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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas,一、学习重点,【句型】1、Do you like?Yes,I do.No,I dont.你喜欢?是的,我喜欢。不,我不喜欢。2、Do they like?Yes,they do.No,they dont.他们喜欢?是的,他们喜欢.不,他们不喜欢。3、Does he/she like?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt.他/她喜欢?是的,他/她喜欢。不,他/她不喜欢。【口语】1、Do you like hamburgers?你喜欢汉堡包吗?Yes,I do.No,I dont是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。2、I

2、like French fries.我喜欢在薯条。3、I dont like tomatoes.我不喜欢西红柿【语法】可数名词与不可数名词,二难点讲评,1.Do you like bananas?你喜欢香蕉吗?释:这是关于行为动词like一般现在时的一般问句及其回答。在改为疑问句和否定句时,主语是第三人称单数,要借助于助动词does;主语不是第三人称单数,要借助于助动词do。例如:I dont like English very much.Do you like English?She doesnt like English very much.Does she like English?2.

3、like 1)行为动词,意为“喜欢”,其反义词是dislike.2)介词,意为“象一样”,其反义词是Unlike.例如:He looks like his father.他与他父亲长得一样,3Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢。do有两种词性:1)行为动词,意为“做”,如:Lets do our homework.咱们做作业吧。2)助动词,常用于一般现在时,无词义,用于否定句和疑问句中。例如:Do you like bananas?你喜欢吃香蕉吗?Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢。4Lets have ice cream.咱们吃冰淇淋吧。释:句中的have具有多种含义。本句中的have意为“吃”,而

4、不表示“有”。如:We have apples eveny day.我们天天吃苹果。We have three meals every day.我们每天吃三顿饭,5.Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food.跑步明星Sandra Clark吃许多健康食品。释:(1)lots of=a lot of,表示“许多,很多,大量”,这个短语可修饰可数名词或不可数名词,通常用于肯定句中,修饰可数名词复数时,相当于many,修饰不可数名词时,相当于much,例如:We have lots of apples.我们有许多苹果。They have

5、lots of milk.他们有许多牛奶。(2)healthy food“健康食品”,healthy是形容词,它的名词是health.意为健康。6.eat 与 have 释:这两个词均跟“吃”有关,但用法不同。eat指把固体食物放在嘴里吃。have意为“吃、喝”,常用在三餐名词之前,或meal之前,也可作“抽”、“吸”讲。如:We eat these things.我们吃这些东西。We have three eggs for breakfast.早餐我们吃了三个鸡蛋,7.For breakfast,Tom likes eggs,oranges,and bananas.早餐时,汤姆喜欢吃鸡蛋、桔

6、子和香蕉。释:for breakfast表示“就早餐而言”,for在此处介词,表示“对于,就而言”,后面常跟名词或代词。如:For dinner,my mother likes salad and bread.英语中,表示一日三餐的词有:breakfast(早餐),lunch(午餐),dinner(正餐,晚餐),supper(晚餐)8.have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper 表示“吃早/午/晚餐”。释:1)表示“吃三餐中任何一餐”时,都不能加冠词(a,an,the)。2)at breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner吃早饭/午饭/晚饭时,befo

7、re breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner在早/午/晚饭之前,after breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner在早/午/晚饭之后,in the middle of breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner在早/午/晚饭中 3)“have+食品+for+三餐(breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner)”表示“三餐吃”,for表示“对而言(来说)”。如:She often has eggs,bananas and apples for breakfast.她早餐经常鸡蛋、香蕉和苹果,9You are going on

8、a picnic with a group.of friends.你准备与一群朋友进行野餐。释:1)be going结构是现在进行时态,含义上表示要发生的动作,类似这种用法的动词还有come,go,leave等。如:I am coming.我就来。2)go on a picnic“举行野餐”,go on常与旅游,这是野餐,航海等 一类名词连用,表示“去”之意。例如:They often go on a picnic.他们经常去野餐 3)动词go常与动词的ing形式连用,表示“去,”如:go swimming去游泳,go dancing去跳舞,go fishing去钓鱼,go shopping去

9、购物等4)a group of表示“一群”,“一组”,其后常跟复数名词。如:a group of boys,一群男孩,a group of chickens一群小鸡。10.Make a list of food to buy.制定一个购物单。释:句中make a list意为“制定一个清单”,food to buy表示“要买的食物”,其中动词不定式to buy作定语,修饰前面的名词food。,三典型例解,()1.There are three _ in my family.A.people B.person C.peoples D.child 分析:A 本题考查名词单复数形式的运用。peopl

10、e的单复数同形;person的复数形式应是 persons;child的复数形式为children。故答案为:A。()2.There are few _ in the fridge.Lets go and buy some potatoes,carrots and peppers.A.eggs B.meat C.vegetables D.fruit 分析:C。本题考查名词单复数形式的运用。由题干few提示,后接可数名词,故排除B、D项。根据下文,去买一些洋芋、红萝卜和辣椒。可知冰箱里没有蔬菜了。故选C。()3.My grandfather often reads newspapers _ br

