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1、GRE写作简洁明了是关键 GRE写作简洁明了是关键?一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作简洁明了是关键写ETS的作文,我们要记住的是一定要简洁明了。每一句话都要有很重的份量,都要表达与thesis相关的内容。无关轻重的话写了等于没写,甚至可以使你离题。还有一点我的writng consultant认为很重要的是,在写issue topic时我们可以用experience来support自己的argument,我们的personal experience是别人不可以denied的,所以如果写时你对历史事情或者科技方面的内容不是很sure,那么请用你的personal ex

2、perience来support你的argument!如果大家像我一样没有很多的时间来复习GRE写作。working on writing的style,要比试着在最后时间内克服grammar重要很多。我们都是ESL student,很多小的mistake要用比较长的时间才能更正过来。比如一些定冠词的用法,还有选词之类等。对于这些小的东西,我想grader可能更注重overall structure and support material.我今天的writng consultant是columbia unversity writing系的,她也改过很多的如ETS之类的paper.她给我的建议也

3、是用比较safe的方法来写。因为写一个人改那么多的*,她当然想看你的写作right to the point.她建议我用brainstorm,或者可以用free writng和brainstorm结合等等,当然这个process我是要自己去发现适合我的最好的方法,最重要的是一定要给自己余下时间来重新看一遍和修改。还有她说这两种题,issue和critique的thesis是非常容易come up with的。写时确定你的thesis ,紧绕你的thesis. Critique的thesis,主要是攻击statement. (当然不是泼妇骂街行的).比如:The statement seems

4、to be plausible on a surface( on a superficially level), but by taking a closer examination, one can easily find logic flauts in it.Conclusion也可以是比较容易的,比如: Since the premise provided doesnt support the conclusion, the argument is not valid. (It is not a logically sound statement, moreover, the speak

5、er constantly contridicate himself by making equivocal claims. )写argument这种*的theise,用refutation这个skill挺有用的。这也是我在课上学的,theise开始时你可以写I understand.( agree with,sympathize.), but.(引出你的观点)写作时可以考虑你的opp哦nents point ,这种写法容易让对方,持和你不同观点的人容易接受你,说明你是一个open-minded ,considerable individual.还有在肯定对方的份上,给出你的理由否定他,这时你

6、的观点更为强壮有力。这个方法不仅在theis可以用到,在body中也是非常可用的。这也是所谓的让步吧,如:theres no doubt(it is true ) that.However, I think.GRE issue写作优秀实例:交流的有效方式题目:The most effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people is through the use of images, not language.和一大群人交流想法或者价值观的最有效方式是图像而非语言。正文:I strongly agre

7、e with the author on the claim that image generally serves to be a better means of communication than language, and this is no exception when the audience is a large group. Though everyday we speak one or several languages to express ourselves, the Achilles heel of language makes it incompetent in c

8、ertain critical case.That Achilles heel is misinterpretation, a characteristic of language, particularly conspicuous when it comes to multi-language situations. Among countless misunderstandings in this way ever since people begin to speak, one heartbreaking tragedy can effectively support this clai

9、m. The story begins with one American boy who fell in love with a Japanese girl, but neither expressed their feeling for each other at that moment. One day when the boy was to leave the girl for a period of time, he left her a note with the word shine on it. The word shine, initially indicating her

10、shining beauty as the boy later said, shocked the Japanese girl when she see it, and so despaired at the note that she committed suicide three days later. The reason, later discovered, is that the girl with poor English interpreted the word as shi-ne, which is go hell or die in Japanese. In the case

11、 nobody can deny the crime of language, since the young girl would not have perished were it not for this grievous misinterpretation. Therefore we see the harmful, in this case fatal, consequence that may be brought about by the Achilles heel of language.Not only for individual. When it comes to the

12、 communication to a large group, as especially indicated in the statement, misinterpretation can be equally disastrous. As a result of globalization, groups of complex constitution are common nowadays. For example, in corporations we can often see people from different nations or cultural background

13、s working together. Therefore misinterpretation becomes inevitable when an idea is expressed in the form of language. For people of different native language,translation is necessary yet possibly deviant, sometimes erroneous. Even for those of the same native language, misinterpretation is still pos

14、sible in that they may have distinct interpretations of the same word according to their childhood, when their cultural background instilled them with such distinct explanation to their subconscious.The more the people, the more diverse the translation. In this sense, language is hardly capable of c

