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1、Eating too much candy is bad for our health.,Unit 2 Keeping Healthy,Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.,Section B,Lets learn the new words:,articlesmokeevencancernecessaryactiveenergy,/:tikl/n.文章,物品/smuk/v.&n.吸烟,烟/i:vn/adv.甚至,即使/kns/n.癌,癌症/nessri/adj.必要的,必需的/ktiv/adj.活跃的,积极的/endi/n.精力 活力,Voca

2、bulary,英汉互译下列单词并标上词性。,1.article_()2.smoke _()_()3.litter _()_()4.enough _()_()5.癌_()6.垃圾箱_()7.能量;精力_()8.必需的,必要的 _(),文章;物品;冠词 n.,吸烟;冒烟 v.烟 n.,废弃物;垃圾 n.乱丢杂物 v.,足够的;充分的 adj.足够 adv.,cancer n.,dustbin n.,energy n.,necessary adj.,根据所给中文完成句子.,1.He coughs and he often _(抽烟)?2.Smoking too much can_(导致癌症).3.I

3、t is _(必要的)to learn English.4.I think sports can_(让我保持活力).,smokes,cause cancer,necessary,keep me active,Read the pairs of words and pay attention to the difference among/,/a:/and/.Then think of more words for each group.,/-/a:/,fun-farm cut-card come-calm,录音3a-P38,3a,/-/,fund-fond duck-dock luck-loc

4、k,Listen again and repeat,paying attention to the liaison.,Wash your hands,have a bath.Open the window,take a fresh breath.Early to bed,early to rise.Having good habits,makes a man healthy,Wealthy and wise.,Liaison makes our English sounds smooth,and one type of it is to link consonant with vowel.,3

5、b,录音3b-P38,Write down the good habits.,wash hands,have a bath,open the window,early to rise,Listen again and repeat,paying attention to the liaison.,Wash your hands,have a bath.Open the window,take a fresh breath.Early to bed,early to rise.Having good habits,makes a man healthy,Wealthy and wise.,Lia

6、ison makes our English sounds smooth,and one type of it is to link consonant with vowel.,录音3b-P38,3b,2a,Look at the pictures and choose the correct sentence to complete each description.,Breakfast gives you energy for the morning._,_Its necessary for your health.,a.Going to school without breakfast

7、is bad for your health.,c.Walking is good exercise.,2a,Look at the pictures and choose the correct sentence to complete each description.,Water is good for your health._,_It will keep you active during the day.,d.Drink enough water every day.,b.Go to bed early and get up early.,Drinking enough water

8、 every day.Water is good for your health.,enough,足够的/地,充分的/地,adj,adv,enough+n,足够的什么东西,adj+enough,足够怎么样,他足够大去上学。,He is old enough to go to school.,(enough作形容词),(enough作副词),如果你起床够早,你将能赶上公交车。,If you get up early enough,youll catch the bus.,Have a try:,It is cold enough/enough cold to put on the coat.He

9、 is enough old/old enough to go to school.,2b,Read 2a and mark H(Healthy)or U(Unhealthy).,Li Hua often goes to school without breakfast.()Zhang Ming usually takes a walk after the meal.()Wang Peng gets up at 10 oclock on weekends.()Hu Fei always studies late in the night.()Mr.Smith drinks enough wat

10、er every day.(),U,H,U,U,H,smoke,Whats he doing?He is.,What do you think of smoking?,smoking,Smoking is bad for our health.,Its cool to smoke.,Is smoking good or bad for our health?Its bad for our health.,Smoking is bad for our lungs.It can even cause cancer.,So everyone should give up smoking.,放弃,Wh

11、at is Wang Junfeng doing?Why does Marias father like smoking?Why does Maria want to ask her father to give up smoking?,reading an article about smoking in the newspaper.,thinks smoking can help him relax.,Because smoking is bad for our lungs and it even may cause cancer.,1b,Listen to 1a and answer t

