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1、GRE备考词汇记忆遗忘太快如何应对 GRE备考词汇记忆过期太快如何应对?这5个加深记忆方法值得一试,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE备考词汇记忆过期太快如何应对?这5个加深记忆方法值得一试合理运用各类时间提升记忆频率生活中,我们大量零散的时间都在无形之中浪费了,使用零散时间背诵GRE词汇也是不错的选择,比如等公车,等人,睡前几分钟等,每天背十来个,一年中你不知不觉词汇量就提高很多。背词汇到底有什么用呢?它不仅限于考试使用,还能在潜移默化中提高你其他方面的能力。联想记词关联词义背GRE词汇时还要注意在单词之间建立联系。当然,刚开始时可能能建立的联系很少,但要注意培养这种意识,争取一串串地背


3、词时,就不断地想前面学过的单词,中有哪些类似的,或意思相反的,把有联系的单词的页数写在单词旁,每当看到这个单词时,总想起和它有关的单词,想不起时再根据页数翻看。如果有印象而想不起来,就在笔记本上记一笔,下次补上。在练习中提升词汇掌握度这个方法很重要,效果也很好。 途径有以下几条:最重要的一条是做真题,在真题中能充分体验GRE考试中词汇考试的侧重点和风格,这些经验对你背单词很有指导意义。二是多读且反复读高难度英文书籍,在阅读过程中你会遇到大量GRE词汇,这些词汇是理解原文的命脉所在,你会自觉去弄懂它们,同时反复阅读会帮你熟记单词,在阅读过程中你的阅读能力也会得到很大提高。三是易词换难词,要尝试多

4、使用高难度词汇,即使不是很地道。可以用高难度词汇自言自语,也可以试着改写一些简单的英文*,把其中的简单词换成难词,要注意体会词汇之间的差别。四是做词汇练习,实践证明,这是学习词汇的好办法,通过大量的习题,可以反复强化单词在脑中的印象,使你更好地理解词汇的含义。主动回想取代被动记忆背 GRE单词要背得好,要背得快,最基本的原则是脑子不断地想单词,让单词不断地从脑子里过,看书看10遍,还不如脑子过一遍。要做到单词在脑子里过的次数比在书本上过的次数多得多,要做到完全抛开书本,不依赖书本,不拿书的时候也在想单词、背单词。要尽量在单词被忘记之前在脑子里过一遍,这样,它留给你的印象要深得多,就算以后忘记,

5、也很容易记起来。在课外阅读过程中背单词在精读一本书的同时再读一些其它书,重复记忆是一方面,更重要的是补充自己的知识结构,争取更大的GRE词汇储备,但增加的词汇储备必须紧密贴近GRE考试趋势和要求,否则只是无用功。以上就是整理的一些学习GRE词汇的方法,更多的是需要考生们自己努力与刻苦,在实践中发挥其效果。词汇的记忆不仅仅是背诵,也是了解文化的途径和方法。GRE词汇盘点篇:immaterialimmaterial: adj. 非实体的: not composed of matter【考法1】adj. 非实体的: not composed of matter【例】 It is only possi

6、ble to study immaterial forces like gravity by observing their effects on the physical world.要研究那些非实体的作用力例如万有引力,只能观察它们对于现实世界的影响【近】 ethereal, formless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, spiritual【反】 bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial 实体的【考法2】adj. 无关的,不重要的: of no importance or r

7、elevance【例】 While undoubtedly upsetting, that story is immaterial to the question of why you are late. 尽 管那个故事的确很让人遗憾,但是和你为什么迟到没有半点关系【近】 extraneous, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant【反】 applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relevant 相关的;crucial, important, significant 重要

8、的GRE核心词汇词组owe to讲解owe to 得益于,归因于释义If someone or something owes a particular quality or their success to a person or thing, they only have it because of that person or thing.例句He owed his survivial to his strength as a swimmer and his nerves of still acquired during his service in the Army.GREInnovat

9、ive as it is, the Acto owes much to the theater traditions of other periods and regions.GRE词汇解析之lnadvertentinadvertent: unintentional, characterized by lack of thought or attention1) not on purpose; unintentional2) not paying proper attentionSynonyms: careless, negligent, thoughtless;The error was b

10、oth inadvertent and catastrophic.It was an inadvertent error, to be sure, but nonetheless a mistake that required correction.【考法1】adj. 疏忽的,不留意的: marked by unintentional lack of care【例】The military has said it was an inadvertent error. 军方表示这是个疏忽大意的错误【近】 careless, feckless, heedless, irreflective, tho

11、ughtless, uncaring【反】 advertent, careful, heedful, mindful 留意的,小心的【考法2】adj. 偶然发生的: happening by chance【例】an inadvertent encounter with a rattlesnake 偶遇响尾蛇【近】 casual, fluky, incidental, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, unwitting ,【反】 calculated, deliberate, intended, intentional, planned, pr

12、emeditated 有计划的,有预谋的GRE词汇解析:tenuous1) thin in form or density; lacking substance, strength, clarity, or a sound basis in reasoning2) (adj.) thin, slim, delicate; weakTenuous - flimsy; not solidtenuous - having little substance or significanceTenuous - Adj. Having little substance or strength, flimsy

13、, weak or rareSyn: flimsy, rare; questionable, unsubstantial, vague, weak, gossamertenuous substantialWe questioned her tenuous reasons for her three-day absence, but she refused to clarify her story.The hurricane force winds ripped the tenuous branches from the tree.The spectators panicked as they watched the cement block dangle from one tenuous piece of twine.GRE备考词汇记忆过期太快如何应对


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