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1、,Unit5 Nelson MandelaPeroid 5 Grammar The Attributive Clause,关系代词的用法,关系代词在从句中可以:,whom,who,which,that,whose,何时可以省略?,做宾语时可以省略,The Attributive Clause 2-Relative Adverbs,Learning Aims,1.介词+关系代词引导的定语从句2.定语从句中关系副词的用法,1.当介词位于定语从句末尾时,可用 which/that(指物),who/whom/that(指人)作从句中介词的宾语.而且作介词宾语的关系代词可以省略。,(whom/who/t

2、hat),(which/that),Dad is a person_ I can easily talk to.,Is this the play _ you were talking about just now?,介词+which/whom引导的定语从句,2.当介词放在关系代词前面时,关系代词只能用whom(指人)或which(指物),且关系代词不能省略。,The man with whom you talked just now is my neighbor.I cant find the pen with which I was writing.,介词+关系代词引导定语从句情况1,介词

3、+关系代词引导定语从句情况1,The man whom you spoke was a scientist.The city which she lives is far away.,to,in,介词+关系代词的情况,The man you spoke was a scientist.The city she lives is far away.,to,in,2,Are these two sentences right?,whom,which,who,that,在介词之后不能用who that,I saw the watch which you are looking?The old man

4、 whom I am looking is better.,在短语动词中介词不能提前,下面两句中的介词能提前吗?,for,after,注意:在介词+which/whom引导定语从句结构中,有时在其前可加名词,代词,数词等。如:,No one wants the room the windows of which are broken.(“的”,所属关系)The old man has three sons,all of whom are doctors.(整体的一部分或全部)Last Sunday I bought several books from the bookstore,three

5、of which were English novels.(整体的一部分或全部),(2)根据先行词的习惯搭配来决定。,I remember the day on which I joined the Party.I remember the days during which I lived there.,3.介词的选用原则:,根据定语从句谓语动词,形容词的习惯搭配来决定。This is the book on which I spent 8 dollars.This is the book for which I paid 8 dollars.The thing about/of which

6、 Mr.Smith was not sure was the young mans honesty.,(3)根据定语从句的意义来决定Wu Song was the man by whom the tiger was shot.,练习,用适当的介词补充完整下列定语从句。1.I disagree with the facts _ which your argument is based.2.The song,_ which he was interested,will never be heard again.3.This is the reason _ which he often comes

7、to school late.,on,in,for,4.I want to find the very pen _ which I wrote that letter.5.They are the students _ whom our teachers are thinking highly.6.It is important to choose good friends _ whom you can share your feelings and thoughts.7.It will not be necessary to name the person _ whom the card b

8、elongs.8.I would always like to do business with those people _ whom I can rely.,with,of,with,to,on/upon,1.I will never forget the day _ we studied together.2.That was the pen he wrote the letter.,on which,with which,for which,3.Do you like the book she paid$10?4.Do you like the book she spent$10?5.

9、This is the herowe are proud.6.There are three things _ she is not sure.,of whom,介词+关系代词的情况 练习,on which,about which,5.先行词是the way,意为“方式,方法”时,且在从句中做方式状语时,引导定语从句的关系词用that/in which或省略。,I didnt like the way _she talked to me.(she talked to me in the way)The way _he teaches English is interesting.(he tea

10、ches English in the way),(that/in which),(that/in which),Pay attention to this sentence:I didnt like the way_ he told to me.(he told the way to me),which/that/省略,关系副词:,在定语从句中,当表示时间、地点、原因的名词作先行词时,且先行词在定语从句中作状语,应用关系副词when,where,why.,关系副词的用法,表时间,时间状语,表地点,地点状语,表原因,原因状语,关系副词-when,where,why,1.when 表示时间,其先

11、行词往往是表示时间的名词(如:time,day,year,week,month,morning,evening等),在从句中作时间状语when可换成“at/in/on/during等介词+关系代词”。e.g.I still remember the day when(=on which)I first came to Nanjing.My father was born in the year when(=in which)World War broke out.,2.where 表示地点,其先行词往往是表示地点的名词(如:place,room,house,hotel,school,city等

