dont you do?Why not do?What about doing?How about doing?Comments:Thats a good idea.Thats too boring.Thats too personal.Thats not creative enough.Thats not interesting enough.That sounds good.,Exercise:仿照教材60页1a的对话,和你的同伴练习刚才小节的句型。,180¥,1280¥,mothers birthday,Class is over,What is the best birthday present for the following people?And why?,


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