11、eakfast.A.on B.in C.at D.of 分析:C。本题考查三餐前介词的用法。依据题意:爷爷经常在早餐时看报纸。表示每天进餐的时间。其表示法为:at breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner等。故选C()4.Does Lucy look like Lily?Yes,she _.They _ the same.A.does;looks B.does;look C.do;looks D.do;look 分析:B 回答部分用she作主语,是第三人称单数用does回答;they作主语时谓语动词用原形,故选B。,()5.What does Yang Ping look l

12、ike?_ A.He is a student.B.He is in China.C.He is twelve.D.He has a big head.分析:D 本题考查固定句型的回答。题意为“他长得什么样?”故选D。()6.Do you know Alice?_,I dont know her.A.Sorry B.Yes C.OK D.Thanks 分析:A 本题考查如何进行道歉。根据回答语中I dont know her“我不认识她”知应先表达歉意。故选A。()7.What color _ her shoes?Black.A.am B.is C.are D.be 分析:C 本题考查be动词

13、。shoes是由两只组成一双,常以复数形式出现,所以be动词用复数,故选C。()8.Excuse me,is Michael in black pants now?No.Hes in _ coat and _ pants now.A.black;a white B.a black;white C.black;white D.a black;a white 分析:B coat是可数名词的单数形式,其前要用a;pants是复数,其前不用a,故选B。()9.Lucy,do you _ your sister,Lily?No,we have different looks.A.look B.look

14、at C.look the same D.look like 分析:D 根据答语“我们长得不像”可知是问Lucy和Lily是否长相相似或相像。A looks like B意为“A看上去像B”,look the same单独使用表示长得一样,因此应选D。,()10.Thats my bag.Please _.OK.A.give it to me B.give me to it C.give it me D.give me it 分析:A 本题考查固定短语。表示“把某物给某人”可用give sb.sth.也可用give sth.to sb.,但如果某物是代词时,只能用give it/them to

15、 sb.,故选A。四能力培养、单项选择()1._ you like ice cream?A.Are B.Am C.Does D.Do()2._ play table tennis.A.Let B.Lets C.Lets D.Its()3._ does your father have _ lunch?Chicken and tomatoes.A.What;for B.What;/C.How;for D.How;()4.Oranges are a kind of _.A.vegetables B.vegetable C.fruits D.fruit()5.What _ Tom like _ fo

16、r breakfast?A.does;eat B.is;eat C.does;to eat D.is;to eat()6.Do you like ice cream for _ dessert(甜点)?A.a B.the C./D.an,()7.Does your friend like salad?-_.A.Yes,she like.B.No,she does.C.Yes,she doesnt D.No,she doesnt.()8.I have a cat.It likes fish.It eats _ every day.A.a lot B.many C.Lots of D.much()

17、9.Does your English teacher sing very _?Yes,She does.A.good B.nice C.great D.well()10.Lets _ baseball.-OK.Lets _.A.play;go B.plays;go C.play;to go D.play;goes、英汉互译 1吃晚饭 _ 2、每天 _3、a list of food _ 4、a running star _5.healthy food _、根据句意和首字母完成单词 1I have hamburgers for b_.2.Here are some tomatoes.Do yo

18、u like t _?3.I like French f _.,4.I have an ice c_.5.Children should(应当)eat lots of v_.6.What do you have for d_?7.Zhou Jielun is a singing s_.8.She eats h_ food every day.9.How m_ apples do you have?10.Im going on a picnic with a group of f_.、用所给词的正确形式填空 1.Do you like bananas?-No,I dont like _(it)a

19、t all.2.Peter likes _(play)basketball.3.His mother _(not)like French fries.4.I like strawberry ice cream,but I dont like _.(strawberry)5.They like _(eat)hamburgers and carrots for lunch.、按要求改写句子 1 Linda and Tom like French fries.(改成否定句)They _ _ French fries.2.Does Tom like eggs for breakfast?(否定回答)_

20、,_ _.3.She doesnt have lunch.(变肯定句)She _ lunch.,4.My teacher plays basketball.(改一般疑问句)_ your teacher _ basketball?5.We play volleyball.(变成由Let开头的祈使句)_ _ volleyball.、阅读理解 Tom:Good evening,Mum.Mum:Good evening,Tom.Tom:Do we eat chicken for dinner,Mum?Mum:No,we eat fish and carrots,dear.Tom:Mum,I dont

21、like carrots.I like chicken.Mum:But we need more vegetables,not only meat.Its not healthy to eat chicken every day.Tom:OK.But dad likes chicken,too.Mum:Well,lets eat chicken and broccoli tomorrow.(明天)Tom:That sounds great!()1.What do they eat for dinner?A.chicken B.Carrots C.Carrots and fish()2.what

22、 does Tom want to eat for dinner?A.fish B.chicken C.broccoli(),3.What do they need to eat more?A.chicken B.meat C.vegetables()4.Does Toms father like chicken?A.No,he doesnt B.Yes,he does.C.We dont know.()5.what will they eat tomorrow?A.fish and carrots B.chicken and fish C.broccoli and chicken,参考答案:、15 DCACC 610 CDCDA、1have/eat dinner 2.every day 3.食品单 4.跑步明星 5.健康食品、15 breakfast,tomatoes,fries,cream,vegetables 610 dinner,star,healthy,many,friends、them,to play,doesnt,strawberries,to eat、dont like No,he doesnt has Does,play Lets play、CBCBC,


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