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1、人 类 疱 疹 病 毒,Contains several of the most important human pathogensA spectrum of diseasesLife long persistent infectionPeriodic reactivation,Main properties,Virion:spherical,150-200nm core+capsid+envelope dsDNA,encodes at least 100 proteins 35 proteins structure of virusReplication:In the nucleusBud

2、from nuclear membraneEarly replication and late replication,CPE:apart from EBV,others can cause CPE in cell cultureForm of infectionReplication infection:primary,reactivatedLatent infectionCongenital infection(先天性感染)Cell transformation,Herpes simplex virus(HSV),PropertiesTwo serotypes:HSV1 and HSV2H

3、SV genome:encodes at least 70 proteins some associated with viral replication some envelope proteins associated with immune reaction viral penetration,Herpes simplex virus(HSV),Pathogenicity,Source of infection patients and carriersRoutes of transmission HSV1:contact HSV2:sexually/maternal genital i

4、nfectionPathology:cytolytic infection,Primary infection most are inapparent,but result in antibody production and latent infection,HSV1 Gingivitis(齿龈炎):most frequentlyKeratoconjunctivitis(角膜结膜炎)Skin infectionEncephalitisLatent infection:in the trigeminal ganglia(三叉神经节),HSV2Genital herpes:common seen

5、Skin herps:as HSV1Neonatal herpes:during birth,is a severe disease skin,eye,month lesion encephalitis multiple organ disseminated(多器官感染)Latent infection:sacral ganglia(骶神经节),Latent and recurrence infection HSV1,HSV2 neuron virus reactivate,replication axon(神经纤维)peripheral sites,skin or mucous membra

6、neHSV1:口唇部疱疹 HSV2:genital herpes,Varicella-zoster virus(VZV)水 痘 带 状 疱 疹 病 毒,similar as HSV,VZV naked,VZV enveloped,Pathogenicity Source of infection:patients Routes of infection:respiratory tract Disease:水痘(Varicella/chickenpox):儿童:斑丘疹,水疱,偶见并发症 孕妇:症状较重,可致胎儿畸形,流产,死胎 免疫低下:重症水痘 Latent infection dorsal

7、root ganglia(脊髓后根神经节),Zoster(带状疱疹)Seen in adultsSevere pain and vesicle,often in chest,Cytomegalovirus(CMV)巨 细 胞 病 毒,The largest genetic content of HHVVery species specific and cell specific(种属和细胞特异性)Characteristic CPE:multinucleated cells and intranuclear inclusionIs spread cell to cell,Pathogenici

8、ty,Source of infection:patients/inapparent patients Routes of infectionClose contactMother to child,Diseases,Normal hostMost are subclinicalMononucleosis like syndrome(单核细胞增多症)a mild illnessLatent infectionImmunosuppressed hostMuch more severeDisseminated pneumonia In AIDS:胃肠炎,视网膜炎,Congenital and pe

9、rinated infection 先天和围产期感染May be severeFetal and new born Cytomegalic inclusion disease(巨细胞包涵体病)Death of fetusC.N.S defect:耳聋,智力发育迟缓An important public problem,Epstein-Barr virus EBV,Viral antigensLatent phase AgEBNA1:latent infectionEBNA2:transformation of cellsLMP:latent infection transform cellsR

10、eplication AgEarly Ag:viral replicationLate Ag:structure proteins,Pathogenecity,Speared by contact:Primary infection:more unapparent Latent infectionCell transformation,Diseases Infectious mononucleosisTransmitted by infected salivaMore seen in adolescents and young adultsFever,sore throat,WBC incraesedDistinguish with leukemia heterophil agglutination(异嗜凝集试验):heterophil Ab can agglutinate sheep RBCBurkitts lymphomaNasopharyngeal carcinomaImmunodeficient host:淋巴细胞增殖性疾病,Microbiologic diagnosis 异嗜性抗体的检测传染性单核细胞增多症的辅助诊断EBV感染后非特异活化产生的IgM抗体,能非特异凝集牛、绵羊RBC,抗体滴度超过1:80有诊断意义,


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