15、arrying ideas or values with no distortion. Thus, especially to large groups, language cannot be recognized as an effective means to communicate.Now it is time to pay attention to the more favorable method, that is, the use of image.Referring to the love tragedy written above, I believe the result j

16、oyful if the boy had drawn a red heart, the universally acknowledge sign of love, on the note instead of the shine, or shi-ne. As a matter of fact, the differences between cultural backgrounds are irresistible, yet image is little restricted by such differences and better accepted by the world. Anot

17、her compelling example is the universally applied skull which stands for poisonous. It does not matter if a child know nothing about the English on a chemical-containing bottle, as he/she will learn precisely that the bottle is filled with poison the moment he/she sees the skull. Comparing with lang

18、uage,image is advantageous in this manner. Moreover, with the development of technology, televisions are already widely used for communication. The use of image is promoted by this use itself, as television is one modern form of organizing image. Hence image becomes more influential and fathomable u

19、niversally comparing with language, by which image is proven to be more effective.In conclusion, I believe image is better than language when communicating to a large group as misinterpretation of image occurs much rarely. It is advisable for all of us to frequently use image in order to express our

20、 ideas explicitly.GRE issue写作优秀实例:更新领导保持活力题目:In any professionbusiness, politics, education, governmentthose in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.在任何领域中商业、政治、教育、政府掌权者应该在五年后就让位。这是任何机构获得成功的最好的方式:通过更新领导者而保持活力。

21、正文:The speaker asserts that the surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership and the leader who is in power should step down after five years. I agree with this assertion insofar as new leadership is needed in order to maintain strength and energy in some areas,

22、 such as politics and business. When it comes to education and science, however, I think both new energy and experiences are crucial to that enterprise.To begin with, I want to discuss the reason for the speaker to make such an assertion.I think two main reasons can contribute to this assertion. Fir

23、st, a leader might easily be left behind by the ever-increasing advanced technology and advanced management methods after several years in power. Especially for those leaders who are elected to position in their old age. Second, when a leader has hold power for a long period of time, it is more poss

24、ible about the risk that he would use his power to do some individual things and make benefits for himself. To prevent these two defects, the speaker asserts that through new leadership we can surest path to success.In some areas, such as politics and business, in my view, new leadership after sever

25、al years of one leader is needed and vital to a country and a business. Because these enterprises need new idea to be survive and thrive. And it is more important to prevent about the second risk that leader would use his power in some individual desire. In politics, for example, some countries are

26、under the control of a king who would in power until his death. History informs us that the king would become luxurious and consider nothing about his country after several years in power, especially in his old time. Nowadays, most countries have abandoned the monarch system and adopted the system o

27、f election, in which leader should be reelected after 4 or 5 years. Also in business, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a company should be reelected after his execution for several years in order to maintain the companys energy. Admittedly, to reelect does not mean the younger will sure substitu

28、te the elder but to provide a fair competition environment, in which the best leader can be elected to make benefit to that enterprise. To reelect can also inspire the motivation of the old leader and prevent the risk of egotism.On the other hand, in education and science, in which experiences are m

29、ore crucial,there is no need to change leader after years. In such areas, more experiences and knowledge are requisite in order to make directions and strategies more effectively and efficiently. For example, in every country there is a scientific institution, and almost every academician of it is o

30、ver 50 years old, not to mention the leader of the institution. In science, admittedly, originality and challenging to old knowledge are the stepping stone to the progress of science. However, due to todays complex and deep knowledge system, if one can not hold the whole system of scientific knowled

31、ge and can grasp the clear direction correctly, leadership would not appropriate to him. This is just like a skyscraper which stands for the amount of knowledge today, and which should have strong foundation to endure the rain and wind in future. Also in education,we always say we can get more from

32、the elder. Only elder can give us more experience of life and perspective of questions which is more crucial in education for the purpose of make out true individual. Yet, these do not mean a leader can keep in power for ever, in some cases, especially when the leader lose his energy and can not kee

33、p in pace with the development, we should reelect other leader to substitute him.In sum, we can not say a leader should leave his position after 5 years in power in general. The answer to this question depends on different areas and cases. In the areas that need more newly ideas and prevention of the risk of abuse of power, such as politics and business, I agree that leadership should be reelected after several years. While in other areas that experience is more crucial to the enterprise, we should decide whether to reelect or continue the leadership with different cases.GRE写作简洁明了是关键(文库搜索)


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