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1、5个备考坏习惯影响GRE阅读速度 5个备考坏习惯影响GRE阅读速度,现在不改更待何时,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。5个备考坏习惯影响GRE阅读速度,现在不改更待何时一、GRE阅读速度与正确率的关系很多同学认为正确率是以牺牲速度为代价的,其实这只是对于GRE阅读的表面或初级理解,英文的学术思维习惯使得阅读速度和正确率并不矛盾,换句话说就是在很大程度上应该是读的越快,对的也就越多。GREverbal复习资料怎么使用才科学 5本资料现身说法为你解答GRE阅读考试考察的并不是句子表面的意思的同意转述,而是考察我们对于句子背后观点和逻辑思维的准确理解,所以我们在读GRE的句子的时候,就

2、要学会分辨哪些是重要的观点信息,哪些是次要的客观细节描述信息,区分好主次信息,就能极其有限的时间抓住考点并做出高正确率的选择。二、影响阅读速度的原因以及解决办法1. 考生不习惯英语准换为母语的理解过程,需要切换理解的时间。解决办法:短期:针对考试多做笔记,用自己熟悉的符号记录或者标注各种语言的重要信息,这样回文定位会省事很多。长期:不断地接触英语相关的资料,在不断地阅读中多理解,即使不是精读也要试图理解一篇*的大概和基本逻辑,经过联系使中间这个切换时间变短,最后达到完全不需要切换语言的感觉。2. 对于一些细节、关键问题还是理解模糊,存在长难句的理解问题。解决办法:学习一些难句教程,同时针对一些

3、专业词汇做特殊的记忆,比如考生不常见的地质学、气象学和天文学等领域的词汇。3. 思路上不太适应GRE逻辑思维。解决办法:注意积累其他方面的阅读量,哪怕是中文*的,尝试理解那些有一定逻辑难度的*不断训练自己的思路。4.耗费在原文上的阅读时间很长。解决办法:已知大意的具体叙述可以略读,重复、进一步的解释、反之亦然的叙述部分可以略读。2.作者将要或者已经摒弃的论据、论证可以略读,这样的观点一般都是为后面作者支持的观点做铺垫。3.一句话的重心如果在后面,前面的可以略读。5. 读完原文没有任何印象。只挑自己觉得最重要的话来记,比如TS(Topic Sentence),每段首句、一些重要考点。三、只注重速

4、度的阅读误区1. 盲目求快而忽略了*中主要的信息;有些考生片面理解了快速阅读的含义,认为快速阅读仅仅指的就是提高单位时间内容阅读单词的数量,所以在阅读实践中盲目提速,进而导致*中重要的主干内容被忽略。2. 在阅读时缩手缩脚,不敢舍弃;有的考生在备考时也基本认同了快速阅读方法的合理性,可在实际阅读*的过程中还是缩手缩脚,不敢快速阅读一些细节。3. 在阅读时颠倒阅读重点;在把握GRE*时首先应读出其逻辑层次,其中包括套路,各段段意,各段之间的逻辑关系以及主题句。其次,需注意*中的一些重点语言现象,如GRE强转折,强因果和强对比等词所在的句子。四、GRE阅读速度注意事项1. 减少每行的注视次数,缩短

5、注视时间以提高阅读速度;2. 去除回头读和跳回读以提高速度;3. 必须反复做适应练习来扩大水平边缘视线范围,提高每次注视的字数。以上就是关于GRE阅读速度常见问题解析的介绍,希望能够对考生提升GRE阅读速度有所帮助。GRE考试阅读专栏逻辑题及答案整理In mountainous regions, the timberline is the highest altitude at which trees grow. In the Rocky Mountains, the current timberline is at the altitude above which growing seaso

6、n temperatures remain cooler than 10 degrees centigrade. Fossilized remains of trees that grew 10,000 years ago have been found 100 meters above the current Rocky Mountain timberline. Clearly, therefore, the climate of the Rocky Mountains is cooler now than it was 10,000 years ago.8. Which of the fo

7、llowing is an assumption on which the argument relies?A. In the past 10,000 years, the only trees to have grown above todays timberline are the trees whose fossilized remains been found.B. No trees grew 10,000 years ago at altitudes higher than the ones at which fossilized tree remains have been fou

8、nd.C. The fossils are not of species of trees that were able to tolerate cooler growing temperatures than are the species that currently grow near the timberline.D. The Rocky Mountains have not eroded significantly over the past 10,000 years.E. The climate of the Rocky Mountains has never been signi

9、ficantly warmer than during the lifetime of the trees whose fossilized remains have been found.答案:CGRE考试阅读专栏逻辑题及答案整理Cotton grass, which grows only in arctic regions, has been the only summertime source of protein available to caribou. Caribou that do not get adequate amounts of protein in the summer

10、 are unable to reproduce the following year. Rising average temperatures in arctic regions, however, are causing cotton grass to disappear. Therefore, if the warming trend continues, caribou are likely to become extinct.9. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?A. cott

11、on grass is the only one of the caribous food sources that is becoming scarce as temperatures rise in arctic regions.B. caribou that do not eat enough protein to reproduce do not live as long as caribou that doC. The warming trend in arctic regions will not enable other plants capable of providing p

12、rotein to caribou to grow there.D. The caribou is the only animal that depends on cotton grass as a major source of food.E. If the warming trend continues and cotton grass disappears from arctic regions, then cotton grass will be extinct.答案:CGRE考试阅读专栏逻辑题及答案整理Although the percentage of first graders

13、in Almaria who were excellent readers varied little between 1995 and 20XX, the percentage of first graders who had considerable difficulty reading their schoolbooks increased markedly during that period. This evidence strongly indicates that the average reading ability of first graders decreased bet

14、ween 1995 and 20XX.10. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest additional support for the argument?A. The number of hours devoted to reading activities in first-grade classrooms in Almaria did not vary significantly, on average, between 1995 and 20XX.B. The percentage of first grader

15、s in Almaria who had difficulty solving arithmetic problems did not increase as much between 1995 and 20XX as did the percentage of first graders who had reading difficulties.C. The number of children in Almaria who were enrolled as first graders decreased steadily between 1995 and 20XX.D. The avera

16、ge difficulty of the schoolbooks used in first-grade classrooms in Almaria decreased between 1995 and 20XX.E. The average number of schoolbooks used in first-grade classrooms in Almaria increased between 1995 and 20XX.答案:DGRE考试阅读专栏逻辑题及答案整理The Minoan civilization flourished on the island of Crete aro

17、und 2000 B.C. The discovery on Crete of large numbers of bronze implements and the furnaces used in their manufacture shows that the Minoans had a thriving bronze industry. Moreover, many bronze artifacts from this period that are similar in style to those produced on Crete have been found in southe

18、rn Greece. Hence it is probable that, besides making bronzeware for domestic use, the Minoans exported bronzeware to southern Greece.11. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument given?A. Copper and tin, the main ingredients of bronze, were present in Southern Greece.B. No furna

19、ces dating from the Minoan era and suitable for the manufacture of bronze implements have been found in southern Greece.C. The Minoans exported a great deal of pottery, which was highly valued by other ancient civilizations.D. The fuel needed for Minoan bronzeware furnaces was provided by a variety of local species of hardwood.E. Some of the pieces of bronzeware found on Crete were non-Minoan in origin.答案:B


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