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1、GRE写作短期备考提分方法技巧汇总一览 GRE写作短期备考提分方法技巧汇总一览,快来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作短期备考提分方法技巧汇总一览写作备考以锻炼提纲思路为主题海战术有两个问题:一是没有解决根本问题,二是机会成本过高。所谓机会成本,就是你花的时间过多,而这些时间本来可以用来做更有意义的事情,比如说记单词,学习语法或者看书开拓思路。设想你英文很差,但你写作很努力,在考试时又碰上了写过的题目,你的作文得了5分以上,但verbal只有300多分,人家一眼就能看出你的真实水平来。所以各位考生在打基础的同时,要把重点放在提纲也就是思路的准备上。好*要有自身特点不能千篇一律一



4、句模板一. *整体结构1. 大负小正:诚然 A,但是 B,而且 C。承认+转折+递进2. 大正小负:诚然 A,有时甚至 B,但是 C。承认+递进+转折二. 常用句式开头:a) In this statement, the speaker asserts that (作者的结论是什么)b) I agree with the speaker insofar as. (某种程度上同意作者的观点)c) Whereas, in my perspective, is unilateral(作者的观点片面在什么地方)第二段:a) Admittedly第三段:a) However第四段:a) Furtherm

5、ore结尾:a) In summary, from what has been discussed above, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that (重述观点)以上就是GRE之issue常用句模板,希望大家活学活用,不要生搬硬套。祝大家考试顺利!新GRE Issue写作范文透析IssueThe following is from an editorial in the Midvale Observer, a local newspaper.Ever since the 1950s, when television sets bega

6、n to appear in the average home, the rate of crimes committed by teenagers in the country of Alta has steadily increased. This increase in teenage crime parallels the increase in violence shown on television. According to several national studies, even very young children who watch a great number of

7、 television shows featuring violent scenes display more violent behavior within their home environment than do children who do not watch violent shows. Furthermore, in a survey conducted by the Observer, over 90 percent of the respondents were parents who indicated that prime-time televisionprograms

8、 that are shown between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.should show less violence. Therefore, in order to lower the rate of teenage crime in Alta, television viewers should demand that television programmers reduce the amount of violence shown during prime time.The author of this editorial states that the rate of

9、teenage crime in the country of Alta has increased along with the increase in violence shown on television, beginning with the 1950s when television was introduced in the average home. In addition, the author states that several national surveys have shown that young children watching violent televi

10、sion programs are more prone to violence than children who do not. The write also says that a survey indicated that ninety percent of parents responding said that prime-time programs should show less violence. Finally, the author comes to the conclusion that to lower the rate of teenage crime in Alt

11、a, television watchers should demand a reduction in violence shown during prime time. This argument suffers from several critical fallacies.Firstly, the writer equates the rate of increase in teenage crime in Alta to the increase in violence shown on television but gives no causal linkage other than

12、 the similar time periods. The author makes no distinction between types of crimes - whether they are violent or nonviolent crimes by teenagers. Furthermore, there are several possible alternative causes for the increase in teen crimes. For example, perhaps all types of crimes have increased for all

13、 ages, or maybe the police are now doing a better job of catching teenage criminals than they were before. Perhaps the reason for the increase is simply an increase in the overall population and that as a percentage of the population, teen crime is even less than it was before. Without ruling out th

14、ese and other causes, the argument fails to convince by showing no causal linkage between television violence and teenage crime.Secondly, the author mentions national studies that show that young children that watch violent programs show more violent behavior at home than children who do not watch s

15、uch programs. This argument fails on two levels - one by assuming that children and teenagers are equally affected by television programs; and two by again assuming that there is some type of cause and effect relationship between television violence and teenage crime. Young children and teenagers ar

16、e not the same and it should not be assumed that more violent behavior within the home leads to crimes outside as these children grow into teenagers.Thirdly, the author offers a survey showing that ninety percent of the respondents were parents who indicated that prime time television programs shoul

17、d show less violence. The survey methods are not discussed - it is possible that the sample was improperly chosen or somehow predisposed to include parents that are very much opposed to television violence. Additionally, it is possible that such parents are far more vocal in their opinions than thos

18、e who care little or not at all about prime time television violence, again skewing the results of the survey. Even assuming the veracity of the sample population surveyed, it is not logical to associate television violence with teen crime solely on that basis.Finally, the author makes the gratuitou

19、s assumption that simply having television viewers demand that television programmers reduce the amount of violence during prime time will lower the rate of teenage crime in Alta. Regardless of the flawed arguments previously discussed, simply demanding a change will have no effect whatsoever on tee

20、n crime. To strengthen his or her argument, the author needs to show some direct causal linkage between television violence and teen crime rather than making vague and unsupported comparisons purporting to show a link. There is no proof given either that television violence of any kind causes teenag

21、e crime or that a reduction in prime time violence will keep teenagers from breaking the law.题目下述文字摘自一份地方性报纸Midvale观察家所发表的社论。“自二十世纪五十年代以来,当电视机开始出现于寻常百姓家庭时,Alta国内青少年犯罪率已呈现出持续上升的势头。这一青少年犯罪行为的上升与电视上所播放的暴力画面的增加成正比。按照几份全国性调查报告,在那些大量观看了涉及到暴力场面的电视节目的青少年中,即使是极为年幼的孩童在其家庭环境中也要比那些不看暴力节目的孩童表现出更多的暴力行为。此外,在一项由Mid




25、问卷的受访者均为父母亲一类的人,他(她)们提出黄金时段的电视节目不应该播放如此多的暴力镜头。但社论中没有讨论该调查所使用的调查方法是什么。情况有可能是,该调查的样本选择得并不恰当,或在某种程度上侧重于只将那些对电视暴力甚感厌恶的父母亲囊括于样本之中。再则,情况也可能是,这些父母亲在表达其意见时要比那些对黄金时段电视暴力漠不关心或满不在乎的人来得语气强烈得多,这样便再度使调查结果失之偏颇。即使我们假定所调查的人口样本是真实的,仅仅以此为依据将电视暴力和青少年犯罪联系起来也是不合逻辑的。 最后,社论作者作出一不必要的假设,即只要有电视观众要求电视节目编播者减少黄金时段暴力内容的播放量便可降低Alta国内的青少年犯罪率。即使不考虑此前已讨论过的那些含有缺陷的论点,只是去要求作出某种改变并不会对青少年犯罪产生任何影响。若要增强其论点的逻辑性,社论作者必须在电视暴力与青少年犯罪之间表明某种直接的因果关系,而不是作出某些含糊其辞的和缺乏依据的比较,声称存在着某种联系。该作者既没有拿出证据证明任何种类的电视暴力导致了青少年的犯罪,也没能证明黄金时段电视暴力的减少将会防范青少年的违法乱纪行为。GRE写作短期备考提分方法技巧汇总一览


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