12、he following questions.,录音1a-P37,He is_,Because he_,Maria:Hi,Wang Junfeng!What are you reading?Youd better not read in the sun.Its bad for your eyes.Wang Junfeng:Oh,thank you.Im reading an article about smoking in the newspaper.Does your father smoke,Maria?Maria:Yes,he thinks smoking can help him re

13、lax.Wang Junfeng:But,you know,smoking is bad for his health.Maria:Yes,his teeth are yellow and he often coughs.Wang Junfeng:Thats too bad.Look,the article says smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even cause cancer.Maria:Oh!How terrible!I must ask him to give up smoking.May I borrow your newspape

14、r and show it to my father.Wang Junfeng:Sure.,Find out the following phrases and translate:,had better(not)do ask sb.to dogive up doing sth.borrow sb.sth.show sth.to sb./show sb.sth.,最好(不要)做要求某人做某事放弃做某事借用某人某物 向某人展示某物,1c,Fill in the blanks.,Wang Junfeng is reading an _ about smoking in the newspaper.

15、Marias father _ because he thinks smoking can help him _.But the article says smoking is _ for our lungs and it can even _ cancer.Marias going to ask her father to _ _ smoking.,article,smokes,relax,cause,give up,bad,Smoking is bad for his health.Smoking is bad for our lungs.,Key points,动名词做主语,谓语动词要做

16、第三人称单数。,eg:喝水有益于我们的健康。_water _good for our health.,Drinking,is,Key points,I must ask him to give up smoking.,Eg:老师常常告诉我们课堂上要认真听。The teacher often _carefully in class.,give up sth./doing sth.放弃某事/做某事,Eg:我不会放弃学习英语。I wont _English.,ask sb.(not)to do sth.叫某人(不要)做某事,asks us to listen,give up learning,Key

17、 points,I must ask him to give up smoking.,ask sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事,Eg:我妈妈叫我晚上不要外出。My mother asks me not to go out at night.,give up sth./doing sth.放弃某事/做某事,Eg:我不会放弃我的计划。I wont give up my plan.,ask sb.not to do sth.叫某人不要做某事,give up,放弃,我永远不会放弃。,I will never give up.,我永远不会放弃我的梦想。,I will never give up m

18、y dream.,停止做某事,放弃某物,放弃什么东西,I must ask him to give up smoking.,放弃做某事,Your job is very good.Why did you give it up?,stop doing sth,give up sth,=,I must ask him to stop smoking.,give up singing,放弃唱歌,不要放弃,Dont give up.,放弃你的工作,give up your work/job,你的工作很好,你为什么放弃了它呢?,give up doing sth,(一)、must的个性:must拥有情态

19、动词家族的共性:无人称和数的变化,也无时态变化。作谓语时一律用“must+动词原形”结构。,你知道must的用法么?,(二)、must的本领:(1)must表示说话人的主观看法或愿望,认为“必须”做某事。例如:I _ _ hard.我必须努力学习。(2)表示要求某人必须做某事时,主语用其它人称。例如:You must wait in line.你必须排队等候。,你知道must的用法么?,must study,(3)在肯定句中,must可以表推测,语气要比may肯定得多。must表示对某事把握很大的推测,只能用于肯定句,意为“想必;准是;很可能”;must be表示“一定是,一定在”。当情态动词

20、may与be连用,表示推测“或许是,或许在”。在否定句型表示推测的含义时不用mustnt(禁止,不允许)而用 cant(不可能)。例如:She _ _our new Chinese teacher.她一定是我们的新的语文老师。The door is closed.He _ _ at home.门关着,他一定不在家。,你知道must的用法么?,must be,cant be,(三)、must的变脸:(1)must的否定式是在must后面加上not,常缩写成mustnt,意思是“决不可;千万不能;务必不要;禁止”。在对May I.?作否定回答时用No,you mustnt/cant。例如:You

