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1、GRE写作各类备考训练提分方法经验总结 GRE写作各类备考训练提分方法经验总结,快来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作各类备考训练提分方法经验总结关于GRE作文官方题库题库是给定的,经过几年下来的前人总结,本身已经毫无悬念。高频,模板,例证,范文,大量资料充斥在互联网上并且被专业人士和机构总结印刷成册。考生们只销在考前花两三个月集中练习,得个申请的分数根本不成问题。基础好的人更是一两个月已足矣。但问题也随之而来了,大家都用着同样的参考资料不说,写作水平也都如出一辙,考官看来也就无法分辨孰好孰坏,唯有给出最安全的分数。关于GRE作文的语言应用很多同学对备考更倾向于去临阵磨枪,语言

2、上虽然慢慢向规范的英文书面语靠拢,但仍缺乏时间上的沉淀而无法达到GRE写作本身的语言精练,一步到位的特点。仅仅做到了形似而神不似。因此观点写得稍好一点的同学,就可得到那0.5,如果有语言做支持,就可上到4。关于GRE作文的思路拓展可以说大部分考生的GRE写作还停留在临摹而不是独立作品的阶段。因为有着现成的模板和例证,在范文的引导下,模仿写作的结构和观点。所以往往造成一篇作文看起来是那么回事儿,但实际上又没有说透的感觉。对题目的意义和作文目的的把握还缺少透彻的理解。GRE作文提升几个要点解读1. 词汇。很多人在问,究竟需要不需要在写作前背完词汇精选的单词。认为词汇精选的单词是针对语文部分搜集整理

3、的,与作文的关系不大。作文需要的高级词汇仍然是那几个,therefore,however,admittedly。机器或者考官一见,马上会锁定,懂得写议论文,就靠它们几个。另外一些常用动词名词等实词的同义词要多背几组,英语的修辞不在华丽,在变换。句型要多变,表达同种意思的词当然也要变换。2. 模板。模板怎么用,不是不用,而是要合理利用。因为这实在是一个可以让初学者一目了然,直奔主题的好东西。什么是结构,模板就是结构。模板是骨架,是支撑,但不是灵魂。灵魂的部分当然是*的主旨,要靠自己在不懈的写作,不断的钻研中去摸索和寻找的。千万不可以依赖模板。一篇没有灵魂的骨架子是没法得高分的。3. 练习。练习是

4、一定要坚持得,从始至终。而且量变到质变的突破是需要时间的。4. 临考。临考前的模考是为了让大家去把握时间,更好的进一步的查缺补漏。在考场上,更是要临危不乱,无论出现什么样的题目,相信自己,都是见过的,万变不离其宗,这当然需要练习时不断去完善自己的知识库。以上就是为各位考生整理的关于提高GRE写作水平的方法介绍,希望考生积极做好备考工作,及时调整好状态,争取在GRE写作考试中取得理想的成绩!GRE写作范文精选It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the p

5、ublic.I agree with the speaker that it is sometimes necessary, and even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. A contrary view would reveal a naivetd about the inherent nature of public politics, and about the sorts of compromises on the part of well-intentioned po

6、litical leaders necessary in order to further the publics ultmaate interests. Nevertheless, we must not allow our political leaders undue freedom to with-hold information, otherwise, we risk sanctioning demagoguery and undermining the philosophical underpinnings of any democratic society.One reason

7、for my fundamental agreement with the speaker is that in order to gain the opportunity for effective public leadership, a would-be leader must fzrst gain and maintain political power. In the game of politics, complete forthrightness is a sign of vulnerability and naivete, neither of which earn a pol

8、itician respect among his or her opponents, and which those opponents will use to every advantage to defeat the politician. In my observation some measure of pandering to the electorate is necessary to gain and maintain political leadership. For example, were all politicians to fully disclose every

9、personal foibles, character flaw, and detail concerning personal life, few honest politicians would ever by elected. While this view might seem cynical, personal scandals have in fact proven the undoing of many a political career; thus I think this view is realistic.GRE写作范文精选A nation should require

10、all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer.The speaker would prefer a national curriculum for all children up until college instead of allowing schools in diff

11、erent regions the freedom to decide on their own curricula. I agree insofar as some common core curriculum would serve useful purposes for any nation. At the same time, however, individual states and communities should have some freedom to augment any such curriculum as they see fit; otherwise, a na

12、tions educational system might defeat its own purposes in the long tenn.A national core curriculum would be beneficial to a nation in a number of respects. First of all, by providing all children with fundamental skills and knowledge, a common core curriculum would help ensure that our children grow

13、 up to become reasonably informed, productive members of society. In addition, a common core curriculum would provide a predictable foundation upon which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricula and select course materials for freshmen that are neither below nor above the

14、ir level of educational experience. Finally, a core curriculum would ensure that all school-children are taught core values upon which any democratic society depends to thrive, and even survive-values such as tolerance of others with different viewpoints, and respect for others.GRE写作范文精选Creating an

15、appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image.Has creating an image become more important in our society than the reality or truth behind the image? I agree that image has become a more central concern, at least where short-term busi

16、ness or political success is at stake. Nevertheless, I think that in the longer term image ultimately yields to substance and fact.The important role of image is particularly evident in the business world. Consider, for example, todays automobile industry. American cars are becoming essentially iden

17、tical to competing Japanese cars in nearly every mechanical and structural respect, as well as in price. Thus to compete effectively auto companies must now differentiate their products largely through image advertising, by conjuring up certain illusory benefits-such as machismo, status, sensibility

18、, or fun. The increasing focus on image is also evident in the book-publishing business. Publishers are relying more and more on the power of their brands rather than the content of their books. Today mass-market books are supplanted within a year with products that are essential the same-except wit

19、h fresh faces, rifles, and other promotional angles. I find quite telling the fact that today more and more book publishers are being acquired by large media companies. And the increasing importance of image is especially evident in the music industry, where originality, artistic interpretation, and technical proficiency have yielded almost entirely to sex appeal.


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