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1、如何写电子邮件 电子邮件(email)与一般信件一样,也包括信头、正文和结尾部分。它具有使用方便、传递快捷以及内容比较简短的特点。信头:必须在“收件人(To)”框中输入收信人的email地址如:。“主题(Subject)”框最好不要空着,它的内容应简明地概括信的内容,可以是一个单词、一个短语,也可以是一个完整的句子。,正文:email正文前的称呼通常无须使用诸如“Dear Mr.White”之类的表达。在同辈的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,但对长辈或上级最好使用头衔加上姓。例如:Jack,或者Pro.Johnson。写电子邮件要直接,并多用短句,使意思清楚。当然,对重点部分要作详细介绍。太长的

2、内容可以以附件的形式发出。信尾:根据信件的正式与否选择合适的结尾。与书面信函不同的是email的结尾可不署名,尤其是给朋友、同学等熟人的email;同时无需写出时间;信的结尾客套话通常也只需一个词,如Thanks,Best等。,常用句式1开头语(1)Thank you for your letter of May 5.(2)I am much pleased to inform you that.(3)Your kind letter of November 22nd arrived this morning.(4)In reply to your letter dated July 4,I

3、want to say.(5)Thank you for your letter dated Dec.22,2011.(6)How are you getting along with your study?(7)Im writing to ask if./to tell you.,2正文常用语(1)Could you come to.(2)I should very much like you to join us.(3)Id love to come,but I cant because.(4)In my opinion,you should.,3结尾语(1)Im looking forw

4、ard to receiving your reply.(2)All my best wishes to you.(3)Remember me to your parents.(4)Good luck to you.,练写作活用单元要点 题目要求 假如你是李华,你的朋友Tom 5月22日来信询问你毕业前的一次旅游经历,请你根据下面提示给他回一封电子邮件。1由学生会组织,日期定在上个周末2一部分愿意乘公交车;另一部分同学喜欢步行;最后大 家被说服骑自行车,3美丽的风景让人难以忘怀:山谷中蝴蝶飞舞,鲜花遍地盛开,空气呼吸起来让人感到舒服,同学们迫不及待的融入大自然中4感受:尽管爬山很累,但是正是这

5、次旅游增进了同学们的友谊,提高了我们关心自然环境的意识5打算:毕业后去拜访Tom,一、对接单元词汇1短途旅行 2组织 3安排时间 4更喜欢 5说服某人去做某事,trip,organize,schedule,prefer,persuade sb.to do sth.,6风景;景色 7山谷 8迫不及待地做某事 9关心 10毕业(v.),view,valley,cant wait to do sth.,care about,graduate,二、巧用单元句型、语法(一)完成句子1它由学生会组织。It our Students Union.2日期定在上个周末。(schedule v)It the la

6、st weekend.3我们当中一部分愿意乘公交车。(prefer)Some of us.,was organized by,was scheduled for,preferred to take a bus,6山谷中蝴蝶飞舞。All kinds of butterflies were flying freely.7鲜花遍山盛开。(cover)The entire mountain beautiful flowers.8那儿的空气呼吸起来让人感到舒服。(be pleasant to do)The air there.,in the valley,was covered with,was ple

7、asant to breathe,4另一部分同学喜欢步行。(fond)Others.5最后大家被说服骑自行车。Finally,we cycle.,were fond of walking,were persuaded to,9这次旅游增进了同学们的友谊,提高了我们关心自然环境的意识。The trip improved our friendship and raised our awareness the environment.10我打算毕业后去拜访你。I you after I.,to care about,am going to visit,graduate,三、尝试用单元所学知识连句成篇

8、 开头已经写好,请续写Tom,How happy I am to receive your letter of May 22nd.Now I will tell you something about the trip.-,三、尝试用单元所学知识连句成篇Tom,How happy I am to receive your letter of May 22nd.Now I will tell you something about the trip.It was organized by our Students Union and scheduled for the last weekend.

9、Some of us preferred to take a bus while others were fond of walking and finally we were persuaded to cycle.When we got there,we were greatly impressed by its beautiful view.All kinds of butterflies were flying freely in the valley,the entire mountain,was covered with beautiful flowers,and the air there was pleasant to breathe.My classmates couldnt wait to explore in it.Though we were tired,it was the trip that improved our friendship and raised our awareness to care about the environment.By the way,I am going to visit you after I graduate.Best wishes.Li Hua,


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