21、_ tell her this news.你绝不能(千万不要)告诉她这消息。You _ _smoke here.你绝不能在这儿抽烟。(2)must的疑问式是将must提在主语前。must用在问句中作“必须”解时,要注意肯定与否定回答时的用语。其肯定简略答语是Yes,主语+must。若是否定回答,则是No,主语+neednt或dont have to。例如:Must I finish my homework today?今天我必须完成我的作业吗?No,you _/Yes,you_.不必。/对,你必须完成。,你知道must的用法么?,mustnt,must not,neednt,must,Mari

22、a:What reading?read in the sun.Wang Junfeng:an article about smoking in the newspaper.Does smoke?Maria:Yes smoking helprelax.Wang Junfeng:smoking bad for Maria:teeth yellow and coughs.Wang Junfeng:too bad the article says smoking our lungs cause cancer.Maria:How!I ask give up smoking.May I borrow sh

23、ow father?Wang Junfeng:Sure.,Retell 1a,We hopeto keep healthy,Healthy Tree,drink enough water,have breakfast,take a walk after meals,Dont get up late.,do morning exercises,Dont keep fingernails long.,Dont throw litter around.,1.Finish the exercises on the paper.2.Recite 1a.3.Make some sentences to g

24、ive suggestions about keeping healthy.,Homework,堂上小测,()1.Children play soccer in the streets.Its not safe.A.may not B.will C.neednt D.must not()2.May I?A.show my father it B.show it my father C.show my father to it D.show it to my father()3.-Jane,I think we cant finish the work.-Dont worry.We have t

25、ime to do it.A.enough B.few.C.little D.many,D,D,A,()4.My pen is broken.I have to _one _Mike.A.borrow;to B.borrow;from C.lend;from D.lend;to()5.Breakfast gives you energy the morning.A.on B.in C.for D.of()6.I must ask him.A.to give smoking up B.gives up C.to give up smoking D.to give up,B,C,C,课后练习(1)

26、用适当的介词填空。,1.You should not read _ the sun.Its bad _ your eyes.2.Fish cant live _ water.3.Hes writing an article _ how to learn English.,in,for,without,about,(2)完成句子。,1.每天喝足够的水有利于我们的健康。Drinking _ _ every day _ _ _ our health.2.早睡早起能够帮助我们在白天保持活力。Going to bed early and _ _ _ can help us _ _ during the

27、day.,enough water,bad for,is,getting up,early,keep active,3.好的饮食习惯对每个人都是必要的。_ _ _everyone _ _ good eating habits.4.玩电脑游戏对你的学习不利,你必须戒掉。Playing computer games is bad for _ _.You must _ _ _.,Its necessary for,to,have,your,study,give it up,Teaching aims:,Master the use of these phrases:had better(not)do

28、,give up smoking,ask sb.(not)to do sth,take a walk,study late,go to school without breakfast,drink enough water,1让某人做某事_ 2戒烟_3把某物出示给某人看_/_4将垃圾丢入垃圾箱 _ 5到处扔垃圾_ 6对必要_ 7保持活力_ 8在一天中_/_ 9给某人某物_/_,let sb.do sth.,give sb.sth.,give up smoking,show sb.sth.,Review,put/throw litter into the dustbin,throw litter

29、 around,be necessary for,keep sb.active,during the day,in the day,give sth.to sb.,show sth.to sb.,翻译并熟记下列句子,1.他认为吸烟可以放松自己。_2.禁止践踏草坪。_3.散步是项好运动,它对你的健康必不可少。_ _4.不吃早餐上学对你的健康有害。_ _5.多么可怕啊!我一定要让他戒烟。_,Walking is good exercise.Its necessary for your health.,He thinks smoking can help him relax.,Dont walk o

30、n the lawn/grass.,Going to school without breakfast is bad for your health.,How terrible!I must ask him to give up smoking.,1.Eating fruit keeps us h_.2.Walking is n_ for good health.3.You mustnt t_ litter around.Youd better keep environment clean and tidy.4.He is very poor,he has not e_ food to eat.5.Chocolate gives you e_.But eating too much is bad for your teeth.6.He wrote an a_ about Wang Xiaoya.,Exercise,ealthy,ecessary,hrow,ough,nergy,rticle,


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