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1、GRE作文如何提升写作水平 GRE作文如何提升写作水平?备考训练要从这4个步骤开始,快来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE作文如何提升写作水平?备考训练要从这4个步骤开始GRE写作备考步骤:审题GRE考试中,审题最基本,最关键,也是最重要的。一审GRE写作*的文体和格式,如书信有求职信、推荐信、回复信等,还有人物介绍、看图说明等等不同要求的写作题材,弄清*的文体和格式是重要前提。二审GRE写作*内容,先对题中的信息进行筛选,哪些是有用信息,哪些是无用信息,然后把有用信息按一定顺序分小点列出来。GRE写作备考步骤:遣词造句1. 根据审题步骤所列出的内容要点,列出*中可能要用到的关键词

2、语(如动词、短语等)。2. 列出*中可能用到的句型。3. 列出*中可能用到的语句间的连接词。4. 按内容要点顺序和所列词语、句型写出单句。GRE写作备考步骤:串句成文这是GRE作文完成的关键步骤。不能只是简单翻译内容要点,要作一些适当发挥,使整篇*既有“骨架”,又有“血肉”。同时应注意以下几点:1.注意GRE作文整体的时态运用,整篇*的时态应该保持一致性。2.注意短文的布局谋篇。恰当的段落划分,前后语句的连贯,句型的选择,连接词的运用,使*层次分明,语言畅通,连接恰当,最终为*增色出彩。GRE写作备考步骤:通读检查这是完善GRE写作任务的最后步骤。通读*的同时,检查前后内容是否连贯,语言是否畅


4、态、时态、前后逻辑关系等的正确运用。这样既能锻炼学生语言的口头、书面表达能力,又能提高学生篇章结构的组织能力,从而提高写作能力。以上就是我们整理的关于GRE写作中审题的重要性。GRE考试的第一步就是审题,同时也是最关键的一步。就像GRE作文,如果审题出现问题,比如意思理解错误,写作方向理解错误,那考生写出的*就会跑题,也不可能拿到分数。这一点希望大家都能谨记。GRE作文优秀范例Some educational systems emphasize the development of students capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, bu

5、t students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions.Sample EssayThe ability of a student to think clearly using reasoning and logical thinking is of paramount importance in order to ensure his or her success as an individual after graduation from a uni

6、versity. To be able to look at a situation and use logic and reason to analyze the facts and develop an opinion or solution is to have a solid foundation for success in all aspects of life. Exploring ones emotions is important, but it is outside of the realm of what can be learned in a university cl

7、assroom. Emotional self-exploration is best done outside of a classroom situation, although there may be some opportunity for students in the classroom to learn a methodology for doing so.The ability to survive and thrive in a society is based on the assumption that human beings act according to rea

8、son and logic. From a very early age, most people are taught that certain actions will bring about certain reactions, and that by using logic you can figure out what the response will be in most situations. Reasoning is also developed early on, although sometimes it is difficult to explain reasoning

9、 to a two-year old. Humans are probably born with a desire for reason and logic, as demonstrated by almost any childs incessant asking of the question Why?. To understand the underlying reasons why something happens is a fundamental part of human nature, proven by the exploits of explorers, scientis

10、ts and mathematicians over the course of human history.As a result, the basic framework of most forms of human society requires that a person must act according to the demands of reason and logic. Rules of law are based on the concept that individuals respond to rules based on reasoning and logic. T

11、he ability to think according to logic and reason is so imperative that it is essential that it be taught to university students at even the highest levels. What if law schools and medical schools decided that it was more important to allow students to explore their own emotions at the expense of le

12、arning the latest laws or medical techniques? Perhaps one course could be taught to help students to deal with the emotional demands of being a lawyer or a doctor, but to train students to explore their own emotions at the expense of learning about logical and reasonable thinking would be to invite

13、catastrophe in society.One of the main problems with emphasizing to students the importance of exploring ones own emotions is that it creates a me first attitude towards their studies. Certainly a degree of self-introspection is necessary to deal with society, but to put emphasis on this above all e

14、lse is to inculcate in the student the idea that he or she is more important than others, and that what he or she thinks matters a great deal more than it probably does in reality. Too much emotional self-exploration could create individuals who see their emotions as more important than what they co

15、ntribute to society, which would damage that society as a whole.A certain amount of self-introspection into ones emotions is probably helpful to the development of a student as an overall person. Usually this kind of activity is explored fully in basic psychology classes that most students are requi

16、red to take at university. Basic courses in sociology and psychology as well as other humanities courses give students plenty of opportunity to explore their own emotions. Rather than teaching students how to explore their own emotions, it would seem to be a better idea to teach students how to deal

17、 with these emotions. Only by instructing students in reasoning and logic can they learn how to apply whatever inner emotions they may have to becoming a successful member of a society.新版GRE写作新题库:Argument题目:The following appeared in a health magazine published in Corpora.Medical experts say that onl

18、y one-quarter of Corporas citizens meet the current standards for adequate physical fitness, even though twenty years ago, one-half of all of Corporas citizens met the standards as then defined. But these experts are mistaken when they suggest that spending too much time using computers has caused a

19、 decline in fitness. Since overall fitness levels are highest in regions of Corpora where levels of computer ownership are also highest, it is clear that using computers has not made citizens less physically fit. Instead, as shown by this years unusually low expenditures on fitness-related products

20、and services, the recent decline in the economy is most likely the cause, and fitness levels will improve when the economy does.Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the

21、implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.中文翻译:医学专家指出C市只有四分之一的市民达到了目前的健康标准,尽管20年前,C的市有一半都达到了那时由国家制定的健康标准。同时专家们认为长时间的使用电脑可能是导致这一现象的原因,但这样的解释可能是错的。由于C市是电脑拥有量最高的地区也是总体健康水平最高的地区,显然使用电脑并没有导致市民体质的下降。相反,今年用于健身产品和服务的花费低的异乎寻常,这表明最近经济的衰退最可能是原因,当经济复苏了健康水平也会随之提高。写一篇回应,在其中检视*的论证中述及和/或未明确述及的假设,务请解释*的论证是如何依赖于这些假设的,并指出如果这些假设不成立会对*的论证带来何种影响。GRE作文如何提升写作水平


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