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1、Review of Unit 5-6,1.A.Listen and down the names next to the people in the picture.,a.b.c.d.e.,Miss Zhang KateJimMaryDavid,1.B.listen again and complete the table.,seems,excited,looks,happy,feels,unhappy,is,bored,seems,angry,2.Make sentences according to the picture,using“asas”or”not as/so as“.,(1)T

2、he moon is not as/so big as the earth.,(2)Ellen/Maria doesnt jump as/so far as Jane.Ellen doednt jump as/so far as Maria.,(3)The T-shirt is as expensive as the shorts.,(4)Michael runs as far as Kangkang.,3.How do you feel about rainly days/heavy traffic/loud noise/sweet music?Interview some students

3、 and complete the table.,For example:A:How do you feel about rainy days?B:They make me sad.C:,happy angry nervous relaxed Worried sad disappinted excited afraid Serious unhappy wonderful,4.What should you do when you have the following problems?Discuss each problem with your partner.,1.While you are

4、 crossing the road,the pedestrian(行人)light turns red.,2.When you are playing in the middle of a country road,a motorcycle suddenly comes.,3.A person walks across the road while you are riding a bike.,4.The light from the truck is too strong for you to see anything.,(1)Look out!Dont move.Wait until t

5、he pedestrian light turns green.(2)Get to the right side and try to stay there.(3)Stop your bike.(4)Try to stay there ans dont move until the truck passes.,Here are Judys opinions.Do you agree or disagree with her?Give your opinions.,5.Fill in the blanks with the proper words in the box.,(1)_ the Sp

6、ring Fesitival comes,little children become very happy.(2)Maria didnt come to school yesterday _ she had a bad cold.(3)You wont sleep well _ you dont relex.(4)Please ring me up _ you leave for Beijing.(5)Last Sunday he didnt wake up _ 9 oclock.,When,because,if,before/when,Until/before,(6)Tom will wr

7、ite to me _ he arrives in Shanghai.(7)Darren will go shopping _ he finishes his homework.(8)There will be a class meeting,_ we are preparing for it.(9)kangkangs father was reading newspapers _ Kangkang was doing his homework.(10)We are going to the Ming Tombs _ it doesnt rain tomorrow.,as soon as/wh

8、en/after,after,so,while,If,6.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs in the box.,(1)His task is _ about Beijing Opera while he is in China.(2)It is important _ good care of ourselves.(3)The policeman warns the children not _ on the street.(4)I wont let you _ TV so long because you hace

9、 so much homework _.(5)Tom will come to China _ friends.,Visit do take play learn watch,to learn,to take,to play,watch,to do,to visit,7.Read the tracel advertisement and complete the conversation.,3-Day Tour of Beijing,(Sophie is asking Mr.Chen,a travel agent(代理人),for information.),Sophie:Hello!Id l

10、ike to plan a trop to Beijing.Could you give me some advise?Mr.Chen:Sure!How many days would you like to stay there?Sophie:Just three days.Mr.Chen:Oh,our Beijing tour would be perfect for you.The first day of the tour includes a visit to _ and the _.Sophie:That sounds interesting.What about the seco

11、nd and the third day?Mr.Chen:Well go to the _ and _ on the second day.The third day is a full day tripto the Badaling Great Wall and the _.Sophie:Great!Thanks a lot.I ll call you if need more information.,Tiananmen Square,The Forbidden City,Temple of Heaven,Summer Palace,Ming Tombs,Last December,I w

12、ent to Europe(1)the Christmas holiday.I visited many(2):Engliand,France,Spain,italy,Switzerland and so on.The clothes in Paris are very popular,so I decided(3)French sweater for my mother and a pair of(4)ofr my father,I also bought some Christmas cards and sent them to my friends in China.I thought

13、they would be(5)when they receiced them.I spent Christmas Eve with my French friends in Paris.We prepared a lot of food and had a wonderful time.,8.Read and choose the correct answers.,(1)A.spend B.spent C.spends D.to spend(2)A.countries B.towns C.villages D.cities(3)A.bought B.buy C.to buy D.buys(4

14、)A.pens B.pants C.sunglasses D.jackets(5)A.excited B.exciting C.worried D.worrying,9.Read the passage and finish the following tasks.,Showing your feelings is important.It is a mistake not to talk to anyone when youre feeling sad,worried or nervous.If you keep bad feeling inside,it can even make you

15、 sick.But if you talk with someone,like your mom or dad,you will usually begin to feel better.Now youre not all alone with your problems or worries.However,it doesnt mean your problems andworries will disappear magicaliy(神奇地消失).But,at least,someone else understands whats wrong with you and can help

16、you find ways to solve youre your problems.Your mom and dad want to know if you have problems.They love you and they want to know whats happening in your life.But ifyou dont want to talk with them.What should you do?Find atrustworthy(可信任的)teacher at school or a relative.Maybe that person canhelp you

17、 deal with your problems.Then youll feel as happy as before.,(1)Mark the following statements True(T)or False(F).,()Keeping feelings inside will mske you feel ill.()If you have some problems,you should talk with your mom or dad.()Your mom and dad want to kmow your problems because they just want to

18、know your secrets.()Maybe your teachers can help you solve your problems.,T,T,T,F,(2)Discuss your problems and ways to solve them with your classmates.,How do you solve these problems?,What problems do you have?,10.Write a diary about a field trip by blke.,Saturday,May 10th Sunny Today my classmates

19、 and I went out for a field trip.We went to the Forest Garden by bike.We all wore bicycle helmets.At 9 oclock,we got to the garden.Wesaw a lot of flowers,and they were very beautiful.There were also many kinds of plants from foreign countries.We had a good time there.At 5 oclock in theafternoon,we rode back home.I like cycling very much.I think it is good exercise,and it is good for our health.,see you!,


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