12、),在从句当中作地点状语。,when可换成“介词+关系代词”。如:This is the farm where(=on which)we worked when we were young.My father was born in the place where(=in which)World War broke out.,3.why 表示原因,常用在先行词reason 后,表示原因,在从句当中做原因状语,相当于 for+which,There are several reasons why(=for which)the boys should be punished.Tom couldnt

13、 give the teacher the reason why(=for which)he was late for school.,reason 作先行词时关系词的使用,Im not clear about the reason for which he did it.why he did it that he did it.,for which why that,The house where he lives needs repairing The reason why Jim was happy to help Mandela was helping others.The day w

14、hen Mandela told me what to do and helped him was the happiest day for Jim.,下面我们学习一下关系副词whenwherewhy的用法,The house which he lives in needs repairing.,The house in which he lives needs repairing.,The house where he lives needs repairing,Comparing and discovering,The reason why Jim was happy to help Ma

15、ndela was helping others.,The reason for which Jim was happy to help Mandela was helping others.,.,The day when Mandela told me what to do and helped him was the happiest day for Jim.,The day on which Mandela told me what to do and helped him was the happiest day for Jim,4.关系副词的用法注意点,(1)当先行词为time,表示

16、“次数”时,应用关系词that 或省略。如:This is the first time(that)the president has visited the country.,4.关系副词的用法注意点,(2)当point,situation,case,position,stage,condition等词作先行词表示“情况,境地,场合”等抽象意思时,其后常由where引导定语从句,where在句中作状语。如:,Ive come to the point where I cant stand him.我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了We are in a position where we may

17、lose a large sum of money.我们正处在可能损失一笔钱的境地。Can you think of a situation where this phrase can be used?你能想到一种使用这个短语的情况吗?,小结:关系词的选择,1.找先行词2.先行词在从句中作什么成分(1)主语、宾语、表语、定语-关系代词 状语-关系副词(2)先行词前是否需要介词 要-关系副词 不要-关系代词,关系词及其用法小结,人,作主语,不省,人,作宾语,可省,人/物(的),作定语(+n),不省,事/物,作主语/宾语,作宾语时可省,人/物,作主语/宾语,作宾语时可省,关系代词在定语从句中作宾语

18、时可以省略,that,介词+which,作时间状语,介词+which,介词for+which,作地点状语,作原因状语,不省,不省,不省,不可以省略,辨析,which or where/when/why,在定语从句中作状语还是作主语/宾语,which or where/when/why,1.This is the museum _ my mother worked 10 years ago.(worked in the museum 地点状语)This is the museum _ was built in 1950.(the museum was build)(museum 主语),在定语从

19、句中作状语还是作主语/宾语,where,which,2.July 1,1921 was the day _ our Party was founded(成立).(our Party was founded on the day 作状语)July 1,1921 was the day _ we will not forget.(we will never forget the day作宾语),when,which,which or where/when/why,在定语从句中作状语还是作主语/宾语,及物动词,3.I remember the days _ I lived in my home to

20、wn.(I lived in my home town during the days 作状语)I remember the days _ I spent with my grandpa.(I spent the days with.the days作宾语),when,which,which or where/when/why,在定语从句中作状语还是作主语/宾语,4.The house _ were going to visit was built a century ago.(visit the house)The house _ used to be a temple is a schoo

21、l now.(the house used to be a temple)The house _ he used to live was flooded.(he used to live in the house),(which/that),which/that,where,5.A bookstore is a place_ you can get books.(you can get the books in the place)A bookstore is a place _ books are sold.(books are sold in the place)A bookstore i

22、s a place _ sell books.(the place sells books),where,which/that,where,6.I cant find the card _ I wrote your address.(I wrote your address on the card)I cant find the card _ _ I wrote your address.7.The box _ he put his photos is gone.(he put his photo into the box)The box _ he is carrying is heavy.(

23、he is carrying the box),where,where,on,which,(that/which),8.The hotel _ we stayed during our holiday stands by the seaside.(we stayed in the hotel)The hotel _ stands by the seaside is quite comfortable.(the hotel stands by the seaside),where,which/that,which or where/when/why,在定语从句中作状语还是作主语/宾语,9.The reason _ he did it is not clear.(he did it for.reason 作状语)The reason _ he gave to the teacher is unbelievable.(he gave the reason(宾语)to the teacher),why,which,which or where/when/why,在定语从句中作状语还是作主语/宾语,Thank you,


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