1、GRE写作提分不能只顾论述逻辑 GRE写作提分不能只顾论述逻辑, 提升词汇语法也是重要步骤,快来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作提分不能只顾论述逻辑 提升词汇语法也是重要步骤GRE写作词汇量足够才能丰富具体内容首先要说的是GRE写作词汇,写作词汇并不是那些看过脸熟记住意思就行的词汇,而是需要通过实际使用掌握了正确用法的词汇。GRE对于词汇在不同题型中有着不同的要求。数学词汇只要能知道各个专用名词的含义,能够读懂题目就算过关。而语文部分则要求考生具备一定的辨析能力,即深度理解。至于作文词汇的要求则是最高的,也就是正确而合理的使用。除了学会使用以外,考生对于GRE写作词汇,还需要
3、其他题型中进行借鉴。比如GRE语文部分的填空和等价题就可以帮助考生学会实用、简洁、能够清楚地表达自己的意思的词汇和短语用法。而GRE阅读也可以让大家从中学习一些长难句,并学习作者立论和证明论点的过程,学习其中的过渡段落等等。当然,GRE写作考试的备考复习中,考生在充分利用阅读、逻辑、填空题目进行英语思维转换之后,还要多阅读一些范文,学习别人行文的方法,使之转化成自己的资源,并且多加练习,久而久之写作就不是一件难事了。总而言之,想要写出GRE高分作文,打好词汇和语法的基础是必不可少的。只有练好了这两门写作必备的重要基本功,考生才能游刃有余地表达出自己的想法和观点,写好作文。GRE argumen
4、t写作常用词汇*中为各位考生准备了GRE argument写作常用词汇,便于考生们备考。面临:confront; encounter; witness;限制:Restrict; circumscribe; confine; limit;表面上:on the surface; superficially; ostensibly; apparently;具体的:concrete; specific; detailed; particular; definite; informative;加快促进:accelerate; facilitate; advance; boost;支持:substanti
5、ate; bolster; justify; solidify; support; strengthen; validate; in favor of; in support of;否定:=fail;=miss; neglect; in ignorance of; is hardly suffice to / do not suffice to; suggest nothing about;= refute; undermine; deny; refuse; weaken;按照原文的假设/推断:rest on; rely on; depend on; base on; on the basis
6、 of;upon which the argument depends;upon which the argument rest;upon which the argument relies;只要:so long as ;so far as; only if; insofar; subject to the proviso;不管:no matter what; irrespective of whether/; regardless of; whatsoever;(忽略了)把某因素考虑进去:(fail to; omit to); take into account/ consideration
7、; give an insight into; account for(解释);considering and weighing; considering and ruling out/eliminate;weighing against alternatives/;concerning;缺少:in the absence of; for lack of; lacking; a lack of; in short of;很多大量:a myriad of; a variety of; a multitude of; numerous; a large amount of; a great dea
8、l of;过度:undue; exceedingly; excessive; overstate; overemphasize;不断增长:growing; increasing; quickening;GRE考试作文常用备考短语影响:affect, touch把我们带到:lead us, take us引起:arising from, brought about想象:image, visualize好学校:a great high school, a good independent school高级课程:a special program of studies, an advanced pr
9、ogram of studies好学生:outstanding boys and girls, boys and girls of high ability, superior students问题:problems, question, trouble, matter经济拮据:financial cares, financial pressures许多:many, enormous, large numbers of人:people, individuals失业:unemployment, jobless大多数美国人:most Americans, the majority of Ameri
10、cans积聚财富:make money and posses luxuries, amass wealth and possessions天生:be born with, be endowed with特别的:something special, something super-normal永不屈服的精神:a never surrender attitude, an unrelenting drive to succeed, an uncompromising personality伟人:become great, great achievers迷住了:became fascinated wi
11、th, became obsessed with思考研究:think about, work out成绩优秀学生:high-achieving students, the students at the top of the class, A students举例:example of, illustration of直觉:intuition, six sense回报:payoff, rewards检查:check, review新的:new, changed, altered灌输思想:imbue sb with the notion, inculcate in sb the notion不知道:ignorance, no one knows, little is known about许多:a large portion of, a bounteous source of, many提供:provide, furnish学习:learn, acquire热起来:boom, explode in popularity收到:pick up, absorb信息:signals, messages积极反应:reacted positively, performed accordinglyGRE写作提分不能只顾论述逻辑